private void service_Move(object sender, InteractiveEventArgs e) { if (this.ImageViewer.Items.Count < 1) { return; } var item = this.ImageViewer.Items[0]; if (item == null) { return; } e.IsHandled = true; this.OnWorkStarted(EventArgs.Empty); if (!item.HasFloater) { TryAddFloater(item); } else { LeadMatrix matrix = new LeadMatrix(); LeadPoint positionImage = ImageViewer.ConvertPoint(ImageViewer.Items[0], ImageViewerCoordinateType.Control, ImageViewerCoordinateType.Image, LeadPoint.Create(e.Position.X, e.Position.Y)); matrix.OffsetX = positionImage.X - item.Floater.Width / 2; matrix.OffsetY = positionImage.Y - item.Floater.Height / 2; item.FloaterTransform = matrix; } this.OnWorkCompleted(EventArgs.Empty); }
void _viewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (command != null && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (_viewer.ViewBounds.Contains(LeadPoint.Create(e.X, e.Y))) { double xFactor = _viewer.XScaleFactor; double yFactor = _viewer.YScaleFactor; int xOffset = _viewer.ViewBounds.Left; int yOffset = _viewer.ViewBounds.Top; LeadPoint pnt = new LeadPoint((int)((e.X - xOffset) * 1.0 / xFactor + 0.5), (int)((e.Y - yOffset) * 1.0 / yFactor + 0.5)); _drawing = true; _mousedown = true; _center = pnt; _curntMousePoint = _center; _viewer.Invalidate(); if (_viewer.WorkingInteractiveMode is ImageViewerFloaterInteractiveMode) { _mainForm.DisableAllInteractiveModes(_viewer); _form.Viewer.InteractiveModes.BeginUpdate(); _form.NoneInteractiveMode.IsEnabled = true; _form.Viewer.InteractiveModes.EndUpdate(); try { if (_viewer.Floater != null) { RasterRegionXForm xForm = new RasterRegionXForm(); xForm.ViewPerspective = RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft; /*LeadMatrix mm = _viewer.FloaterTransform.OffsetY; * Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); * Transformer t = new Transformer(m);*/ LeadMatrix floaterTransform = _viewer.FloaterTransform; xForm.XOffset = (int)floaterTransform.OffsetX; xForm.YOffset = (int)floaterTransform.OffsetY; xForm.YScalarDenominator = xForm.XScalarDenominator = xForm.XScalarNumerator = xForm.YScalarNumerator = 1; _viewer.Image.SetRegion(xForm, _viewer.Floater.GetRegion(null), RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); _viewer.Floater.Dispose(); _viewer.Floater = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Messager.ShowError(this, ex); } } } } }
private void _rasterImageViewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { PointF physical = new PointF(e.X, e.Y); PointF pixels; LeadMatrix LeadM = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform; Matrix M = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(M); pixels = trans.PointToLogical(physical); Point bookmarkPosition = new Point((int)pixels.X, (int)pixels.Y); if (pixels.X < 0) { bookmarkPosition.X = 0; } if (pixels.X > _rasterImageViewer.Image.Width) { bookmarkPosition.X = _rasterImageViewer.Image.Width; } if (pixels.Y < 0) { bookmarkPosition.Y = 0; } if (pixels.Y > _rasterImageViewer.Image.Height) { bookmarkPosition.Y = _rasterImageViewer.Image.Height; } DoAction("UpdateBookmarkPosition", bookmarkPosition); }
private void _rasterImageViewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { string str; if (_rasterImageViewer.Image != null) { // Show the mouse position in physical and logical (inches) coordinates PointF physical = new PointF(e.X, e.Y); PointF pixels; LeadMatrix LeadM = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform; Matrix M = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(M); pixels = trans.PointToLogical(physical); // Convert the logical point to inches LeadPointD inches = Automation.Container.Mapper.PointFromContainerCoordinates(LeadPointD.Create((int)pixels.X, (int)pixels.Y), AnnFixedStateOperations.Scrolling | AnnFixedStateOperations.Zooming); str = string.Format("{0},{1} px {2},{3} in", (int)pixels.X, (int)pixels.Y, inches.X.ToString("F02"), inches.Y.ToString("F02")); } else { str = string.Empty; } _mousePositionLabel.Text = str; }
