Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 递归加载池道子集
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="set">池道根节点</param>
        /// <param name="item">池道根元素</param>
        internal static void LoadSubLaneSet(LaneSet set, XElement item, Process process)
            // 道结构
            var lanes = item.Elements("lane");

            foreach (var laneElem in lanes)
                var lane = new Lane
                    Id   = laneElem.Attribute("id").Value,
                    Name = laneElem.Attribute("name")?.Value
                var refElems = laneElem.Elements("flowNodeRef");
                foreach (var elem in refElems)
                    var @ref = process.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == elem.Value);
                    if (@ref != null)
                        lane.Add(@ref as FlowNode);
                // 子集池道集合
                var sublaneSet = laneElem.Elements("childLaneSet");
                foreach (var subset in sublaneSet)
                    var childLaneSet = new ChildLaneSet
                        Id = subset.Attribute("id").Value
                    LoadSubLaneSet(childLaneSet, subset, process);
Beispiel #2
 private static void MenuLeona()
     Leo   = MainMenu.AddMenu("[Leona]", "[Leona]");
     Combo = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Combo]");
     Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("[Q] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("[W] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("[E] = Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("[R] = Combo"));
     Auto = Leo.AddSubMenu("[AutoHarass]");
     Auto.Add("LiW", new CheckBox("Use [W] [Hit Life]"));
     Auto.Add("Vida", new Slider("Life [W] Uti", 35, 1));
     Auto.AddLabel("Target Valid");
     Auto.Add("Tar", new Slider("Target [W] Auto", 300, 0, 500));
     Lane = Leo.AddSubMenu("[LaneClear]");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q]", 50, 1));
     Misc = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Misc]");
     Misc.Add("Inter", new CheckBox("Interupt"));
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("GapClose"));
     Draws = Leo.AddSubMenu("[Draws]");
     Draws.AddLabel("Draws are only activated near enemies");
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Draws"));
Beispiel #3
    public bool Handle(WaveEvent waveEvent)
        bool handled = false;

        switch (waveEvent.type)
        case WaveEvent.Type.SpawnEnemy:
            handled = true;

            if (lanes > waveEvent.lane)
                Lane lane = LaneBy(waveEvent.lane);

                for (int i = 0; lane.objects.Count > i && handled; i++)
                    if (lane.objects[i] is LaneEntity && lane.objects[i].rect.width > lane.objects[i].back - lane.start.x)
                        handled = false;

                if (handled)
                    SpawnEnemyEvent spawnEnemyEvent = (waveEvent as SpawnEnemyEvent);
                    EnemyLevel      enemyLevel      = spawnEnemyEvent.enemyDefinition.levels[spawnEnemyEvent.level];
                    lane.Add(new Enemy(spawnEnemyEvent.enemyDefinition, spawnEnemyEvent.level, new EnemySettings(enemyLevel.color,, enemyLevel.speed), lane, waveEvent.entryPoint, _container));


Beispiel #4
        private void AddSubLanes(Lane into, LinkedList <Section> sections)
            Section prevSection;
            Section nextSection;

            for (LinkedListNode <Section> node = sections.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
                if (node != sections.First)
                    prevSection = node.Previous.Value;
                    prevSection = null;
                if (node != sections.Last)
                    nextSection = node.Next.Value;
                    nextSection = null;
                Lane lane = ConvertSection(node.Value, prevSection, nextSection);
                AddSubLanes(lane, node.Value.NestedSections);
Beispiel #5
        public static void LoadMenu()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu(menuName, menuName);

            combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            combo.Add("xd", new CheckBox("Select Target For Insec"));
            combo.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            harass = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            harass.Add("harassQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q"));
            harass.Add("harassW", new CheckBox("Harass W"));
            harass.Add("harassE", new CheckBox("Harass E"));

            Lane = Config.AddSubMenu("Lane", "Lane");
            Lane.Add("LaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("LaneW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Lane.Add("LaneE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            misc.Add("SmiteJngl", new CheckBox("Auto Smite"));

            draw = Config.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            draw.Add("dind", new CheckBox("Damage Indicator"));
            draw.Add("prediction", new CheckBox("R Prediction"));
Beispiel #6
        public static void Load()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Talon", "Dragonblade");
            Combo     = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Combo.Add("W1", new CheckBox("No use W if ult is active?"));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R?"));
            Combo.Add("R1", new Slider("Min Enemy Hp {0}% to use R", 40, 10, 100));

            Lane = Principal.AddSubMenu("Lane");
            Lane.AddLabel("About Q:");
            Lane.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Lane.Add("Q1", new ComboBox("Mode Q:", 0, "Last hit", "Lane clear"));
            Lane.AddLabel("About W:");
            Lane.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Lane.Add("W1", new Slider("Min {0} minions to cast W", 3, 1, 5));

