public void OnEnemyDeath()

         * if (CurrentNumOfEnemies < 5)
         * {
         *   // You killed everyone, change scene:
         *   LaserLevelManager.LoadLevel("NextLevelMenu");
         * }

        if (Time.timer > 0 && KilledEnemies >= EnemiesToNextLevel)
 void Update()
     if (timer >= 0.0f && CanCount)
         timer         -= Time.deltaTime;      //The timer will count down in delta time based on the seconds we have
         TimerText.text = timer.ToString("F"); //Converting Timer into a string value
     //This means that when the timer reaches zero and OnlyOnce is equal to false
     else if (timer <= 0.0f && !OnlyOnce) //If the timer goes below 0 and OnlyOnce is not equal to flase
         CanCount       = false;          //CanCount is equal to false so we are not counting down anymore since it's not greater than zero and we can't count anymore
         OnlyOnce       = true;           //This is goning to be done once when it reaches it
         TimerText.text = "0.00";         //Setting the UI to 0
         timer          = 0.0f;           //Setting the timer to 0
         if (Time.timer == 0.0f && EnemySpawner.Instance.KilledEnemies != EnemySpawner.Instance.EnemiesToNextLevel)