public LifeStoneInfo CreateLifeStoneInfo(LifeStoneInfo lifeStoneInfo)
        Vector2Int size = lifeStoneInfo.getSize();
        Vector2Int newSize;
        string     fill     = lifeStoneInfo.getFill();
        string     newFill  = "";
        Vector2Int maxPoint = new Vector2Int(-1, -1);
        Vector2Int minPoint = new Vector2Int(size.x + 1, size.y + 1);

        for (int j = 0; j < size.y; j++)
            for (int i = 0; i < size.x; i++)
                if (fill[j * size.x + i] != ' ')
                    maxPoint.x = Mathf.Max(i, maxPoint.x);
                    maxPoint.y = Mathf.Max(j, maxPoint.y);
                    minPoint.x = Mathf.Min(i, minPoint.x);
                    minPoint.y = Mathf.Min(j, minPoint.y);
        newSize = maxPoint - minPoint +;

        for (int j = minPoint.y; j <= maxPoint.y; j++)
            newFill += fill.Substring(j * size.x + minPoint.x, newSize.x);

        return(new LifeStoneInfo(newSize, newFill));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D))
            LifeStoneInfo temp = CreateLifeStoneShape(3, 0);

            /*for(int i = temp.lifeStonePos.Length / temp.size.x - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             * {
             *  string oneLine = "";
             *  for(int j = 0; j < temp.size.x; j++)
             *  {
             *      oneLine += temp.lifeStonePos[i * (int)temp.size.x + j] + "";
             *  }
             *  Debug.Log(oneLine);
             * }*/

            /*CreateLifeStone(new Vector2Int(2, 0), LifeStoneType.Normal);
             * CreateLifeStone(new Vector2Int(1, 1), LifeStoneType.Normal);
             * CreateLifeStone(new Vector2Int(2, 1), LifeStoneType.Normal);
             * GetLifeStone(new LifeStoneInfo("1011", new Vector2Int(2, 2)));*/
Beispiel #3
    public DroppedItem CreateItem(Vector2 pos, int lifeStoneAmount, int goldRate)
        float         droppedLifeStoneOffset = 0.33f;
        DroppedItem   temp          = Instantiate(droppedItem, pos, Quaternion.identity);
        LifeStoneInfo lifeStoneInfo = LifeStoneManager.Instance.CreateLifeStoneShape(lifeStoneAmount, goldRate);

        temp.lifeStoneInfo = lifeStoneInfo;

        for (int y = 0; y < lifeStoneInfo.size.y; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < lifeStoneInfo.size.x; x++)
                if ((LifeStoneType)int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString()) != LifeStoneType.NULL)
                    Instantiate(droppedLifeStone, new Vector2(x, y) * droppedLifeStoneOffset, Quaternion.identity, temp.transform);
        temp.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size   = (Vector2)lifeStoneInfo.size * droppedLifeStoneOffset;
        temp.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().offset = (lifeStoneInfo.size - new Vector2(1, 1)) / 2 * droppedLifeStoneOffset;
        temp.transform.Find("GroundCollider").GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size   = (Vector2)lifeStoneInfo.size * droppedLifeStoneOffset;
        temp.transform.Find("GroundCollider").GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().offset = (lifeStoneInfo.size - new Vector2(1, 1)) / 2 * droppedLifeStoneOffset;

        temp.isWeapon = false;

Beispiel #4
    public void Init(LifeStoneInfo _info, Vector3 pos)
        info     = _info;
        rb2D     = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        bc2D     = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        unitSize = unitSprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().bounds.size.x;
        Vector2Int inSize = info.getSize();
        string     inFill = info.getFill();

        unitObj = new GameObject[inSize.x * inSize.y];
        highObj = new GameObject[inSize.x * inSize.y];

        transform.position = pos - new Vector3(inSize.x * unitSize / 2f, 0, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < inSize.x * inSize.y; i++)
            if (inFill[i] != ' ')
                unitObj[i] = Instantiate(unitSprite, transform);
                unitObj[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3((i % inSize.x) * unitSize, ((int)(i / inSize.x)) * unitSize, 0);
                unitObj[i].GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprites[inFill[i] - 'A'];

                highObj[i] = Instantiate(highlightSprite, transform);
                highObj[i].transform.localPosition = unitObj[i].transform.localPosition;
        bc2D.offset = new Vector2(unitSize * inSize.x / 2f, unitSize * inSize.y / 2f);
        bc2D.size   = new Vector2(unitSize * inSize.x, unitSize * inSize.y);
    public GameObject InstantiateDroppedLifeStone(LifeStoneInfo info, Vector3 pos, float popoutStrength)
        GameObject tmpObj = Instantiate(droppedLifeStonePrefab);

        tmpObj.GetComponent <DroppedLifeStone>().Init(info, pos);
        PopoutGenerator(tmpObj, popoutStrength);
    /// <summary>
    /// push LifeStone in LifeStoneFrame
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pushInfo"></param>
    public bool PushLifeStone(LifeStoneInfo pushInfo)
        System.Random rnd   = new System.Random();
        Vector2Int    pSize = pushInfo.getSize();
        string        pFill = pushInfo.getFill();

        int[]     minRow = new int[] { lifeStoneRowNum, lifeStoneRowNum, lifeStoneRowNum };
        int       selectedCol = 0, selectedRow = lifeStoneRowNum;
        ArrayList selColCand = new ArrayList();

            int i, j, pi, pj;
            for (i = 0; i <= 3 - pSize.x; i++)
                for (j = lifeStoneRowNum - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    for (pi = 0; pi < pSize.x; pi++)
                        for (pj = 0; pj < pSize.y; pj++)
                            if (pFill[pj * pSize.x + pi] != ' ' && lifeStoneArray[j + pj, i + pi] != 0)
                        if (pj != pSize.y)
                    if (pi != pSize.x)
                    minRow[i] = j;

