Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
 public void EnterLadder(Ladder ladder)
     Debug.Log ("Entering");
     this.ladder = ladder;
     rigidbody.useGravity = false;
     rigidbody.velocity = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
     ladderStartedClimb = false;
 public void LeaveLadder()
     Debug.Log ("Leaving");
     rigidbody.useGravity = true;
     if (!grounded)
         Vector3 impulseForward = transform.forward * ladder.impulseForwardForce;
         Vector3 impulseUp = Vector3.up * ladder.impulseUpForce;
         rigidbody.AddForce (impulseForward + impulseUp, ForceMode.Impulse);
     ladder = null;
        public ActionResult AdminLadders_Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Ladder ladder)
            // need to redesign the create function using modal view.. instead of Grid

            /* if (ladder != null && ladder.Name != null)

             return Json(new[] { ladder }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState));*/

            return View();
Beispiel #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random rand = new Random();
            IEloEngine elo = new FideEloEngine();
            PlayerPoolFactory ppf = new PlayerPoolFactory(new FileStream(@"d:\temp\names\names.txt", FileMode.Open), rand);
            List<Player> pool = ppf.CreatePlayerPool(1000, elo.MinRating, elo.MaxRating);
            Ladder ladder = new Ladder(pool, elo);
            /*ladder.OnStartGame += player_OnStartGame;
            ladder.OnEndGame += player_OnEndGame;
            ladder.RegisterForTracking(pool[rand.Next(0, pool.Count())]);*/


Beispiel #5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (photonView.IsMine)
            // Manage ladder climbing
            motor.enabled = currentLadder == null && isPhysicsEnabled;
            motor.animator.SetBool("Climbing", currentLadder != null);

            if (currentLadder != null)
                float distanceFromLadder = 0.4f;
                transform.position = currentLadder.transform.position + Vector3.Project(transform.position - currentLadder.transform.position, currentLadder.transform.up) - currentLadder.transform.forward * distanceFromLadder;
                transform.forward  = currentLadder.transform.forward;

                float dot = Vector3.Dot(transform.position - currentLadder.transform.position, currentLadder.transform.up);
                if (dot > currentLadder.height - 1.50f)
                    currentLadder = null;
                    photonView.RPC("PlayState", RpcTarget.All, "Climb Up", 0.2f);
                else if (dot < 0f)
                    currentLadder = null;

            //motor.canWalk = !isBusy && !isAttacking && !isEvading;
            //motor.canJump = !isBusy && !isAttacking && !isEvading;
            //motor.canTurn = !isBusy && !isAttacking && !isEvading;

            /*motor.canWalk = movementMultiplier > 0.5f;
            *  motor.canTurn = movementMultiplier > 0.5f;
            *  motor.canJump = movementMultiplier > 0.5f;*/

            // Turn torwards target

            /*if (target != null && motor.canTurn) {
             *  motor.TurnTowards((target.transform.position - transform.position), CharacterMotor.TurnBehaviour.Normal);
             * }*/
            if (target != null)
                Turn((target.transform.position - transform.position));

            // Manage poise
            if (poise <= 0f)
                poise = MaxPoise;

            motor.animator.SetBool("Blocking", isBlocking);

            if (!isAttacking)
                lastAttackTimer -= Time.deltaTime;

            // Manage timers
            timeSinceLastDamage += Time.deltaTime;
Beispiel #6
 void LatchLadder(GameObject latchedLadder)
     currentLadder  = latchedLadder.GetComponent <Ladder>();
     climbDirection = currentLadder.ClimbDirection();
Beispiel #7
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		controller = GetComponent <PlayerController> ();
		animator = GetComponent<Animator> ();
		ladder = GetComponent<Ladder> ();
Beispiel #8
 public LadderGameStartedEvent(Ladder ladder, Game game)
     : base(game)
     this.Ladder = ladder;
    private void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D coll)
        if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Scratch")
            bool found = false;
            foreach (Transform child in children)
                RaycastHit2D[] ray1 = Physics2D.RaycastAll(child.position, new Vector2(1, 0), 0.1f);
                Debug.DrawRay(child.position, new Vector3(1, 0, 0) * 0.1f,, 4f);
                RaycastHit2D[] ray2 = Physics2D.RaycastAll(child.position, new Vector2(-1, 0), 0.1f);
                Debug.DrawRay(child.position, new Vector3(-1, 0, 0) * 0.1f,, 4f);
                foreach (RaycastHit2D ray in ray1)
                    if (ray.collider.gameObject.tag == "Scratch")
                        found = true;
                if (!found)
                    foreach (RaycastHit2D ray in ray2)
                        if (ray.collider.gameObject.tag == "Scratch")
                            found = true;
            if (!found)
                gameObject.layer = lay;

        if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Climbable")
            IsNearLadder    = false;
            climbing        = false;
            rb.gravityScale = 2;
            if (ladder != null)
            ladder    = null;
            jumping   = true;
            hasJumped = true;
            animator.SetBool("Climbing", false);
        if (coll.gameObject.tag == "Quicksand")
            jumping      = true;
            m_Jump_force = normal_jump_force;
            gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =;
        if (coll.tag == "SafeZone")
            canBeGrabbed = true;
Beispiel #10
 public void SetLadder(Ladder ladder)
     this.m_Ladder = ladder;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Queue player for ladder
        /// </summary>
        public void Queue(Guid ladderId, User user)
            Ladder ladder = this.unitOfWork.Ladders.Query().First(l => l.Id == ladderId);

Beispiel #12
 public void UnSetLadder() => this.ladder = null;
Beispiel #13
 public void SetLadder(Ladder ladder) => this.ladder = ladder;
Beispiel #14
        public static Block GetBlockById(byte blockId)
            Block block = null;

            if (CustomBlockFactory != null)
                block = CustomBlockFactory.GetBlockById(blockId);

            if (block != null) return block;

