// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (lapTimer == null) { lapTimer = transform.parent.GetComponent <LapTimer>(); } }
void OnEnable() { // Assign font variables m_textStyle.font = font; m_textStyle.fontSize = fontSize; m_textStyle.normal.textColor = fontColor; // // Subscribe getLapTime method to onLap m_lapTimer = FindObjectOfType <LapTimer>(); if (m_lapTimer != null) { m_lapTimer.onLap += GetLapTime; } ///// TEST DATA ///// //m_laps.Add(new Lap(1, 82.111f, false, 27.750f, 30.610f, 29.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(2, 83.298f, true, 27.740f, 29.610f, 28.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(3, 82.298f, true, 28.450f, 29.610f, 27.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(4, 84.298f, true, 28.950f, 27.500f, 26.938f, false, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(5, 82.598f, true, 27.750f, 27.600f, 27.938f, true, true, false)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(6, 83.998f, true, 28.750f, 27.610f, 28.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(7, 82.998f, true, 27.450f, 29.610f, 29.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(8, 85.498f, false, 27.350f, 28.610f, 26.838f, false, false, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(9, 82.198f, true, 28.550f, 27.610f, 26.938f, true, true, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(10, 82.398f, true, 29.750f, 27.499f, 26.938f, true, true, true)); //m_lapCount += m_laps.Count(); UpdateLapTable(m_laps); }
public void AddLapResult_OneTimerAndManyResults() { IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(""); _lapTimerManager.RegisterLapTimer(address); int days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 3, seconds = 14, millis = 791; TimeSpan time1 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis); TimeSpan time2 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis + 10); TimeSpan time3 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds + 1, millis); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(address, time1); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(address, time2); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(address, time3); LapTimer timer = _lapTimerManager.GetLapTimerByIPAddress(address); Assert.NotNull(timer); var addedLaps = timer.GetAllLaps(); Assert.Equal(1, addedLaps[0].Number); Assert.Equal(2, addedLaps[1].Number); Assert.Equal(3, addedLaps[2].Number); Assert.Equal(time1, addedLaps[0].Time); Assert.Equal(time2, addedLaps[1].Time); Assert.Equal(time3, addedLaps[2].Time); }
void OnEnable() { // Assign font variables m_textStyle.font = font; m_textStyle.fontSize = fontSize; m_textStyle.normal.textColor = fontColor; // Subscribe getLapTime method to onLap m_lapTimer = FindObjectOfType <LapTimer>(); if (m_lapTimer != null) { m_lapTimer.onLap += GetLapTime; } ///// TEST LAPS ///// //m_laps.Add(new Lap(1, 11.11f, 9.11f, 66.11f, 93.41231f, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(2, 26.11f, 1f, 12f, 84.41231f, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(3, 31.11f, 20f, 999f, 95.41231f, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(4, 99.11f, 38f, 50f, 86.41231f, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(5, 20.11f, 89f, 42f, 97.41231f, true)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(6, 41.11f, 399f, 34f, 88.41231f, false)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(7, 249.11f, 56f, 36f, 99.41231f, false)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(8, 55f, 99f, 78f, 90.41231f, false)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(9, 22f, 15f, 12f, 91.41231f, false)); //m_laps.Add(new Lap(101, 40f, 76f, 32f, 92.41231f, false)); m_lapCount = m_laps.Count(); UpdateLapTable(m_laps); }
public void RemoveLapTimer(LapTimer t) { if (raceStatusPanel == null) { return; } int count = raceStatusPanel.transform.childCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Transform child = raceStatusPanel.transform.GetChild(i); RaceStatus rs = child.GetComponent <RaceStatus>(); if (rs.timer == t) { Destroy(child.gameObject); float height = (count - 1) * raceStatusHeight; raceStatusPanel.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, height); raceStatusPanel.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(8.0f, -1 * height, 0.0f); Debug.Log("removed lap timer"); return; } } Debug.LogError("failed to remove lap timer"); }
