Beispiel #1
        public void MeshAndVisualize(LandMap landMap)
            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();



            //var mesher = new InfluenceMesher(this);
            //var mesher = new ColorMesher(this);
            var mesherSettings = GetComponent <MesherSettings>();
            var mesher         = new TextureMesher(this, mesherSettings);

            //var mesh = mesher.Generate(landMap.Map[Vector2i.Zero], landMap.Map);
            //var go = ChunkGO.Create(landMap.Map[Vector2i.Zero], mesh);

            foreach (var chunk in landMap.Map)
                var mesh = mesher.Generate(chunk.Value, landMap.Map);
                var go   = ChunkGO.Create(chunk.Value, mesh);
                go.CreateFlora(this, chunk.Value.Flora);
                go.CreateStones(this, chunk.Value.Stones);



            Debug.LogFormat("Mesh generation {0} ms total", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);
            Debug.LogFormat("Mesh generation timings: mesh {0} ms, texture {1} ms, {2} ops", mesher.MeshTimer.AvgTimeMs, mesher.TextureTimer.AvgTimeMs, mesher.TextureTimer.SamplesCount);
        void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
            if (level <= 1)

            for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
                    var nextValue      = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);
                    var nextValueCount = 0;

                    for (var xRange = Math.Max(x - level, 0); xRange < Math.Min(x + level, LandMap.Size); xRange++)
                        for (var yRange = Math.Max(y - level, 0); yRange < Math.Min(y + level, LandMap.Size); yRange++, nextValueCount++)
                            var subX = x - xRange;
                            var subY = y - yRange;

                            if (!(Math.Sqrt(subX * subX + subY * subY) <= level))

                            nextValue += landMap.GetHeight(xRange, yRange);

                    var finalValue = nextValue / nextValueCount;
                    landMap.SetHeight(x, y, finalValue);
    public void GenerateIsland()
        if (useRandomSeed)
            seed = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

        int seedHash = seed.GetHashCode();

        System.Random pseudoRandom = new System.Random(seedHash);

        map = new LandMap(islandData.maxWidth, islandData.maxHeight);

        // Fill the map randomly with 0s and 1s based on percentage fill
        map.RandomFillMap(ref pseudoRandom, islandData.randomFillPercent);

        // Smooth the map 5 times

        // Create separate islands

        if (shouldElevate)
            foreach (IsleInfo island in islands)

            ElevationGenerator elevGen = GetComponent <ElevationGenerator> ();
            elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, islandData.altitude, islandData.mountainCurve, surfaceNoiseData, seedHash, 0);   // elevate hills on the surface
            elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, -islandData.stalactite, islandData.bellyCurve, undersideNoiseData, seedHash, 2); // extend stakes at surface below


        PlacementGenerator placement = GetComponent <PlacementGenerator> ();

        if (placement && decorateTerrain)
            placement.GeneratePlacement(islands, ref pseudoRandom);

        if (flatShading)
            foreach (IsleInfo island in islands)
                for (int surfaceIndex = 0; surfaceIndex < 3; surfaceIndex++)
                    MeshFilter mf           = island.GetSurfaceMesh(surfaceIndex);
                    float      oldVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount;
                    mf.sharedMesh = FlatShade.DuplicateSharedVertex(mf.sharedMesh);
                    float newVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount;
                    //Debug.Log ( + "." + + " new vertices are at " + (newVertCount / oldVertCount * 100) + "% with " + newVertCount + " verts.");
 void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
     for (var drop = 0; drop < drops; drop++)
         var x = Mathf.FloorToInt(LandMap.RandomValue * LandMap.Size);
         var y = Mathf.FloorToInt(LandMap.RandomValue * LandMap.Size);
         Deposit(landMap, x, y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate land
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public LandMap Generate(LandMap map)
            foreach (var zoneMarkup in _land.Zones.Where(z => z.Cell.IsClosed))
                ZoneGenerator generator = null;
                if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Hills)
                    generator = new HillsGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Lake)
                    generator = new LakeGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Forest)
                    generator = new ForestGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Mountains)
                    generator = new MountainsGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Snow)
                    generator = new SnowGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type >= ZoneType.Hills && zoneMarkup.Type <= ZoneType.Lake)
                    generator = new DefaultGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type >= ZoneType.Influence1 && zoneMarkup.Type <= ZoneType.Influence8)
                    generator = new FlatGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Checkboard)
                    generator = new CheckboardGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Cone)
                    generator = new ConeGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);
                else if (zoneMarkup.Type == ZoneType.Slope)
                    generator = new SlopeGenerator(zoneMarkup, _land, _settings);