            if (blockId == 0) block = new Air();
            else if (blockId == 1) block = new Stone();
            else if (blockId == 2) block = new Grass();
            else if (blockId == 3) block = new Dirt();
            else if (blockId == 4) block = new Cobblestone();
            else if (blockId == 5) block = new Planks();
            else if (blockId == 6) block = new Sapling();
            else if (blockId == 7) block = new Bedrock();
            else if (blockId == 8) block = new FlowingWater();
            else if (blockId == 9) block = new StationaryWater();
            else if (blockId == 10) block = new FlowingLava();
            else if (blockId == 11) block = new StationaryLava();
            else if (blockId == 12) block = new Sand();
            else if (blockId == 13) block = new Gravel();
            else if (blockId == 14) block = new GoldOre();
            else if (blockId == 15) block = new IronOre();
            else if (blockId == 16) block = new CoalOre();
            else if (blockId == 17) block = new Log();
            else if (blockId == 18) block = new Leaves();
            else if (blockId == 19) block = new Sponge();
            else if (blockId == 20) block = new Glass();
            else if (blockId == 21) block = new LapisOre();
            else if (blockId == 22) block = new LapisBlock();
            else if (blockId == 23) block = new Dispenser();
            else if (blockId == 24) block = new Sandstone();
            else if (blockId == 25) block = new NoteBlock();
            else if (blockId == 26) block = new Bed();
            else if (blockId == 27) block = new GoldenRail();
            else if (blockId == 28) block = new DetectorRail();
            else if (blockId == 30) block = new Cobweb();
            else if (blockId == 31) block = new TallGrass();
            else if (blockId == 32) block = new DeadBush();
            else if (blockId == 35) block = new Wool();
            else if (blockId == 37) block = new YellowFlower();
            else if (blockId == 38) block = new Flower();
            else if (blockId == 39) block = new BrownMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 40) block = new RedMushroom();
            else if (blockId == 41) block = new GoldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 42) block = new IronBlock();
            else if (blockId == 43) block = new DoubleStoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 44) block = new StoneSlab();
            else if (blockId == 45) block = new Bricks();
            else if (blockId == 46) block = new Tnt();
            else if (blockId == 47) block = new Bookshelf();
            else if (blockId == 48) block = new MossStone();
            else if (blockId == 49) block = new Obsidian();
            else if (blockId == 50) block = new Torch();
            else if (blockId == 51) block = new Fire();
            else if (blockId == 52) block = new MonsterSpawner();
            else if (blockId == 53) block = new OakWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 54) block = new Chest();
            else if (blockId == 55) block = new RedstoneWire();
            else if (blockId == 56) block = new DiamondOre();
            else if (blockId == 57) block = new DiamondBlock();
            else if (blockId == 58) block = new CraftingTable();
            else if (blockId == 59) block = new Wheat();
            else if (blockId == 60) block = new Farmland();
            else if (blockId == 61) block = new Furnace();
            else if (blockId == 62) block = new LitFurnace();
            else if (blockId == 63) block = new StandingSign();
            else if (blockId == 64) block = new WoodenDoor();
            else if (blockId == 65) block = new Ladder();
            else if (blockId == 66) block = new Rail();
            else if (blockId == 67) block = new CobblestoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 68) block = new WallSign();
            else if (blockId == 69) block = new Lever();
            else if (blockId == 70) block = new StonePressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 71) block = new IronDoor();
            else if (blockId == 72) block = new WoodenPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 73) block = new RedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 74) block = new LitRedstoneOre();
            else if (blockId == 75) block = new UnlitRedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 76) block = new RedstoneTorch();
            else if (blockId == 77) block = new StoneButton();
            else if (blockId == 78) block = new SnowLayer();
            else if (blockId == 79) block = new Ice();
            else if (blockId == 80) block = new Snow();
            else if (blockId == 81) block = new Cactus();
            else if (blockId == 82) block = new Clay();
            else if (blockId == 83) block = new Reeds();
            else if (blockId == 85) block = new Fence();
            else if (blockId == 86) block = new Pumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 87) block = new Netherrack();
            else if (blockId == 88) block = new SoulSand();
            else if (blockId == 89) block = new Glowstone();
            else if (blockId == 90) block = new Portal();
            else if (blockId == 91) block = new LitPumpkin();
            else if (blockId == 92) block = new Cake();
            else if (blockId == 93) block = new UnpoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 94) block = new PoweredRepeater();
            else if (blockId == 95) block = new InvisibleBedrock();
            else if (blockId == 96) block = new Trapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 97) block = new MonsterEgg();
            else if (blockId == 98) block = new StoneBrick();
            else if (blockId == 99) block = new BrownMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 100) block = new RedMushroomBlock();
            else if (blockId == 101) block = new IronBars();
            else if (blockId == 102) block = new GlassPane();
            else if (blockId == 103) block = new Melon();
            else if (blockId == 106) block = new Vine();
            else if (blockId == 107) block = new FenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 108) block = new BrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 109) block = new StoneBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 110) block = new Mycelium();
            else if (blockId == 111) block = new Waterlily();
            else if (blockId == 112) block = new NetherBrick();
            else if (blockId == 113) block = new NetherBrickFence();
            else if (blockId == 114) block = new NetherBrickStairs();
            else if (blockId == 115) block = new NetherWart();
            else if (blockId == 116) block = new EnchantingTable();
            else if (blockId == 117) block = new BrewingStand();
            else if (blockId == 120) block = new EndPortalFrame();
            else if (blockId == 121) block = new EndStone();
            else if (blockId == 122) block = new LitRedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 123) block = new RedstoneLamp();
            else if (blockId == 126) block = new ActivatorRail();
            else if (blockId == 127) block = new Cocoa();
            else if (blockId == 128) block = new SandStoneStairs();
            else if (blockId == 129) block = new EmeraldOre();
            else if (blockId == 131) block = new TripwireHook();
            else if (blockId == 132) block = new Tripwire();
            else if (blockId == 133) block = new EmeraldBlock();
            else if (blockId == 134) block = new SpruceWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 135) block = new BirchWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 136) block = new JungleWoodStairs();
            else if (blockId == 139) block = new CobblestoneWall();
            else if (blockId == 140) block = new FlowerPot();
            else if (blockId == 141) block = new Carrots();
            else if (blockId == 142) block = new Potatoes();
            else if (blockId == 143) block = new WoodenButton();
            else if (blockId == 144) block = new Skull();
            else if (blockId == 145) block = new Anvil();
            else if (blockId == 146) block = new TrappedChest();
            else if (blockId == 147) block = new LightWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 148) block = new HeavyWeightedPressurePlate();
            else if (blockId == 151) block = new DaylightDetector();
            else if (blockId == 152) block = new RedstoneBlock();
            else if (blockId == 153) block = new QuartzOre();
            else if (blockId == 155) block = new QuartzBlock();
            else if (blockId == 156) block = new QuartzStairs();
            else if (blockId == 157) block = new DoubleWoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 158) block = new WoodSlab();
            else if (blockId == 159) block = new StainedHardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 161) block = new AcaciaLeaves();
            else if (blockId == 162) block = new AcaciaLog();
            else if (blockId == 163) block = new AcaciaStairs();
            else if (blockId == 164) block = new DarkOakStairs();
            else if (blockId == 167) block = new IronTrapdoor();
            else if (blockId == 170) block = new HayBlock();
            else if (blockId == 171) block = new Carpet();
            else if (blockId == 172) block = new HardenedClay();
            else if (blockId == 173) block = new CoalBlock();
            else if (blockId == 174) block = new PackedIce();
            else if (blockId == 175) block = new Sunflower();
            else if (blockId == 178) block = new DaylightDetectorInverted();
            else if (blockId == 183) block = new SpruceFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 184) block = new BirchFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 185) block = new JungleFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 186) block = new DarkOakFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 187) block = new AcaciaFenceGate();
            else if (blockId == 198) block = new GrassPath();
            else if (blockId == 199) block = new ItemFrame();
            else if (blockId == 243) block = new Podzol();
            else if (blockId == 244) block = new Beetroot();
            else if (blockId == 245) block = new Stonecutter();
            else if (blockId == 246) block = new GlowingObsidian();
            else if (blockId == 247) block = new NetherReactorCore();
                //				Log.DebugFormat(@"
                //	// Add this missing block to the BlockFactory
                //	else if (blockId == {1}) block = new {0}();
                //	public class {0} : Block
                //	{{
                //		internal {0}() : base({1})
                //		{{
                //		}}
                //	}}
                //", "Missing", blockId);
                block = new Block(blockId);

            return block;
Beispiel #15
    public List <String> FindWikiLadder(string startPage, string endPage)
        // Hashset to keep track of visited pages.
        HashSet <string> visitedPages = new HashSet <string>();

