Beispiel #1
        public void Action_WithPreviousMongoGrammarWithMatchingGuids_ShouldBeUpdatedFromLcmGrammar()
            // Setup
            var      lfProject = _lfProj;
            LcmCache cache     = lfProject.FieldWorksProject.Cache;
            int      wsEn      = cache.WritingSystemFactory.GetWsFromStr("en");
            var      converter = new ConvertLcmToMongoOptionList(null, wsEn,
                                                                 MagicStrings.LfOptionListCodeForGrammaticalInfo, new LfMerge.Core.Logging.NullLogger(),
            LfOptionList     lfGrammar   = converter.PrepareOptionListUpdate(cache.LanguageProject.PartsOfSpeechOA);
            LfOptionListItem itemForTest = lfGrammar.Items.First();
            Guid             g           = itemForTest.Guid.Value;

            itemForTest.Abbreviation = "Different abbreviation";
            itemForTest.Value        = "Different name";
            itemForTest.Key          = "Different key";

            // Exercise

            // Verify
            lfGrammar = _conn.GetLfOptionLists()
                        .FirstOrDefault(optionList => optionList.Code == MagicStrings.LfOptionListCodeForGrammaticalInfo);
            Assert.That(lfGrammar, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(lfGrammar.Items, Is.Not.Empty);
            Assert.That(lfGrammar.Items.Count, Is.EqualTo(lfProject.FieldWorksProject.Cache.LanguageProject.AllPartsOfSpeech.Count));
            itemForTest = lfGrammar.Items.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Guid == g);
            Assert.That(itemForTest, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(itemForTest.Abbreviation, Is.Not.EqualTo("Different abbreviation"));
            Assert.That(itemForTest.Value, Is.Not.EqualTo("Different name"));
            Assert.That(itemForTest.Key, Is.EqualTo("Different key"));             // NOTE: Is.EqualTo, because keys shouldn't be updated
Beispiel #2
        // Returns true if the item passed in has been modified at all, false otherwise
        protected bool SetOptionListItemFromCmPossibility(LfOptionListItem item, ICmPossibility poss, bool setKey = false)
            bool   modified     = false;
            string abbreviation = ConvertFdoToMongoTsStrings.TextFromTsString(poss.Abbreviation.BestAnalysisVernacularAlternative, _wsf);

            if (item.Abbreviation != abbreviation)
                modified = true;
            item.Abbreviation = abbreviation;
            if (setKey)
                string key = FindAppropriateKey(ConvertFdoToMongoTsStrings.TextFromTsString(poss.Abbreviation.get_String(_wsForKeys), _wsf));
                if (item.Key != key)
                    modified = true;
                item.Key = key;
            string value = ConvertFdoToMongoTsStrings.TextFromTsString(poss.Name.BestAnalysisVernacularAlternative, _wsf);

            if (item.Value != value)
                modified = true;
            item.Value = value;
            if (item.Guid != poss.Guid)
                modified = true;
            item.Guid = poss.Guid;
Beispiel #3
        protected LfOptionListItem CmPossibilityToOptionListItem(ICmPossibility pos)
            var item = new LfOptionListItem();

            SetOptionListItemFromCmPossibility(item, pos, true);              // Ignore the bool result since this will always modify the item
Beispiel #4
        public void PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(ICmPossibility poss, LfOptionListItem item, string wsStr = null)
            // Should only be called when NO canonical item can be found
            if (wsStr == null)
                wsStr = "en";                  // TODO: Set this from LF user's writing system rather than English, once LF allows setting interface languages
            int wsId = poss.Cache.WritingSystemFactory.GetWsFromStr(wsStr);

            poss.Abbreviation.set_String(wsId, item.Abbreviation);
            poss.Name.set_String(wsId, item.Value);
Beispiel #5
        protected ICmPossibility LookupByItem(LfOptionListItem item)
            if (item == null)
            ICmPossibility result;

            if (item.Guid.HasValue)
                if (_possRepo.TryGetObject(item.Guid.Value, out result))
                        #if false  // Once we are populating Lcm from LF, we might also need to fall back to abbreviation and name for these lookups, because Guids might not be available
            return(FromAbbrevAndName(item.Abbreviation, item.Value));
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a CmPossibility object from the corresponding LF item. Will draw from canonical sources if available.
        /// Will try very hard to find a CmPossibility item matching the LF OptionList item, but will eventually create
        /// one if nothing remotely matching could be found.
        /// NOTE: This is currently commented out (via #if false...#endif block) because we currently don't want to update
        /// Lcm from the values of LF option lists. Once that changes, this code can be uncommented.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">Item.</param>
        /// <param name="wsForOptionListItems">Ws for option list items.</param>
        public void UpdateOrCreatePossibilityFromOptionListItem(LfOptionListItem item, string wsForOptionListItems = null)
            ICmPossibility poss          = null;
            CanonicalItem  canonicalItem = null;

            if (item.Guid != null)
                if (_possRepo.TryGetObject(item.Guid.Value, out poss))
                    // Currently we do NOT want to change the name, abbreviation, etc. in Lcm for already-existing possibility items.
                    // Once we do, uncomment the next line:
                    //PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);
                    // For now, however, just return without touching the Lcm CmPossibility object
                    if (_canonicalSource != null && _canonicalSource.TryGetByGuid(item.Guid.Value, out canonicalItem))
                    // No canonical item? At least set name and abbreviation from LF
                    var factory = _parentList.Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance <ICmPossibilityFactory>();
                    poss = factory.Create(item.Guid.Value, _parentList);                      // Note that this does NOT handle "parent" possibilities; new one gets created as a TOP-level item
                    PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);
                // Can't look it up by GUID, so search by key. If key not found, fall back to abbreviation and name.
                if (_canonicalSource != null && _canonicalSource.TryGetByKey(item.Key, out canonicalItem))
                // No canonical source? Then we're in fallback-of-fallback land. First try the key, as that's most likely to be found.
                poss = _parentList.FindPossibilityByName(_parentList.PossibilitiesOS, item.Key, _wsForKeys);
                if (poss != null)
                    PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);
                // Then try the abbreviation, and finally the name -- these, though, should be in the LF user's interface language
                poss = _parentList.FindPossibilityByName(_parentList.PossibilitiesOS, item.Abbreviation, wsForOptionListItems);
                if (poss != null)
                    PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);
                // In LF, OptionListItems have their name in the "Value" property
                poss = _parentList.FindPossibilityByName(_parentList.PossibilitiesOS, item.Value, wsForOptionListItems);
                if (poss != null)
                    PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);
                // If we STILL haven't found it, then just create a new item and populate it. This is the final, last-ditch fallback.
                poss = _parentList.FindOrCreatePossibility(item.Value, wsForOptionListItems);
                PopulateCmPossibilityFromOptionListItem(poss, item, wsForOptionListItems);