public void Init(LapTimer _timer, int _place, int heat, List <string> summary_text) { timer = _timer; string summary = heat.ToString() + "," + _place.ToString() + ","; summary += timer.racerName + ","; place.text = _place.ToString() + "."; userName.text = timer.racerName; if (timer.IsDisqualified()) { dqNot.gameObject.SetActive(true); lap_total.gameObject.SetActive(false); } float best = timer.GetBestLapTime(); summary += (best / 1000f).ToString("00.00") + ","; for (int iLap = 0; iLap < lap_times.Length; iLap++) { Text lap_time = lap_times[iLap]; float t = timer.GetLapTime(iLap); if (t == best) { lap_time.color = bestLapTimeColor; } else { lap_time.color = lapTimeColor; } if (t != 0.0f) { lap_time.text = (t / 1000.0f).ToString("00.00"); summary += lap_time.text + ","; } else { summary += "00.00" + ","; } } float totalTime = timer.GetTotalTime(); lap_total.text = (totalTime / 1000.0f).ToString("00.00"); if (timer.IsDisqualified()) { summary += "DQ"; } else { summary += lap_total.text; } summary_text.Add(summary); }
void Start() { spawnPosition = GameObject.FindWithTag("Spawnpoint").transform.position; moveSpeed = .1f; playerTrail = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <TrailRenderer>(); playerTrail.enabled = false; lapTimer = GameObject.Find("TimeText").GetComponent <LapTimer>(); }
public static void Main(params string[] args) { using (var lapTimer = new LapTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), remaining => Console.WriteLine(remaining))) { lapTimer.StartRace(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); lapTimer.RaceComplete(); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public void GetId() { LapTimer lapTimerZero = new LapTimer(0); LapTimer lapTimerOne = new LapTimer(1); LapTimer lapTimerMax = new LapTimer(int.MaxValue); Assert.Equal(0, lapTimerZero.GetId()); Assert.Equal(1, lapTimerOne.GetId()); Assert.Equal(int.MaxValue, lapTimerMax.GetId()); }
private async void lapTimer_TimingStarted(LapTimer sender, object args) { StartTime = DateTime.Now; StartPhoneOrientation = CurrentPhoneOrientation; await StartCameraRecording(); if (TimingStarted != null) { TimingStarted(this, Laps); } }
public void UnloadGps() { if (lapTimer == null) { return; } lapTimer.GeolocatorStatusChanged -= lapTimer_GeolocatorStatusChanged; lapTimer.GeolocatorUnrecoverableError -= lapTimer_GeolocatorUnrecoverableError; lapTimer.Dispose(); lapTimer = null; }
void Start() { spawnPosition = GameObject.FindWithTag("Spawnpoint").transform.position; moveSpeed = .1f; playerTrail = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <TrailRenderer>(); playerTrail.enabled = false; lapTimer = GameObject.Find("TimeText").GetComponent <LapTimer>(); player = GameObject.Find("Player"); player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = true; player.GetComponent <PlayerBehaviour>().enabled = true; //playerTrail.GetComponent<Renderer>().sortingLayerName = "Foreground"; }
private async void lapTimer_GeolocatorUnrecoverableError(LapTimer sender, GeolocationErrorEventArgs args) { string errorId = string.Empty; if (args.Exception != null) { var extraCrashData = new CrashExtraData(AppConstants.BUGSENSE_EXTRADATA_DEVICENAME, args.DeviceName); errorId = await BugSenseHandler.Instance.LogExceptionWithId(App.MobileService.CurrentUser, args.Exception, extraCrashData); } StopLapTimer(string.Format(args.DeviceName.Equals(AppConstants.DEFAULT_INTERNALGPS_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? AppResources.Text_Error_UnableToCommunicateWithInternalGpsDevice : AppResources.Text_Error_UnableToCommunicateWithExternalGpsDevice, errorId)); }
public void AddLapResult_MultipleTimersAndMultipleResults() { IPAddress timer1Address = IPAddress.Parse(""); IPAddress timer2Address = IPAddress.Parse(""); _lapTimerManager.RegisterLapTimer(timer1Address); _lapTimerManager.RegisterLapTimer(timer2Address); int days = 0, hours = 0, minutes = 3, seconds = 14, millis = 791; TimeSpan timer1lap1 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis); TimeSpan timer1lap2 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis + 10); TimeSpan timer1lap3 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds + 1, millis); TimeSpan timer2lap1 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis + 10); TimeSpan timer2lap2 