Beispiel #1
    private bool CollidesWithExistingObject(LevelStructure structure)
        //Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(structure.transform.position, structure.transform.localScale * 1.2);
        Collider myCollider = structure.GetComponent <Collider>();

        Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapBox(structure.transform.position, myCollider.bounds.extents);

        //Debug.Log("Testing bounds at point " + structure.transform.position + " with local scale " + myCollider.bounds.extents);

        int hitCount = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < hitColliders.Length; i++)
            Debug.Log("Hit : " + hitColliders[i].name + i);

            if (ObjectIsDescendant(structure.transform, hitColliders[i].gameObject.transform))
                Debug.Log("Not counting descendant collision" + hitColliders[i].name + i);


        Debug.Log("Total hit : " + hitColliders.Length);
        Debug.Log("Hit count : " + hitCount);
        Debug.Log("My children: (this is getting weird): " + structure.transform.childCount);
        return(hitCount > 0);
    public LevelStructure Generate(float weight, StructureAttachmentPoint outPoint)
        if (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 0.99f) > weight)

        Debug.Log("Generating Structure");

        LevelStructure root = null;

        if (outPoint == null)
            // Base case:
            root = RandomKind(AttachmentKind.Platform).GenerateClone();
            Debug.Log("Base case, got " + root);
            // Recursive case: create a structure compatible with that outPoint
            Debug.Log("Recursive case, looking for compatible with " + outPoint.Kind);
            root = RandomCompatibleStructure(outPoint).GenerateClone();
            Debug.Log("Recursive case, got " + root);

            // And on that new structure, mark the outPoint we're using.
            StructureAttachmentPoint usedPoint = root.RandomCompatiblePoint(outPoint);

            Debug.Log("Done marking used transforms: " + root.UsedTransforms.Count);

            // Because this is the time where we know (physically) where
            // we belong, we'll also place ourselves in space.

            Debug.Assert(outPoint != null);
            Debug.Assert(usedPoint != null);
            Debug.Assert(root != null);

            // We're gluing together "usedPoint" and "outPoint".
            // "outPoint" is (presumably) the point on our parent
            // "usedPoint" is the point on our structure "root".

             *    Vector3 originalOffset = usedPoint.transform.position;
             *    var originalRotation1 = outPoint.transform.localRotation;
             *    var originalRotation2 = usedPoint.transform.localRotation;
             *    //root.transform.localRotation = outPoint.transform.localRotation * usedPoint.transform.localRotation;
             *    //root.transform.localPosition += root.transform.localRotation * originalOffset;
             *    root.transform.parent = outPoint.transform;
             *    root.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
             *    root.transform.localRotation = originalRotation2;
             *    Vector3 slideAmount = usedPoint.transform.position - root.transform.position;
             *    root.transform.position -= slideAmount;

            // this is close, but not quite.
            root.transform.parent        = outPoint.transform;
            root.transform.localRotation = usedPoint.transform.localRotation;
            root.transform.position     -= (usedPoint.transform.position - outPoint.transform.position);

            // We're gluing together "usedPoint" and "outPoint".
            // "outPoint" is (presumably) the point on our parent
            // "usedPoint" is the point on our structure "root".
            //root.transform.localRotation = usedPoint.transform.localRotation;

            // We adjust by (where the root expects to be connected) and (where the parent expects the root to be connected)

            // TODO: Did we just induce a collision with the parent?
            // Maybe need to look "up" the whole tree.
            // If so, just bail and do nothing.

            if (root.structurePerturbations.HasFlag(StructurePerturbations.SmallSlide))
                root.transform.position += new Vector3((UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5f) * 4, 0, (UnityEngine.Random.value - 0.5f) * 4);
                //root.transform.lposition.x += UnityEngine.Random.value- 0.5f;
                //root.transform.position.y += UnityEngine.Random.value- 0.5f;

        // root is the structure we've just created.
        var renderer = root.GetComponent <Renderer>();

        if (renderer != null)
            //renderer.material = LevelGenerator.I.Materials.ChooseRandom();

        // Generate sub-structures if possible
        weight *= DensityValue;

        foreach (StructureAttachmentPoint subPoint in root.GetComponentsInChildren <StructureAttachmentPoint>())
            if (subPoint.Direction == AttachmentDirection.OutAttach)
                // Is every transform is uses available?
                if (!subPoint.TransformsAvailable(root.UsedTransforms))

                // OK, great:
                LevelStructure newStructure = Generate(weight, subPoint);
                if (newStructure != null)

Beispiel #3
    public void GenerateConnections()
        // Let's randomize the order... there seems to be some persistence in the RNG
        // that is probably something my fault (...).
        // This is terrible.
        // candidateConnectionPoints = candidateConnectionPoints.OrderBy(x => UnityEngine.Random.value).ToList();

        foreach (Tuple <Transform, Transform> pair in candidateConnectionPoints)
            Transform from      = pair.Item1;
            Transform to        = pair.Item2;
            Vector3   direction = to.position - from.position;

            //Debug.Log("DEBUGGING ANGLE: " + Vector3.Angle(from.position, to.position));

            // Flip a coin or whatever.
            float coinFlip = UnityEngine.Random.value;
            if (coinFlip < 0.60f)

            // Have either of these points since been used?
            if (to.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().UsedTransforms.Contains(to))
            if (from.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().UsedTransforms.Contains(from))
            // This is a quick (for me, not the computer) way of avoiding ludicrously dense paths
            if (!SphereCastConnects(from, to, MaxConnectionRadius))

            int oldFromCount = from.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().connectionCount;
            int oldToCount   = to.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().connectionCount;
            if (oldFromCount > 1)
            if (oldToCount > 1)
            from.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().connectionCount++;
            to.GetComponentInParent <LevelStructure>().connectionCount++;

            Debug.Log("Adding connection!");

            // TODO Take into account the angle -- maybe we want a pathway, maybe we want a rail
            Debug.Assert(ConnectionStructures != null);

            LevelStructure connection = ConnectionStructures.PickRandom <LevelStructure>().GenerateClone();

            Collider connectionCollider = connection.GetComponent <Collider>();
            float    stretchFactor      = direction.magnitude / connectionCollider.bounds.extents.z;

            // Warp it, stretch it, (bop it?)
            connection.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, stretchFactor / 2);
            connection.transform.position   = (to.position + from.position) / 2;

            // Set rotation
            //connection.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(from.position, to.position);
            connection.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(from.position - to.position, Vector3.forward);

            // The rotation also twists the platform. Basically I want to reset the z rotation to 0.
            // Maybe there's a nice way of not needing this?
            // Why can't we just set "eulerAngles" directly? Simply prevented by properties rules, I guess.
            // See to show that this is the right way.
            Vector3 nextEuler = connection.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
            nextEuler.z = 0;
            Quaternion nextRotation = new Quaternion();
            nextRotation.eulerAngles      = nextEuler;
            connection.transform.rotation = nextRotation;

            // Set hierarchy plumbing
            connection.transform.parent = transform;