protected override void BeforeExport()
            string lineFilter = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_form.Line))
                lineFilter = "產線 = '" + _form.Line + "'";

            UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter adapter = new UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter();

            ReportDataSet.UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceDataTable srcTable = adapter.GetData(this.StartDate, this.EndDate,
                                                                                              this.StartDate == DateTime.MinValue && this.EndDate == DateTime.MaxValue);
            srcTable.Columns.Add("退驗數量", typeof(decimal));
            srcTable.Columns.Add("待驗數量", typeof(decimal));

            srcTable.Columns["完成%"].Expression = "IIF(數量 = 0,0,(已生產數量+待驗數量)/數量)";
            //srcTable.Columns["生產效率"].Expression = "IIF((內部工時+外包工時) = 0,0,(已生產數量+待驗數量)*標準工時/(內部工時+外包工時))";

            int      minYear, minMonth, maxYear, maxMonth;
            DateTime from, to;
            object   o;

            o       = srcTable.Compute("MIN(年份)", string.Empty);
            minYear = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Year : (int)o;

            o        = srcTable.Compute("MIN(月份)", string.Empty);
            minMonth = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Month : (int)o;

            o       = srcTable.Compute("MAX(年份)", string.Empty);
            maxYear = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Year : (int)o;

            o        = srcTable.Compute("MAX(月份)", string.Empty);
            maxMonth = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Month : (int)o;

            from = new DateTime(minYear, minMonth, 1);
            to   = new DateTime(maxYear, maxMonth, 1);

            Dictionary <DateTime, decimal> workHoursDic = new Dictionary <DateTime, decimal>();

            for (DateTime date = new DateTime(from.Year, from.Month, 1); date <= to; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                decimal hours = Global.GetWorkingHours(date.Year, date.Month);
                workHoursDic.Add(date, hours);

            DateTime curRowMonth = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach (ReportDataSet.UnfinishedWorksheetReportSourceRow row in srcTable)
                if (!Convert.IsDBNull(row["年份"]))
                    if (row.年份 != curRowMonth.Year || row.月份 != curRowMonth.Month)
                        curRowMonth = new DateTime(row.年份, row.月份, 1);

                    row.內部工資 = Math.Round(row.內部工資 / workHoursDic[curRowMonth], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper();

            _table = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("ReportTable", srcTable,
                                                "產線,單據日期,預計完成日,工作單號,序號,品號,品名,退驗數量,待驗數量,數量,單位" +
                                                ",標準工時,單位人工成本, 總標準工時,Sum(內部工時) 內部工時, Sum(內部工資) 內部工資" +
                                                ",外包工時,外包工資,Sum(已生產數量) 已生產數量,完成%,生產效率,尚需工時,工品編號", lineFilter, "產線,單據日期,預計完成日,工作單號,品號,品名,數量,標準工時,單位人工成本,工品編號");

            _table.Columns["單位"].DefaultValue = "KPCS";
            _table.Columns.Add("未完成數量", typeof(decimal), "數量-已生產數量-待驗數量").SetOrdinal(9);

            LaborWageHelper     lwHelper = new LaborWageHelper();
            LaborWage工作單品號Table lwTable  = null;

            string curWorksheetNumber = string.Empty;

            //int seriesNumber = 1;
            foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                string wsNumber = row["工作單號"].ToString();
                string pn       = row["品號"].ToString();
                int    wpid     = (int)row["工品編號"];

                if (curWorksheetNumber != wsNumber)
                    curWorksheetNumber = wsNumber;
                    //seriesNumber = 1;
                    lwTable = lwHelper.GetData(curWorksheetNumber);

                row["退驗數量"] = DatabaseSet.GetNGAmount(wsNumber, wpid) / 1000.0f;
                row["待驗數量"] = DatabaseSet.GetInspectedAmount(wsNumber, wpid) / 1000.0f;

                //row["未完成數量"] = (decimal)row["數量"] - (decimal)row["已生產數量"];

                //DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select(string.Format("品號 = '{0}'", row["品號"].ToString()));
                //DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select(string.Format("工品編號 = {0}", row["工品編號"].ToString()));
                object result = lwTable.Compute("SUM(外包工資)", string.Format("工品編號 = {0}", row["工品編號"].ToString()));
                //if (lwRows.Length > 0)
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    //decimal laborWage = (decimal)lwRows[0]["外包工資"];
                    decimal laborWage = Convert.ToDecimal(result);

