static void Main(string[] args)
            Dictionary <string, dynamic> dict;
            int i;

            // Use program arguments if specified, otherwise use constants.
            // Arguments are in the sequence [[[<master_ip> <slave_ip>] <output_file>] <samples_to_receive]
            string master_ip   = MASTER_IP;
            string slave_ip    = SLAVE_IP;
            string output_file = OUTPUT_FILE;

            if (args.Length >= 2)
                master_ip = args[0];
                slave_ip  = args[1];
            if (args.Length >= 3)
                output_file = args[2];
            if (args.Length >= 4)
                samples_to_receive = Convert.ToInt32(args[3]);

            // Instantiate Socket array.
            sock = new Socket[NumberOfModules];

            // Initialize boundary objects
            LanXIRESTBoundary master = new LanXIRESTBoundary(master_ip);
            LanXIRESTBoundary slave  = new LanXIRESTBoundary(slave_ip);

            // Set sync mode to stand-alone
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/syncmode", "{\"synchronization\": {\"mode\": \"stand-alone\",\"usegps\": false}}");
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/syncmode", "{\"synchronization\": {\"mode\": \"stand-alone\"}}");

            // Start measurement
            // During this process commands are generally performed on SLAVEs first, finished with MASTER

            // Open the Recorder application on the modules. The same body is sent to both modules, and is prepared in OpenParameters.json
            string openParameters = File.ReadAllText(@"Frame_3050_3160_OpenParameters.json");

            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/open", openParameters);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/open", openParameters);

            // Prepare generator
            string outputChannelStart = File.ReadAllText(@"Frame_3050_3160_OutputChannelStart.json");

            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/generator/prepare", outputChannelStart);

            // Configure generator channels
            string outputChannelConfiguration = File.ReadAllText(@"Frame_3050_3160_OutputChannelSetup.json");

            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/generator/output", outputChannelConfiguration);

            // Start output
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/generator/start", outputChannelStart);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/apply", null);

            // Wait for all modules to be ready; Input in Sampling state, and module in the RecorderOpened state.

            // Get TEDS information
            S_Arr = slave.RequestWithPathTeds("/rest/rec/channels/input/all/transducers", "GET", null, false);
            M_Arr = master.RequestWithPathTeds("/rest/rec/channels/input/all/transducers", "GET", null, false);
            for (i = 0; i < S_Arr.Count; i++)
                if (S_Arr[i] != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Slave Tranducer serialNumber {0}\r\n  type.number {1} ", S_Arr[0].serialNumber, S_Arr[0].type.number);
            for (i = 0; i < M_Arr.Count; i++)
                if (M_Arr[i] != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Master Tranducer serialNumber {0}\r\n  type.number {1} ", M_Arr[0].serialNumber, M_Arr[0].type.number);

            // Create Recorder configuration on all modules
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/create", null);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/create", null);

            // Wait for all modules to be in the RecorderConfiguring state.

            // Set a configuration for the input channels. Default configuration can be obtained by sending a GET request to /rest/rec/channels/input/default.
            // The body has been prepared and stored in PTPInputStreamingOutputGenerator_InputChannelSetup.json. In this example the setup is identical for the two modules, but it may differ as needed.
            string MasterInputChannelConfiguration = File.ReadAllText(@"Frame_3050_3160_MasterInputChannelSetup.json");
            string SlaveInputChannelConfiguration  = File.ReadAllText(@"Frame_3050_3160_SlaveInputChannelSetup.json");

            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/channels/input", SlaveInputChannelConfiguration);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/channels/input", MasterInputChannelConfiguration);

            // Wait until all modules enter the Settled input state

            // Synchronize modules.
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/synchronize", null);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/synchronize", null);

            // Wait for all modules to enter the Synchronized input state

            // Start streaming between internally in the LAN-XI modules.
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/startstreaming", null);
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/startstreaming", null);

            // Wait for all modules to enter the RecorderStreaming state

            // Get the TCP ports provided by each LAN-XI module for streaming samples
            dict = master.GetRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/destination/socket");
            UInt16 slavePort = (UInt16)dict["tcpPort"];

            dict = slave.GetRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/destination/socket");
            UInt16 masterPort = (UInt16)dict["tcpPort"];

            // Connect to sockets. Let ConnectStreams() handle this.
            ConnectStreams(new string[] { master_ip, slave_ip }, new UInt16[] { masterPort, slavePort });

            // Start measuring.
            slave.PostRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/measurements", null);
            master.PostRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/measurements", null);

            // Wait for modules to enter RecorderRecording state

            // Streaming should now be running.

            // Let Stream() method handle streaming

            // Stop measuring and close sockets for all modules.
            // During this process commands are generaly performed on MASTER module first, then on SLAVEs

            // Stop measurement on modules
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/measurements/stop", null);
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/measurements/stop", null);

            // Wait for all modules to enter RecorderStreaming state

            // Close sockets
            for (i = 0; i < NumberOfModules; i++)

            // Finish recording
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/finish", null);
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/finish", null);

            // Stop output
            //            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/generator/stop", outputChannelStart);
            //            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/generator/stop", outputChannelStart);

            // Wait for modules to enter the RecorderOpened state

            // Close Recorder application on all modules
            master.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/close", null);
            slave.PutRequestWithPath("/rest/rec/close", null);

            // Wait for modules to enter the Idle state

            // Write collected samples to output file
            StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(output_file);

            for (int j = 0; j < outputSamples[0, 0].Count; j++)
                               outputSamples[0, 0][j], outputSamples[0, 1][j], outputSamples[0, 2][j], outputSamples[0, 3][j], outputSamples[0, 4][j], outputSamples[0, 5][j],
                               outputSamples[1, 0][j], outputSamples[1, 1][j], outputSamples[1, 2][j], outputSamples[1, 3][j]);