            Jungle = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
            Jungle.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Jungle.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q?"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W?"));
Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Lane Clear Keys
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="useQ">Create Q LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultQ">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useW">Create W LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultW">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useE">Create E LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultE">Determinate toggle status</param>
 /// <param name="useR">Create R LC menu</param>
 /// <param name="defaultR">Determinate toggle status</param>
 public static void LaneKeys(
     bool useQ     = true,
     bool defaultQ = true,
     bool useW     = true,
     bool defaultW = true,
     bool useE     = true,
     bool defaultE = true,
     bool useR     = true,
     bool defaultR = true)
     Lane.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings");
     if (useQ)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.q", "Use Q", false);
     if (useW)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.w", "Use W", false);
     if (useE)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.e", "Use E", false);
     if (useR)
         Lane.AddCheckBox("lane.r", "Use R", false);
     Lane.Add("lane.advanced", new CheckBox("Show Advanced Menu", false)).OnValueChange +=
     JsonSettings.Profile.Options.Add(new JsonSetting("lane.advanced", Setting.Checkbox, Lane["lane.advanced"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue.ToString()));
Beispiel #8
 private static void LaneClearMenu()
     Lane = Menu.AddSubMenu("Laneclear");
     Lane.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
     Lane.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Percent Minions");
     Lane.Add("WMin", new Slider("Min minions to W", 3, 1, 10));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("Mana", new Slider("Mana > %", 40, 0, 100));
Beispiel #9
 internal static void InMenu()
     Caiy = MainMenu.AddMenu("Caitlyn", "Caitlyn");
     Caiy.Add("AutoAtack", new CheckBox("Use Atack Buff [Enemy]"));
     pre = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
     pre.Add("HitQ", new ComboBox("HitChance [Q]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     pre.Add("HitW", new ComboBox("HitChance [W]", 2, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     pre.Add("HitE", new ComboBox("HitChance [E]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
     Comb = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Comb.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Comb.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Comb.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Comb.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     Comb.Add("Rf", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish Enemy"));
     Comb.Add("ModoR", new ComboBox("Mode [R]", 0, "Fish [R]", "Beta Mode [R]"));
     Comb.AddLabel("Settings [Beta Mode R]");
     Comb.Add("LR", new Slider("Minimal of the Enemy's Life", 20, 1, 100));
     Comb.AddLabel("Enemys, No Use on whom?");
     foreach (var enemies in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(caity => !caity.IsMe))
         Comb.Add("CaitlynUti" + enemies.ChampionName, new CheckBox("" + enemies.ChampionName, false));
     Auto = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Auto Harass");
     Auto.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("AutoHarass [Q]"));
     Auto.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Auto.Add("ManaQ", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q] > {0}", 65, 1));
     Lane = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Lane [Clear]");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("ManaL", new Slider("Mana Percent > {0}", 50, 1, 100));
     Lane.Add("Qmi", new Slider("Minion Percent > {0}", 3, 1, 6));
     Jungle = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Jungle [Clear]");
     Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
     Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Jungle.Add("Q/J", new Slider("Mana Percent [Q/E]", 65, 1));
     Misc = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("Ks", new CheckBox("KillSteal"));
     Draws = Caiy.AddSubMenu("Draws [Spells]");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("[Q] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("[W] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("[E] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("[R] Draws"));
        public void ChangeLane(Sequence action, Lane lane, float duration)
            if (lane == null)

            // No Lane changing when car doesn't move
            if (Car.Velocity < 10)

            // Debug
            if (this is Police)
//                duration *= 5;
//                Debugger.Break();

            // Add to new Lane
            action.Add(new Generic(() => lane.Add(Car)));

            #region Debug
            if (Settings.NoChangeLaneAnimation)
                action.Add(new Generic(DockToLane));

            // Rotate
            Action <float> rotate     = share => Car.Angle += share;
            float          finalAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians((lane.Position.X < Car.Position.X) ? -10 : 10);
            action.Add(new Controller(rotate, finalAngle, duration * 0.3f));

            // Moving
            Action <Vector2> move = shift => Car.LocalPosition += shift;
            var diapason          = new Vector2(lane.Position.X - Car.Position.X, 0);
            action.Add(new Controller(move, diapason, duration * 0.4f));

            // Inverse rotating
            var inverseRotating = new Controller(rotate, -finalAngle, duration * 0.3f);

            // Fix accuracy error in Car's Position
            action.Add(new Generic(DockToLane));
Beispiel #11
 internal static void CreateMenu()
     Kmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayn BETA", "Kayn Beta");
     Combo = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false));
     Combo.Add("Qhit", new Slider("HitChance [Q]", 65, 1));
     Combo.Add("Whit", new Slider("HitChance [W]", 80, 1));
     Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     Combo.Add("ultR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Evade"));
     Combo.Add("MR", new Slider("My HP Use Evade [R] <=", 15));
     AutoHara = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     AutoHara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]"));
     AutoHara.Add("Mn", new Slider("Mana AutoHarass", 65, 1));
     Lane = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Lane");
     Lane.Add("Qlane", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Lane.Add("WLane", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
     Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Mini Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 5));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mode [Q]");
     Lane.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction [Q]", 0, "On", "Off"));
     Lane.Add("Win", new Slider("Min Minions To Hit With W", 2, 1, 6));
     Lane.Add("WMode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction For W", 0, "On", "Off"));
     Lane.Add("WP", new Slider("Select % Hitchance", 80, 1, 100));
     Jungle = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
     Jungle.Add("Qjungle", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Jungle.Add("Wjungle", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Jungle.Add("jmana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
     Jungle.Add("J", new Slider("Min Monsters To Hit With W", 1, 1, 4));
     Misc = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish"));
     Misc.Add("KS", new CheckBox("KillSteal"));
     Misc.Add("FR", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + R]", false));
     Misc.Add("FW", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + W]", false));
     Draws = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R]/[R2] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DF", new CheckBox("Use [Flash] Draw"));
Beispiel #12
        internal static void Execute()
            cat = MainMenu.AddMenu("Rengar", "Rengar");

            Combo = cat.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] In Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W] In Combo"));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E] In Combo"));
            Combo.AddLabel("Key [R]");
            Combo.Add("KeyR", new KeyBind("Key [R]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [Spells]");
            Combo.Add("autow", new CheckBox("Use AutoW [CC]"));
            Combo.Add("eq", new CheckBox("Use [E] + Passive + [Q] In Logic"));

            Harass = cat.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Harass.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Harass"));
            Harass.Add("Hw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Harass"));
            Harass.Add("He", new CheckBox("Use [E] Harass"));

            Lane = cat.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Stack Lane"));
            Lane.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W] Lane"));
            Lane.Add("Wm", new Slider("Percent Minions > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] Lane"));

