Beispiel #1
 ** check whether, in an assignment to a local variable, the local variable
 ** is needed in a previous assignment (to a table). If so, save original
 ** local value in a safe place and use this safe copy in the previous
 ** assignment.
 private static void check_conflict(LexState ls, LHS_assign lh, expdesc v)
     FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       int extra = fs.freereg;  /* eventual position to save local variable */
       int conflict = 0;
       for (; lh!=null; lh = lh.prev) {
     if (lh.v.k == expkind.VINDEXED) {
       if ( == {  /* conflict? */
         conflict = 1; = extra;  /* previous assignment will use safe copy */
       if (lh.v.u.s.aux == {  /* conflict? */
         conflict = 1;
         lh.v.u.s.aux = extra;  /* previous assignment will use safe copy */
       if (conflict != 0) {
     LuaKCodeABC(fs, OpCode.OP_MOVE, fs.freereg,, 0);  /* make copy */
     LuaKReserveRegs(fs, 1);
Beispiel #2
 private static void exprstat(LexState ls)
     /* stat . func | assignment */
       FuncState fs = ls.fs;
       LHS_assign v = new LHS_assign();
       primaryexp(ls, v.v);
       if (v.v.k == expkind.VCALL)  /* stat . func */
     SETARG_C(GetCode(fs, v.v), 1);  /* call statement uses no results */
       else {  /* stat . assignment */
     v.prev = null;
     assignment(ls, v, 1);
Beispiel #3
 private static void assignment(LexState ls, LHS_assign lh, int nvars)
     expdesc e = new expdesc();
       check_condition(ls, expkind.VLOCAL <= lh.v.k && lh.v.k <= expkind.VINDEXED,
                       "syntax error");
       if (testnext(ls, ',') != 0) {  /* assignment . `,' primaryexp assignment */
     LHS_assign nv = new LHS_assign();
     nv.prev = lh;
     primaryexp(ls, nv.v);
     if (nv.v.k == expkind.VLOCAL)
       check_conflict(ls, lh, nv.v);
     luaY_checklimit(ls.fs, nvars, LUAI_MAXCCALLS - ls.L.nCcalls,
                     "variables in assignment");
     assignment(ls, nv, nvars+1);
       else {  /* assignment . `=' explist1 */
     int nexps;
     checknext(ls, '=');
     nexps = explist1(ls, e);
     if (nexps != nvars) {
       adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, e);
       if (nexps > nvars)
         ls.fs.freereg -= nexps - nvars;  /* remove extra values */
     else {
       LuaKSetOneRet(ls.fs, e);  /* close last expression */
       LuaKStoreVar(ls.fs, lh.v, e);
       return;  /* avoid default */
       init_exp(e, expkind.VNONRELOC, ls.fs.freereg - 1);  /* default assignment */
       LuaKStoreVar(ls.fs, lh.v, e);