/*** Page Events *******************************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// Set size of buttons defined in MainPage.xaml to same size.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _ = sender;     // Discard unused parameter.
            _ = e;          // Discard unused parameter.
            TblkAppTitle.Text = resourceLoader.GetString("MP_TblkAppName");
            // Set MainPage public values XAML variables so can be called from library LibMPC.
            mainPageScrollViewer = ScrollViewerMP;
            mainPageButBack      = ButBack;
            mainPageButAbout     = ButAbout;
            mainPageButSettings  = ButSettings;
            // Back-a-page navigation event handler. Invoked when software or hardware back button is selected,
            // or Windows key + Backspace is entered, or say, "Hey Cortana, go back".
            SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += BackRequestedPage;
            // Get App data store location.
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/app-settings/store-and-retrieve-app-data#local-app-data
            applicationDataContainer = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
            List <Button> listButtonsThisPage = new List <Button>()


            // TODO: set next line to EnumResetApp.DoNothing before store publish.
            AppReset(EnumResetApp.DoNothing);   // Reset App to various states.

            // TODO: Comment out next 5 code lines before App publish.
            // StorageFolder storageFolderApp = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
            // Debug.WriteLine($"MainPage().Page_Loaded(): storageFolderApp.Path={storageFolderApp.Path}");
            // AppReset(EnumResetApp.ShowDataStoreValues);   // Show data store values.
            // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12799619/how-to-get-actual-language-in-a-winrt-app/15135121#15135121
            // Debug.WriteLine($"MainPage().Page_Loaded(): Device culture is {LibMPC.GetCulture(true)}");
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh694557.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
            // Debug.WriteLine($"MainPage().Page_Loaded(): Current application culture is {LibMPC.GetCulture(false)}");

            // Get application culture. Some translations may need this value to tweak page output display.
            stringCultureCurrent = LibMPC.GetCulture(false);
            // Get data store values for next four items and set to true or false.
            boolLockerFolderSelected = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolLockerFolderSelected);
            boolAppPurchased         = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolAppPurchased);
            boolAppRated             = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolAppRated);
            boolVerbose = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolVerbose);
            // AppReset(EnumResetApp.ShowDataStoreValues);     // TODO: Comment out this line before store publish. Show data store values.

            LibMPC.ScrollViewerOff(mainPageScrollViewer);  // Turn ScrollViewerMP off for now.  Individual pages will set it as required.
Beispiel #2
        /*** Page Events *******************************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize settings for this page and set visibility of title bar items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _ = sender;     // Discard unused parameter.
            _ = e;          // Discard unused parameter.
            // Set MainPage public values XAML variables so can be called from library LibMPC.
            mainPageScrollViewer = ScrollViewerMP;
            mainPageButBack      = ButBack;
            mainPageButAbout     = ButAbout;
            mainPageButLabels    = ButLabels;
            mainPageButReverse   = ButReverse;
            mainPageButRotate    = ButRotate;
            mainPageTblkAppTitle = TblkAppTitle;
            // Back-a-page navigation event handler. Invoked when software or hardware back button is selected,
            // or Windows key + Backspace is entered, or say, "Hey Cortana, go back".
            SystemNavigationManager.GetForCurrentView().BackRequested += BackRequestedPage;
            // Get App data store location used to write or read various settings to or from location.
            // https://msdn.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/app-settings/store-and-retrieve-app-data#local-app-data
            applicationDataContainer = ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
            // Comment out next two lines before store publish.
            // StorageFolder storageFolderApp = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
            // Debug.WriteLine($"storageFolderApp.Path={storageFolderApp.Path}");
            List <Button> listButtonsThisPage = new List <Button>()


            // TODO: set next line to EnumResetApp.DoNothing before store publish.
            AppReset(EnumResetApp.DoNothing);   // Reset App to various states using parameter enumResetApp.

            // Get data store values for next two items and set to true or false.
            boolAppPurchased = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolAppPurchased);
            boolAppRated     = LibMPC.DataStoreStringToBool(applicationDataContainer, ds_BoolAppRated);
            // AppReset(EnumResetApp.ShowDataStoreValues);     // TODO: Comment out this line before store publish. Show data store values.
            LibMPC.ScrollViewerOff(ScrollViewerMP);     // Turn mainScroller off for now.  Individual pages will set it as required.