        // PQ to keep ladders in.
        PriorityQueue <Ladder> pq = new PriorityQueue <Ladder>();

        // Client for fetching links from wikipedia.
        GetWikiPageLinks linkClient = new GetWikiPageLinks();

        //Get links for endPage
        HashSet <string> linksOnEndPage = linkClient.GetListOfLinksForWord(endPage);

        // Create add a ladder containg start page to queue.
        Ladder startLadder = new Ladder();

        startLadder.priority = 1;

        while (pq.count > 0)
            //Deque ladder with highest priority.
            Ladder ladderWithHighestPriority = pq.Dequeue();
            string lastLinkFromLadder        = ladderWithHighestPriority.ladderList[ladderWithHighestPriority.ladderList.Count - 1];

            HashSet <string> linksFromLastPage = linkClient.GetListOfLinksForWord(lastLinkFromLadder);

            // If end page is in this set, the ladder is found. Return.
            if (linksFromLastPage.Contains(endPage))

            // For each neighbourpage
            foreach (string neighBourPage in linksFromLastPage)
                // Check if already visited.
                if (!visitedPages.Contains(neighBourPage))
                    // Create copy of  ladder.
                    Ladder newLadder = new Ladder(ladderWithHighestPriority);
                    // Put neighbor page at end of copied ladder.
                    // Set priority of new ladder. By comparing links on last page with links on end page.
                    HashSet <string> linksOnNeighBourPage = linkClient.GetListOfLinksForWord(neighBourPage);
                    int counter = 0;

                    foreach (string link in linksOnNeighBourPage)
                        if (linksOnEndPage.Contains(link))
                    // Inverse the priority to work with binary three with minimum value first.
                    counter           *= -1;
                    newLadder.priority = counter;
        // In case this point is reached no matching ladder was found, so return empty list.
        List <string> empty = new List <string>();

Beispiel #16
 public void RemoveLadder()
     this.ladder = null;
 public void UpdateRankings(Ladder ladder)
     IEnumerable<LadderPlayer> AllLadPlayers = LadderPlayerCollection.LoadByLadder(ladder)
                                                     .OrderByDescending(lp => lp.PlayerPoints)
                                                     .ThenByDescending(lp => (lp.PlayerPoints - lp.PreviousPoints));
     int rank = 1;
     foreach (LadderPlayer lp in AllLadPlayers)
         lp.PlayerRank = rank;
        public ActionResult CreateLadder(CreateLadderViewModel model)
            // if the model is valid, this will create a new ladder from the model data
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                Ladder newLadder                =   new Ladder();
                newLadder.Name                  =   model.Name;
                newLadder.Description           =   model.Description;
                newLadder.MatchTypeId           =   model.MatchTypeId;
                newLadder.CreationDate          =   DateTime.UtcNow;
                newLadder.isActive              =   model.isActive;
                newLadder.MaxPlayers            =   model.MaxPlayers;
                newLadder.GenderId              =   model.GenderId;
                newLadder.MinAge                =   model.MinAge;
                newLadder.MaxAge                =   model.MaxAge;
                newLadder.MinRating             =   model.MinRating;
                newLadder.MaxRating             =   model.MaxRating;
                newLadder.UpperChallengeLimit   =   model.UpperChallengeLimit;
                newLadder.LowerChallengeLimit   =   model.LowerChallengeLimit;
                newLadder.MaxPendingChallenges  =   model.MaxPendingChallenges;
                newLadder.MaxQueuedChallenges   =   model.MaxQueuedChallenges;
                newLadder.MaxInactiveDays       =   model.MaxInactiveDays;
                newLadder.Penalties             =   model.Penalties;
                newLadder.InactivityPointLoss   =   model.InactivityPointLoss;
                newLadder.MinReqChallenges      =   model.MinReqChallenges;
                newLadder.MinChallengeDays      =   model.MinChallengeDays;
                newLadder.MinChallengePointLoss =   model.MinChallengePointLoss;
                newLadder.MinReqMatches         =   model.MinReqMatches;
                newLadder.MinMatchDays          =   model.MinMatchDays;
                newLadder.MinMatchPointLoss     =   model.MinMatchPointLoss;
                newLadder.IgnoreAction          =   model.IgnoreAction;
                newLadder.IgnorePointLoss       =   model.IgnorePointLoss;
                newLadder.MaxIgnoreDays         =   model.MaxIgnoreDays;
                newLadder.ChallengeDecline      =   model.ChallengeDecline;
                newLadder.MaxDeclines           =   model.MaxDeclines;
                newLadder.DeclineDays           =   model.DeclineDays;
                newLadder.DeclinePointLoss      =   model.DeclinePointLoss;
                newLadder.ForfeitPointLoss      =   model.ForfeitPointLoss;


                Success("<strong>Success!</strong>  Ladder has been created.", true);

                /*These are constant for now, but planning to add
                admin ability to edit these values later*/
                PlayerRatingCollection allratings = PlayerRatingCollection.LoadAll();
                foreach(PlayerRating rating in allratings)
                    LadderPoints pointSet = new LadderPoints
                        RatingId = rating.Id,
                        LadderId = newLadder.Id,
                        NumStartingPoints = 10,
                        ExpectedWinPoints = 10,
                        ExpectedLossPoints = 5,
                        UnexpectedWinPoints = 20,
                        UnexpectedLossPoints = 10

                return RedirectToAction("AllLadders");
            return View();
Beispiel #19
        public TestLevel(Texture2D texture, string mapname, Vector2 position)
            this.mapname  = mapname;
            this.position = position;

            switch (mapname)
            case "map":
                map = new int[, ]
                    // 1 = blok      // 3 = ladder  // 5 = item // 7 = schuif obj // 9 = falldoor button // 11
                    // 2 = steen     // 4 = button  // 6 = door // 8 = fall door // 10 = pressure plate

                    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
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                    { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 },

            buttons      = new List <Door_button>();
            ladders      = new List <Ladder>();
            stones       = new List <Steen>();
            Tiles        = new List <blok>();
            collectibles = new List <CollectItem>();
            doors        = new List <Door>();
            moveObjects  = new List <MoveObject>();
            Mdoors       = new List <MoveDoor>();
            Mbuttons     = new List <MoveDoorButton>();
            plates       = new List <PressurePlate>();

            CheckRtiles = new List <blok>();
            CheckLtiles = new List <blok>();
            CheckBtiles = new List <blok>();

            this.tiletexture = texture;

            buttonIndex = 0;
            ladderIndex = 0;
            doorIndex   = 0;

            center       = new Vector2(this.Width / 2 * 44, this.Heigth / 2 * 44);
            SpawnNextlvl = false;