private void AddMagicWand(LeadPoint MagicWandPoint) { ImageViewer imageViewer = this.ImageViewer; LeadMatrix MyMatrix = imageViewer.ImageTransform; Transformer t = new Transformer(new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix((float)MyMatrix.M11, (float)MyMatrix.M12, (float)MyMatrix.M21, (float)MyMatrix.M22, (float)MyMatrix.OffsetX, (float)MyMatrix.OffsetY)); LeadPoint pt = MagicWandPoint; pt = imageViewer.Image.PointToImage(RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, pt); PointF ptF = t.PointToLogical(new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y)); RasterColor lowerColor = new RasterColor(Threshold, Threshold, Threshold); RasterColor upperColor = new RasterColor(Threshold, Threshold, Threshold); if (((int)ptF.X > imageViewer.Image.Width) || ((int)ptF.Y > imageViewer.Image.Height)) { return; } else { if (((int)ptF.X > 0) && ((int)ptF.Y > 0)) { imageViewer.Image.AddMagicWandToRegion((int)ptF.X, (int)ptF.Y, lowerColor, upperColor, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); imageViewer.ActiveItem.ImageRegionToFloater(); imageViewer.Image.SetRegion(null, null, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); } } }
bool IsScaleInRange(LeadMatrix matrix) { double scaleX = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(matrix.M11, 2) + Math.Pow(matrix.M12, 2)); double scaleY = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(matrix.M21, 2) + Math.Pow(matrix.M22, 2)); return(scaleX < 50 && scaleY < 50); }
private void DrawHighlightObjects(Graphics g, HighlightObjectsData data, PDFDocumentPage page) { LeadMatrix mm = _rasterImageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(m); // Clip to the current image bounds RectangleF clipRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageWidth, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageHeight); clipRect = trans.RectangleToPhysical(clipRect); g.SetClip(clipRect); // Draw objects if (page.Objects != null) { foreach (PDFObject obj in page.Objects) { RectangleF rc = ToRectangleF(page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, obj.Bounds)); rc = trans.RectangleToPhysical(rc); // Highlight it Brush brush; if (obj.ObjectType == PDFObjectType.Image) { brush = data.ImageBrush; } else if (obj.ObjectType == PDFObjectType.Rectangle) { brush = data.RetangleBrush; } else { brush = data.TextBrush; } DrawRectangle(g, brush, rc); } } // Draw internal and hyper links foreach (PageLink link in _pageLinks) { RectangleF rc = trans.RectangleToPhysical(new RectangleF(link.ImageBounds.X, link.ImageBounds.Y, link.ImageBounds.Width, link.ImageBounds.Height)); Brush brush; if (link.InternalLinkIndex != -1) { brush = data.InternalLinkBrush; } else { brush = data.HyperlinkBrush; } DrawRectangle(g, brush, rc); } }
public static Matrix Convert(LeadMatrix matrix) { if (matrix.IsIdentity) { return(new Matrix()); } return(new Matrix((float)matrix.M11, (float)matrix.M12, (float)matrix.M21, (float)matrix.M22, (float)matrix.OffsetX, (float)matrix.OffsetY)); }
private void _imageViewer_TransformChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode && IsHandleCreated) { _viewerTransform = _imageViewer.ViewTransform; UpdateZoomValueFromControl(); UpdateUIState(); UpdateRulers(); } }
private LeadPoint PhysicalToLogical(LeadPoint physical) { PointF pixelsF = new PointF(physical.X, physical.Y); LeadMatrix mm = _rasterImageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(m); pixelsF = trans.PointToLogical(pixelsF); Point pixels = Point.Round(pixelsF); return(new LeadPoint(pixels.X, pixels.Y)); }