            Jungle = cat.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            Jungle.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Stack Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("ps", new ComboBox("Priority", 0, "Q + Stack", "W + Stack", "E + Stack"));
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W] Jungle"));
            Jungle.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E] Jungle"));

            Misc = cat.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use [E] GapClose"));

            Draws = cat.AddSubMenu("Draws");
            Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Draws [Q]"));
            Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Draws [R]"));
Beispiel #13
        public static void Load()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("LeBlanc", "Ravenborn");
            Combo     = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Combo.Add("W1", new CheckBox("Auto Return W/R?"));
            Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R?"));
            Combo.Add("SR", new ComboBox("Focus R Spell:", 0, "Q", "W", "E"));

            Harass = Principal.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            Harass.Add("Key", new KeyBind("Harass Key:", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H'));
            Harass.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Harass.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Harass.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));

            Lane = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Lane");
            Lane.AddLabel("About Q:");
            Lane.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Lane.Add("Q1", new CheckBox("Use Q only if minions have (Passive)"));
            Lane.Add("Q2", new Slider("Min {0} minions to use Q with (Passive)", 3, 1, 5));
            Lane.AddLabel("About W:");
            Lane.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Lane.Add("W1", new Slider("Min {0} minions to use W", 3, 1, 5));

            Jungle = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear", "Jungle");
            Jungle.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Jungle.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Jungle.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E?"));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("Int", new CheckBox("Use E to Interrupt?"));
            Misc.Add("Int2", new CheckBox("Use R(E) to Interrupt?"));
            Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use E on Gapcloser?"));
            Misc.Add("Gap2", new CheckBox("Use R(E) on Gapcloser?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            Draw.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q?"));
            Draw.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W?"));
            Draw.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E?"));
            Draw.Add("DMG", new CheckBox("Draw Combo Damage?"));
Beispiel #14
        private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args)
            Q = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 825, SkillShotType.Linear);
                Q.AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue;
            W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 250);
            E = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.E, 350);
            R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 825);

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Diana", "Diana 2.0");

            PyCombo = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            PyCombo.Add("comboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q ", true));
            PyCombo.Add("comboW", new CheckBox("Use W ", true));
            PyCombo.Add("comboE", new CheckBox("Use E ", true));
            PyCombo.Add("comboR", new CheckBox("Use R", true));

            PyHarass = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            PyHarass.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            PyHarass.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            PyHarass.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            PyHarass.Add("ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 25));

            KillSteal = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
            KillSteal.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            KillSteal.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            KillSteal.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            Lane = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use Q >= {0}", 4, 0, 10));
            Lane.Add("LaneClear.W", new Slider("Use W >= {0}", 3, 0, 10));
            Lane.Add("LaneClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 50));

            Jungle = Menu.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear");
            Jungle.Add("JungleClear.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungle.Add("JungleClear.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungle.Add("JungleClear.ManaPercent", new Slider("Minimum Mana Percent", 20));
		private void AddSubLanes(Lane into, LinkedList<Section> sections)
			Section prevSection;
			Section nextSection;
			for (LinkedListNode<Section> node = sections.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
				if(node != sections.First)
					prevSection = node.Previous.Value;
					prevSection = null;
				if(node != sections.Last)
					nextSection = node.Next.Value;
					nextSection = null;
				Lane lane = ConvertSection(node.Value, prevSection, nextSection);
                AddSubLanes(lane, node.Value.NestedSections);
Beispiel #16
 internal static void InMenu()
     hei = MainMenu.AddMenu("Heimer", "Heimer");
     pre = hei.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
     pre.Add("Wp", new Slider("Prediction [W] > {0}", 50, 1));
     pre.Add("Ep", new Slider("Prediction [E] > {0}", 65, 1));
     comb = hei.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     comb.Add("Cq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo"));
     comb.Add("Cw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Combo"));
     comb.Add("Ce", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo"));
     comb.Add("Cr", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo"));
     comb.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
     comb.Add("Rq", new CheckBox("Use [R] + [Q]", false));
     comb.Add("Rw", new CheckBox("Use [R] + [W]"));
     comb.Add("Re", new CheckBox("Use [R] + [E]", false));
     Auto = hei.AddSubMenu("Auto Harass");
     Auto.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Auto.Add("AutoE", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Auto.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Auto.Add("Mana", new Slider("Mana Percent [W] And [E] > {0}", 65, 1));
     Lane = hei.AddSubMenu("Lane [Clear]");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W] Lane"));
     Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("ManaL", new Slider("Mana Percent > {0}", 50, 1));
     Lane.AddLabel("Settings [Q]");
     Lane.Add("MiniQ", new Slider("Minimum [Q]", 2, 1, 3));
     Jungle = hei.AddSubMenu("Jungle [Clear]");
     Jungle.AddLabel("Not Add");
     Misc = hei.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("inter", new CheckBox("Use [E] Inter"));
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Aint-Gap"));
     Draws = hei.AddSubMenu("Draws");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draws"));
Beispiel #17
        public static void LoadMenu()
            Config = MainMenu.AddMenu(menuName, menuName);

            //COMBOS ETC HERE
            combo = Config.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            combo.Add("OnlyR", new CheckBox("Only R Selected Target"));
            combo.Add("ComboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));

            Lane = Config.AddSubMenu("Lane", "Lane");
            Lane.Add("LaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("LaneW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Lane.Add("LaneE", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            misc = Config.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            misc.Add("SmiteJngl", new CheckBox("Auto Smite"));

            draw = Config.AddSubMenu("Draw", "Draw");
            draw.Add("dind", new CheckBox("Damage Indicator"));
Beispiel #18
        public void ChangeLane(Sequence action, Lane lane, float duration)
            if (lane == null)

            // No Lane changing when car doesn't move
            if (Car.Velocity < 10)

