private void fillApppointmentForm(int taskID) { LeadTask task = TasksManager.GetLeadTask(taskID); if (task != null) { txtDetails.Text = task.details; txtSubject.Text = task.text; startDate.Text = ((DateTime)task.start_date).ToShortDateString(); endDate.Text = ((DateTime)task.end_date).ToShortDateString(); startTime.Text = ((DateTime)task.start_date).ToString("hh:mm tt"); endTime.Text = ((DateTime)task.end_date).ToString("hh:mm tt"); cbxAllDayEvent.Checked = task.isAllDay; ddlPriority.SelectedValue = task.priorityID.ToString(); if (task.owner_id != null) { ddlUsers.SelectedValue = task.owner_id.ToString(); } //ucPolicyType.SelectedValue = task.policy_type.ToString(); ucReminderInterval.SelectedValue = task.reminderInterval.ToString(); } }
public static LeadTask GetPolicyReminderTask(int leadID, int leadPolicyID) { LeadTask task = null; task = (from x in DbContextHelper.DbContext.Task.Include("Leads").Include("SecUser").Include("TaskStatus") where x.lead_policy_id == leadPolicyID && x.lead_id == leadID select new LeadTask { creator_id = x.creator_id, details = x.details, end_date = x.end_date, id =, lead_id = x.lead_id, lead_name = x.Leads == null ? "" : x.Leads.ClaimantFirstName + " " + x.Leads.ClaimantLastName, owner_id = x.owner_id, owner_name = x.SecUser == null ? "" : x.SecUser.FirstName + " " + x.SecUser.LastName, start_date = x.start_date, status_id = x.status_id, statusName = x.Leads.StatusMaster == null ? "" : x.Leads.StatusMaster.StatusName, //x.TaskStatus == null ? "" : x.TaskStatus.label, text = x.text, master_status_id = x.master_status_id, lead_policy_id = x.lead_policy_id, reminderInterval = x.ReminderInterval ?? 0, policy_type = x.policy_type // 1 = homeowners... }).FirstOrDefault <LeadTask>(); return(task); }
public static int Save(LeadTask leadTask) { Task task = null; if ( == 0) { task = new Task(); DbContextHelper.DbContext.Add(task); } else { task = DbContextHelper.DbContext.Task.Where(x => ==; } task.creator_id = leadTask.creator_id; task.details = leadTask.details; task.end_date = leadTask.end_date; task.lead_id = leadTask.lead_id; task.owner_id = leadTask.owner_id; task.start_date = leadTask.start_date; task.status_id = leadTask.status_id; task.text = leadTask.text; task.lead_policy_id = leadTask.lead_policy_id; task.master_status_id = leadTask.master_status_id; task.policy_type = leadTask.policy_type; DbContextHelper.DbContext.SaveChanges(); return(; }
//protected void WebMonthCalendar1_SelectedDateChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.EditorControls.CalendarSelectedDateChangedEventArgs e) { // DateTime fromDate = e.NewDate; // DateTime toDate = e.NewDate; // string tempDate = null; // if (WebMonthCalendar1.SelectedDates.IndividualDates == null) { // // user selected multiple dates on calendar // bindTasks(WebMonthCalendar1.SelectedDates.RangeMin, WebMonthCalendar1.SelectedDates.RangeMax); // } // else { // // user picked a single date on calendar // tempDate = string.Format("{0} 11:59:59 PM", fromDate.ToShortDateString()); // toDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tempDate); // bindTasks(fromDate, toDate); // } //} protected void gvTasks_InitializeRow(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RowEventArgs e) { LeadTask task = null; if (e.Row.DataItem != null) { task = (LeadTask)e.Row.DataItem; if (task.statusName == "Expired") { e.Row.CssClass = "redstar"; } HyperLink hlnkLead = e.Row.Items.FindItemByKey("lead_name").FindControl("hlnkLead") as HyperLink; if (hlnkLead != null && task.lead_id != null) { hlnkLead.Text = task.lead_name; hlnkLead.NavigateUrl = "~/Protected/NewLead.aspx?q=" + Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(task.lead_id.ToString()); } } }