private void SetViewerZoomPercentage(double percentage) { // Normalize the percentage based on min/max value allowed percentage = Math.Max(_minimumViewerScalePercentage, Math.Min(_maximumViewerScalePercentage, percentage)); if (Math.Abs(_rasterImageViewer.ScaleFactor * 100.0 - percentage) > 0.01) { // Save the current center location in the viewer, we will use it later to // re-center the viewer LeadRectD LeadPhysicalViewRectangle = _rasterImageViewer.GetItemViewBounds(_rasterImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Image, true); LeadRectD LeadLogicalViewRectangle = _rasterImageViewer.GetItemBounds(_rasterImageViewer.ActiveItem, ImageViewerItemPart.Image); Rectangle PhysicalViewRectangle = new Rectangle((int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Left, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Top, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Width, (int)LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Height); Rectangle LogicalViewRectangle = new Rectangle((int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Left, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Top, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Width, (int)LeadLogicalViewRectangle.Height); Rectangle rc = Rectangle.Intersect(PhysicalViewRectangle, LogicalViewRectangle); PointF center = new PointF(rc.Left + rc.Width / 2, rc.Top + rc.Right / 2); LeadMatrix LeadM = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform; Matrix M = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(M); center = trans.PointToLogical(center); _rasterImageViewer.BeginUpdate(); // Switch to normal size mode if we are not in it if (_rasterImageViewer.SizeMode != ControlSizeMode.ActualSize) { _rasterImageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.ActualSize, 1, _rasterImageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); } // Zoom _rasterImageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, percentage / 100.0, _rasterImageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); // Go back to original center point LeadM = _rasterImageViewer.ImageTransform; M = new Matrix((float)LeadM.M11, (float)LeadM.M12, (float)LeadM.M21, (float)LeadM.M22, (float)LeadM.OffsetX, (float)LeadM.OffsetY); trans.Transform = M; center = trans.PointToPhysical(center); _rasterImageViewer.CenterAtPoint(LeadPoint.Create((int)center.X, (int)center.Y)); _rasterImageViewer.EndUpdate(); _rasterImageViewer_TransformChanged(_rasterImageViewer, EventArgs.Empty); UpdateUIState(); } }
private Action <EventArgs> OnFocusAction(LeadRect bounds) { return((e) => { if (bounds.IsEmpty) { _selectedSectionBounds = bounds; return; } UpdateCarouselViewState(false); #if __IOS__ if (e.GetType() == typeof(FocusEventArgs)) { _page.ContentLayoutGrid.RowDefinitions[0].Height = new GridLength(PlatformsConstants.PagesHeaderTitleRowHeight, GridUnitType.Absolute); _page.ContentLayoutGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height = new GridLength(1.3, GridUnitType.Star); _page.ContentLayoutGrid.RowDefinitions[2].Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Auto); _page.ContentLayoutGrid.RowDefinitions[3].Height = new GridLength(8.7, GridUnitType.Star); } #endif // #if __IOS__ if (_contact.FocusDisabled) { return; } else { // The Entry field has the focus, then resize the main grid rows to make space for the keyboard if (_page.ImageViewer != null) { _imageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, 1.0, _imageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); } } _overlay.IsVisible = true; // Save the last selected BC section/field in order to layout the overlay box inside the TransformChanged event of the ImageViewer control _selectedSectionBounds = bounds; if (_page.ImageViewer != null) { LeadMatrix transform = _imageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); var boundsD = transform.TransformRect(bounds.ToLeadRectD()); boundsD.Inflate(30, 30); _imageViewer.ZoomToRect(boundsD); } }); }
private void HighlightSelectedWords(Graphics g) { MyWord[] words = _selectedText[_currentPageNumber]; // Highlight the selected words using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(128, SystemColors.Highlight))) { LeadMatrix mm = _rasterImageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(m); // Clip to the current image bounds RectangleF clipRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageWidth, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageHeight); clipRect = trans.RectangleToPhysical(clipRect); g.SetClip(clipRect); LeadRect lineBounds = LeadRect.Empty; foreach (MyWord word in words) { // Get the word boundaries if (lineBounds.IsEmpty) { lineBounds = word.Bounds; } else { lineBounds = LeadRect.Union(lineBounds, word.Bounds); } if (word.IsEndOfLine) { // Highlight this line HighlightLine(g, trans, brush, lineBounds); lineBounds = LeadRect.Empty; } } if (!lineBounds.IsEmpty) { HighlightLine(g, trans, brush, lineBounds); } } }