        for (int i = 0; i <= 3 - pSize.x; i++)
            if (minRow[i] < selectedRow)
                selectedRow = minRow[i];

        if (selectedRow == lifeStoneRowNum)
            GameManager.Instance.DisplayText("생명석 자리가 없습니다!");

        for (int i = 0; i <= 3 - pSize.x; i++)
            if (minRow[i] == selectedRow)

        selectedCol = (int)selColCand[rnd.Next(selColCand.Count)];

        float vibration = pushInfo.getAmount() * vibrationVariable * lifeStoneSize;
        int   cutRow    = pSize.y;

        for (int pj = 0; pj < pSize.y; pj++)
            if (cutRow == pSize.y && selectedRow + pj >= lifeStoneRowNum)
                cutRow = pj;
            for (int pi = 0; pi < pSize.x; pi++)
                if (pFill[pj * pSize.x + pi] != ' ')
                    int        xtmp = selectedCol + pi, ytmp = selectedRow + pj;
                    GameObject tmpObj;
                    tmpObj = Instantiate(lifeUnitPrefab, stoneSuper.transform);

                    if (pj < cutRow)
                        lifeStoneArray[ytmp, xtmp] = pFill[pj * pSize.x + pi] - 'A' + 1;
                        lifeStoneUnit[ytmp, xtmp]  = tmpObj;

                    tmpObj.GetComponent <LifeUnitInFrame>().Init(
                        pFill[pj * pSize.x + pi] - 'A' + 1,
                        new Vector2Int(xtmp, ytmp),
                        new Vector2Int(xtmp, lifeStoneRowNum + pj),
                        new Vector2(frameBorder * lifeStoneSize, frameBorder * lifeStoneSize),
                    vibration = 0;

        stoneCut = false;
        if (cutRow < pSize.y)
            StartCoroutine(CutCoroutine(cutRow, pSize, pFill));
    public void GetLifeStone(LifeStoneInfo lifeStoneInfo)
        //Check possible && lowest position of new life stone
        int minY = rowSize;
        List <Vector2Int> minPosCands = new List <Vector2Int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 4 - lifeStoneInfo.size.x; i++)
            //Make initial matrix without new life stone
            LifeStoneType[,] lifeStoneDownTest = new LifeStoneType[rowSize + lifeStoneInfo.size.y, columnSize];
            for (int y = 0; y < rowSize; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < columnSize; x++)
                    lifeStoneDownTest[y, x] = lifeStoneGrid[y, x] != null ? lifeStoneGrid[y, x].type : LifeStoneType.NULL;

            //Push new life stone to the top of the initial matrix
            for (int y = 0; y < lifeStoneInfo.size.y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < lifeStoneInfo.size.x; x++)
                    lifeStoneDownTest[y + rowSize, x + i] = (LifeStoneType)int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString());

            //Find the lowest position of the new life stone with current x offset
            bool moveDown = true;
            for (int j = rowSize - 1; moveDown && j >= 0; j--)
                for (int y = 0; moveDown && y < lifeStoneInfo.size.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; moveDown && x < lifeStoneInfo.size.x; x++)
                        if ((LifeStoneType)int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString()) != LifeStoneType.NULL)
                            //Debug.Log("j : " + j + " i : " + i + " x : " + (x + i) + " y : " + (y + j) + " " + lifeStoneDownTest[y + j, x + i]);
                            if (lifeStoneDownTest[y + j, x + i] != LifeStoneType.NULL)
                                //Debug.Log("j : " + j + " i : " + i + " x : " + (x + i) + " y : " + (y + j) + " False");
                                //Mark lowest position
                                moveDown = false;
                                if (minY > j + 1)
                                    minY = j + 1;
                                    //Debug.Log(new Vector2Int(i, j + 1) + "accept");
                                    minPosCands.Add(new Vector2Int(i, j + 1));
                                else if (minY == j + 1)
                                    //Debug.Log(new Vector2Int(i, j + 1) + "accept");
                                    minPosCands.Add(new Vector2Int(i, j + 1));
                            lifeStoneDownTest[y + j, x + i]     = lifeStoneDownTest[y + j + 1, x + i];
                            lifeStoneDownTest[y + j + 1, x + i] = LifeStoneType.NULL;

            //If the lowest pos is floor, mark floor
            if (moveDown)
                if (minY > 0)
                    minY = 0;
                //Debug.Log(new Vector2Int(i, 0) + "accept floor");
                minPosCands.Add(new Vector2Int(i, 0));

        //If current height is not enough to take the whole new life stone
        if (minY + lifeStoneInfo.size.y - 1 >= rowSize)
            Debug.Log("Height exceeded");

            int    cutSize = rowSize - minY;
            string remainingLifeStoneInfo = "";

            for (int y = cutSize; y < lifeStoneInfo.size.y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < lifeStoneInfo.size.x; x++)
                    remainingLifeStoneInfo += int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString());

            //Need to work later
            //Make cut off life stone to be eaten

            lifeStoneInfo.size.y = cutSize;

        //Randomize the lowest pos of the new life stone
        int randomizer = Random.Range(0, minPosCands.Count);

        for (int y = 0; y < lifeStoneInfo.size.y; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < lifeStoneInfo.size.x; x++)
                if ((LifeStoneType)int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString()) != LifeStoneType.NULL)
                    Vector2Int newPos = new Vector2Int(x + minPosCands[randomizer].x, y + minPosCands[randomizer].y);
                    CreateLifeStone(y + rowSize, newPos, (LifeStoneType)int.Parse(lifeStoneInfo.lifeStonePos[y * lifeStoneInfo.size.x + x].ToString()));