            // Add to the new Lane
            action.Add(new Generic(() => lane.Add(Car)));

            if (IsAnimationDisabled(action))

            // Rotate
            Action <float> rotate     = share => Car.Drawable.Rotation += share;
            float          finalAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians((lane.Position.X < Car.Position.X) ? -10 : 10);

            action.Add(new Controller(rotate, finalAngle, duration * 0.3f));

            // Moving
            Action <Vector2> move = shift => Car.LocalPosition += shift;
            var diapason          = new Vector2(lane.Position.X - Car.Position.X, 0);

            action.Add(new Controller(move, diapason, duration * 0.4f));

            // Inverse rotating
            var inverseRotating = new Controller(rotate, -finalAngle, duration * 0.3f);


            // Fix accuracy error in Car's Position
            action.Add(new Generic(() => Car.DockToLane()));
Beispiel #19
        internal static void Execute()
            Fid = MainMenu.AddMenu("FiddleStick", "FiddleStick");

            Combo = Fid.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Combo.Add("Qcc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] CC"));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
            Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false));
            Combo.Add("En", new Slider("Min Enemys", 2, 0, 5));

            Haras = Fid.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Haras.Add("He", new CheckBox("Use [E] Harass"));
            Haras.AddLabel("Mana Settings");
            Haras.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent", 50, 1, 100));

            Lane = Fid.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q]", false));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Lane.AddLabel("Mana Settings");
            Lane.Add("manal", new Slider("Mana Percent", 50, 1, 100));

            Jungle = Fid.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]", false));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Jungle.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));

            Misc = Fid.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("AintGapClose"));
            Misc.Add("Int", new CheckBox("Interrupt"));

            Draws = Fid.AddSubMenu("Draws");
            Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use Draws [Q/W]"));
            Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Draws [E]"));
            Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Draws [R]"));
Beispiel #20
 internal static void Execute()
     ty = MainMenu.AddMenu("Tristana", "Tristana");
     St = ty.AddSubMenu("Config Tristana");
     St.AddLabel("Prediction [W]");
     St.Add("pw", new Slider("Prediction [W] > {0}", 75, 0, 100));
     St.AddLabel("Settings Stacks [W]");
     St.Add("stack", new Slider("Use [W] Stacks > {0}", 3, 0, 5));
     St.AddLabel("[W] Settings");
     St.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W] Jump"));
     St.AddLabel("Settings [W] (Confing Tristana)");
     Combo = ty.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E] Combo"));
     Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo"));
     Hara = ty.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     Hara.Add("active", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
     Lane = ty.AddSubMenu("Lane");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] LaneClear"));
     Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] LaneClear"));
     Lane.Add("forE", new CheckBox("Use [E] For target minion"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > {0}", 50, 0, 100));
     Jungle = ty.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
     Misc = ty.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use [Aint-GapClose]"));
     Misc.Add("Int", new CheckBox("Use [Interrumpt]"));
     Draws = ty.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("[W] Draws"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("[R/Q/E] Draws"));
Beispiel #21
    public void Update(bool addConveyorItems)
        if (running)

            //While there are strictly speaking better ways to get a world-space mouse position, this one has the absolute minimum number of moving parts
            //First we get a ray. The camera has a convenience method that returns a ray from the center of the camera in the direction of a screen point
            //The mouse position we can poll via the input system is in screen-space coordinates
            Ray mouseRay = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

            //The actual raycast returns an array with all the targets the ray passed through
            //Note that we don't pass in the ray itself -- that's because the method taking a ray as argument flat-out doesn't work
            //We don't bother constraining the raycast by layer mask just yet, since the ground plane is the only collider in the scene
            RaycastHit[] hits = Physics.RaycastAll(mouseRay.origin, mouseRay.direction, float.PositiveInfinity);

            //These references might be populated later
            Lane         hoveredLane = null;
            ConveyorItem hoveredItem = null;

            //Proceed if raycast hits something
            if (hits.Length > 0)
                //Get the mouse position on the ground plane
                Vector3 mousePosition = hits[0].point;

                //See if the mouse is hovering any lanes
                hoveredLane = stage.GetHoveredLane(mousePosition);

                //Proceed if the mouse is hovering the conveyor
                if (conveyor.Contains(mousePosition))
                    //Try to get a hovered conveyor item
                    hoveredItem = conveyor.GetHoveredItem(mousePosition);

                    //Proceed if an item is hovered and no item is held
                    if (hoveredItem != null && heldItem == null)
                        //Instantiate a new HeldItem if no item is held and the left mouse button is pressed
                        //Otherwise, change the color of the item to indicate hover
                        if (heldItem == null && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                            heldItem = new HeldItem(hoveredItem);
                            hoveredItem.color = Color.yellow;

                //Reset lane colors

                if (heldItem != null) //Proceed if an item is held
                    //Position the held item at the world-space mouse position

                    //Proceed if a lane is hovered
                    if (hoveredLane != null)
                        hoveredLane.color = Color.yellow;

                    //Proceed if the left mouse button is released
                    if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        hoveredItem = conveyor.GetHoveredItem(mousePosition);

                        if (hoveredLane != null)
                            hoveredLane.Add(new LaneItem(heldItem, hoveredLane));

                        if (hoveredItem != null && heldItem.conveyorItem != hoveredItem)
                            ItemDefinition heldDefinition    = heldItem.conveyorItem.definition;
                            ItemSettings   heldSettings      = heldItem.conveyorItem.settings;
                            ItemDefinition hoveredDefinition = hoveredItem.definition;
                            ItemSettings   hoveredSettings   = hoveredItem.settings;


                        //Reset the held conveyor item's color and clean up the held item
                        heldItem.conveyorItem.color = Color.white;
                        heldItem = null;

            //Reset the color of any item not currently hovered
            conveyor.SetItemColor(Color.white, heldItem != null ? heldItem.conveyorItem : hoveredItem);

