Beispiel #1
    void Update()
        var pos = cube1.position;

        pos.x          = LeanSmooth.damp(cube1.position.x, followTrans.position.x, ref cube1VelocityX, 1.1f);
        cube1.position = pos;

        pos            = cube2.position;
        pos.x          = LeanSmooth.spring(cube2.position.x, followTrans.position.x, ref cube2VelocityX, 1.1f);
        cube2.position = pos;

        pos            = cube3.position;
        pos.x          = LeanSmooth.bounceOut(cube3.position.x, followTrans.position.x, ref cube3VelocityX, 1.1f);
        cube3.position = pos;

        //pos = cube4.position;
        //pos.x = LeanTween.smoothQuint(cube4.position.x, followTrans.position.x, ref cube4VelocityX, 1.1f);
        //cube4.position = pos;

        pos            = cube5.position;
        pos.x          = LeanSmooth.linear(cube5.position.x, followTrans.position.x, 10f);
        cube5.position = pos;

        // cube6.position = LeanTween.smoothGravity(cube6.position, followTrans.position, ref cube6Velocity, 1.1f);

        if (LeanTween.isTweening(0))
Beispiel #2
 private void Update()
     // Use the smooth methods to follow variables in which ever manner you wish!
     fromY     = LeanSmooth.spring(fromY, followArrow.localPosition.y, ref velocityY, 1.1f);
     fromVec3  = LeanSmooth.spring(fromVec3, dude5Title.localPosition, ref velocityVec3, 1.1f);
     fromColor = LeanSmooth.spring(fromColor, dude1.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color, ref velocityColor, 1.1f);
     //Debug.Log("Smoothed y:" + fromY + " vec3:" + fromVec3 + " color:" + fromColor);