private List <LeadTask> getSelectedTasks() { List <LeadTask> tasks = new List <LeadTask>(); LeadTask task = null; DateTime date = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (GridViewRow row in gvTasks.Rows) { if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { CheckBox cbxExport = row.FindControl("cbxExport") as CheckBox; if (cbxExport != null && cbxExport.Checked) { task = new LeadTask(); Label start_date = row.FindControl("start_date") as Label; DateTime.TryParse(start_date.Text, out date); task.start_date = date; Label end_date = row.FindControl("end_date") as Label; DateTime.TryParse(end_date.Text, out date); task.end_date = date; Label title = row.FindControl("event") as Label; task.text = title.Text; Label details = row.FindControl("details") as Label; task.details = details.Text; tasks.Add(task); } } } return(tasks); }
public void Do(Dictionary <MyTuple <IntelItemType, long>, IFleetIntelligence> IntelItems, TimeSpan canonicalTime, Profiler profiler) { if (canonicalTime == TimeSpan.Zero) { return; } if (MiningSystem.Recalling > 0 || currentPosition > 120) { Recalling = true; } if (Recalling && state < 3) { state = 3; } if (state == 1) // Diving to surface of asteroid { MineTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); MineTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = Autopilot.GetMaxSpeedFromBrakingDistance(kFarSensorDist); if (MineTask.Status == TaskStatus.Complete || !MiningSystem.SensorsFarClear()) { EntryPoint = Autopilot.Reference.WorldMatrix.Translation + MineTask.Destination.Direction * (kFarSensorDist - 10); MineTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 1f; state = 2; } } else if (state == 2) // Boring tunnel { bool sampleHome = false; double distToMiningEnd = (Autopilot.Reference.WorldMatrix.Translation - MiningEnd).Length(); if (MiningSystem.SensorsClear()) { MineTask.Destination.Position = MiningEnd; } else if (MiningSystem.SensorsBack()) { MineTask.Destination.Position = EntryPoint; } else { MineTask.Destination.Position = Vector3D.Zero; if (SampleCount <= 0) { SampleCount = kSampleFrequency; var cargoPercentage = MonitorSubsystem.GetPercentage(MonitorOptions.Cargo); if (LastSampleCargoPercentages.Count >= kMaxSampleCount) { LastSampleCargoPercentages.Enqueue(cargoPercentage); var sampleGreater = 0; var sampleLesser = 0; var comparePercentage = LastSampleCargoPercentages.Dequeue() + 0.00001; foreach (var percentage in LastSampleCargoPercentages) { if (percentage > comparePercentage) { sampleGreater++; } else { sampleLesser++; } } if (sampleGreater > sampleLesser) { if (!HitOre) { HitOre = true; var currentCoords = GetMiningPosition(currentPosition); miningMatrix[currentCoords.X + 5, currentCoords.Y + 5] = 1; } if (LowestExpectedOreDist == -1) { LowestExpectedOreDist = (float)distToMiningEnd - 5; } } else { if (HitOre || distToMiningEnd < LowestExpectedOreDist) { sampleHome = true; if (!HitOre) { var currentCoords = GetMiningPosition(currentPosition); miningMatrix[currentCoords.X + 5, currentCoords.Y + 5] = 2; } } } } else { LastSampleCargoPercentages.Enqueue(cargoPercentage); } } else { SampleCount--; } } MiningSystem.Drill(); MineTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (GoHomeCheck() || MiningSystem.SensorsFarClear() || distToMiningEnd < 4 || sampleHome) { if (MiningSystem.SensorsFarClear() || distToMiningEnd < 4 || sampleHome) { UpdateMiningMatrix(currentPosition); IncrementCurrentPosition(); HitOre = false; } state = 3; MineTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 2; LastSampleCargoPercentages.Clear(); } } else if (state == 3) // Exiting tunnel { MiningSystem.StopDrill(); if (MineTask.Destination.Position != ExitPoint) { MineTask.Destination.Position = EntryPoint; } MineTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (MineTask.Status == TaskStatus.Complete) { if (MineTask.Destination.Position == EntryPoint) { MineTask.Destination.Position = ExitPoint; MineTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 100; } else { state = 10; } } } else if (state == 10) // Resuming to approach point { if (GoHomeCheck() || Recalling) { state = 4; } else { LeadTask.Destination.Position = ApproachPoint; LeadTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (LeadTask.Status == TaskStatus.Complete) { var position = GetMiningPosition(currentPosition); LeadTask.Destination.Position = ApproachPoint + (Perpendicular * position.X * MiningSystem.OffsetDist + Perpendicular.Cross(MineTask.Destination.Direction) * position.Y * MiningSystem.OffsetDist); LeadTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = 10; ExitPoint = LeadTask.Destination.Position; state = 11; } } } else if (state == 11) // Search for the digging spot { if (GoHomeCheck() || Recalling) { state = 4; } else { LeadTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (LeadTask.Status == TaskStatus.Complete) { state = 1; MiningSystem.SensorsOn(); var position = GetMiningPosition(currentPosition); MineTask.Destination.Position = SurfacePoint + (Perpendicular * position.X * MiningSystem.OffsetDist + Perpendicular.Cross(MineTask.Destination.Direction) * position.Y * MiningSystem.OffsetDist) - MineTask.Destination.Direction * MiningSystem.CloseDist; MiningEnd = SurfacePoint + (Perpendicular * position.X * MiningSystem.OffsetDist + Perpendicular.Cross(MineTask.Destination.Direction) * position.Y * MiningSystem.OffsetDist) + MineTask.Destination.Direction * MiningDepth; } } } else if (state == 4) // Going home { if (DockingSubsystem == null || DockingSubsystem.HomeID == -1 || DockTaskGenerator == null || UndockTaskGenerator == null) { state = 9999; } else { if (HomeTask == null) { HomeTask = DockTaskGenerator.GenerateMoveToAndDockTask(MyTuple.Create(IntelItemType.NONE, (long)0), IntelItems, 40); } HomeTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (HomeTask.Status != TaskStatus.Incomplete) { HomeTask = null; homeCheck = false; state = 5; } } } else if (state == 5) // Waiting for refuel/unload { if (Recalling) { state = 9999; } if ((Program.Me.WorldMatrix.Translation - EntryPoint).LengthSquared() > MiningSystem.CancelDist * MiningSystem.CancelDist) { state = 9999; } if (LeaveHomeCheck()) { state = 6; } } else if (state == 6) // Undocking { if (DockingSubsystem != null && DockingSubsystem.Connector.Status == MyShipConnectorStatus.Connected) { if (UndockTask == null) { UndockTask = UndockTaskGenerator.GenerateUndockTask(canonicalTime); } } if (UndockTask != null) { UndockTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); if (UndockTask.Status != TaskStatus.Incomplete) { UndockTask = null; state = 10; } } else { state = 10; } } else if (state == 9999) { Status = TaskStatus.Complete; } }
private void setReminder(int leadID, CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy, int masterStatusID) { int lastStatusID = 0; double duration = 0; LeadTask task = null; DateTime reminderDate = DateTime.MaxValue; string sdate = null; // return if no change in status int.TryParse(hf_lastStatusID.Value, out lastStatusID); if (lastStatusID == masterStatusID) { return; } // get status with reminder duration StatusMaster statusMaster = StatusManager.GetStatusId(masterStatusID); // return if master status not loaded properly if (statusMaster == null) { return; } // get task associated with policy task = TasksManager.GetPolicyReminderTask(leadID, policy.Id); // master status has no reminder if (statusMaster.ReminderMaster == null) { // delete existing