private void ZoomViewer(double value) { //// zoom // We will do zoom/center, so save the current center in logical units // get what you see in physical coordinates LeadRect LeadPhysicalViewRectangle = _imageViewer.ViewBounds; //LeadRect LeadLogicalViewRectangle = _imageViewer.ImageBounds; Rectangle PhysicalViewRectangle = new Rectangle(LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.X, LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Y, LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Width, LeadPhysicalViewRectangle.Height); Rectangle LogicalViewRectangle = _imageViewer.ClientRectangle; Rectangle rc = Rectangle.Intersect(PhysicalViewRectangle, LogicalViewRectangle); // get the center of what you see in physical coordinates PointF center = new PointF(rc.Left + rc.Width / 2, rc.Top + rc.Height / 2); LeadMatrix m = _imageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(_imageViewer.UseDpi); Matrix mm = new Matrix((float)m.M11, (float)m.M12, (float)m.M21, (float)m.M22, (float)m.OffsetX, (float)m.OffsetY); Transformer t = new Transformer(mm); // get the center of what you see in logical coordinates center = t.PointToLogical(center); // zoom const double minimumScaleFactor = 0.05; const double maximumScaleFactor = 11; double scaleFactor = Math.Max(minimumScaleFactor, Math.Min(maximumScaleFactor, value)); if (_imageViewer.ScaleFactor != scaleFactor) { _imageViewer.Zoom(ControlSizeMode.None, scaleFactor, _imageViewer.DefaultZoomOrigin); // bring the original center into the view center m = _imageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(_imageViewer.UseDpi); mm = new Matrix((float)m.M11, (float)m.M12, (float)m.M21, (float)m.M22, (float)m.OffsetX, (float)m.OffsetY); t = new Transformer(mm); // get the center of what you saw before the zoom in physical coordinates center = t.PointToPhysical(center); // bring the old center into the center of the view _imageViewer.CenterAtPoint(LeadPoint.Create((int)center.X, (int)center.Y)); UpdateUIState(); } }
private void AddMagicWand(LeadPoint MagicWandPoint) { ImageViewer imageViewer = this.ImageViewer; LeadMatrix MyMatrix = imageViewer.ImageTransform; Transformer t = new Transformer(new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix((float)MyMatrix.M11, (float)MyMatrix.M12, (float)MyMatrix.M21, (float)MyMatrix.M22, (float)MyMatrix.OffsetX, (float)MyMatrix.OffsetY)); LeadPoint pt = MagicWandPoint; pt = imageViewer.Image.PointToImage(RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, pt); PointF ptF = t.PointToLogical(new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y)); RasterColor lowerColor = new RasterColor(255, 255, 255); RasterColor upperColor = new RasterColor(0, 0, 0); byte[] RegionData = RasterRegionConverter.GetGdiRegionData(ImageViewer.Image, null); if (((int)ptF.X > ImageViewer.Image.Width) || ((int)ptF.Y > ImageViewer.Image.Height)) { return; } else if (((int)ptF.X > 0) && ((int)ptF.Y > 0)) { if (RegionData == null) { ImageViewer.Image.AddMagicWandToRegion((int)ptF.X, (int)ptF.Y, lowerColor, upperColor, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); } else if ((RegionData.Length == 32) && (MagicWandRegionCombineMode == RasterRegionCombineMode.And)) { ImageViewer.Image.AddMagicWandToRegion((int)ptF.X, (int)ptF.Y, lowerColor, upperColor, RasterRegionCombineMode.Set); } else { ImageViewer.Image.AddMagicWandToRegion((int)ptF.X, (int)ptF.Y, lowerColor, upperColor, MagicWandRegionCombineMode); } } }