                if (generator != null)
                    var zoneMap = generator.Generate();

 void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
     for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
         for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
             var fbm   = fBM(x, y, octaves, lacunarity, gain);
             var value = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);
             landMap.SetHeight(x, y, fbm + value);
 void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
     for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
         for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
             var voronoi = Voronoi(x, y, u, v);
             var value   = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);
             landMap.SetHeight(x, y, voronoi + value);
Beispiel #8
        void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
            var heightMap = LandMapUtility.CreateTexture(LandMap.TextureSize, "HeightMap", FilterMode.Bilinear, format);

            for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
                    heightMap.SetPixel(x, y, Brightness(LandMap.TextureSize, landMap.GetHeight(x, y)));

            HeightMap = heightMap;
Beispiel #9
        void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
            var random = Random.Range(-1000f, 1000f);

            for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
                    var xSample = random + (float)x / LandMap.Size * noiseScale;
                    var ySample = random + (float)y / LandMap.Size * noiseScale;

                    var noiseValue = OctavePerlin(xSample, ySample);
                    var value      = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);
                    landMap.SetHeight(x, y, noiseValue + value);
Beispiel #10
        public LandMap GenerateMap(ILandSettings settings)
            var time = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //Land = new Land(Layout, settings);

            //Generate land's chunks
            var map           = new LandMap(settings, LandLayout);
            var landGenerator = new LandGenerator(LandLayout, settings);

            Map = landGenerator.Generate(map);

            Debug.Log(string.Format("Generate map {0} ms", time.ElapsedMilliseconds));

        void ILandMapEffector.Effect(LandMap landMap)
            var random = Random.Range(-1000f, 1000f);

            for (var y = 0; y < LandMap.Size; y++)
                for (var x = 0; x < LandMap.Size; x++)
                    var xSample = random + (float)x / LandMap.Size * noiseScale;
                    var ySample = random + (float)y / LandMap.Size * noiseScale;

                    var noise = Mathf.PerlinNoise(xSample, ySample);

                    if (noise <= rounding)
                        noise = 0;

                    var value = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);
                    landMap.SetHeight(x, y, noise + value);
Beispiel #12
        public void Effect(LandMap landMap)
            var heightMap = lmHeightMap.HeightMap;

            if (LandMap.TextureSize != size)
                heightMap = LandMapUtility.Resize(heightMap, size);

            var halfSize = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)size / 2);

            var verticesSize = halfSize * halfSize;

            var triangles = new int[(verticesSize - (size - 1)) * 6];
            var vertices  = new Vector3[verticesSize];
            var uv        = new Vector2[verticesSize];

            var vert = 0;
            var tri  = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < halfSize; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < halfSize; j++, ++vert)
                    //vertices[vert] = new Vector3(i, (range - GetHeight(j, i)) / range * height / 2, j);
                    vertices[vert] = new Vector3(i, heightMap.GetPixel(i, j).grayscale *height / 3, j);

                    if (i == 0 || j == 0)

                    var addIj = halfSize * i + j;
                    var subIj = halfSize * (i - 1) + j;

                    Increment(addIj - 1);
                    Increment(subIj - 1);
                    Increment(subIj - 1);

            for (var i = 0; i < verticesSize; i++)
                uv[i] = new Vector2(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].z);

            var mesh = new Mesh
                vertices  = vertices,
                triangles = triangles,
                uv        = uv,
                name      = "LandMap"


            LandMapMesh = mesh;

            void Increment(int value)
                triangles[tri] = value;
Beispiel #13
 public Combine(LandMap other) => this.other = other;
    void GenerateInEditor()
        if (!Application.isPlaying)
            finished = false;

            if (useRandomSeed)
                seed = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            Random.State oldState = Random.state;
            int          seedHash = seed.GetHashCode();

            for (int i = 0; i < randCol.Length; i++)
                randCol[i] = Random.ColorHSV(0, 1, 0, 1, 0.5f, 1);

            map = new LandMap(islandData.maxWidth, islandData.maxHeight);