            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Heigth; y++)
                    //Assets in het Grid genereren
                    int textureIndex = map[y, x];
                    if (textureIndex == 0)
                    switch (textureIndex)
                    case 1:
                        blok tile = new blok(tiletexture, new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44));

                    case 2:
                        Steen          steen   = new Steen(Game1.crushstone, 13, 1);
                        AnimationClass animate = new AnimationClass();
                        steen.position = new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44);
                        steen.addAnimation(Game1.crushstone, "idle", 1, 13, animate.Copy());
                        steen.Animation = "idle";


                    case 3:
                        Ladder ladder = new Ladder(Game1.laddertextures[ladderIndex], new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44));

                    case 4:
                        Door_button    button   = new Door_button(Game1.button_tex, 12, 1, buttonIndex);
                        AnimationClass animate2 = new AnimationClass();
                        button.position = new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44);
                        button.addAnimation(Game1.button_tex, "idle", 1, 12, animate2.Copy());
                        button.Animation = "idle";

                    case 5:
                        CollectItem    item     = new CollectItem(Game1.slaktex, 50, 1);
                        AnimationClass animate3 = new AnimationClass();
                        item.position = new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44);
                        item.addAnimation(Game1.slaktex, "idle", 1, 50, animate3.Copy());
                        item.Animation = "idle";

                    case 6:
                        Door door = new Door(Game1.door_tex, new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44), doorIndex);

                    case 7:
                        MoveObject     obj      = new MoveObject(Game1.stonetex, 15, 1);
                        AnimationClass animate5 = new AnimationClass();
                        obj.position = new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44);
                        obj.addAnimation(Game1.stonetex, "idle2", 1, 15, animate5.Copy());
                        obj.Animation = "idle2";

                    case 8:
                        MoveDoor objdoor = new MoveDoor(Game1.fallStone, new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44), moveDoorIndex);

                    case 9:
                        MoveDoorButton button2  = new MoveDoorButton(Game1.button_tex, 12, 1, moveButtonIndex);
                        AnimationClass animate6 = new AnimationClass();
                        button2.position = new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44);
                        button2.addAnimation(Game1.button_tex, "idle", 1, 12, animate6.Copy());
                        button2.Animation = "idle";

                    case 10:
                        PressurePlate plate = new PressurePlate(Game1.pressureplate, new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 55));

                    case 11:
                        liftobject = new LiftObject(Game1.liftobj, new Vector2(position.X + x * 44, position.Y + y * 44));
Beispiel #20
    //Initializes every Block as a GameObject
    private void InitBlocks()
        //To make the edges of the dirt look nice a padded map is added where there is one layer of air around all 4 edges
        //Currently only used by Dirt.InitializeSprite()

        //Initializes the empty padded map
        PrimitiveBlock[][] paddedMap     = new PrimitiveBlock[BIOME_WIDTH + 2][];
        PrimitiveBlock[][] paddedBackMap = new PrimitiveBlock[BIOME_WIDTH + 2][];
        for (int i = 0; i < BIOME_WIDTH + 2; i++)
            paddedMap[i]     = new PrimitiveBlock[BIOME_HEIGHT + 2];
            paddedBackMap[i] = new PrimitiveBlock[BIOME_HEIGHT + 2];

        //Fills the padded map
        for (int x = 0; x < BIOME_WIDTH + 2; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < BIOME_HEIGHT + 2; y++)
                //If it's a piece of padding to be added
                if (x == 0 || x == BIOME_WIDTH + 1 || y == 0 || y == BIOME_HEIGHT + 1)
                    paddedMap[x][y]     = new PrimitiveBlock(x, y);
                    paddedBackMap[x][y] = new PrimitiveBlock(x, y);
                //If the block is a trench block, when initializing dirt sprites a Trench block is considered a Dirt block
                else if (map[x - 1][y - 1].bt == BlockType.TRENCH)
                    paddedMap[x][y] = new PrimitiveBlock(x, y, BlockType.DIRT);
                //If it's a block that's also present in map
                    paddedMap[x][y]     = map[x - 1][y - 1];
                    paddedBackMap[x][y] = backMap[x - 1][y - 1];

        GameObject     go;
        PrimitiveBlock pb;

        //Initializes every block
        for (int x = 0; x < BIOME_WIDTH; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < BIOME_HEIGHT; y++)
                pb = map[x][y];
                //Adds the correct scripts (if any) to
                switch (
                case BlockType.DIRT:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseDirt);
                    Dirt dirt = go.GetComponent <Dirt>();
                    dirt.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.BRIDGE:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseBridge);
                    Bridge bridge = go.GetComponent <Bridge>();
                    bridge.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.LADDER:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseLadder);
                    Ladder ladder = go.GetComponent <Ladder>();
                    ladder.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.TRENCH:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseTrench);
                    Trench trench = go.GetComponent <Trench>();
                    trench.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.PLATFORM:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(basePlatform);
                    Platform platform = go.GetComponent <Platform>();
                    platform.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.ROOF:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseRoof);
                    Roof roof = go.GetComponent <Roof>();
                    roof.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.BOX:
                    go = Instantiate <GameObject>(baseBox);
                    Box box = go.GetComponent <Box>();
                    box.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                case BlockType.EXPLOSIVE:
                    go = Instantiate(baseExplosive);
                    Explosive e = go.GetComponent <Explosive>();
                    e.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);

                pb = backMap[x][y];
                BackgroundBlock bb;
                switch (
                case BlockType.BACKGROUND_BLOCK:
                    go = Instantiate(baseBackgroundBlock);
                    bb = go.GetComponent <BackgroundBlock>();
                    bb.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);
                    //go.isStatic = true;

                case BlockType.DIRT:
                    go = Instantiate(baseBackgroundBlock);
                    bb = go.GetComponent <BackgroundBlock>();
                    bb.SetPosition(pb.x, pb.y);
                    Dirt.InitializeSprite(paddedBackMap, go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(), pb.x, pb.y);
                    //go.isStatic = true;
Beispiel #21
        private bool _PlayerMove(PlayerCommand command)
            // Исходя из команды, выполнить то или иное действие.
            // Если команда пройдёт успешно, то исчерпать запасы стамины и гонять Think, пока она не восстановится
            // Перемещение:
            if ((int)command < (int)PlayerCommand.Wait)
                int x = PlayerPawn.X, y = PlayerPawn.Y;
                switch (command)
                case PlayerCommand.Move0:

                case PlayerCommand.Move45:
                    x++; y--;

                case PlayerCommand.Move90:

                case PlayerCommand.Move135:
                    x--; y--;

                case PlayerCommand.Move180:

                case PlayerCommand.Move225:
                    x--; y++;

                case PlayerCommand.Move270:

                case PlayerCommand.Move315:
                    x++; y++;

                return(_PlayerMove(x, y));

            if (command == PlayerCommand.Wait)
                // Во время отдыха игрок должен быстрее регенерировать здоровье
                //  и медленнее становиться голоднее
                PlayerPawn.Thoughts = ThoughtTypeEnum.Stand;

            // Лестница
            if (command == PlayerCommand.LadderDown || command == PlayerCommand.LadderUp)
                if (!(CurrentFloor.Tiles[PlayerPawn.X, PlayerPawn.Y] is Ladder))