private void DrawHighlightImageObject(Graphics g, Brush imageBrush, PDFDocumentPage page) { LeadMatrix mm = _rasterImageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(m); // Clip to the current image bounds RectangleF clipRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageWidth, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageHeight); clipRect = trans.RectangleToPhysical(clipRect); g.SetClip(clipRect); // Draw image object RectangleF rc = ToRectangleF(page.ConvertRect(PDFCoordinateType.Pdf, PDFCoordinateType.Pixel, _selectedPdfImageObject.Bounds)); if (!rc.IsEmpty) { rc = trans.RectangleToPhysical(rc); // Highlight it DrawRectangle(g, imageBrush, rc); } }
void RectangleInteractiveMode_RubberBandCompleted(object sender, ImageViewerRubberBandEventArgs e) { Rectangle pixels = new Rectangle(e.InteractiveEventArgs.Origin.X, e.InteractiveEventArgs.Origin.Y, e.InteractiveEventArgs.Position.X - e.InteractiveEventArgs.Origin.X, e.InteractiveEventArgs.Position.Y - e.InteractiveEventArgs.Origin.Y); if (pixels.Left > pixels.Right) { pixels = Rectangle.FromLTRB(pixels.Right, pixels.Top, pixels.Left, pixels.Bottom); } if (pixels.Top > pixels.Bottom) { pixels = Rectangle.FromLTRB(pixels.Left, pixels.Bottom, pixels.Right, pixels.Top); } if (pixels.Width > 2 && pixels.Height > 2) { RectangleF pixelsF = pixels; LeadMatrix mm = _rasterImageViewer.GetImageTransformWithDpi(true); Matrix m = new Matrix((float)mm.M11, (float)mm.M12, (float)mm.M21, (float)mm.M22, (float)mm.OffsetX, (float)mm.OffsetY); Transformer trans = new Transformer(m); pixelsF = trans.RectangleToLogical(pixelsF); pixelsF = RectangleF.Intersect(new RectangleF(0, 0, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageWidth, _rasterImageViewer.Image.ImageHeight), pixelsF); pixels = Rectangle.Round(pixelsF); LeadRect bounds = new LeadRect(pixels.X, pixels.Y, pixels.Width, pixels.Height); BeginInvoke(new DoActionDelegate(DoAction), new object[] { "HighlightText", bounds }); } // Go back to selection mode // We must invoke this because the select button will change the // interactive mode of the viewer and hence, cancel the current // operation BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(DoSelectMode)); }
private static void DrawBounds(Graphics graphics, Pen pen, Brush brush, Brush textBrush, Font font, string text, LeadRectD bounds, LeadMatrix transform) { var corners = Tools.GetCornerPoints(bounds); transform.TransformPoints(corners); var cornersBounds = Tools.GetBoundingRect(corners); var cornersF = new PointF[4]; for (var i = 0; i < cornersF.Length; i++) { // if any point empty, then return if (corners[i].IsEmpty) { return; } cornersF[i] = new PointF((float)corners[i].X, (float)corners[i].Y); } if (pen != null) { graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, cornersF); } if (brush != null) { graphics.FillPolygon(brush, cornersF); } if (text != null && textBrush != null) { graphics.DrawString(text, font, textBrush, (float)cornersBounds.X, (float)cornersBounds.Y); } }
public static Matrix ToMatrix(LeadMatrix leadMatrix) { return(new Matrix((float)leadMatrix.M11, (float)leadMatrix.M12, (float)leadMatrix.M21, (float)leadMatrix.M22, (float)leadMatrix.OffsetX, (float)leadMatrix.OffsetY)); }
private Matrix ToMatrix(LeadMatrix LMatrix) { return(new Matrix((float)LMatrix.M11, (float)LMatrix.M12, (float)LMatrix.M21, (float)LMatrix.M22, (float)LMatrix.OffsetX, (float)LMatrix.OffsetY)); }
void _viewer_Panning(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { return; } var dx = e.X - _currentPoint.X; var dy = e.Y - _currentPoint.Y; if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { var transform = LeadMatrix.Identity; bool zoom = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control; bool rotate = (Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Alt) == Keys.Alt; if (zoom) { if (dy != 0) { var factor = 1.0 - ((dy * 4.0) / _viewer.ClientSize.Height); factor = factor < 0 ? -factor : factor; var center = _currentPoint.ToLeadPointD(); if (_transformAtCenterToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { center = new LeadPointD(_viewer.ImageSize.Width / 2, _viewer.ImageSize.Height / 2); center = _viewer.ConvertPoint(Viewer.CoordinateType.Image, Viewer.CoordinateType.Control, center); } transform.ScaleAt(factor, factor, center.X, center.Y); } } else if (rotate) { if (dx != 0) { const double rotateAngle = 5.0; var center = _currentPoint.ToLeadPointD(); if (_transformAtCenterToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { center = new LeadPointD(_viewer.ImageSize.Width / 2, _viewer.ImageSize.Height / 2); center = _viewer.ConvertPoint(Viewer.CoordinateType.Image, Viewer.CoordinateType.Control, center); } transform.RotateAt(dx > 0 ? rotateAngle : -rotateAngle, center.X, center.Y); } } else { if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { transform.Translate(dx, dy); } } transform = LeadMatrix.Multiply(_viewer.Transform, transform); if (IsScaleInRange(transform)) { _viewer.Transform = transform; } } _currentPoint = new LeadPoint(e.X, e.Y); }
private void _fieldResults_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //clear annotations automation.SelectObjects(null); automation.Container.Children.Clear(); if (_fieldResults.Rows.Count > 0 && _fieldResults.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { if (_fieldViewer.Image != null) { _fieldViewer.Image.Dispose(); } int formIndex = _cmbSelectedForm.SelectedIndex; int pageIndex = _cmbSelectedPage.SelectedIndex; int fieldIndex = _fieldResults.SelectedRows[0].Index; _filledForms[_cmbSelectedForm.SelectedIndex].Image.Page = _cmbSelectedPage.SelectedIndex + 1; LeadRect tempRect = LeadRect.Empty; FormField field = _filledForms[formIndex].ProcessingPages[pageIndex][fieldIndex]; if (field is TableFormField) { TableFormField tableField = field as TableFormField; int expectedPageIndex = -1; if (tableField.ExpectedPages.Contains(pageIndex)) { expectedPageIndex = tableField.ExpectedPages.IndexOf(pageIndex); } expectedPageIndex = Math.Max(expectedPageIndex, pageIndex); if (tableField.PagesBounds.ContainsKey(expectedPageIndex)) { tempRect = tableField.PagesBounds[expectedPageIndex]; } else { tempRect = LeadRect.Empty; } } else if (field is UnStructuredTextFormField) { tempRect = field.Bounds; } else if (field is OmrFormField) { tempRect = _filledForms[_cmbSelectedForm.SelectedIndex].Alignment[field.MasterPageNumber - 1].AlignOmrRectangle(field.Bounds); } else { tempRect = _filledForms[_cmbSelectedForm.SelectedIndex].Alignment[field.MasterPageNumber - 1 >= 0 ? field.MasterPageNumber - 1 : 0].AlignRectangle(field.Bounds); } Rectangle alignedRect = Leadtools.Demos.Converters.ConvertRect(_filledForms[formIndex].Image.RectangleToImage(RasterViewPerspective.TopLeft, tempRect)); if (!alignedRect.IsEmpty) { _fieldViewer.Image = _filledForms[formIndex].Image.Clone(Leadtools.Demos.Converters.ConvertRect(alignedRect)); } else { _fieldViewer.Image = null; } AddHighlight(alignedRect); LeadMatrix LeadImageMatrix = _filledFormViewer.ImageTransform; //Ensure field is visible Transformer transformer = new Transformer(new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix((float)LeadImageMatrix.M11, (float)LeadImageMatrix.M12, (float)LeadImageMatrix.M21, (float)LeadImageMatrix.M22, (float)LeadImageMatrix.OffsetX, (float)LeadImageMatrix.OffsetY)); PointF location = transformer.PointToPhysical(alignedRect.Location); _filledFormViewer.CenterAtPoint(LeadPoint.Create((int)location.X, (int)location.Y)); UpdateControls(); } } catch (Exception exp) { Messager.ShowError(this, exp); } }
private Matrix GetMatrixFromLeadMatrix(LeadMatrix matrix) { return(new Matrix((float)matrix.M11, (float)matrix.M12, (float)matrix.M21, (float)matrix.M22, (float)matrix.OffsetX, (float)matrix.OffsetY)); }
