/*private static GameObject AutoHookCore()
         * {
         *  GameObject core = GameObject.Find("Lerp2Core");
         *  if (core == null)
         *      core = new GameObject("Lerp2Core");
         *  return core;
         *  EditorReflectionHelpers erh_EditorHook = new EditorReflectionHelpers(() => {
         *      Type leh = Type.GetType("Lerp2Raw.LerpedEditorHook");
         *      if (core.GetComponent(leh) == null)
         *          core.AddComponent(leh);
         *  });
         *  erh_EditorHook.WaitUntilClassIsAvailable("LerpedEditorHook");
         *  EditorReflectionHelpers erh_Hook = new EditorReflectionHelpers(() => {
         *      Type lh = Type.GetType("Lerp2Raw.LerpedHook");
         *      if (core.GetComponent(lh) == null)
         *          core.AddComponent(lh);
         *  });
         *  erh_Hook.WaitUntilClassIsAvailable("LerpedHook");
         * }*/

        private static void AddHook()
            if (!LerpedShortcuts.keyActions.ContainsKey(hookShortcut))
                LerpedShortcuts.keyActions.Add(hookShortcut, new LerpedKeyAction(KeyCode.F5, () => {
                    LerpedPaths lp = EditorWindow.GetWindow <LerpedPaths>(); //I have to improve both of this implementations
        private static void HookWatchers() //I have to fix this because it deletes on reload in some editors...
        {                                  //Detect new file and add them to the solution? (I have to)
            EditorApplication.update += OnEditorApplicationUpdate;
            if (!availablePaths)
                Debug.LogError("There are one or more paths unsetted, go to Lerp2Dev Team Tools > Refresh Project API Dependencies... to set the paths of the Project in your HDD and the path of this project.");
            string bPath = LerpedCore.GetString(buildPath);

            m_Watcher = new LerpedThread <FileSystemWatcher>(t_CompileWatcher, new FSWParams(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(bPath), "Project"), "*.cs", NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Size, true));

            m_Watcher.matchedMethods.Add(WatcherChangeTypes.Changed.ToString(), () => {
                LerpedPaths lp = EditorWindow.GetWindow <LerpedPaths>();
                lp.iInit(lp, LerpedAPIChange.Auto);

            //m_Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(); //I have to add files to the raw solution before compile
            //m_Watcher.Renamed += new FileSystemEventHandler(); //I have to rename files to the raw solution before compile
            //m_Watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(); //I have to remove files to the raw solution before compile
