Beispiel #1
        internal void AddLeave(int empId)
             *  --------------------------- START --------------------------------
             * 1. get the list of leaves for the given branch.
             * 2. get the joining date of the employee.
             * 3. compute the total remaining months out of the whole year from joiningdate
             *      pendingMnths = (employee joining month) - ( total months in year)
             * 4. loop through the list of leaves.
             * 5. get the leaves per month for the particular leave type
             * 6. compute the total elegible leaves for the employee from the date of joining till the year end
             *      total eligible leaves = pendingMnths  * leaves per month
             * 7. push the values to the employees leave object.
             * 8. push the values to the database.
             *  --------------------------- END --------------------------------

            using (HrDataContext dbContext = new HrDataContext())
                List <OtherLeave> leavelist = dbContext.OtherLeaves.Where(x => x.BranchId == sessionObj.BRANCHID).ToList();
                var JoiningDate             = dbContext.EmployeeWorkDetails.Where(x => x.EmployeeId == empId).Select(x => x.JoiningDate).FirstOrDefault();
                int month           = JoiningDate.Month;
                int remainingmonths = 12 - (month - 1);

                foreach (OtherLeave leave in leavelist)
                    decimal leavespermonth     = 0;
                    decimal totalleavesperyear = 0;

                        leavespermonth     = leavelist.Where(x => x.LeaveTypeId == leave.LeaveTypeId).Select(x => x.LeavesPerMonth.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                        totalleavesperyear = remainingmonths * leavespermonth;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    LeaveTran leavetrasaction = new LeaveTran()
                        BranchId       = sessionObj.BRANCHID,
                        CreatedBy      = sessionObj.USERID,
                        CreatedOn      = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        CurrentLeaves  = leave.LeavesPerYear == null ? 0 : totalleavesperyear,
                        PreviousLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear == null ? 0 : totalleavesperyear,
                        EmployeeId     = empId,
                        FromDt         = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        ToDt           = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        ModifiedBy     = sessionObj.USERID,
                        ModifiedOn     = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        LeaveType      = leave.LeaveTypeId
Beispiel #2
        internal void UpdateLeave(int empId)
            using (HrDataContext dbContext = new HrDataContext())
                List <OtherLeave> leavelist = dbContext.OtherLeaves.Where(x => x.BranchId == sessionObj.BRANCHID).ToList();

                foreach (OtherLeave leave in leavelist)
                    LeaveTran leavetrasaction = new LeaveTran()
                        BranchId       = sessionObj.BRANCHID,
                        CreatedBy      = sessionObj.USERID,
                        CreatedOn      = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        CurrentLeaves  = leave.LeavesPerYear == null ? 0 : leave.LeavesPerYear.Value,
                        PreviousLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear == null ? 0 : leave.LeavesPerYear.Value,
                        EmployeeId     = empId,
                        FromDt         = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        ToDt           = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        ModifiedBy     = sessionObj.USERID,
                        ModifiedOn     = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                        LeaveType      = leave.LeaveTypeId
Beispiel #3
 public void Delete(LeaveTran transaction)
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
Beispiel #4
        public static void CalculateLeaveFromTransaction(LeaveTran LeaveTransaction, EmployeeLeaveList obj, LeaveListCalc leaveListCalc, bool flag)
            if (flag)
                leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
                leaveListCalc.currentLeaves  = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves != 0 ? leaveListCalc.currentLeaves - obj.Days.Value : leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
                leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
                leaveListCalc.currentLeaves  = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves + obj.Days.Value;
                //leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;

            /*No need to check for each leave*/
            //else if (obj.LeaveTypeId == UTILITY.PAIDLEAVE)
            //    if (flag)
            //    {
            //        leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
            //        leaveListCalc.currentLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves != 0 ?
            //            leaveListCalc.currentLeaves - obj.Days.Value : leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        leaveListCalc.currentLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves + obj.Days.Value;
            //        leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;

            //    }
            //if (obj.LeaveTypeId == UTILITY.SICKLEAVE)
            //    if (flag)
            //    {
            //        leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
            //        leaveListCalc.currentLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves != 0 ? leaveListCalc.currentLeaves - obj.Days.Value : leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        leaveListCalc.currentLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves + obj.Days.Value;
            //        leaveListCalc.previousLeaves = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves;
            //    }
Beispiel #5
        public void CancelLeave(int employeeLeaveID, string remarks)
            EmployeeLeaveList empLeaveObj = GetById(employeeLeaveID);

            empLeaveObj.Status  = "Cancelled";
            empLeaveObj.Remarks = remarks;
            LeaveTran leavetransaction = leaveTransBO.GetByProperty(x => x.BranchId == sessionObj.BRANCHID &&
                                                                    x.EmployeeId == sessionObj.EMPLOYEEID && x.LeaveType == empLeaveObj.LeaveTypeId);

