Beispiel #1
        // 仮
        private static void MakeBaseGeometry(Section section, LayerSubMesh sm, AltitudeLayer altitudeLayer)
            sm.Clear(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris);
            CellRect cellRect = new CellRect(section.botLeft.x, section.botLeft.z, 17, 17);

            float y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(altitudeLayer);

            sm.verts.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 9;
            for (int i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++)
                for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++)
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i, y, (float)j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i, y, (float)j + 0.5f));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i, y, (float)(j + 1)));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i + 0.5f, y, (float)(j + 1)));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(i + 1), y, (float)(j + 1)));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(i + 1), y, (float)j + 0.5f));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(i + 1), y, (float)j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i + 0.5f, y, (float)j));
                    sm.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)i + 0.5f, y, (float)j + 0.5f));
            int num = cellRect.Area * 8 * 3;

            sm.tris.Capacity = num;
            int num2 = 0;

            while (sm.tris.Count < num)
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 2);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 4);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 6);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 1);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 3);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 5);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 7);
                sm.tris.Add(num2 + 8);
                num2 += 9;
            sm.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Обновить указанный слой посредством дополнения (небольшая нагрузка)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Слой</param>
        /// <param name="material">Материал для поиска подслоя</param>
        /// <param name="subMeshes">Список подслоев</param>
        /// <param name="b">Биом</param>
        public void UpdateLayer(WorldLayer layer, Material material, List <LayerSubMesh> subMeshes, BiomeDef b)
            int          subMeshIndex;
            LayerSubMesh subMesh = GetSubMesh(material, subMeshes, out subMeshIndex);

            List <int>  tileIds = new List <int>();
            List <Tile> tiles   = Find.WorldGrid.tiles.Where(tile => tile.biome == b).ToList();

            for (int i3 = 0; i3 < Find.WorldGrid.TilesCount; i3++)
                Tile temp = Find.WorldGrid[i3];
                if (tiles.Contains(temp))

            World          world = Find.World;
            WorldGrid      grid  = world.grid;
            List <int>     tileIDToVerts_offsets = grid.tileIDToVerts_offsets;
            List <Vector3> verts = grid.verts;

            List <List <int> > triangleIndexToTileID = new List <List <int> >();

            List <Vector3> elevationValues = new List <Vector3>();


            foreach (int tileID in tileIds)
                int      colorsAndUVsIndex = 0;
                Tile     tile  = tiles[tileID];
                BiomeDef biome = tile.biome;
                while (subMeshIndex >= triangleIndexToTileID.Count)
                    triangleIndexToTileID.Add(new List <int>());
                int count = subMesh.verts.Count;
                int num   = 0;
                int num2  = (tileID + 1 >= tileIDToVerts_offsets.Count) ? verts.Count : tileIDToVerts_offsets[tileID + 1];
                for (int j = tileIDToVerts_offsets[tileID]; j < num2; j++)
                    if (j < num2 - 2)
                        subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 2);
                        subMesh.tris.Add(count + num + 1);
            FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.All, subMesh);
        public static bool ShouldDraw(SectionLayer __instance)
            TerrainDef def = TerrainDef.Named("HardVacuum");
            Map        map = Find.CurrentMap;

            // if we aren't in space, abort!
            if (map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(IntVec3.Zero).defName != def.defName)

            if (__instance.GetType().Name == "SectionLayer_SunShadows")

            if (__instance.GetType().Name == "SectionLayer_LightingOverlay")
                oldSkyGlow = map.skyManager.CurSkyGlow;
                MatBases.LightOverlay.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            if (__instance.GetType().Name == "SectionLayer_Terrain")
                float   num       = (float)UI.screenWidth / (float)UI.screenHeight;
                Vector3 center    = Find.CameraDriver.GetComponent <Camera>().transform.position;
                float   cellsHigh = UI.screenHeight / Find.CameraDriver.CellSizePixels;
                float   cellsWide = cellsHigh * num;

                //recalculate uvs for planet texture.
                LayerSubMesh mesh = __instance.GetSubMesh(RenderPlanetBehindMap.PlanetMaterial);
                if (mesh != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < mesh.verts.Count; i++)
                        float xdiff     = mesh.verts[i].x - center.x;
                        float xfromEdge = xdiff + cellsWide / 2f;
                        float zdiff     = mesh.verts[i].z - center.z;
                        float zfromEdge = zdiff + cellsHigh / 2f;

                        mesh.uvs.Add(new Vector3(xfromEdge / cellsWide, zfromEdge / cellsHigh, 0.0f));

Beispiel #4
         * public override void DrawLayer()
         * {
         *  if (!this.Visible)
         *  {
         *      return;
         *  }
         *  int count = this.subMeshes.Count;
         *  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         *  {
         *      LayerSubMesh layerSubMesh = this.subMeshes[i];
         *      Vector3 s = new Vector3(.28f, 1f, .28f);
         *      Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
         *      matrix.SetTRS(vector, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
         *      if (layerSubMesh.finalized && !layerSubMesh.disabled)
         *      {
         *          Graphics.DrawMesh(layerSubMesh.mesh,, Quaternion.identity, layerSubMesh.material, 0);
         *      }
         *  }
         * }
        // Token: 0x060047BA RID: 18362 RVA: 0x0021ADFC File Offset: 0x002191FC
        public override void Regenerate()
            LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(AMXBMatBases.Hive);

            if (subMesh.mesh.vertexCount == 0)
                SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.Terrain);
            MapComponent_HiveGrid _AvPHiveCreep = base.Map.GetComponent <MapComponent_HiveGrid>();