                    //decimal number = (decimal)lwRows[0]["數量"];
                    row["外包工資"] = laborWage;
                    row["外包工時"] = laborWage / Settings.HourlyPay;
                    //row["已生產數量"] = (decimal)row["已生產數量"] + number;
                if ((decimal)row["總標準工時"] != 0)
                    //row["生產效率"] = ((decimal)row["內部工時"] + (decimal)row["外包工時"]) / ((decimal)row["總標準工時"] * (decimal)row["完成%"]);
                    //row["尚需工時"] = (decimal)row["總標準工時"] * (1 - (decimal)row["完成%"]);
                    row["尚需工時"] = (decimal)row["總標準工時"] - (decimal)row["內部工時"] - (decimal)row["外包工時"];
                    row["尚需工時"] = 0;

                //row["序號"] = seriesNumber++;
                row["序號"] = wpid;

Beispiel #2
        void InitReportTable()
            ReportDataSetTableAdapters.UnitPriceReportTableAdapter adapter = new Mong.ReportDataSetTableAdapters.UnitPriceReportTableAdapter();

            _table = adapter.GetData(_startDate, _endDate);

            System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand cmd = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT 工作單.單號 AS 單號, 產品品號.品號, Year(工時.日期) AS 年份, Month(工時.日期) AS 月份, " +
                              "IIF(SUM(工時.工時) IS NULL , 0, SUM(工時.工時)) AS 實際工時," +
                              "IIF(SUM(工時.工時) IS NULL , 0, SUM(員工.薪水 * 工時.工時)) AS 實際工資 " +
                              "FROM ((((工作單 INNER JOIN 工作單品號 ON 工作單品號.單號 = 工作單.單號) " +
                              "INNER JOIN 產品品號 ON 工作單品號.品號 = 產品品號.品號) " +
                              "LEFT JOIN 工時 ON 工時.工作單號 =  工作單品號.單號 AND 工作單品號.編號 = 工時.工品編號) " +
                              "LEFT JOIN 員工 ON 工時.員工編號 = 員工.編號) " +
                              "WHERE 工作單.實際完成日 > #" + _startDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND 工作單.實際完成日 < #" + _endDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# " +
                              "GROUP BY  工作單.單號, 產品品號.品號, Year(工時.日期), Month(工時.日期)" +
                              "ORDER BY  工作單.單號, 產品品號.品號, Year(工時.日期), Month(工時.日期)";

            cmd.Connection = adapter.Connection;
            System.Data.DataTable baseTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("單號", typeof(string)));
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("品號", typeof(string)));
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("實際工時", typeof(decimal)));
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("實際工資", typeof(decimal)));
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("年份", typeof(int)));
            baseTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("月份", typeof(int)));
            System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter baseAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter();
            baseAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd;

            int      minYear, minMonth, maxYear, maxMonth;
            DateTime minDate, maxDate;
            object   o;

            o       = baseTable.Compute("MIN(年份)", string.Empty);
            minYear = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Year : (int)o;

            o        = baseTable.Compute("MIN(月份)", string.Empty);
            minMonth = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Month : (int)o;

            o       = baseTable.Compute("MAX(年份)", string.Empty);
            maxYear = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Year : (int)o;

            o        = baseTable.Compute("MAX(月份)", string.Empty);
            maxMonth = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? DateTime.MinValue.Month : (int)o;

            minDate = new DateTime(minYear, minMonth, 1);
            maxDate = new DateTime(maxYear, maxMonth, 1);

            Dictionary <DateTime, decimal> workHoursDic = new Dictionary <DateTime, decimal>();

            for (DateTime date = new DateTime(minDate.Year, minDate.Month, 1); date <= maxDate; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                decimal hours = Global.GetWorkingHours(date.Year, date.Month);
                workHoursDic.Add(date, hours);

            DateTime curRowMonth = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach (DataRow row in baseTable.Rows)
                if (!Convert.IsDBNull(row["年份"]))
                    int year  = (int)row["年份"];
                    int month = (int)row["月份"];

                    if (year != curRowMonth.Year || month != curRowMonth.Month)
                        curRowMonth = new DateTime(year, month, 1);

                    row["實際工資"] = Math.Round(((decimal)row["實際工資"]) / workHoursDic[curRowMonth], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper();

            System.Data.DataTable groupTable = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("GroupTable", baseTable, "品號,SUM(實際工時) 實際工時, SUM(實際工資) 實際工資", null, "品號");

            cmd             = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT DISTINCT(單號) FROM 工作單 WHERE 實際完成日 > #" + _startDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "# AND 實際完成日 < #" + _endDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + "#";
            cmd.Connection  = adapter.Connection;
            System.Data.DataTable wsNumTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
            wsNumTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("單號", typeof(string)));
            System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter wsNumAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter();
            wsNumAdapter.SelectCommand = cmd;

