public IEnumerator loseGame(LevelDevil l, ThingToDo ignoredThing)
     logger.log(0f, "lost!");
     gameRunning = false;
     updateValence("TETRAZZO INFERNO", currentColor = badColor);
     nextThing = runLevel; //this might eventually lead to a stack overflow but no one should be playing more than one game of this anyway
     yield return(null);
 public IEnumerator winGame(LevelDevil l, ThingToDo ignoredThing)
     gameRunning = false;
     if (score == maxScore)
         updateValence("PERFECT PARADISE", currentColor = Color.white);
     yield return(null);
    public IEnumerator runLevel(LevelDevil l, ThingToDo ignoredThing)
        gameRunning = true;
        updateValence("TETRAZZO PARADISO", currentColor = goodColor);
        linesRemaining = lineTarget;
        nextThing      = blocker.startBlock;
        score    = 0;
        maxScore = 0;
        while (gameRunning)
            speed = 1 + (int)((((float)(lineTarget - linesRemaining) / (float)lineTarget)) * 10f);
            logger.log(3f, "next step: {0}", nextThing.Method);
            yield return(StartCoroutine(nextThing(this, loseGame)));

            if (linesRemaining <= 0)
                nextThing = winGame;
    public IEnumerator cleanupRows(LevelDevil level, ThingToDo nextThing)
        logger.log(1f, "cleanupRow");
        int completeRows = 0;

        nextThing = level.blocker.startBlock;

        for (int r = 0; r < grid_height; r = r + 1)
            if (checkRowCompletion(r))
                completeRows += 1;

            int targetRow = r + completeRows;
            while (targetRow > r && (targetRow < grid_height) && grid[targetRow].filledCells != 0)
                if (checkRowCompletion(targetRow))
                    completeRows += 1;
                    targetRow = r + completeRows;
                logger.log(3f, "swap rows: {0} and {1}", r, targetRow);
                swapRows(r, targetRow);

        level.nextThing = nextThing;

        yield return(null);
    public IEnumerator startBlock(LevelDevil level, ThingToDo nextThing)
        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

        GameObject block = makeBlock(3, spawnOffset, blockColors[nextSpawnRow]);
        float      dropRate;
        bool       vertical = true;
        Vector3    newPosition;
        int        leftRightMove;
        GameObject top     = getBlockParent(getBlockParent(getBlockParent(block)));
        GridDevil  gridder = level.gridder;
        InputDevil player  = level.player;

        nextSpawnRow      = (nextSpawnRow + 1) % gridder.grid_width;
        nextSpawnOffset.x = nextSpawnRow;

        while (gridder.checkRange(top.transform.position, 4, vertical ? Vector3.up : Vector3.right))
            dropRate = regularDropRate * level.speed;
            if (player.checkOngoing(Signals.DROP))
                dropRate += fastDropRate;
            dropRate = Mathf.Clamp(dropRate, .1f, maxDropRate);

            top.transform.Translate(0f, -dropRate, 0f);
            if (player.checkStarting(Signals.ROTATE) && (gridder.checkRange(top.transform.position, 4, !vertical ? Vector3.up : Vector3.right)))
                if (doAcrossChain(tryRotateChain, block))
                    level.logger.log(2.5f, "rotate worked");
                    vertical = !vertical;
            yield return(null);

            leftRightMove = 0;
            if (player.checkStarting(Signals.RIGHT))
            if (player.checkStarting(Signals.LEFT))
            if (leftRightMove == 0)

            newPosition    = top.transform.position;
            newPosition.x += leftRightMove;
            newPosition.y += 0.6f;
            if (gridder.checkRange(newPosition, 4, vertical ? Vector3.up : Vector3.right))
                top.transform.Translate(leftRightMove, 0f, 0f);

        if (doAcrossChain(gridder.fixBlock, block))
            nextThing = gridder.cleanupRows;

        level.nextThing = nextThing;
        yield return(null);