Beispiel #1
    void EndRound()
        // if the player beats their best score, update it and activate celebration on game over screen
        string bestScoreString = "";

        if (gameMode == Mode.Timed)
            bestScoreString = "BestScoreTimed";
        else if (gameMode == Mode.Lives)
            bestScoreString = "BestScoreLives";

        bool bestScoreWasBeaten = false;

        if ((int)score > PlayerPrefs.GetInt(bestScoreString, 0))
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt(bestScoreString, (int)score);
            bestScoreWasBeaten = true;

        // increment total games played and games played of this mode
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TotalGamesPlayed", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TotalGamesPlayed", 0) + 1);
        string mode = gameMode == Mode.Timed ? "Timed" : "Lives";

        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GamesPlayed" + mode, PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GamesPlayed" + mode, 0) + 1);

        // track whether this is the user's first ever game
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HasCompletedARound", 1);

        // send analytics before modifying anything
        Analytics.CustomEvent("gameOver", new Dictionary <string, object>
            { "ballsSpawned", ballsSpawned },
            { "roundLength", Time.time - roundStartTime },
            { "score", score },
            { "newHighScore", bestScoreWasBeaten },
            { "totalGamesPlayed", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TotalGamesPlayed", 0) },
            { "gamesPlayedTimed", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GamesPlayedTimed", 0) },
            { "gamesPlayedLives", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GamesPlayedLives", 0) },
            { "adsShown", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("AdsShown", 0) }

        // sort out social stuff

        // increment the ad countdown, but only if the player isn't doing particularly badly or well, to reduce frustration
        if ((int)score > minScoreForAds && !bestScoreWasBeaten)
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GamesSinceAdShown", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GamesSinceAdShown", 0) + 1);

            // if it's been long enough since the last once, show an ad
            if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GamesSinceAdShown", 0) >= minGamesAdInterval)
                GetComponent <AdManager>().ShowAd();
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GamesSinceAdShown", 0);
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("AdsShown", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("AdsShown", 0) + 1);                 // increment an ads shown counter for analytics

        roundInProgress = false;
        roundStartTime  = -1;