            //Update the conveyor

            //Update the stage

            //Update the level

            //Proceed if the item spawn interval has elapsed, and add a new item to the conveyor belt
            if (Time.time > itemTime && addConveyorItems)
                itemTime = conveyor.AddItemToConveyor(player.inventory);
Beispiel #22
 private static void Menus()
     Br = MainMenu.AddMenu("Brand", "Brand");
     Pre = Br.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
     Pre.Add("Qp", new Slider("Prediction [Q]", 75, 1));
     Pre.Add("Wp", new Slider("Prediction [W]", 50, 1));
     Comb = Br.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Comb.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Comb.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Comb.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Comb.AddLabel("Settings [R] Combo");
     Comb.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R]"));
     Comb.Add("En", new Slider("Max Range Radiun Enemys > %", 2, 1, 5));
     Comb.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Use Stack Passive", false));
     Hara = Br.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     Hara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Use Auto[W]"));
     Hara.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Hara.Add("Mana", new Slider("Mana Percent Auto [W] > %", 50, 1));
     FullCombo = Br.AddSubMenu("FullCombo");
     FullCombo.Add("Eb", new CheckBox("Use FullCombo"));
     Lane = Br.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
     Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane", false));
     Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W] Lane"));
     Lane.Add("El", new CheckBox("Use [E] Lane"));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("manal", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
     Lane.AddLabel("Minion Percent");
     Lane.Add("Wmin", new Slider("Minion Percent > %", 3, 1, 6));
     Jungle = Br.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
     Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Jungle.Add("Ej", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Jungle.Add("manaj", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
     Misc = Br.AddSubMenu("Misc");
     Misc.Add("In", new CheckBox("Use Interrupt"));
     Misc.Add("Gap", new CheckBox("Use GapClose"));
     KillSteal = Br.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
     KillSteal.Add("KsQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] KS"));
     KillSteal.Add("KsW", new CheckBox("Use [W] KS"));
     KillSteal.Add("KsE", new CheckBox("Use [E] KS"));
     KillSteal.Add("KsR", new CheckBox("Use [R] KS"));
     Draws = Br.AddSubMenu("Draws");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use Draw [Q]"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use Draw [W]"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use Draw [E]"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use Draw [R]"));
Beispiel #23
        static void Test3()
            Job job = new Job();

            job.Name = "job";

            Denisenko.Cutting.LC4.Sheet sheet = new Denisenko.Cutting.LC4.Sheet();
            sheet.Amount    = 1;
            sheet.Length    = 2440;
            sheet.Width     = 1830;
            sheet.Thickness = 16;

            Plan plan = new Plan();

            plan.Name        = "00001";
            plan.LaneType    = LaneType.Plate;
            plan.SizeType    = SizeType.Changeable;
            plan.Copies      = 1;
            plan.IsCopy      = false;
            plan.Size        = 1830;
            plan.Length      = 2440;
            plan.TotalAmount = 50;
            plan.StackAmount = 1;

            Lage lage = new Lage();

            lage.Amount       = 1;
            lage.Postforming  = false;
            lage.Quality      = "";
            lage.IsFinishPart = false;
            lage.BaseDetail   = sheet;

            Lane cutoff1 = new Lane();

            cutoff1.LaneType = LaneType.Cutoff;
            cutoff1.Size     = 20;
            cutoff1.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane cut1 = new Lane();

            cut1.LaneType = LaneType.Cut;
            cut1.Size     = 4;
            cut1.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane lane1 = new Lane();

            lane1.LaneType = LaneType.Lane;
            lane1.Size     = 980;
            lane1.SizeType = SizeType.Changeable;

            Lane cutoff3 = new Lane();

            cutoff3.LaneType = LaneType.Cutoff;
            cutoff3.Size     = 20;
            cutoff3.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane cut3 = new Lane();

            cut3.LaneType = LaneType.Cut;
            cut3.Size     = 4;
            cut3.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane detail = new Lane();

            detail.LaneType = LaneType.Detail;
            detail.Size     = 580;
            detail.SizeType = SizeType.Changeable;

            Lane cut4 = new Lane();

            cut4.LaneType = LaneType.Cut;
            cut4.Size     = 4;
            cut4.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane cutoff4 = new Lane();

            cutoff4.LaneType = LaneType.Cutoff;
            cutoff4.Size     = 1230;
            cutoff4.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane cut2 = new Lane();

            cut2.LaneType = LaneType.Cut;
            cut2.Size     = 4;
            cut2.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;

            Lane cutoff2 = new Lane();

            cutoff2.LaneType = LaneType.Cutoff;
            cutoff2.Size     = 1440;
            cutoff2.SizeType = SizeType.Automatic;


            job.SaveLC4("job.lc4", true);
Beispiel #24
        public void ChangeLane(Sequence action, Lane lane, float duration)
            if (lane == null) return;

            // No Lane changing when car doesn't move
            if (Car.Velocity < 10) return;

            // Add to the new Lane
            action.Add (new Generic (() => lane.Add (Car)));

            if (IsAnimationDisabled (action)) return;

            // Rotate
            Action <float> rotate = share => Car.Drawable.Rotation += share;
            float finalAngle = MathHelper.ToRadians ((lane.Position.X < Car.Position.X) ? -10 : 10);
            action.Add (new Controller (rotate, finalAngle, duration * 0.3f));

            // Moving
            Action <Vector2> move = shift => Car.LocalPosition += shift;
            var diapason = new Vector2 (lane.Position.X - Car.Position.X, 0);
            action.Add (new Controller (move, diapason, duration * 0.4f));

            // Inverse rotating
            var inverseRotating = new Controller (rotate, -finalAngle, duration * 0.3f);
            action.Add (inverseRotating);

