Beispiel #1
        private Rectangle GetItemBounds()
            IEnumerable <object> items = Dragging() ? m_draggingItems : GetItems();
            Rectangle            result;

            LayoutContexts.GetBounds(m_layoutContext, items, out result);
        /// <summary>
        /// Centers items in canvas at point</summary>
        /// <param name="items">Items to center</param>
        /// <param name="p">Point at which to center items, in client space</param>
        public void Center(IEnumerable <object> items, Point p)
            // get bounds, convert to world coords
            Rectangle bounds;

            LayoutContexts.GetBounds(m_viewingContext.Cast <ILayoutContext>(), items, out bounds);

            Matrix transform = m_viewingContext.Cast <AdaptableControl>().Cast <ITransformAdapter>().Transform;

            p = GdiUtil.InverseTransform(transform, p); // convert center to world coords
            m_viewingContext.Cast <ILayoutContext>().Center(items, p);