            //    Log.Message(string.Format(" 6 {0}", _AvPHiveCreep.DepthGridDirect_Unsafe));
            float[]     depthGridDirect_Unsafe = _AvPHiveCreep.DepthGridDirect_Unsafe;
            CellRect    cellRect    = this.section.CellRect;
            int         num         = base.Map.Size.z - 1;
            int         num2        = base.Map.Size.x - 1;
            bool        flag        = false;
            CellIndices cellIndices = base.Map.cellIndices;

            for (int i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++)
                for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++)
                    float num3 = depthGridDirect_Unsafe[cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j)];
                    int   num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j - 1);
                    float num5 = (j <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j - 1);
                    float num6 = (j <= 0 || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j);
                    float num7 = (i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j + 1);
                    float num8 = (j >= num || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j + 1);
                    float num9 = (j >= num) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j + 1);
                    float num10 = (j >= num || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j);
                    float num11 = (i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j - 1);
                    float num12 = (j <= 0 || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    this.vertDepth[0] = (num5 + num6 + num7 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[1] = (num7 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[2] = (num7 + num8 + num9 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[3] = (num9 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[4] = (num9 + num10 + num11 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[5] = (num11 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[6] = (num11 + num12 + num5 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[7] = (num5 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[8] = num3;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                        if (this.vertDepth[k] > 0.01f)
                            flag = true;
            if (flag)
                subMesh.disabled = false;
                subMesh.disabled = true;
Beispiel #5
        private static void                 _Regenerate(this object obj)
            if (!MatBases.SunShadow.shader.isSupported)

            Section section      = obj.Section();
            var     sectionLayer = obj as SectionLayer;

            LayerSubMesh subMesh = sectionLayer.GetSubMesh(MatBases.IndoorMask);

            Building[] innerArray = Find.EdificeGrid.InnerArray;
            CellRect   cellRect   = new CellRect(

            subMesh.verts.Capacity = cellRect.Area * 2;
            subMesh.tris.Capacity  = cellRect.Area * 4;
            float y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.MetaOverlays);

            for (int index1 = cellRect.minX; index1 <= cellRect.maxX; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = cellRect.minZ; index2 <= cellRect.maxZ; ++index2)
                    IntVec3 c1 = new IntVec3(index1, 0, index2);
                    if (!(bool)_HideRainPrimary.Invoke(obj, new System.Object[] { c1 }))
                        bool flag1 = c1.Roofed();
                        bool flag2 = false;
                        if (flag1)
                            for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 8; ++index3)
                                IntVec3 c2 = c1 + GenAdj.AdjacentCells[index3];
                                if (
                                    (c2.InBounds()) &&
                                    (!(bool)_HideRainPrimary.Invoke(obj, new System.Object[] { c2 }))
                                    flag2 = true;
                        if (
                            (!flag1) ||
                    Thing thing = innerArray[CellIndices.CellToIndex(index1, index2)];
                    float num   =
                        (thing == null) ||
                        (thing.def.passability != Traversability.Impassable) &&
                            (thing.def.thingClass != typeof(Building_Door)) ||
                        ? 0.16f : 0.0f;
                    subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)index1 - num, y, (float)index2 - num));
                    subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)index1 - num, y, (float)(index2 + 1) + num));
                    subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(index1 + 1) + num, y, (float)(index2 + 1) + num));
                    subMesh.verts.Add(new Vector3((float)(index1 + 1) + num, y, (float)index2 - num));
                    int count = subMesh.verts.Count;
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 4);
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 3);
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 2);
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 4);
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 2);
                    subMesh.tris.Add(count - 1);
            if (subMesh.verts.Count <= 0)
            subMesh.FinalizeMesh(MeshParts.Verts | MeshParts.Tris);
        public override void Regenerate()
            LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(Verse.MatBases.Snow);

            //		LayerSubMesh subMesh = base.GetSubMesh(MatBases.Frost); // for some reason the custom one was causing a huge memory issue and rendering in giant squares :(

            if (subMesh.mesh.vertexCount == 0)
//				SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.MoteLow);
                SectionLayerGeometryMaker_Solid.MakeBaseGeometry(this.section, subMesh, AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn);                 //so frost forms over items/plants

            float[]  depthGridDirect_Unsafe = base.Map.GetComponent <FrostGrid>().DepthGridDirect_Unsafe;
            CellRect cellRect = this.section.CellRect;
            int      num      = base.Map.Size.z - 1;
            int      num2     = base.Map.Size.x - 1;
            bool     flag     = false;

            CellIndices cellIndices = base.Map.cellIndices;

            for (int i = cellRect.minX; i <= cellRect.maxX; i++)             // this is what renders it all blobby, I think
                for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++)
                    float num3 = depthGridDirect_Unsafe[cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j)];
                    int   num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j - 1);
                    float num5 = (j <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j - 1);
                    float num6 = (j <= 0 || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j);
                    float num7 = (i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i - 1, j + 1);
                    float num8 = (j >= num || i <= 0) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i, j + 1);
                    float num9 = (j >= num) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j + 1);
                    float num10 = (j >= num || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j);
                    float num11 = (i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    num4 = cellIndices.CellToIndex(i + 1, j - 1);
                    float num12 = (j <= 0 || i >= num2) ? num3 : depthGridDirect_Unsafe[num4];
                    this.vertDepth[0] = (num5 + num6 + num7 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[1] = (num7 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[2] = (num7 + num8 + num9 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[3] = (num9 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[4] = (num9 + num10 + num11 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[5] = (num11 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[6] = (num11 + num12 + num5 + num3) / 4f;
                    this.vertDepth[7] = (num5 + num3) / 2f;
                    this.vertDepth[8] = num3;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++)
                        if (this.vertDepth[k] > 0.01f)
                            flag = true;
            if (flag)
                subMesh.disabled = false;
                subMesh.disabled = true;