            // Fix accuracy error in Car's Position
            action.Add (new Generic (() => Car.DockToLane()));
Beispiel #25
        private static void OnComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Xerath.Hero != Champion.Xerath)
            Chat.Print("[Addon] [Champion] [Xerath]", System.Drawing.Color.Blue);

            Drawing.OnDraw += DrawsOnDraws;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast   += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnNewPath            += Obj_AI_Base_OnNewPath;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += OnGapcloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableSpell;
            Game.OnTick += Game_OnUpdate;

            Xe    = MainMenu.AddMenu("Xerath", "Xerath");
            Combo = Xe.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Combo.Add("Qcc", new CheckBox("Use [Q] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Combo.Add("Wcc", new CheckBox("Use [W] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Combo.Add("Ecc", new CheckBox("Use [E] IsCharnell", false));
            Combo.Add("Rc", new CheckBox("Use [R] Combo", false));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [Range]");
            Combo.Add("rangeQ", new Slider("Max Range > %", 300, 0, 300));
            Combo.Add("rangeQ2", new Slider("Min Range > %", 200, 0, 200));
            Harass = Xe.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            Harass.Add("Hq", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Harass.Add("Hw", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Harass.Add("He", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
            Harass.AddLabel("Percent Mana");
            Harass.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 75, 1));
            Lane = Xe.AddSubMenu("LaneClear");
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
            Lane.Add("manal", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
            Lane.AddLabel("Minions Percent");
            Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Minion Percent [Q] > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Lane.Add("MinW", new Slider("Minion Percent [W] > %", 3, 1, 6));
            Jungle = Xe.AddSubMenu("JungleClear");
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
            Jungle.Add("manaj", new Slider("Mana Percent > %", 50, 1));
            Utimate = Xe.AddSubMenu("Utimate");
            Utimate.AddLabel("Key [T]");
            Utimate.Add("Key", new KeyBind("Shoot charge on press", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Misc = Xe.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("gape", new CheckBox("Use [E] GapClose"));
            Misc.Add("inte", new CheckBox("Use [E] Interrupt"));
            Draws = Xe.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            Draws.Add("Dq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("Dw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("De", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("Dr", new CheckBox("Use [R] Draw"));
Beispiel #26
        private static void OnComple_Graves(EventArgs args)
            if (Graves.Hero != Champion.Graves)

            Q  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.Q, 950, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2000, 60);
            W  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 850, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 1650, 150);
            E  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 425, SkillShotType.Linear);
            R  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1400, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 2100, 100);
            R1 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 1500, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 2100, 120);

            graa = MainMenu.AddMenu("Graves", "Graves");
            Comb = graa.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Comb.Add("disableAA", new CheckBox("Disable AA"));
            Comb.Add("useQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Comb.Add("useWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Comb.Add("useECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Comb.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Fast R Combo"));
            Comb.Add("useItems", new CheckBox("Use Items"));
            Comb.Add("useEreload", new CheckBox("Use E for Reload"));
            Comb.Add("botrkHP", new Slider("My HP > {0}", 50, 0, 100));
            Comb.Add("botrkenemyHP", new Slider("Enemy HP > {0}", 60, 0, 100));

            KSMenu = graa.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
            KSMenu.Add("useQKS", new CheckBox("Use Q KS"));
            KSMenu.Add("useRKS", new CheckBox("Use R KS"));

            Auto = graa.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
            Auto.Add("useQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Auto.Add("useItems", new CheckBox("Use Items"));

            Lane = graa.AddSubMenu("Farm");
            Lane.AddLabel("Lane Clear");
            Lane.Add("useQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.AddLabel("Minion Percent");
            Lane.Add("minion", new Slider("Percent Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 6));
            Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
            Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana Percent > {0}", 50, 0, 100));
            Lane.AddLabel("Jungle Clear");
            Lane.Add("Qjungle", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("QjungleMana", new Slider("Mana > {0}", 45, 0, 100));
            Lane.Add("Ejungle", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Lane.Add("EjungleMana", new Slider("Mana > {0}", 45, 0, 100));

            Misc = graa.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("gapcloserE", new CheckBox("Use E Gapcloser"));
            Misc.Add("gapcloserW", new CheckBox("Use W Gapcloser"));

            Draws = graa.AddSubMenu("Draw Settings", "Drawings");
            Draws.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Draws.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W", false));
            Draws.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E", false));
            Draws.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R", false));
            Draws.Add("DrawR1", new CheckBox("Draw Extended R"));

            Game.OnTick    += Game_OnTick;
            Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw;
Beispiel #27
        internal static void CreateMenu()
            Kmenu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Kayn BETA", "Kayn Beta");
            Combo = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
            Combo.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Combo.Add("QE", new Slider("Use [Q] Min Enemy", 2, 1, 5));
            Combo.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Combo.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use [E]", false));
            Combo.AddLabel("Key [E]");
            Combo.Add("UE", new KeyBind("Use [E]", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            Combo.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use [R]", false));
            Combo.Add("Rs", new Slider("Use [R] Life Enemy", 50, 1));
            Combo.Add("Qhit", new ComboBox("HitChance [Q]", 1, "Low", "Medium", "High"));
            Combo.Add("Whit", new Slider("HitChance [W]", 80, 1));
            Combo.AddLabel("Settings [R]");
            Combo.Add("ultR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Evade"));
            Combo.Add("MR", new Slider("My HP Use Evade [R] <=", 15));

            AutoHara = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
            AutoHara.Add("AutoW", new CheckBox("Auto [W]"));
            AutoHara.Add("Mn", new Slider("Mana AutoHarass", 65, 1));