                Ladder ourpos    = CurrentFloor.Tiles[PlayerPawn.X, PlayerPawn.Y] as Ladder;
                int    nextlevel = currentLevel + ((ourpos.Direction == Ladder.LadderDirection.Up) ? -1 : 1);
                if (nextlevel < 0)
                // Если следующий уровень ещё не сгенерирован, то сгенерировать и связать текущую лестницу со случайной
                if (nextlevel > floors.Count - 1)// Уравнял счетчик с индексами
                    ourpos.LadderId = random.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue);
                    var newfloor = new DungeonFloor(
                        Spawner.Random.Next(currentLevel + 2 * 10, 81), Spawner.Random.Next(currentLevel + 2 * 10, 81)
                    floors.Add(newfloor); newfloor.FloorActors.AddLast(PlayerPawn);
                    int lx = 0;
                    int ly = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < newfloor.Width; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < newfloor.Height; j++)
                            if (newfloor.Tiles[i, j] is Ladder &&
                                (newfloor.Tiles[i, j] as Ladder).Direction == Ladder.LadderDirection.Up)
                                lx = i;
                                ly = j;
                                PlayerPawn.ChangePos(lx, ly);
                    (newfloor.Tiles[lx, ly] as Ladder).LadderId = ourpos.LadderId;
                                      $"Вы {(nextlevel > CurrentLevel ? "спускаетесь" : "поднимаетесь")} на уровень {nextlevel+1}");
                // Если он уже существует, то попытаться найти свободную лестницу, если не выйдет, то скинуть в случ.
                // позицию.
                    //Этаж на который переходим
                    var floor = floors[nextlevel];

                    if (ourpos.LadderId == 0)
                        int lx = 0;
                        int ly = 0;
                        //Задаем id для новой лестницы
                        ourpos.LadderId = random.Next(1, Int32.MaxValue);
                        for (int i = 0; i < floor.Width; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < floor.Height; j++)
                                //Если 2 лестницы не связаны, то ищем свободную
                                if (floor.Tiles[i, j] is Ladder &&
                                    (floor.Tiles[i, j] as Ladder).LadderId == 0 &&
                                    (floor.Tiles[i, j] as Ladder).Direction != ourpos.Direction)
                                    lx = i;
                                    ly = j;
                                    PlayerPawn.ChangePos(lx, ly);
                        (floor.Tiles[lx, ly] as Ladder).LadderId = ourpos.LadderId;

                        for (int i = 0; i < floor.Width; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < floor.Height; j++)
                                //Если 2 лестницы связаны то перемещаемся по ним
                                if (floor.Tiles[i, j] is Ladder &&
                                    (floor.Tiles[i, j] as Ladder).LadderId == ourpos.LadderId)
                                    PlayerPawn.ChangePos(i, j);
                    SendClientMessage(null, $"Вы возвращаетесь на уровень {nextlevel}");

                currentLevel = nextlevel;

            // Поднятие предмета
            if (command == PlayerCommand.PickupItem)
                var item = CurrentFloor.FloorItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.X == PlayerPawn.X && x.Y == PlayerPawn.Y);
                if (item == null)


                /*if (item.RemoveOnPickup)
                 *  item.Use(PlayerPawn);
                 * else*/

            // Открытие / закрытие дверей
            if (command == PlayerCommand.OpenDoor || command == PlayerCommand.CloseDoor)
                for (int i = PlayerPawn.X - 1; i <= PlayerPawn.X + 1; i++)
                    for (int j = PlayerPawn.Y - 1; j <= PlayerPawn.Y + 1; j++)
                        if (CurrentFloor.Tiles[i, j] is Door)
                            (CurrentFloor.Tiles[i, j] as Door).IsOpen =
                                (command == PlayerCommand.OpenDoor) ? true : false;
            if (command == PlayerCommand.EquipItem || command == PlayerCommand.RemoveItem)

Beispiel #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Leave the queue, if currently in it
        /// </summary>
        public void LeaveQueue(Guid ladderId, User user)
            Ladder ladder = this.unitOfWork.Ladders.GetById(ladderId);

Beispiel #23
        private Vector2 DiffToCurrentNode()
            if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Unreachable)
            if (currentPath.Finished)
                Vector2 pos2 = host.SimPosition;
                if (character != null && character.Submarine == null &&
                    CurrentPath.Nodes.Count > 0 && CurrentPath.Nodes.Last().Submarine != null)
                    pos2 -= CurrentPath.Nodes.Last().Submarine.SimPosition;
                return(currentTarget - pos2);
            if (canOpenDoors && !character.LockHands && buttonPressCooldown <= 0.0f)
            Vector2 pos = host.SimPosition;

            if (character != null && currentPath.CurrentNode != null)
                if (CurrentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine != null)
                    if (character.Submarine == null)
                        pos -= CurrentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine.SimPosition;
                    else if (character.Submarine != currentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine)
                        pos -= ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(currentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine.Position - character.Submarine.Position);
            bool isDiving = character.AnimController.InWater && character.AnimController.HeadInWater;
            // Only humanoids can climb ladders
            bool   canClimb      = character.AnimController is HumanoidAnimController && !character.LockHands;
            Ladder currentLadder = currentPath.CurrentNode.Ladders;

            if (currentLadder != null && !currentLadder.Item.IsInteractable(character))
                currentLadder = null;
            Ladder nextLadder = GetNextLadder();
            var    ladders    = currentLadder ?? nextLadder;
            bool   useLadders = canClimb && ladders != null && (!isDiving || Math.Abs(steering.X) < 0.1f && Math.Abs(steering.Y) > 1);

            if (useLadders && character.SelectedConstruction != ladders.Item)
                if (character.CanInteractWith(ladders.Item))
                    ladders.Item.TryInteract(character, false, true);
                    // Cannot interact with the current (or next) ladder,
                    // Try to select the previous ladder, unless it's already selected, unless the previous ladder is not adjacent to the current ladder.
                    // The intention of this code is to prevent the bots from dropping from the "double ladders".
                    var previousLadders = currentPath.PrevNode?.Ladders;
                    if (previousLadders != null && previousLadders != ladders && character.SelectedConstruction != previousLadders.Item &&
                        character.CanInteractWith(previousLadders.Item) && Math.Abs(previousLadders.Item.WorldPosition.X - ladders.Item.WorldPosition.X) < 5)
                        previousLadders.Item.TryInteract(character, false, true);
            var collider = character.AnimController.Collider;