            // Fill the map randomly with 0s and 1s based on percentage fill

            // Mold to the base shape
            if (islandData.baseShape)

            // Smooth the map 5 times

            meshGen = GetComponent <IslandMeshGenerator> ();
            vertDatabase.tileSize = islandData.tileSize;

            // Find separated regions to form an island
            List <MapRegion> regions = map.GetRegions();

            // Create separate islands

            Debug.Log("Indexing takes " + clk.Elapsed() + " seconds.");

            if (shouldElevate)
                int highestPeak = 0;
                foreach (IsleInfo island in islands)
                    int peak = island.surfaceMeshDetail.localPeak;
                    highestPeak = peak > highestPeak ? peak : highestPeak;
                foreach (IsleInfo island in islands)

                vertDatabase.SetVerticesInlandPos(islands, islandData.mountainCurve);

                ElevationGenerator elevGen = GetComponent <ElevationGenerator> ();
                elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, islandData.altitude, islandData.mountainCurve, surfaceNoiseData, seedHash, 0, vertDatabase);    // elevate hills on the surface
                elevGen.elevateSurface(islands, -islandData.stalactite, islandData.bellyCurve, undersideNoiseData, seedHash, 2, vertDatabase);  // extend stakes at surface below

            int zoneNum = DoClustering(regions, map.spots, vertDatabase, clusterAnalysis, seedHash);
            Debug.Log("Clustering takes " + clk.Elapsed() + " seconds.");

            // Find strategic locations in each region
            List <MapRegion> zones = map.GetZones(zoneNum);


            PlacementGenerator placement = GetComponent <PlacementGenerator> ();
            if (placement && decorateTerrain)
                placement.GenerateSectorsContent(sectors, vertDatabase);
            else if (placement)
                //placement.GeneratePlacements (islands);
                placement.GenerateSectorsContent(sectors, vertDatabase);

            if (flatShading)
                foreach (IsleInfo island in islands)
                    for (int surfaceIndex = 0; surfaceIndex < 3; surfaceIndex++)
                        MeshFilter mf           = island.GetSurfaceMesh(surfaceIndex);
                        float      oldVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount;
                        mf.sharedMesh = FlatShade.DuplicateSharedVertex(mf.sharedMesh);
                        float newVertCount = mf.sharedMesh.vertexCount;
                        //Debug.Log ( + "." + + " new vertices are at " + (newVertCount / oldVertCount * 100) + "% with " + newVertCount + " verts.");

            Random.state = oldState;
        private void Deposit(LandMap landMap, int x, int y)
            var         c           = 0f;
            var         v           = 1.05f;
            const float minSlope    = 1.15f;
            const float maxVelocity = 10f;

            for (var iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++)
                v = Mathf.Min(v, maxVelocity);
                var value = landMap.GetHeight(x, y);

                float[] nv =
                    landMap.GetHeight(x,     y - 1),
                    landMap.GetHeight(x,     y + 1),
                    landMap.GetHeight(x + 1, y),
                    landMap.GetHeight(x - 1, y)

                var minIndex = IndexOfMinimum(nv);

                if (!(nv[minIndex] < value))

                var slope = Mathf.Min(minSlope, value - nv[minIndex]);
                var vtc   = depositionSpeed * v * slope;

                if (c > carryingCapacity)
                    c -= vtc;
                    landMap.SetHeight(x, y, landMap.GetHeight(x, y) + vtc);
                    if (c + vtc > carryingCapacity)
                        var delta = c + vtc - carryingCapacity;
                        c += delta;
                        landMap.SetHeight(x, y, landMap.GetHeight(x, y) + delta);
                        c += vtc;
                        landMap.SetHeight(x, y, landMap.GetHeight(x, y) - vtc);

                switch (minIndex)
                case 0: y -= 1; break;

                case 1: y += 1; break;

                case 2: x += 1; break;

                case 3: x -= 1; break;

                if (x > LandMap.MaxSize)
                    x = LandMap.Size;

                if (x < 0)
                    x = 0;

                if (y > LandMap.MaxSize)
                    y = LandMap.Size;

                if (y < 0)
                    y = 0;

            int IndexOfMinimum(IReadOnlyList <float> array)
                var index    = 0;
                var minValue = array[0];

                for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    if (!(array[i] < minValue))

                    minValue = array[i];
                    index    = i;