            Lane = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Lane");
            Lane.Add("Ql", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Lane.Add("Wl", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Lane.Add("mana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
            Lane.Add("Min", new Slider("Mini Minion > {0}", 3, 1, 5));
            Lane.AddLabel("Mode [Q]");
            Lane.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction [Q]", 0, "On", "Off"));
            Lane.Add("Win", new Slider("Min Minions To Hit With W", 2, 1, 6));
            Lane.Add("WMode", new ComboBox("Use Prediction For W", 0, "On", "Off"));
            Lane.Add("WP", new Slider("Select % Hitchance", 80, 1, 100));

            Jungle = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
            Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
            Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
            Jungle.Add("jmana", new Slider("Mana [Q]/[W]", 45, 1));
            Jungle.Add("J", new Slider("Min Monsters To Hit With W", 1, 1, 4));

            Misc = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            Misc.Add("KSR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Fish"));
            Misc.Add("KS", new CheckBox("KillSteal"));
            Misc.Add("FR", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + R]", false));
            Misc.Add("FW", new CheckBox("Use [Flash + W]", false));

            Draws = Kmenu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
            Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R]/[R2] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("DF", new CheckBox("Use [Flash] Draw"));
            Draws.Add("DW2", new CheckBox("Draws Logic W"));
            Draws.Add("D2R", new CheckBox("Use Draw Int R"));
Beispiel #28
        public static void Initialize()
            // Main Menu
            Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("Godlike Ashe", "KAMain");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Thank you for choosing Godlike Ashe!");
            Main.AddLabel("If you see a bug or have an idea, please post it on the forum thread!");
            Main.Add("hitchanceW", new ComboBox("W Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.Add("hitchanceR", new ComboBox("R Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.AddLabel("Medium for both is recommended.");

            // Combo Menu
            Combo = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo", "KACombo");
            Combo.Add("KAcomboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboSR", new CheckBox("Enable Smart R"));
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Combo.Add("KAcomboQlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Q", 1, 1, 5));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboBOTRK", new CheckBox("Use BOTRK and Bilgewater Cutlass"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboYOUMUU", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's Ghostblade"));
            Combo.Add("KAcomboYOUMUUlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Youmuu's Ghostblade", 2, 1, 5));

            // Harass Menu
            Harass = Main.AddSubMenu("Harras", "KAHarass");
            Harass.Add("KAharassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("KAharassW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Harass.Add("KAharassM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));
            Harass.Add("KAharassQlimit", new Slider("Minimum enemy for Q", 2, 1, 6));

            // Lane Clear Menu
            Lane = Main.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "KALane");
            Lane.Add("KAlaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Lane.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Lane.Add("KAlaneM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneQlimit", new Slider("Minimum minion for Q", 4, 1, 40));
            Lane.Add("KAlaneWlimit", new Slider("Minimum minion for W", 3, 1, 40));

            // Jungle Clear Menu
            Jungle = Main.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear", "KAJungle");
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungle.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Jungle.Add("KAjungleM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));

            // Kill Steal Menu
            Steal = Main.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal", "KASteal");
            Steal.Add("KAstealW", new CheckBox("Steal with W"));
            Steal.Add("KAstealR", new CheckBox("Steal with R"));
            Steal.Add("KAstealRlimit", new Slider("Maximumu range for kill steal with R", 1500, 500, 3000));

            // Misc Menu
            Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc", "KAMisc");
            Misc.Add("KAfleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Life Saver");
            Misc.Add("KAInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt important spells with R"));
            Misc.Add("KAGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapclose with W"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseHEA", new CheckBox("Use Heal"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseBAR", new CheckBox("Use Barrier"));
            //Misc.Add("KAUseQSS", new CheckBox("Use QSS"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Auto W Usage");
            Misc.Add("KAautoWE", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Misc.Add("KAautoWlimit", new CheckBox("Disable while under enemy turret"));
            //Misc.Add("KAautoWlimit1", new CheckBox("Disable 'Auto W' while stealth"));
            Misc.Add("KAautoWM", new Slider("Minimum mana for automatic W usage (%)", 75, 0, 100));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Hawkshot (E)");
            Misc.Add("hawkDragon", new KeyBind("Cast Hawkshot (E) to Dragon", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'U'));
            Misc.Add("hawkBaron", new KeyBind("Cast Hawkshot (E) to Baron", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'I'));
            Misc.Add("hawkEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));