public override void Render(AnnContainerMapper mapper, AnnObject annObject) { if (mapper == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("mapper"); } if (annObject == null) { ExceptionHelper.ArgumentNullException("annObject"); } base.Render(mapper, annObject); AnnRichTextObject annRichTextObject = annObject as AnnRichTextObject; if (annRichTextObject != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(annRichTextObject.Rtf)) { AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine engine = RenderingEngine as AnnWinFormsRenderingEngine; if (engine != null && engine.Context != null) { AnnRectangleObject tempRect = new AnnRectangleObject(); tempRect.Points.Clear(); foreach (LeadPointD pt in GetRenderPoints(mapper, annRichTextObject)) { tempRect.Points.Add(pt); } double rotation = tempRect.Angle; if (rotation == 180) { rotation = 0; } LeadRectD boundsPixels = tempRect.Rect.Clone(); AnnContainerMapper identityMapper = mapper.Clone(); identityMapper.UpdateTransform(LeadMatrix.Identity); identityMapper.MapResolutions(mapper.SourceDpiX, mapper.SourceDpiY, mapper.SourceDpiX, mapper.SourceDpiY); boundsPixels = identityMapper.RectFromContainerCoordinates(boundsPixels, annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations); if (tempRect.Stroke != null) { boundsPixels.Inflate(-tempRect.Stroke.StrokeThickness.Value, -tempRect.Stroke.StrokeThickness.Value); } string rtf = annRichTextObject.Rtf; IntPtr hemfDC; if (_richTextBox == null) { _richTextBox = new InternalRichTextEdit(); } try { _richTextBox.Rtf = rtf; } catch { using (RichTextBox richTextBox = new RichTextBox()) { richTextBox.Text = rtf; annRichTextObject.Rtf = richTextBox.Rtf; _richTextBox.Rtf = richTextBox.Rtf; } } Graphics graphics = engine.Context; double dpiX = 96; double dpiY = 96; _richTextBox.Location = new Point((int)boundsPixels.Location.X, (int)boundsPixels.Location.Y); _richTextBox.Size = new Size((int)boundsPixels.Size.Width, (int)boundsPixels.Size.Height); IntPtr hdc = graphics.GetHdc(); Win32.RECT rc = new Win32.RECT(); rc.left = _richTextBox.ClientRectangle.Left; = _richTextBox.ClientRectangle.Top; rc.right = (int)boundsPixels.Width; rc.bottom = (int)boundsPixels.Height; int iWidthMM = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.HORZSIZE); int iHeightMM = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.VERTSIZE); int iWidthPels = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.HORZRES); int iHeightPels = SafeNativeMethods.GetDeviceCaps(hdc, Win32.VERTRES); rc.left = (rc.left * iWidthMM * 100) / iWidthPels; = ( * iHeightMM * 100) / iHeightPels; rc.right = (rc.right * iWidthMM * 100) / iWidthPels; rc.bottom = (rc.bottom * iHeightMM * 100) / iHeightPels; hemfDC = SafeNativeMethods.CreateEnhMetaFile(hdc, null, ref rc, null); Win32.RECT emfRect = new Win32.RECT(); emfRect.right = (int)boundsPixels.Width; emfRect.bottom = (int)boundsPixels.Height; IntPtr brush = SafeNativeMethods.GetStockObject(5); SafeNativeMethods.SetBkMode(hemfDC, 1); SafeNativeMethods.FillRect(hemfDC, ref emfRect, brush); SafeNativeMethods.DeleteObject(brush); Print(_richTextBox, _richTextBox.ClientRectangle, hemfDC, (int)dpiX, (int)dpiY, false); IntPtr hemf = SafeNativeMethods.CloseEnhMetaFile(hemfDC); using (Metafile metaFile = new Metafile(hemf, true)) { graphics.ReleaseHdc(); GraphicsState state = graphics.Save(); //the mapper transform dosent contain dpi effect so we will add dpi effect . LeadMatrix matrix = mapper.Transform; //add dpi effect to the transform matrix.Scale((float)(mapper.TargetDpiX / mapper.SourceDpiX), (float)(mapper.TargetDpiY / mapper.SourceDpiY)); if ((annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations & AnnFixedStateOperations.Scrolling) == AnnFixedStateOperations.Scrolling) { matrix.Translate(-matrix.OffsetX, -matrix.OffsetY); } if ((annRichTextObject.FixedStateOperations & AnnFixedStateOperations.Zooming) == AnnFixedStateOperations.Zooming) { double offsetX = matrix.OffsetX; double offsetY = matrix.OffsetY; double scaleX = 1.0; double scaleY = 1.0; if (matrix.M11 != 0 && matrix.M22 != 0) { scaleX = 1.0 / Math.Abs(matrix.M11); scaleY = 1.0 / Math.Abs(matrix.M22); } matrix.Scale(scaleX, scaleY); } using (Matrix transform = new Matrix((float)matrix.M11, (float)matrix.M12, (float)matrix.M21, (float)matrix.M22, (float)matrix.OffsetX, (float)matrix.OffsetY)) { graphics.MultiplyTransform(transform); graphics.DrawImage(metaFile, new Point((int)boundsPixels.Left, (int)boundsPixels.Top)); } graphics.Restore(state); } } //EndDraw(graphics, gState); } }