            if (character.IsClimbing && !useLadders)
                character.AnimController.Anim  = AnimController.Animation.None;
                character.SelectedConstruction = null;
            if (character.IsClimbing && useLadders)
                Vector2 diff = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition - pos;
                bool    nextLadderSameAsCurrent = IsNextLadderSameAsCurrent;
                if (nextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                    //climbing ladders -> don't move horizontally
                    diff.X = 0.0f;
                //at the same height as the waypoint
                if (Math.Abs(collider.SimPosition.Y - currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y) < (collider.height / 2 + collider.radius) * 1.25f)
                    float heightFromFloor = character.AnimController.GetColliderBottom().Y - character.AnimController.FloorY;
                    if (heightFromFloor <= 0.0f)
                        diff.Y = Math.Max(diff.Y, 1.0f);
                    // We need some margin, because if a hatch has closed, it's possible that the height from floor is slightly negative.
                    bool isAboveFloor = heightFromFloor > -0.1f;
                    // If the next waypoint is horizontally far, we don't want to keep holding the ladders
                    if (isAboveFloor && (nextLadder == null || Math.Abs(currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.X - currentPath.NextNode.WorldPosition.X) > 50))
                        character.AnimController.Anim  = AnimController.Animation.None;
                        character.SelectedConstruction = null;
                    else if (nextLadder != null && !nextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                        // Try to change the ladder (hatches between two submarines)
                        if (character.SelectedConstruction != nextLadder.Item && nextLadder.Item.IsInsideTrigger(character.WorldPosition))
                            nextLadder.Item.TryInteract(character, false, true);
                    if (isAboveFloor || nextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                else if (nextLadder != null)
                    //if the current node is below the character and the next one is above (or vice versa)
                    //and both are on ladders, we can skip directly to the next one
                    //e.g. no point in going down to reach the starting point of a path when we could go directly to the one above
                    if (Math.Sign(currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.Y - character.WorldPosition.Y) != Math.Sign(currentPath.NextNode.WorldPosition.Y - character.WorldPosition.Y))
            else if (character.AnimController.InWater)
                var door = currentPath.CurrentNode.ConnectedDoor;
                if (door == null || door.CanBeTraversed)
                    float   margin             = MathHelper.Lerp(1, 5, MathHelper.Clamp(collider.LinearVelocity.Length() / 10, 0, 1));
                    Vector2 colliderSize       = collider.GetSize();
                    float   targetDistance     = Math.Max(Math.Max(colliderSize.X, colliderSize.Y) / 2 * margin, 0.5f);
                    float   horizontalDistance = Math.Abs(character.WorldPosition.X - currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.X);
                    float   verticalDistance   = Math.Abs(character.WorldPosition.Y - currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.Y);
                    if (character.CurrentHull != currentPath.CurrentNode.CurrentHull)
                        verticalDistance *= 2;
                    float distance = horizontalDistance + verticalDistance;
                    if (ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(distance) < targetDistance)
                // Walking horizontally
                Vector2 colliderBottom = character.AnimController.GetColliderBottom();
                Vector2 colliderSize   = collider.GetSize();
                Vector2 velocity       = collider.LinearVelocity;
                // If the character is very short, it would fail to use the waypoint nodes because they are always too high.
                // If the character is very thin, it would often fail to reach the waypoints, because the horizontal distance is too small.
                // Both values are based on the human size. So basically anything smaller than humans are considered as equal in size.
                float minHeight = 1.6125001f;
                float minWidth  = 0.3225f;
                // Cannot use the head position, because not all characters have head or it can be below the total height of the character
                float characterHeight    = Math.Max(colliderSize.Y + character.AnimController.ColliderHeightFromFloor, minHeight);
                float horizontalDistance = Math.Abs(collider.SimPosition.X - currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.X);
                bool  isAboveFeet        = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y > colliderBottom.Y;
                bool  isNotTooHigh       = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y < colliderBottom.Y + characterHeight;
                var   door           = currentPath.CurrentNode.ConnectedDoor;
                float margin         = MathHelper.Lerp(1, 10, MathHelper.Clamp(Math.Abs(velocity.X) / 5, 0, 1));
                float targetDistance = Math.Max(colliderSize.X / 2 * margin, minWidth / 2);
                if (horizontalDistance < targetDistance && isAboveFeet && isNotTooHigh && (door == null || door.CanBeTraversed))
            if (currentPath.CurrentNode == null)
            return(currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition - pos);
 private void Awake()
     ladder       = GetComponentInParent <Ladder>();
     infoSignAnim = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();
    public void GrabLadder(Vector3 handPos, Ladder currentLadder)
        _onLadder = true;

        transform.position = handPos;
	void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D other)
		if ( == "Ladder")
			IsNextToLadder = true;
			ladderComp = other.gameObject.GetComponent<Ladder>();
			Instantiate(textbox, new Vector3(transform.position.x + 0.75f, transform.position.y + 1.4f, -3), Quaternion.identity);
Beispiel #27
    void Update()
        if (plat.Grounded)
            anim.SetInteger("jump", 0);
            if (fuel < 100)
                fuel += FUEL_RECHARGE_RATE * Time.deltaTime;
                if (fuel > 100)
                    fuel = 100;
            flytimer = Time.time;
            canfly = Time.time > flytimer + 0.2f;

        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))

        if (InWater)
            anim.SetInteger("inwater", 1);
            anim.SetInteger("inwater", 0);

        if (plat.Grounded != oldGrounded)
            if (plat.Grounded && oldVelocity.y < -2f)
                var p = Instantiate(landParticle, new Vector3(
                                        walkParticlePosition.position.y + 0.2f,
                                        walkParticlePosition.position.z), Quaternion.identity);

        oldGrounded = plat.Grounded;
        oldVelocity = velocity;

        var cols = Physics2D.BoxCastAll(transform.position, new Vector2(1, 1), 0,;

        foreach (var col in cols)
            if (col.transform.tag == "Ladder" &&
                !OnLadder && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)))
                //Get on the ladder
                onLadderObject = col.transform.GetComponent <Ladder>();
                OnLadder       = true;

                var pos = transform.position;
                pos.x = onLadderObject.transform.position.x + (onLadderObject.Side == Ladder.LadderSide.RIGHT ? Ladder.LADDER_WIDTH : 0);
                transform.position = pos;

                var scale = transform.localScale;
                scale.x = onLadderObject.Side == Ladder.LadderSide.RIGHT ? -1 : 1;
                transform.localScale = scale;

                anim.SetBool("onladder", true);

Beispiel #28
 public void Resize(int newX, int newY)
     width = newX;
     height = newY;
     layerGroups.ForEach((LayerGroup l) => l.Resize(newX, newY));
     Ladder[,] newLadders = new Ladder[newX, newY];
     int oldX = ladders.GetLength(0);
     int oldY = ladders.GetLength(1);
     for (int i = 0; i < newX && i < oldX; ++i) {
         for (int j = 0; j < newY && j < oldY; ++j) {
             newLadders[i, j] = ladders[i, j];
     ladders = newLadders;
 /// <summary>
 /// Dismount the specified Ladder. This is used to stop
 /// autosticking to the same ladder you just dismounted.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ladder">Ladder control to dismount.</param>
 public void Dismount(Ladder ladder)
     Unparent ();
     dismounting = ladder.control;
     startedClimbing = false;
Beispiel #30
    private bool ClimbCheck()
        Vector2 ladderCheckPointTop    = new Vector2(, + capsuleCollider2D.size.y);
        Vector2 ladderCheckPointBottom = new Vector2(, - capsuleCollider2D.size.y);