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes, seconds + 1, millis); TimeSpan timer2lap3 = new TimeSpan(days, hours, minutes + 1, seconds, millis); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer1Address, timer1lap1); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer2Address, timer2lap1); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer1Address, timer1lap2); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer2Address, timer2lap2); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer1Address, timer1lap3); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(timer2Address, timer2lap3); LapTimer timer1 = _lapTimerManager.GetLapTimerByIPAddress(timer1Address); Assert.NotNull(timer1); var timer1AddedLaps = timer1.GetAllLaps(); Assert.Equal(1, timer1AddedLaps[0].Number); Assert.Equal(2, timer1AddedLaps[1].Number); Assert.Equal(3, timer1AddedLaps[2].Number); Assert.Equal(timer1lap1, timer1AddedLaps[0].Time); Assert.Equal(timer1lap2, timer1AddedLaps[1].Time); Assert.Equal(timer1lap3, timer1AddedLaps[2].Time); LapTimer timer2 = _lapTimerManager.GetLapTimerByIPAddress(timer2Address); Assert.NotNull(timer2); var timer2AddedLaps = timer2.GetAllLaps(); Assert.Equal(1, timer2AddedLaps[0].Number); Assert.Equal(2, timer2AddedLaps[1].Number); Assert.Equal(3, timer2AddedLaps[2].Number); Assert.Equal(timer2lap1, timer2AddedLaps[0].Time); Assert.Equal(timer2lap2, timer2AddedLaps[1].Time); Assert.Equal(timer2lap3, timer2AddedLaps[2].Time); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (bExitScene) { bExitScene = false; ExitScene(); } if (state == State.SendTelemetry) { if (bResetCar) { car.RestorePosRot(); pm.path.ResetActiveSpan(); if (carObj != null) { LapTimer t = carObj.transform.GetComponentInChildren <LapTimer>(); //reset last controls car.RequestSteering(0.0f); car.RequestThrottle(0.0f); car.RequestFootBrake(10.0f); if (t != null) { t.ResetRace(); } } bResetCar = false; } timeSinceLastCapture += Time.deltaTime; if (timeSinceLastCapture > 1.0f / limitFPS) { timeSinceLastCapture -= (1.0f / limitFPS); SendTelemetry(); } if (ai_text != null) { ai_text.text = string.Format("NN: {0} : {1}", ai_steering, ai_throttle); } } }
private void Start() { myCamera.m_Lens.OrthographicSize = startZoomOut; lapDisplayCanvas.SetActive(false); lastLapCanvas.SetActive(false); timerCanvas.SetActive(false); bestTimeCanvas.SetActive(false); quitCanvas.SetActive(false); lapText.text = currentLap + " Laps"; lapTextShadow.text = currentLap + " Laps"; storyManager = FindObjectOfType <StoryManager>(); //storyIndex = FindObjectOfType<StoryIndex>(); playerKart = FindObjectOfType <Kart>(); darker = FindObjectsOfType <Darker>(); lapTimer = FindObjectOfType <LapTimer>(); kartHeadlights.SetActive(false); }
public TimerViewModel(LiveClient liveClient, LapViewModel bestLap, IEnumerable <TrackSectorViewModel> trackSectors, GeolocatorFactory geolocatorFactory, ICamera camera, Dispatcher dispatcher) { Dispatcher = dispatcher; LapCount = 1; CurrentLapTime = TimeSpan.Zero; CurrentLapStatus = TimeSpan.Zero; GpsStatusText = AppResources.Text_Unit_InternalGps; Laps = new ObservableCollection <LapViewModel>(); this.trackSectors = trackSectors; bestLapSectors = new Dictionary <int, TimeSpan?>(); SetBestLapSectorsFromLap(bestLap); this.geolocatorFactory = geolocatorFactory; this.camera = camera; lapTimer = new LapTimer(geolocatorFactory, App.ViewModel.Settings.IsMetricUnits); lapTimer.GeolocatorStatusChanged += lapTimer_GeolocatorStatusChanged; lapTimer.GeolocatorUnrecoverableError += lapTimer_GeolocatorUnrecoverableError; }
public void AddLapResult_OneTimerAndOneResult() { IPAddress address = IPAddress.Parse(""); _lapTimerManager.RegisterLapTimer(address); var time = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 20); _lapTimerManager.AddLapResult(address, time); LapTimer timer = _lapTimerManager.GetLapTimerByIPAddress(address); Assert.NotNull(timer); var addedLaps = timer.GetAllLaps(); Assert.Single(addedLaps); Assert.Equal(time, addedLaps[0].Time); }
public void AddLapTimer(LapTimer t, tk.JsonTcpClient client) { if (raceStatusPrefab == null) { return; } Debug.Log("Adding lap timer."); GameObject go = Instantiate(raceStatusPrefab) as GameObject; RaceStatus rs = go.GetComponent <RaceStatus>(); rs.Init(t, client); go.transform.SetParent(raceStatusPanel.transform); float height = raceStatusPanel.transform.childCount * raceStatusHeight; raceStatusPanel.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, height); raceStatusPanel.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(8.0f, -1 * height, 0.0f); }