            List <string> wsNumList = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataRow row in wsNumTable.Rows)

            LaborWageHelper     lwHelper = new LaborWageHelper();
            LaborWage工作單品號Table lwTable  = lwHelper.GetDataGroupByPartNumber(wsNumList);

            foreach (ReportDataSet.UnitPriceReportRow row in _table)
                DataRow[] partRows = groupTable.Select(string.Format("品號 = '{0}'", row.品號));
                if (partRows.Length > 0)
                    row._實際工時_內_外_ = (decimal)partRows[0]["實際工時"];
                    row._實際工資_內_外_ = (decimal)partRows[0]["實際工資"];

                DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select(string.Format("品號 = '{0}'", row.品號));
                if (lwRows.Length > 0)
                    decimal wage = (decimal)lwRows[0]["外包工資"];
                    row._實際工資_內_外_ += wage;
                    row._實際工時_內_外_ += wage / Settings.HourlyPay;
Beispiel #3
        protected override void BeforeExport()
            _subttlRows = new List <int>();

            string lineFilter = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_form.Line))
                lineFilter = "產線 = '" + _form.Line + "'";

            FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter adapter = new FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter();

            _srcTable = adapter.GetData(_startDate, _endDate);
            _srcTable.Columns.Add("實際總工時auto", typeof(decimal), "(內部工時 + 外包工時)");
            //_srcTable.Columns.Add("退驗數量", typeof(decimal));

            Dictionary <DateTime, decimal> workHoursDic = new Dictionary <DateTime, decimal>();
            DateTime minDate = _startDate;
            DateTime maxDate = _endDate;

            object tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MIN(日期)", string.Empty);

            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                minDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;

            tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MAX(日期)", string.Empty);
            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                maxDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;
                maxDate = new DateTime(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month));

            for (DateTime date = minDate; date <= maxDate; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                decimal  hours = Global.GetWorkingHours(date.Year, date.Month);
                DateTime key   = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                workHoursDic.Add(key, hours);

            DateTime curRowMonth = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach (ReportDataSet.FinishedWorksheetReportSourceRow row in _srcTable)
                if (!row.IsNull("年份"))
                    if (row.年份 != curRowMonth.Year || row.月份 != curRowMonth.Month)
                        curRowMonth = new DateTime(row.年份, row.月份, 1);

                    row.內部工資 = Math.Round(row.內部工資 / workHoursDic[curRowMonth], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper();

            _table = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("ReportTable", _srcTable,
                                                "產線,實際完成日,工作單號,序號,品號,品名,數量,單位," +
                                                "Sum(內部工時) 內部工時, Sum(內部工資) 內部工資,外包工時,外包工資,標準工時,單位人工成本,實際總工時,實際總工時auto,實際總工資," +
                                                lineFilter, "產線,實際完成日,工作單號,品號,品名,數量,標準工時,單位人工成本,單位標準工資,工品編號");

            _table.Columns["單位"].DefaultValue = "KPCS";

            LaborWageHelper     lwHelper = new LaborWageHelper();
            LaborWage工作單品號Table lwTable  = null;

            string curWorksheetNumber = string.Empty;

            //int seriesNumber = 1;
            foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                string wsNumber = row["工作單號"].ToString();
                string pn       = row["品號"].ToString();
                int    wpid     = (int)row["工品編號"];

                if (curWorksheetNumber != wsNumber)
                    curWorksheetNumber = wsNumber;
                    lwTable            = lwHelper.GetData(curWorksheetNumber);
                    //seriesNumber = 1;

                //row["退驗數量"] = DatabaseSet.GetNGAmount(wsNumber, wpid) / 1000.0f;

                //DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select("工品編號 = " + row["工品編號"]);
                object result = lwTable.Compute("SUM(外包工資)", string.Format("工品編號 = {0}", row["工品編號"].ToString()));

                //if (lwRows.Length > 0)
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    //decimal laborWage = (decimal)lwRows[0]["外包工資"];
                    decimal laborWage = Convert.ToDecimal(result);

                    row["外包工資"] = laborWage;
                    row["外包工時"] = laborWage / Settings.HourlyPay;

                //row["序號"] = seriesNumber++;
                row["序號"]    = wpid;
                row["實際總工時"] = row["實際總工時auto"];