            // Settings Menu
            Settings = Main.AddSubMenu("Settings", "KASettings");
            Settings.Add("KADrawAA", new CheckBox("Draw AA"));
            Settings.Add("KADrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Settings.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer");
            Settings.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Settings.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 8, "Default Ashe", "Freljord Ashe", "Sherwood Forest Ashe", "Woad Ashe", "Queen Ashe", "Amethyst Ashe", "Heartseeker Ashe", "Marauder Ashe", "PROJECT: Ashe"));
Beispiel #29
 private static void MenuLoading()
     Ur  = MainMenu.AddMenu("Urgot", "Urgot");
     pre = Ur.AddSubMenu("Prediction");
     pre.AddLabel("Prediction [Q]");
     pre.Add("Qp", new Slider("Prediction [Q]", 75, 1));
     pre.AddLabel("Prediction [E]");
     pre.Add("Ep", new Slider("Prediction [E]", 50, 1));
     pre.AddLabel("Prediction [R]");
     pre.Add("Rp", new Slider("Prediction [R]", 85, 1));
     Combo = Ur.AddSubMenu("Combo");
     Combo.Add("Qc", new CheckBox("Use [Q]"));
     Combo.Add("Wc", new CheckBox("Use [W]"));
     Combo.Add("Ec", new CheckBox("Use [E]"));
     Auto = Ur.AddSubMenu("AutoHarass");
     Auto.Add("AutoQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] AutoHarass"));
     Auto.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Auto.Add("manaQ", new Slider("Mana Percent", 65, 1));
     Lane = Ur.AddSubMenu("Lane");
     Lane.Add("Lq", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Lane"));
     Lane.Add("Lw", new CheckBox("Use [W] Lane", false));
     Lane.AddLabel("Settings LaneClear");
     Lane.Add("Mi", new Slider("Minions Percent", 3, 1, 6));
     Lane.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Lane.Add("Mana", new Slider("Mana Percent", 50, 1));
     Jungle = Ur.AddSubMenu("Jungle");
     Jungle.Add("Qj", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Jungle"));
     Jungle.Add("Wj", new CheckBox("Use [W] Jungle"));
     Jungle.AddLabel("Mana Percent");
     Jungle.Add("manaJ", new Slider("Mana Percent", 50, 1));
     UtiR = Ur.AddSubMenu("Utimate [R]");
     UtiR.Add("Rmode", new ComboBox("Mode [R]", 1, "Damager [R]", "Beta [R] Life"));
     UtiR.AddLabel("Settings [Beta [R] Life]");
     UtiR.Add("useR", new CheckBox("Use [R]"));
     UtiR.Add("per", new Slider("Percent Life Enemy", 25, 1));
     Draws = Ur.AddSubMenu("Draws");
     Draws.Add("DQ", new CheckBox("Use [Q] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DW", new CheckBox("Use [W] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DE", new CheckBox("Use [E] Draw"));
     Draws.Add("DR", new CheckBox("Use [R] Draw"));
     AutoShild = Ur.AddSubMenu("AutoShild");
     AutoShild.Add("Wauto", new CheckBox("Use [W] AutoShild"));
     AutoShild.AddLabel("Percent Life");
     AutoShild.Add("Life", new Slider("Percent Life", 35, 1));
     AutoShild.Add("Ran", new Slider("Percent Range", 300, 1, 500));
Beispiel #30
 public void AddHero(Lane lane, HeroDefinition heroDefinition) => lane.Add(new Hero(heroDefinition, new HeroSettings(Color.white, 3), lane));
Beispiel #31
        public static void Initialize()
            // Main Menu
            Main = MainMenu.AddMenu("Godlike Draven", "KDMain");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Thank you for choosing Godlike Draven!");
            Main.AddLabel("If you see a bug or have an idea, please post it on the forum thread!");
            Main.AddGroupLabel("Hit Chances");
            Main.Add("hitchanceE", new ComboBox("E Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.Add("hitchanceR", new ComboBox("R Hitchance", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low"));
            Main.AddLabel("Warning: If you set hitchances to high the spells will be used rarely. Medium is recommended!");

            // Axe Menu
            Axe = Main.AddSubMenu("Axe Settings", "KDAxe");
            Axe.Add("axeMode", new ComboBox("Axe Catch Mode", 0, "Always", "On Combo", "Never"));
            Axe.Add("axeMaximum", new Slider("Maximum Axes", 2, 1, 3));
            Axe.Add("axeRange", new Slider("Axe Catch Range", 350, 200, 800));
            Axe.Add("axeDelay", new Slider("Axe Catch Delay", 250, 0, 500));
            Axe.Add("axeLimit1", new CheckBox("Use W if Axe is too far"));
            Axe.Add("axeLimit2", new CheckBox("Don't catch Axe while under turret"));

            // Combo Menu
            Combo = Main.AddSubMenu("Combo", "KDCombo");
            Combo.Add("KDcomboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("KDcomboR", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            Combo.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Combo.AddLabel("This champion doesen't have any additional feature for Combo mode (for now!).");

            // Harass Menu
            Harass = Main.AddSubMenu("Harass", "KDHarass");
            Harass.Add("KDharassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Harass.Add("KDharassW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Harass.Add("KDharassE", new CheckBox("Use E", false));
            Harass.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Harass.Add("KDharassM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 70, 0, 100));

            // Lane Clear Menu
            Lane = Main.AddSubMenu("Lane Clear", "KDLane");
            Lane.Add("KDlaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Lane.Add("KDlaneW", new CheckBox("Use W", false));
            Lane.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Lane.Add("KDlaneM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 50, 0, 100));

            // Jungle Clear Menu
            Jungle = Main.AddSubMenu("Jungle Clear", "KDJungle");
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungle.AddGroupLabel("Additional Features");
            Jungle.Add("KDjungleM", new Slider("Minimum mana for using skills (%)", 50, 0, 100));

            // Kill Steal Menu
            Steal = Main.AddSubMenu("Kill Steal", "KDSteal");
            Steal.Add("KDstealE", new CheckBox("Steal with E"));
            Steal.Add("KDstealR", new CheckBox("Steal with R"));
            Steal.Add("KDstealRlimit", new Slider("Maximumu range for kill steal with R", 2000, 500, 3000));

            // Misc Menu
            Misc = Main.AddSubMenu("Misc", "KDMisc");
            Misc.Add("KDfleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Misc.Add("KDfleeE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Misc.AddGroupLabel("Life Saver");
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseH", new CheckBox("Use Heal"));
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseB", new CheckBox("Use Barrier"));
            //Misc.Add("KAmiscUseQ", new CheckBox("Use QSS"));
            Misc.Add("KDInterrupt", new CheckBox("Interrupt important spells with E"));
            Misc.Add("KDGap", new CheckBox("Anti Gapclose with E"));

            // Settings Menu
            Settings = Main.AddSubMenu("Settings", "KDSettings");
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAA", new CheckBox("Draw AA"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAxe", new CheckBox("Draw Axe"));
            Settings.Add("KDDrawAxeRange", new CheckBox("Draw Axe Catch Range"));
            Settings.AddGroupLabel("Skin Changer");
            Settings.Add("skinEnable", new CheckBox("Enable"));
            Settings.Add("skinID", new ComboBox("Current Skin", 5, "Default Draven", "Soul Reaver Draven", "Gladiator Draven", "Primetime Draven", "Pool Party Draven", "Beast Hunter Draven", "Draven Draven"));