/// <summary>
        /// This method gets the Paid Fee Detail Table Data of Student Required Payment from querying the paidfeeid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="paidFeeId">Paid Fee Id provided by Payment Detail Table to query Paid Fee Table.</param>
        /// <returns>Left Fee Details for a particular month</returns>
        public LeftFeesCL getLeftFeeById(int paidFeeId)
            Left_Fee   query      = (from x in dbcontext.Left_Fees where x.Id == paidFeeId select x).FirstOrDefault();
            LeftFeesCL getLeftFee = new LeftFeesCL()
                id                       = query.Id,
                adminCharges             = query.AdmissionFee,
                admissionFee             = query.AdmissionFee,
                examinationFee           = query.ExaminationFee,
                annualCharges            = query.AnnualCharges,
                computerFeeMonthly       = query.ComputerFeeMonthly,
                computerFeeYearly        = query.ComputerFeeYearly,
                developmentChargesYearly = query.DevelopmentChargesYearly,
                labFee                   = query.LabFee,
                projectFee               = query.ProjectFee,
                refreshmentAccFee        = query.RefreshmentAccFee,
                smartClassCharges        = query.SmartClassCharges,
                totalFee                 = query.TotalFee,
                tutionFee                = query.TutionFee,
                transportFee             = query.TransportFee,
                isDeleted                = query.IsDeleted,
                dateModified             = query.DateModified,
                dateCreated              = query.DateCreated,
                month                    = query.Month,

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates new student data in the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="studentCL">Student Data entered by Backend User</param>
        /// <returns>Student Id created after adding Student.</returns>
        public int createStudent(StudentCL studentCL)
            Student student = dbcontext.Students.Add(new Student
                Address      = studentCL.address,
                AdmissionNo  = studentCL.admissionNo,
                Class        = studentCL.studentClass,
                DateCreated  = studentCL.dateCreated,
                DateModified = studentCL.dateModified,
                FathersName  = studentCL.fathersname,
                Gender       = studentCL.gender,
                IsDeleted    = studentCL.isDeleted,
                MobileNumber = studentCL.mobileNumber,
                MothersName  = studentCL.mothername,
                Name         = studentCL.name,
                Section      = studentCL.section,

            Left_Fee leftFee = dbcontext.Left_Fees.Add(new Left_Fee
                AdminCharges             = 0,
                AdmissionFee             = 0,
                AnnualCharges            = 0,
                ComputerFeeMonthly       = 0,
                ComputerFeeYearly        = 0,
                DateCreated              = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified             = DateTime.Now,
                DevelopmentChargesYearly = 0,
                IsDeleted         = false,
                LabFee            = 0,
                Month             = DateTime.Now,
                ProjectFee        = 0,
                RefreshmentAccFee = 0,
                SmartClassCharges = 0,
                TotalFee          = 0,
                TutionFee         = 0,

            Payment_Detail paymentDetail = dbcontext.Payment_Details.Add(new Payment_Detail
                DateCreated    = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified   = DateTime.Now,
                IsDeleted      = false,
                LeftFeesAmount = leftFee.TotalFee,
                LeftfeesId     = leftFee.Id,
                ModeOfPayment  = "Cash",
                StudentId      = student.Id,

        public int deleteFeeDatabyMonth(DateTime month)
            int i = 0;
            IQueryable <Left_Fee> query = from x in dbcontext.Left_Fees where x.Month == month && x.IsDeleted == false select x;

            foreach (Left_Fee item in query)
                Left_Fee query2 = (from x in dbcontext.Left_Fees where x.Id == item.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();
                item.IsDeleted = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates the Fee Data Collection provided by User inputted excel and checks whether fee is paid or already there.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="feeCollection">Fee Data Collection provided by user for Creation.</param>
        /// <returns>The total number of fee data enties created or updated.</returns>
        public int createFeeCollection(Collection <FeeExcelCL> feeCollection)
            int count = 0;//Counts the total number of Fee Entries sent to Database.

            foreach (FeeExcelCL item in feeCollection)
                Student        studentQuery = (from x in dbcontext.Students where x.AdmissionNo == item.admissionNo select x).FirstOrDefault(); //Query gets the student data from admission No.
                Payment_Detail paymentQuery = (from x in dbcontext.Payment_Details where x.StudentId == studentQuery.Id && x.Left_Fees.Month == item.month select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (paymentQuery == null)                                                                                                       //Checks whether Payment Detail Table Data is present.
                    Left_Fee leftFee = dbcontext.Left_Fees.Add(new Left_Fee                                                                     //Adds Left Fee Table in DB.
                        TutionFee                = item.tutionFee,
                        AdminCharges             = item.adminCharges,
                        AdmissionFee             = item.admissionFee,
                        ExaminationFee           = item.examinationFee,
                        AnnualCharges            = item.annualCharges,
                        ComputerFeeMonthly       = item.computerFeeMonthly,
                        ComputerFeeYearly        = item.computerFeeYearly,
                        DateCreated              = item.dateCreated,
                        DateModified             = item.dateModified,
                        DevelopmentChargesYearly = item.developmentChargesYearly,
                        IsDeleted                = false,
                        LabFee            = item.labFee,
                        Month             = item.month,
                        ProjectFee        = item.projectFee,
                        RefreshmentAccFee = item.refreshmentAccFee,
                        SmartClassCharges = item.smartClassCharges,
                        TransportFee      = item.transportFee,
                        LateFee           = item.lateFee,
                        TotalFee          = item.totalFee,
                    dbcontext.Payment_Details.Add(new Payment_Detail()//Add Payment Detail Table after Left Fee Table in Database.
                        DateCreated    = item.dateCreated,
                        DateModified   = item.dateModified,
                        IsDeleted      = false,
                        LeftFeesAmount = item.totalFee,
                        LeftfeesId     = leftFee.Id,
                        isPaid         = false,
                        ModeOfPayment  = "None",
                        StudentId      = studentQuery.Id,
                    if (paymentQuery.isPaid == true)
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.TutionFee                = item.tutionFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.AdminCharges             = item.adminCharges;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.AdmissionFee             = item.admissionFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.ExaminationFee           = item.examinationFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.AnnualCharges            = item.annualCharges;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.ComputerFeeMonthly       = item.computerFeeMonthly;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.ComputerFeeYearly        = item.computerFeeYearly;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.DateCreated              = item.dateCreated;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.DateModified             = item.dateModified;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.DevelopmentChargesYearly = item.developmentChargesYearly;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.IsDeleted                = false;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.LabFee            = item.labFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.Month             = item.month;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.ProjectFee        = item.projectFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.RefreshmentAccFee = item.refreshmentAccFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.SmartClassCharges = item.smartClassCharges;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.TransportFee      = item.transportFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.LateFee           = item.lateFee;
                        paymentQuery.Left_Fees.TotalFee          = item.totalFee;