reminder if (task != null) { TasksManager.Delete(; } } else { if (task == null) { // create new reminder as task task = new LeadTask(); task.lead_id = leadID; task.lead_policy_id = policy.Id; task.policy_type = policy.PolicyType; } if (SessionHelper.getClientId() > 0) { task.creator_id = SessionHelper.getClientId(); } // update existing reminder task.master_status_id = masterStatusID; sdate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " 5:00:00 AM"; DateTime.TryParse(sdate, out reminderDate); // get duration from status reminder if (statusMaster.ReminderMaster != null) { duration = (double)(statusMaster.ReminderMaster.Duration ?? 0); } if ((int)statusMaster.ReminderMaster.DurationType == 1) { task.start_date = reminderDate.AddHours(duration); } else { task.start_date = reminderDate.AddDays(duration); } task.end_date = task.start_date; task.status_id = 1; task.text = "Alert"; task.isAllDay = true; task.details = statusMaster.StatusName; // +"<div>Ins. Co: " + policy.InsuranceCompanyName + "</div><div>Pol: " + policy.PolicyNumber + "</div>"; task.owner_id = SessionHelper.getUserId(); TasksManager.Save(task); } // refresh tasks on parent page if (statusChanged != null) { statusChanged(this, null); } }
public void Do(Dictionary <MyTuple <IntelItemType, long>, IFleetIntelligence> IntelItems, TimeSpan canonicalTime, Profiler profiler) { if (canonicalTime == TimeSpan.Zero) { return; } runs++; if (MonitorSubsystem != null && (MonitorSubsystem.GetPercentage(MonitorOptions.Hydrogen) < 0.2 || MonitorSubsystem.GetPercentage(MonitorOptions.Cargo) < 0.02 || MonitorSubsystem.GetPercentage(MonitorOptions.Power) < 0.1)) { GoHome(canonicalTime); return; } IMyShipController controller = Autopilot.Controller; Vector3D linearVelocity = controller.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity; var currentPosition = controller.WorldMatrix.Translation; LeadTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = Autopilot.CruiseSpeed; if (!TargetPositionSet) { if (IntelKey.Item1 == IntelItemType.Waypoint && IntelItems.ContainsKey(IntelKey)) { TargetPosition = IntelItems[IntelKey].GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime); PatrolMaxSpeed = ((Waypoint)IntelItems[IntelKey]).MaxSpeed; } TargetPositionSet = true; } EnemyShipIntel orbitIntel = null; EnemyShipIntel shootIntel = null; double closestIntelDist = CombatSystem.AlertDist; foreach (var intel in IntelItems) { if (intel.Key.Item1 != IntelItemType.Enemy) { continue; } var enemyIntel = (EnemyShipIntel)intel.Value; if (!EnemyShipIntel.PrioritizeTarget(enemyIntel)) { continue; } if (IntelProvider.GetPriority(enemyIntel.ID) < 2) { continue; } double dist = (enemyIntel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime) - controller.WorldMatrix.Translation).Length(); if (IntelKey.Item1 == IntelItemType.Enemy && enemyIntel.ID != IntelKey.Item2 && FocusedTarget) { continue; } if (enemyIntel.CubeSize == MyCubeSize.Small) { dist -= 300; } if (IntelProvider.GetPriority(enemyIntel.ID) == 3) { dist -= 600; } if (IntelProvider.GetPriority(enemyIntel.ID) == 4) { dist -= 1200; } if (dist < closestIntelDist) { closestIntelDist = dist; shootIntel = enemyIntel; if (enemyIntel.Radius > 30) { orbitIntel = enemyIntel; } } } if (shootIntel == null && CombatSystem.TargetIntel != null && IntelProvider.GetPriority(CombatSystem.TargetIntel.ID) >= 2) { shootIntel = CombatSystem.TargetIntel; } if (orbitIntel == null) { orbitIntel = shootIntel; } var gravdir = Autopilot.Controller.GetNaturalGravity(); if (gravdir != Vector3D.Zero) { gravdir.Normalize(); } // No Target if (orbitIntel == null) { // Plot Intercept if (IntelKey.Item1 == IntelItemType.Enemy && IntelItems.ContainsKey(IntelKey) && EnemyShipIntel.PrioritizeTarget((EnemyShipIntel)IntelItems[IntelKey]) && IntelProvider.GetPriority(IntelKey.Item2) >= 2) { var target = IntelItems[IntelKey]; LeadTask.Destination.Position = currentPosition + AttackHelpers.GetAttackPoint(target.GetVelocity(), target.