private void lapTimer_SectorComplete(LapTimer sender, LapEventArgs args) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { var sectorSplit = args.Lap.EndElapsedTime - lapStartElapsed; var bestLapSectorTime = bestLapSectors.Any() ? bestLapSectors[args.Lap.SectorNumber] : (TimeSpan?)null; if (bestLapSectorTime.HasValue) { var sectorTimeDifference = sectorSplit - bestLapSectorTime.Value; CurrentLapStatus = sectorTimeDifference; } else { CurrentLapStatus = TimeSpan.Zero; } }); }
private void lapTimer_LapComplete(LapTimer sender, LapEventArgs args) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { lapStartElapsed = args.Lap.EndElapsedTime; Laps.Insert(0, args.Lap); LapCount = args.Lap.LapNumber + 1; if ((bestLapSectors == null || !bestLapSectors.Any()) && lapTimer.GenerateSectors && lapTimer.SectorCoordinates != null && lapTimer.SectorCoordinates.Any()) { trackSectors = lapTimer.SectorCoordinates; SetBestLapSectorsFromLap(args.Lap); CurrentLapStatus = TimeSpan.Zero; return; } if (bestLapSectors == null || !bestLapSectors.Any()) { SetBestLapSectorsFromLap(args.Lap); } var bestLapSectorTime = bestLapSectors.Any() ? bestLapSectors[args.Lap.SectorNumber] : (TimeSpan?)null; if (bestLapSectorTime.HasValue) { var sectorTimeDifference = args.Lap.LapTime - bestLapSectorTime.Value; CurrentLapStatus = sectorTimeDifference; if (sectorTimeDifference < TimeSpan.Zero) { SetBestLapSectorsFromLap(args.Lap); } } else { SetBestLapSectorsFromLap(args.Lap); CurrentLapStatus = TimeSpan.Zero; } }); }
private void lapTimer_GeolocatorStatusChanged(LapTimer sender, StatusChangedEventArgs args) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => { if (lapTimer == null) { return; } switch (args.Status) { case PositionStatus.Initializing: IsDataLoading = true; LoadingStatusText = AppResources.Text_LoadingStatus_StartingGps; GpsStatusText = lapTimer.UsingInternalGps ? AppResources.Text_Unit_InternalGps : AppResources.Text_Unit_ExternalGps; GpsStatusIsOk = false; break; case PositionStatus.Ready: LoadingStatusText = string.Empty; IsDataLoading = false; GpsStatusText = lapTimer.UsingInternalGps ? AppResources.Text_Unit_InternalGps : AppResources.Text_Unit_ExternalGps; GpsStatusIsOk = true; break; case PositionStatus.NoData: case PositionStatus.NotAvailable: case PositionStatus.Disabled: case PositionStatus.NotInitialized: default: LoadingStatusText = string.Empty; IsDataLoading = false; GpsStatusText = lapTimer.UsingInternalGps ? AppResources.Text_Unit_InternalGps : AppResources.Text_Unit_ExternalGps; GpsStatusIsOk = false; break; } }); }
public void Init(LapTimer _timer, Competitor c) { timer = _timer; dqNot.gameObject.SetActive(false); comp = c; }
void Start() { lapTimer = FindObjectOfType <LapTimer>(); lapController = FindObjectOfType <LapController>(); StartLap(); }
void Start() { lapTimer = FindObjectOfType <LapTimer>(); gc = FindObjectOfType <GameController>(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (bExitScene) { bExitScene = false; ExitScene(); } if (state == State.SendTelemetry) { if (bResetCar) { car.RestorePosRot(); pm.path.ResetActiveSpan(); if (carObj != null) { LapTimer t = carObj.transform.GetComponentInChildren <LapTimer>(); //reset last controls car.RequestSteering(0.0f); car.RequestThrottle(0.0f); car.RequestFootBrake(10.0f); if (t != null) { t.ResetRace(); } GameObject body = CarSpawner.getChildGameObject(carObj, "body"); if (body != null) { RaceCheckPoint[] checkPoints = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <RaceCheckPoint>(); foreach (RaceCheckPoint cp in checkPoints) { if (cp.RemoveBody(body)) { Debug.Log("resetting checkpoint."); } else { Debug.LogWarning("failed to reset checkpoint."); } } } else { Debug.LogWarning("failed to find car body."); } } bResetCar = false; } timeSinceLastCapture += Time.deltaTime; if (timeSinceLastCapture > 1.0f / limitFPS) { timeSinceLastCapture -= (1.0f / limitFPS); SendTelemetry(); } if (ai_text != null) { ai_text.text = string.Format("NN: {0} : {1}", ai_steering, ai_throttle); } } }
public void Init(LapTimer _timer, tk.JsonTcpClient _client) { timer = _timer; dqNot.gameObject.SetActive(false); client = _client; }