        Collider2D[] ladderCheckTop    = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(ladderCheckPointTop, new Vector2(capsuleCollider2D.size.x, 0.1f), 0, whatIsLadder);
        Collider2D[] ladderCheckBottom = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(ladderCheckPointBottom, new Vector2(capsuleCollider2D.size.x, 0.1f), 0, whatIsLadder);

        if (ladderCheckTop.Length > 0 && ladderCheckBottom.Length > 0)     //梯子中
            crrentLadder = ladderCheckTop[0].GetComponent <Ladder>();
            if (isClimb)                //已經在爬
                return((moveVector.y != 0) ? true : false);
        else if (ladderCheckTop.Length > 0)                                 //梯子在上
            crrentLadder = ladderCheckTop[0].GetComponent <Ladder>();
            if (isClimb)                //已經在爬
                return((isGround) ? false : true);
                if (moveVector.y > 0)
                    transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + groundCheckLegth * 2);    //避免往上爬 馬上判斷為地面直接墜落
        else if (ladderCheckBottom.Length > 0)                              //梯子在下
            crrentLadder = ladderCheckBottom[0].GetComponent <Ladder>();
            if (isClimb)                //已經在爬
                if (isGround)
                    transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + groundCheckLegth * 2);    //避免往上爬離開梯子EffectorCollider太慢  人物穿過collider直接墜落
                if (moveVector.y < 0)
                    transform.position = new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - groundCheckLegth * 2);    //避免往下爬 馬上判斷為地面直接墜落
Beispiel #31
    protected IEnumerator UseLadder(Ladder ladder, int direction)
        if (currentDungeonLevel == 0 && direction == -1) {
            print ("The door to the outside world is sealed...");
            yield break;

        // fade out

        float x = this.x, y = this.y;
        if (direction == -1) {
            y += 0.75f;
        } else {
            img.sortingOrder = grid.height - this.y - 10;
            y -= 1.5f;

        float ratio = grid.tileHeight / (float)grid.tileWidth;
        Vector3 startPos = new Vector3(this.x, 0.4f + this.y * ratio, 0);
        Vector3 endPos = new Vector3(x, 0.4f + y * ratio, 0);
        float duration = 0.5f;

        float t = 0f;
        while (t <= 1f) {
            t += Time.deltaTime / duration;
            transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, endPos, Mathf.SmoothStep(0, 1, Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, t)));

            yield return null;

        // emit onExitLevel game event
        if (OnExitLevel != null) {
Beispiel #32
 void ExitLadder()
     OnLadder       = false;
     onLadderObject = null;
     anim.SetBool("onladder", false);
Beispiel #33
 void UnlatchLadder()
     currentLadder = null;
Beispiel #34
 public void OnCanClimbChanged(bool canClimb, Ladder ladder)
     this.canClimb = canClimb;
     this.ladder   = ladder;
        private Vector2 DiffToCurrentNode()
            if (currentPath == null || currentPath.Unreachable)
            if (currentPath.Finished)
                Vector2 pos2 = host.SimPosition;
                if (character != null && character.Submarine == null &&
                    CurrentPath.Nodes.Count > 0 && CurrentPath.Nodes.Last().Submarine != null)
                    pos2 -= CurrentPath.Nodes.Last().Submarine.SimPosition;
                return(currentTarget - pos2);
            if (canOpenDoors && !character.LockHands && buttonPressCooldown <= 0.0f)
            Vector2 pos = host.SimPosition;

            if (character != null && currentPath.CurrentNode != null)
                if (CurrentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine != null)
                    if (character.Submarine == null)
                        pos -= CurrentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine.SimPosition;
                    else if (character.Submarine != currentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine)
                        pos -= ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(currentPath.CurrentNode.Submarine.Position - character.Submarine.Position);
            bool isDiving = character.AnimController.InWater && character.AnimController.HeadInWater;
            // Only humanoids can climb ladders
            bool canClimb = character.AnimController is HumanoidAnimController;

            if (canClimb && !isDiving && IsNextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                var ladders = currentPath.CurrentNode.Ladders;
                if (character.SelectedConstruction != ladders.Item && ladders.Item.IsInsideTrigger(character.WorldPosition))
                    currentPath.CurrentNode.Ladders.Item.TryInteract(character, false, true);
            var collider = character.AnimController.Collider;

            if (character.IsClimbing && !isDiving)
                Vector2 diff       = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition - pos;
                Ladder  nextLadder = GetNextLadder();
                bool    nextLadderSameAsCurrent = IsNextLadderSameAsCurrent;
                if (nextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                    //climbing ladders -> don't move horizontally
                    diff.X = 0.0f;
                //at the same height as the waypoint
                if (Math.Abs(collider.SimPosition.Y - currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y) < (collider.height / 2 + collider.radius) * 1.25f)
                    float heightFromFloor = character.AnimController.GetColliderBottom().Y - character.AnimController.FloorY;
                    if (heightFromFloor <= 0.0f)
                        diff.Y = Math.Max(diff.Y, 1.0f);
                    // We need some margin, because if a hatch has closed, it's possible that the height from floor is slightly negative.
                    float margin       = 0.1f;
                    bool  isAboveFloor = heightFromFloor > -margin && heightFromFloor < collider.height * 1.5f;
                    // If the next waypoint is horizontally far, we don't want to keep holding the ladders
                    if (isAboveFloor && (nextLadder == null || Math.Abs(currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.X - currentPath.NextNode.WorldPosition.X) > 50))
                        character.AnimController.Anim  = AnimController.Animation.None;
                        character.SelectedConstruction = null;
                    else if (nextLadder != null && !nextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                        // Try to change the ladder (hatches between two submarines)
                        if (character.SelectedConstruction != nextLadder.Item && nextLadder.Item.IsInsideTrigger(character.WorldPosition))
                            nextLadder.Item.TryInteract(character, false, true);
                    if (nextLadder != null || isAboveFloor)
                else if (nextLadder != null)
                    //if the current node is below the character and the next one is above (or vice versa)
                    //and both are on ladders, we can skip directly to the next one
                    //e.g. no point in going down to reach the starting point of a path when we could go directly to the one above
                    if (Math.Sign(currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.Y - character.WorldPosition.Y) != Math.Sign(currentPath.NextNode.WorldPosition.Y - character.WorldPosition.Y))
            else if (!canClimb || character.AnimController.InWater)
                // If the character is underwater, we don't need the ladders anymore
                if (character.IsClimbing && isDiving)
                    character.AnimController.Anim  = AnimController.Animation.None;
                    character.SelectedConstruction = null;
                var  door          = currentPath.CurrentNode.ConnectedDoor;
                bool blockedByDoor = door != null && !door.IsOpen && !door.IsBroken;
                if (!blockedByDoor)
                    float multiplier         = MathHelper.Lerp(1, 10, MathHelper.Clamp(collider.LinearVelocity.Length() / 10, 0, 1));
                    float targetDistance     = collider.GetSize().X *multiplier;
                    float horizontalDistance = Math.Abs(character.WorldPosition.X - currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.X);
                    float verticalDistance   = Math.Abs(character.WorldPosition.Y - currentPath.CurrentNode.WorldPosition.Y);
                    if (character.CurrentHull != currentPath.CurrentNode.CurrentHull)
                        verticalDistance *= 2;
                    float distance = horizontalDistance + verticalDistance;
                    if (ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(distance) < targetDistance)
            else if (!IsNextLadderSameAsCurrent)
                // Walking horizontally
                Vector2 colliderBottom = character.AnimController.GetColliderBottom();
                Vector2 colliderSize   = collider.GetSize();
                Vector2 velocity       = collider.LinearVelocity;
                // If the character is smaller than this, it would fail to use the waypoint nodes because they are always too high.
                float minHeight = 1;
                // Cannot use the head position, because not all characters have head or it can be below the total height of the character
                float characterHeight    = Math.Max(colliderSize.Y + character.AnimController.ColliderHeightFromFloor, minHeight);
                float horizontalDistance = Math.Abs(collider.SimPosition.X - currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.X);
                bool  isAboveFeet        = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y > colliderBottom.Y;
                bool  isNotTooHigh       = currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition.Y < colliderBottom.Y + characterHeight;
                var   door           = currentPath.CurrentNode.ConnectedDoor;
                bool  blockedByDoor  = door != null && !door.IsOpen && !door.IsBroken;
                float margin         = MathHelper.Lerp(1, 10, MathHelper.Clamp(Math.Abs(velocity.X) / 10, 0, 1));
                float targetDistance = collider.radius * margin;
                if (horizontalDistance < targetDistance && isAboveFeet && isNotTooHigh && !blockedByDoor)
            if (currentPath.CurrentNode == null)
            return(currentPath.CurrentNode.SimPosition - pos);
Beispiel #36
    public void OnEnterLadder(Ladder ladder)

