Beispiel #1
        public static int AppointmentCount(string officeSequence, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            var db    = new LTCDataModel.PetaPoco.Database(DbConfiguration.LtcDental);
            int count = db.ExecuteScalar <int>($"select  Count(1) from _portal_patient_appointment_h Inner JOin  __sms_email_log on _portal_patient_appointment_h.Office_Sequence = __sms_email_log.Office_Sequence and _portal_patient_appointment_h.AppointmentCounter = __sms_email_log.Counter   where   _portal_patient_appointment_h.SystemDate between '{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}' AND '{endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}' AND _portal_patient_appointment_h.Office_Sequence  in (" + officeSequence + ") ");

            count += db.ExecuteScalar <int>($"select  Count(1)   from _portal_patient_appointment Inner JOin  __sms_email_log on _portal_patient_appointment.Office_Sequence = __sms_email_log.Office_Sequence and _portal_patient_appointment.AppointmentCounter = __sms_email_log.Counter  where   _portal_patient_appointment.SystemDate between '{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}' AND '{endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}' AND _portal_patient_appointment.Office_Sequence  in (" + officeSequence + ") ");
Beispiel #2
        public static int AverageCountBeforeDate(int office_sequence, DateTime startDate)
            // ltcdental
            var db = new LTCDataModel.PetaPoco.Database(DbConfiguration.LtcDental);

            return(db.ExecuteScalar <int>($"SELECT Count(ReviewID) FROM _review_patient_response  where _review_patient_response.Office_Sequence = {office_sequence} And Rating > 0  AND (Month(ReviewDate) < Month('{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}') AND Month(ReviewDate) < Month('{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}') AND Year(ReviewDate) AND Month('{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}'))"));
Beispiel #3
        public static int Count(int office_sequence, string ReviewType, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            // ltcdental
            var db = new LTCDataModel.PetaPoco.Database(DbConfiguration.LtcDental);

            return(db.ExecuteScalar <int>($"SELECT Count(ReviewID) FROM _review_patient_response  where _review_patient_response.Office_Sequence = {office_sequence} And ReviewType = '{ReviewType}' AND  ReviewDate between '{startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}' AND '{endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss")}'"));
Beispiel #4
        //SELECT ltc_dental.patient.Account,Doctor,LastName,FirstName,Sex,Birthdate,LastVisit,BestPhone FROM ltc_dental.patient;
        public static int GetPatientCount(string connectionString, int OfficeId, string search)
            var db    = new LTCDataModel.PetaPoco.Database(connectionString, "MySql");
            int count = db.ExecuteScalar <int>(
                @"SELECT Count(1) FROM patient pt where  ( pt.PatientNumber like '%" + search + "%' OR pt.Doctor like '%" + search +
                "%' or pt.LastName like '%" + search + "%' OR pt.FirstName like '%" + search +
                "%' OR pt.Sex like '%" + search + "%' OR pt.Birthdate like '%" + search +
                "%' OR pt.LastVisit like '%" + search + "%') AND  pt.Office_sequence=" + OfficeId);

Beispiel #5
        public static int DailyRecallCount(string officeSequence)
            // ltcdental
            var db  = new LTCDataModel.PetaPoco.Database(DbConfiguration.LtcDental);
            var res = db.ExecuteScalar <int?>($"select  Sum(sendcount) from appointbookingstatsbyuserdetail where appointbookingstatsbyuserdetail.Office_sequence  in (" + officeSequence + ") and DATE(auditdate) = CURDATE() and (smstype = 3) ");

            if (res == null)