            LeaveListCalc leaveListCalc = null;

            if (leavetransaction != null)
                leaveListCalc = new LeaveListCalc(


            LeaveTran leaveTransaction = new LeaveTran()
                BranchId       = sessionObj.BRANCHID,
                CreatedBy      = sessionObj.USERID,
                CreatedOn      = UTILITY.SINGAPORETIME,
                CurrentLeaves  = leaveListCalc.currentLeaves,
                PreviousLeaves = leaveListCalc.previousLeaves,
                EmployeeId     = sessionObj.EMPLOYEEID,
                FromDt         = empLeaveObj.FromDate,
                ToDt           = empLeaveObj.ToDate,

                LeaveType = empLeaveObj.LeaveTypeId

Beispiel #6
        public decimal GetLeavesCount(int BranchID, int EmployeeID, int LeaveType, DateTime fromDate)
            DateTime date = fromDate;
            //int currentMonth = date.Month;
            int     currentYear    = date.Year;
            decimal eligibleLeaves = 0;
            decimal appliedLeave   = 0;

            using (HrDataContext dbContext = new HrDataContext())
                OtherLeave leave            = dbContext.OtherLeaves.Where(x => x.BranchId == BranchID && x.LeaveTypeId == LeaveType).FirstOrDefault();
                LeaveTran  leaveTransaction = dbContext.LeaveTrans.Where(x => x.EmployeeId == EmployeeID && x.BranchId == BranchID && x.LeaveType == LeaveType)
                                              .OrderByDescending(x => x.TransactionId)
                                              .ThenByDescending(x => x.CreatedOn).FirstOrDefault();

                DateTime now       = date;
                var      startDate = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1);
                var      endDate   = startDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                List <EmployeeLeaveList> leaveList = dbContext.EmployeeLeaveLists
                                                     .Where(x => x.EmployeeId == EmployeeID && x.BranchId == BranchID && x.LeaveTypeId == LeaveType &&
                                                            x.FromDate >= startDate && x.ToDate <= endDate && x.Status != UTILITY.LEAVECANCELLED).ToList();
                decimal?DaysCount = 0;
                foreach (EmployeeLeaveList item in leaveList)
                    DaysCount += item.Days;

                if (leaveTransaction != null)
                    LeaveMaster lMaster = new LeaveMaster();

                    if (LeaveType == lMaster.MEDICALLEAVE(BranchID))
                        appliedLeave = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - leaveTransaction.CurrentLeaves;
                        if (leave.IsCarryForward)
                            eligibleLeaves = (currentYear * leave.LeavesPerYear.Value) - appliedLeave;
                            eligibleLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - appliedLeave;
                    if (LeaveType == lMaster.CASUALLEAVE(BranchID))
                        appliedLeave = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - leaveTransaction.CurrentLeaves;
                        if (leave.IsCarryForward)
                            eligibleLeaves = (currentYear * leave.LeavesPerYear.Value) - appliedLeave;
                        else if (DaysCount == 0)
                            eligibleLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value;
                            eligibleLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - appliedLeave;
                    if (LeaveType == lMaster.ANNUALLEAVE(BranchID))
                        appliedLeave = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - leaveTransaction.CurrentLeaves;
                        if (leave.IsCarryForward)
                            eligibleLeaves = (currentYear * leave.LeavesPerYear.Value) - appliedLeave;
                            eligibleLeaves = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - appliedLeave;
                    //else if (LeaveType == UTILITY.PAIDLEAVE)
                    //    appliedLeave = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - leaveTransaction.CurrentLeaves;
                    //    eligibleLeaves = (currentMonth * leave.LeavesPerMonth.Value) - appliedLeave;

                    //else if (LeaveType == UTILITY.PAIDLEAVE)
                    //    appliedLeave = leave.LeavesPerYear.Value - leaveTransaction.CurrentLeaves;
                    //    eligibleLeaves = (currentMonth * leave.LeavesPerMonth.Value) - appliedLeave;