        Debug.Log("_countladder " + _countLadder);
        _isOnLadder = _countLadder > 0;
         if (_isOnLadder)
             //_isOnLadder = true;
             animator.SetBool("On_Ladder", _isOnLadder);
             rb2d.isKinematic = true;

             float ladderMiddleX = ladder.transform.position.x;
             transform.position = new Vector3(ladderMiddleX, transform.position.y, transform.position.z);

            grounded = true;
Beispiel #37
        private void LadderCheck(Vector3 colliderScale, Vector3 direction)
            if (_surfer.moveData.velocity.sqrMagnitude <= 0f)

            bool foundLadder = false;

            RaycastHit [] hits = Physics.BoxCastAll(_surfer.moveData.origin, Vector3.Scale(_surfer.collider.bounds.size * 0.5f, colliderScale), Vector3.Scale(direction, new Vector3(1f, 0f, 1f)), Quaternion.identity, direction.magnitude, SurfPhysics.groundLayerMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide);
            foreach (RaycastHit hit in hits)
                Ladder ladder = hit.transform.GetComponentInParent <Ladder> ();
                if (ladder != null)
                    bool  allowClimb  = true;
                    float ladderAngle = Vector3.Angle(Vector3.up, hit.normal);
                    if (_surfer.moveData.angledLaddersEnabled)
                        if (hit.normal.y < 0f)
                            allowClimb = false;
                            if (ladderAngle <= _surfer.moveData.slopeLimit)
                                allowClimb = false;
                    else if (hit.normal.y != 0f)
                        allowClimb = false;

                    if (allowClimb)
                        foundLadder = true;
                        if (_surfer.moveData.climbingLadder == false)
                            _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder  = true;
                            _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal    = hit.normal;
                            _surfer.moveData.ladderDirection = -hit.normal * direction.magnitude * 2f;

                            if (_surfer.moveData.angledLaddersEnabled)
                                Vector3 sideDir = hit.normal;
                                sideDir.y = 0f;
                                sideDir   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90f, Vector3.up) * sideDir;

                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90f, sideDir) * hit.normal;
                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir *= 1f / _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir.y; // Make sure Y is always 1
                                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir = Vector3.up;

            if (!foundLadder)
                _surfer.moveData.ladderNormal   =;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderVelocity =;
                _surfer.moveData.climbingLadder = false;
                _surfer.moveData.ladderClimbDir = Vector3.up;
 public LadderGameStartedEvent(Ladder ladder, Game game)
     : base(game)
     this.Ladder = ladder;
Beispiel #39
        public LadderGump(Ladder ladder, int page = 0) : base(50, 50)
            m_Ladder = ladder;
            m_Page   = page;


            m_List = new List <LadderEntry>(ladder.Entries);

            var lc = Math.Min(m_List.Count, 150);

            var start = page * 15;
            var end   = start + 15;

            if (end > lc)
                end = lc;

            var ct = end - start;

            var height = 12 + 20 + ct * 20 + 23 + 12;

            AddBackground(0, 0, 499, height, 0x2436);

            for (var i = start + 1; i < end; i += 2)
                AddImageTiled(12, 32 + (i - start) * 20, 475, 20, 0x2430);

            AddAlphaRegion(10, 10, 479, height - 20);

            if (page > 0)
                AddButton(446, height - 12 - 2 - 16, 0x15E3, 0x15E7, 1);
                AddImage(446, height - 12 - 2 - 16, 0x2626);

            if ((page + 1) * 15 < lc)
                AddButton(466, height - 12 - 2 - 16, 0x15E1, 0x15E5, 2);
                AddImage(466, height - 12 - 2 - 16, 0x2622);

                height - 12 - 2 - 18,
                    string.Format("Top {3} of {0:N0} duelists, page {1} of {2}", m_List.Count, page + 1, (lc + 14) / 15, lc),

            AddColumnHeader(75, "Rank");
            AddColumnHeader(115, "Level");
            AddColumnHeader(50, "Guild");
            AddColumnHeader(115, "Name");
            AddColumnHeader(60, "Wins");
            AddColumnHeader(60, "Losses");

            for (var i = start; i < end && i < lc; ++i)
                var entry = m_List[i];

                var y = 32 + (i - start) * 20;
                var x = 12;

                AddBorderedText(x, y, 75, Center(Rank(i + 1)), 0xFFFFFF, 0);
                x += 75;

                /*AddImage( 20, y + 5, 0x2616, 0x96C );
                *  AddImage( 22, y + 5, 0x2616, 0x96C );
                *  AddImage( 20, y + 7, 0x2616, 0x96C );
                *  AddImage( 22, y + 7, 0x2616, 0x96C );
                *  AddImage( 21, y + 6, 0x2616, 0x454 );*/

                AddImage(x + 3, y + 4, 0x805);

                var xp    = entry.Experience;
                var level = Ladder.GetLevel(xp);

                Ladder.GetLevelInfo(level, out var xpBase, out var xpAdvance);

                int width;

                var xpOffset = xp - xpBase;

                if (xpOffset >= xpAdvance)
                    width = 109; // level 50
                    width = (109 * xpOffset + xpAdvance / 2) / (xpAdvance - 1);

                // AddImageTiled( 21, y + 6, width, 8, 0x2617 );
                AddImageTiled(x + 3, y + 4, width, 11, 0x806);
                AddBorderedText(x, y, 115, Center(level.ToString()), 0xFFFFFF, 0);
                x += 115;

                var mob = entry.Mobile;

                if (mob.Guild != null)
                    AddBorderedText(x, y, 50, Center(mob.Guild.Abbreviation), 0xFFFFFF, 0);

                x += 50;

                AddBorderedText(x + 5, y, 115 - 5, mob.Name, 0xFFFFFF, 0);
                x += 115;

                AddBorderedText(x, y, 60, Center(entry.Wins.ToString()), 0xFFFFFF, 0);
                x += 60;

                AddBorderedText(x, y, 60, Center(entry.Losses.ToString()), 0xFFFFFF, 0);
                x += 60;

                // AddBorderedText( 292 + 15, y, 115 - 30, String.Format( "{0} <DIV ALIGN=CENTER>/</DIV> <DIV ALIGN=RIGHT>{1}</DIV>", entry.Wins, entry.Losses ), 0xFFC000, 0 );