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime) + target.GetVelocity() * 0.08 - currentPosition, Autopilot.CruiseSpeed); } // Go to Position ( Scramble ) else if (TargetPosition != Vector3.Zero) { LeadTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = PatrolMaxSpeed; LeadTask.Destination.Position = TargetPosition; } else { GoHome(canonicalTime); return; } Vector3D toTarget = LeadTask.Destination.Position - Program.Me.WorldMatrix.Translation; if (toTarget.LengthSquared() > 400) { if (gravdir == Vector3D.Zero) { LeadTask.Destination.Direction = toTarget; } else { LeadTask.Destination.Direction = Vector3D.Zero; } } else { LeadTask.Destination.Direction = Vector3D.Zero; } LastAcceleration = Vector3D.Zero; LastReference = MatrixD.Zero; LastEnemyVelocity = Vector3D.Zero; LastEnemyPosition = Vector3D.Zero; LastRelativeAttackPoint = Vector3D.Zero; // targetLastPoweredRun = 0; } // Orbiting a Target else { CombatSystem.MarkEngaged(); LeadTask.Destination.MaxSpeed = Autopilot.CombatSpeed; Vector3D targetPosition = orbitIntel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime); var periodicFactor = runs * Math.PI * CombatSystem.EngageTheta / 4; Vector3D periodicDirection = Math.Sin(periodicFactor) * controller.WorldMatrix.Left + Math.Cos(periodicFactor) * controller.WorldMatrix.Up; var Acceleration = linearVelocity - LastLinearVelocity; if (LastAcceleration == Vector3D.Zero) { LastAcceleration = Acceleration; } if (LastReference == MatrixD.Zero) { LastReference = controller.WorldMatrix; } if (LastEnemyVelocity == Vector3D.Zero) { LastEnemyVelocity = shootIntel.GetVelocity(); } if (LastEnemyPosition == Vector3D.Zero) { LastEnemyPosition = shootIntel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime); } var enemyAcceleration = shootIntel.GetVelocity() - LastEnemyVelocity; var enemyVelocityAdjust = shootIntel.GetVelocity() * 2 - LastEnemyVelocity; var CurrentAccelerationPreviousFrame = Vector3D.TransformNormal(Acceleration, MatrixD.Transpose(LastReference)); var accelerationAdjust = Vector3D.TransformNormal(CurrentAccelerationPreviousFrame, controller.WorldMatrix); var velocityAdjust = linearVelocity + accelerationAdjust * 0.4; velocityAdjust *= CombatSystem.OwnSpeedMultiplier; Vector3D relativeAttackPoint = AttackHelpers.GetAttackPoint(enemyVelocityAdjust - velocityAdjust, shootIntel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime) + enemyVelocityAdjust * 0.25 - controller.WorldMatrix.Translation - velocityAdjust * 0.25, CombatSystem.ProjectileSpeed); relativeAttackPoint.Normalize(); if (LastRelativeAttackPoint == Vector3D.Zero) { LastRelativeAttackPoint = relativeAttackPoint; } LastAcceleration = linearVelocity - LastLinearVelocity; LeadTask.Destination.Direction = relativeAttackPoint; if ((controller.WorldMatrix.Translation - targetPosition).Length() < CombatSystem.FireDist && VectorHelpers.VectorAngleBetween(LeadTask.Destination.Direction, controller.WorldMatrix.Forward) < CombatSystem.FireTolerance) { CombatSystem.Fire(); } Vector3D dirTargetToMe = controller.WorldMatrix.Translation - targetPosition; var distTargetToMe = dirTargetToMe.Length(); dirTargetToMe.Normalize(); if (Mode == 0) { Vector3D dirTargetToOrbitTarget = Vector3D.Cross(dirTargetToMe, controller.WorldMatrix.Up); dirTargetToOrbitTarget.Normalize(); if (gravdir == Vector3D.Zero) { LeadTask.Destination.DirectionUp = Math.Sin(CombatSystem.EngageTheta) * controller.WorldMatrix.Right + Math.Cos(CombatSystem.EngageTheta) * controller.WorldMatrix.Up; LeadTask.Destination.Position = targetPosition + orbitIntel.GetVelocity() + dirTargetToMe * CombatSystem.EngageDist + dirTargetToOrbitTarget * 200; } else { var flatDirTargetToMe = dirTargetToMe - VectorHelpers.VectorProjection(dirTargetToMe, gravdir); flatDirTargetToMe.Normalize(); LeadTask.Destination.Position = targetPosition + orbitIntel.GetVelocity() + flatDirTargetToMe * CombatSystem.EngageDist * 0.9 - gravdir * 300 + periodicDirection * 100; } LeadTask.Destination.Velocity = orbitIntel.GetVelocity() * 0.5; } else if (Mode == 2) { LeadTask.Destination.Position = targetPosition + dirTargetToMe * (CombatSystem.EngageDist + (CombatSystem.EngageDist - distTargetToMe)); LeadTask.Destination.Velocity = orbitIntel.GetVelocity(); } LastReference = controller.WorldMatrix; LastEnemyVelocity = shootIntel.GetVelocity(); LastEnemyPosition = shootIntel.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime); LastRelativeAttackPoint = relativeAttackPoint; //var n = VectorHelpers.VectorProjection(enemyAcceleration, gravdir).Length() / enemyAcceleration.Length(); // //if (targetLastPoweredRun == 0 || n < 0.6) // targetLastPoweredRun = runs; // //if (runs - targetLastPoweredRun > 20) // IntelProvider.SetPriority(shootIntel.ID, 1); } if (!Attack) { Vector3D toTarget = TargetPosition - Program.Me.WorldMatrix.Translation; if (toTarget.LengthSquared() > 100) { LeadTask.Destination.Position = TargetPosition; } else { LeadTask.Destination.Position = Vector3D.Zero; } LeadTask.Destination.Velocity = Vector3D.Zero; } if (Mode == 1) { //TODO: Add support for disabling dampeners in this mode - let pilot have full control aside from aiming LeadTask.Destination.Position = controller.GetPosition(); LeadTask.Destination.Velocity = Vector3D.Zero; if (shootIntel == null) { LeadTask.Destination.Direction = Vector3D.Zero; LeadTask.Destination.DirectionUp = Vector3D.Zero; } } LastLinearVelocity = linearVelocity; if (LeadTask.Status == TaskStatus.Incomplete) { LeadTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); } }
private void bindTasks(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate) { List <LeadTask> tasks = null; Expression <Func <CRM.Data.Entities.Task, bool> > predicate = PredicateBuilder.True <CRM.Data.Entities.Task>(); if (roleID == (int)UserRole.Administrator) { } else if ((roleID == (int)UserRole.Client || roleID == (int)UserRole.SiteAdministrator) && clientID > 0) { // load all tasks for client (sort of admin) predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.creator_id == clientID); predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.start_date >= fromDate && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate); // get overdue task for client predicate = predicate.Or(LeadTask => LeadTask.status_id == 1 && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate && LeadTask.creator_id == clientID); } else { // regular users predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.start_date >= fromDate && LeadTask.end_date <= toDate); predicate = predicate.And(LeadTask => LeadTask.owner_id == userID); } tasks = TasksManager.GetLeadTask(predicate, fromDate, toDate); if (rbOn.Checked) { userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); CRM.Data.Entities.SecUser secUser = SecUserManager.GetByUserId(userID); string emailaddress = secUser.Email; string password = SecurityManager.Decrypt(secUser.emailPassword); string url = "https://" + secUser.emailHost + "/EWS/Exchange.asmx"; ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1); service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(emailaddress, password); service.Url = new Uri(url); try { TasksFolder tasksfolder = TasksFolder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Tasks); ItemView view = new ItemView(int.MaxValue); FindItemsResults <Item> OutlookTasks = tasksfolder.FindItems(view); CalendarView calView = new CalendarView(fromDate, toDate); FindItemsResults <Item> instanceResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, calView); foreach (var item in instanceResults) { LeadTask newTask = new LeadTask(); Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment appointment = item as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Appointment; newTask.creator_id = userID; newTask.details = appointment.Subject; newTask.end_date = appointment.End; newTask.isAllDay = appointment.IsRecurring; newTask.text = appointment.Subject; newTask.priorityName = appointment.Importance.ToString(); newTask.owner_name = appointment.Organizer.Name; newTask.start_date = appointment.Start; tasks.Add(newTask); } foreach (var task in OutlookTasks) { task.Load(); Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task myTask = task as Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Task; LeadTask newTask = new LeadTask(); newTask.creator_id = userID; newTask.details = ExtractHtmlInnerText(myTask.Body.Text); newTask.end_date = myTask.DueDate; newTask.isAllDay = myTask.IsRecurring; newTask.text = myTask.Subject; newTask.statusName = myTask.Status.ToString(); newTask.priorityName = myTask.Importance.ToString(); newTask.owner_name = myTask.Owner; if (myTask.StartDate == null) { newTask.start_date = myTask.DueDate; } else { newTask.start_date = myTask.StartDate; } tasks.Add(newTask); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } // show tasks gvTasks.DataSource = tasks; gvTasks.DataBind(); }
public void Do(Dictionary <MyTuple <IntelItemType, long>, IFleetIntelligence> IntelItems, TimeSpan canonicalTime, Profiler profiler) { IMyShipController controller = Autopilot.Controller; var currentPosition = controller.WorldMatrix.Translation; Vector3D linearVelocity = controller.GetShipVelocities().LinearVelocity; if (!TargetPositionSet) { if (IntelKey.Item1 == IntelItemType.Waypoint && IntelItems.ContainsKey(IntelKey)) { TargetPosition = IntelItems[IntelKey].GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime); } TargetPositionSet = true; } Vector3D worldAttackPoint; if (TargetPositionSet && TargetPosition != Vector3D.Zero) { worldAttackPoint = TargetPosition; } else { if (IntelKey.Item1 != IntelItemType.Enemy || !IntelItems.ContainsKey(IntelKey)) { AgentSubsystem.AddTask(TaskType.Dock, MyTuple.Create(IntelItemType.NONE, (long)0), CommandType.Enqueue, 0, canonicalTime); Status = TaskStatus.Aborted; return; } var target = (EnemyShipIntel)IntelItems[IntelKey]; worldAttackPoint = currentPosition + AttackHelpers.GetAttackPoint(target.GetVelocity(), target.GetPositionFromCanonicalTime(canonicalTime) + target.GetVelocity() * 0.08 - currentPosition, 98); } Vector3D dirToTarget = worldAttackPoint - currentPosition; if (dirToTarget.Length() < LocustCombatSystem.kEngageRange && deployTime == TimeSpan.Zero) { CombatSystem.Deploy(); deployTime = canonicalTime; } dirToTarget.Normalize(); LeadTask.Destination.Direction = dirToTarget; LeadTask.Destination.Position = worldAttackPoint + dirToTarget * 400; if (deployTime != TimeSpan.Zero) { if (deployTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2) < canonicalTime) { AgentSubsystem.AddTask(TaskType.Dock, MyTuple.Create(IntelItemType.NONE, (long)0), CommandType.Enqueue, 0, canonicalTime); Status = TaskStatus.Aborted; return; } else { LeadTask.Destination.DirectionUp = Math.Sin(kRotateTheta) * controller.WorldMatrix.Right + Math.Cos(kRotateTheta) * controller.WorldMatrix.Up; } } LeadTask.Do(IntelItems, canonicalTime, profiler); }