private void ArrowShoot()
        LaneSelector laneSelector = FindObjectOfType <LaneSelector>();

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
            GameObject laser = Instantiate(blueLaserPrefab, laneSelector.GetBottomPosition(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
            GameObject laser = Instantiate(redLaserPrefab, laneSelector.GetBottomPosition(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Beispiel #2
    // Start method is here to assign the target desintation of the gem and have it change for the
    // lifetime if the instance of this laser
    void Start()
        LaneSelector laneSelector = FindObjectOfType <LaneSelector>();

        if (laneSelector.GetBottomPosition() == centreBottomCoords)
            this.targetPosition = centreTopCoords;
        else if (laneSelector.GetBottomPosition() == leftBottomCoords)
            this.targetPosition = leftTopCoords;
        else if (laneSelector.GetBottomPosition() == rightBottomCoords)
            this.targetPosition = rightTopCoords;
Beispiel #3
 // when creating this function need to pass in the class and assign it to the instance at the start of the function, this is where unity asks for the script
 // to be passed in at the inspector
 public void RedShot(LaneSelector laneSelector)
     GameObject laser = Instantiate(laserPrefab, laneSelector.GetBottomPosition(), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Beispiel #4
        public static decimal PassedLength(this IEnumerable <IReadOnlyRacePassing> passings, PresentationSource presentationSource, DateTime when,
                                           IDistanceLaneLocations laneLocations, IReadOnlyCollection <IVenueSegment> segments, LaneSelector laneSelector = null)
            laneSelector = laneSelector ?? ((s, l) => 0);

            var           lap = 0;
            int           lane;
            IVenueSegment segment;
            var           from              = laneLocations.Start;
            var           length            = laneLocations.StartOffset;
            var           passedLapSegments = new List <IVenueSegment>();

            foreach (var passing in (from p in passings
                                     where !p.Flags.HasFlag(RaceEventFlags.Deleted) && p.PresentationSource == presentationSource && p.When <= when
                                     orderby p.When
                                     select p).SkipWhile(p => p.Where == laneLocations.Start))
                if (!segments.Any(s => s.To == passing.Where))

                    lane    = laneSelector(passedLapSegments, lap);
                    segment = segments.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Lane == lane && s.From == from);
                    if (segment == null)
                    if (laneLocations.Finishes.Contains(segment.To))
                    length += segment.Length;
                    from    = segment.To;
                } while (segment.To != passing.Where);
