Beispiel #1
        protected void btnBookNow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                btnBookNow.Enabled = false;
                if (chkPreUser.Checked != true)//New Lead with silent User Registration. check in again
                    if (ValidateUserName())
                        int userId = csuserRegistration.ExecuteProcedure("INSERT");//this will excute the proc "usp_UserRegProc" with insert mode and userid will be the output after registration process.
                            objLeads.SaveData("INSERT");//this will excute the proc "usp_Leads" with insert mode
                            lblMessage.Text = "Your Request have been submitted successfully. Our Executive will contact you shortly. Thank you ";

                            //Roll Back Registration process
                    if (Validation_Returning_User())

                        string strMessage = "Dear Customer,<br> Thank You for your association with us. We are in receipt of your concern with Easy-Labour." +
                       "<br>Our team tried to get in touch with as per Service Request no.–" + objLeads.Ticket + ". " +
                       "<br>We will be happy to help you to resolve your issue at a time of your convenience. " +
                       "<br>In case of any further clarification, feel free to call  or write to us at the contacts given in this email.";
                        LMT.Customer.AddNewCase.EmailSendDelegate emailSendDelegate = new LMT.Customer.AddNewCase.EmailSendDelegate(csGlobalFunction.SendEmail);
                        emailSendDelegate.BeginInvoke(Session["userEmail"].ToString(), "Lead Confirmation mail", strMessage, null, null);

                        //lblMessage.Text = "Your Request have been submitted successfully. Our Executive will contact you shortly. Thank you ";
                        //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "LaunchServerSide", "$(function() { SaveSuccess(); });", true);
                        if (Session["UserType"].ToString() == "Admin")
                            Response.Redirect("~/MasterPages/AdminMenuboard.aspx", false);
                        else if (Session["UserType"].ToString() == "Supplier")
                            Response.Redirect("~/MasterPages/SupplierMenuboard.aspx", false);
                        else if (Session["UserType"].ToString() == "Customer")
                            Response.Redirect("~/Customer/AddNewCase.aspx", false);
                            Response.Redirect("~/login.aspx", false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string strFnc = "";
                strFnc = ex.Message;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "CatchMsg", "alert('" + strFnc + "');", true);
                btnBookNow.Enabled = true;
Beispiel #2
        public void fnSendEmail(string Email = "")
            //For User
            string strMessage = "Dear Subscriber,<br> Your registration is comfirmed.<br> Your Login ID :" + txtUserName.Text.Trim() + ". <br> Password :"******"";
            string strSubject = "Registration Confirmation mail";
            LMT.User.UserRegistration.MailDelegate mailDelegate = new LMT.User.UserRegistration.MailDelegate(csGlobalFunction.SendHTMLEmail);
            mailDelegate.BeginInvoke(Email == "" ? Session["userEmail"].ToString() : Email, strSubject, txtUserName.Text.Trim(), csLogin.DecodeFrom64(csuserRegistration.PWD), null, null);

            //For Lead
            string strLeadMessage = "Dear Customer,<br> Thank You for your association with us. We are in receipt of your concern with Easy-Labour." +
                     "<br>Our team tried to get in touch with as per Service Request no.–" + objLeads.Ticket + ". " +
                     "<br>We will be happy to help you to resolve your issue at a time of your convenience. " +
                     "<br>In case of any further clarification, feel free to call  or write to us at the contacts given in this email.";
            LMT.Customer.AddNewCase.EmailSendDelegate emailSendDelegate = new LMT.Customer.AddNewCase.EmailSendDelegate(csGlobalFunction.SendEmail);
            emailSendDelegate.BeginInvoke(Email == "" ? Session["userEmail"].ToString() : Email, "Lead Confirmation mail", strLeadMessage, null, null);