public void AddShopItem(string productID, bool isConfig = false)//, ProductMetadata meta = null) { LDebug.Log("========>购买了商品 " + productID); //StatisticManager.Instance.DOT( "shop_buy_" + Purchaser.Instance.products.IndexOf( productID ) ); PurchaserStoreItem result = null; //商品购买成功逻辑 if (ProductsDict.ContainsKey(productID)) { result = ProductsDict[productID]; } else { var targets = ProductsDict.Where(e => e.Value.AlternativeBuyID == productID); if (targets.Count() > 0) { var target = targets.First(); result = target.Value; } } if (result != null) { BuySuccessEvent?.Invoke(result); } }
//视频完整播放完回调 private void OnRewardedVideoReceivedRewardEvent(string adUnitId, string label, float amount) { LDebug.Log("视频完整播放完回调,id:" + adUnitId); LDebug.Log("视频完整播放完回调,label:" + label); LDebug.Log("视频完整播放完回调,amount:" + amount); RewardShowEventHandler?.Invoke(true); }
//public void BuyConsumable() //{ // // Buy the consumable product using its general identifier. Expect a response either // // through ProcessPurchase or OnPurchaseFailed asynchronously. // BuyProductID( kProductIDConsumable ); //} //public void BuyNonConsumable() //{ // // Buy the non-consumable product using its general identifier. Expect a response either // // through ProcessPurchase or OnPurchaseFailed asynchronously. // BuyProductID( kProductIDNonConsumable ); //} //public void BuySubscription() //{ // // Buy the subscription product using its the general identifier. Expect a response either // // through ProcessPurchase or OnPurchaseFailed asynchronously. // // Notice how we use the general product identifier in spite of this ID being mapped to // // custom store-specific identifiers above. // BuyProductID( kProductIDSubscription ); //} public void BuyProductID(string productId) { // If Purchasing has been initialized ... if (IsInitialized()) { // ... look up the Product reference with the general product identifier and the Purchasing // system's products collection. Product product = m_StoreController.products.WithID(productId); // If the look up found a product for this device's store and that product is ready to be sold ... if (product != null && product.availableToPurchase) { LDebug.Log(string.Format("Purchasing product asychronously: '{0}'", product.definition.storeSpecificId)); // ... buy the product. Expect a response either through ProcessPurchase or OnPurchaseFailed // asynchronously. m_StoreController.InitiatePurchase(product); } // Otherwise ... else { ProcessPurchaseFailEventHandler?.Invoke(BuyFailReason.ProductError); // ... report the product look-up failure situation LDebug.Log("BuyProductID: FAIL. Not purchasing product, either is not found or is not available for purchase"); } } // Otherwise ... else { ProcessPurchaseFailEventHandler?.Invoke(BuyFailReason.NotInit); // ... report the fact Purchasing has not succeeded initializing yet. Consider waiting longer or // retrying initiailization. LDebug.Log("BuyProductID FAIL. Not initialized."); } }
// Restore purchases previously made by this customer. Some platforms automatically restore purchases, like Google. // Apple currently requires explicit purchase restoration for IAP, conditionally displaying a password prompt. public void RestorePurchases() { // If Purchasing has not yet been set up ... if (!IsInitialized()) { // ... report the situation and stop restoring. Consider either waiting longer, or retrying initialization. LDebug.Log("RestorePurchases FAIL. Not initialized."); return; } // If we are running on an Apple device ... if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) { // ... begin restoring purchases LDebug.Log("RestorePurchases started ..."); // Fetch the Apple store-specific subsystem. var apple = m_StoreExtensionProvider.GetExtension <IAppleExtensions>(); // Begin the asynchronous process of restoring purchases. Expect a confirmation response in // the Action<bool> below, and ProcessPurchase if there are previously purchased products to restore. apple.RestoreTransactions((result) => { // The first phase of restoration. If no more responses are received on ProcessPurchase then // no purchases are available to be restored. LDebug.Log("RestorePurchases continuing: " + result + ". If no further messages, no purchases available to restore."); }); } // Otherwise ... else { // We are not running on an Apple device. No work is necessary to restore purchases. LDebug.Log("RestorePurchases FAIL. Not supported on this platform. Current = " + Application.platform); } }
/// <summary> /// 同步加载 /// </summary> /// <param name="path">AssetPathManager.Instance.GetStreamAssetDataPath("csv/csvList.csv")</param> /// <param name="callBack"></param> /// <param name="errorCallBack"></param> public static void LoadAsset(string path, Action <UnityWebRequest> callBack, Action <UnityWebRequest> errorCallBack = null) { Uri uri = new Uri(path); LDebug.LogWarning(" >路径: \n AbsoluteUri : " + uri.AbsoluteUri + " \n AbsolutePath: " + uri.AbsolutePath + " \n LocalPath: " + uri.LocalPath); using (UnityWebRequest uwr = UnityWebRequest.Get(uri)) { uwr.timeout = 3; uwr.disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose = true; uwr.disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose = true; uwr.disposeCertificateHandlerOnDispose = true; uwr.SendWebRequest(); while (true) { if (uwr.isHttpError || uwr.isNetworkError) { LDebug.LogError(" >Error: " + uwr.error + " " + uwr.url); errorCallBack?.Invoke(uwr); return; } else if (uwr.downloadProgress == 1) { LDebug.Log(" >Received: \n" + uwr.downloadHandler.text); callBack?.Invoke(uwr); return; } } } }
/// <summary> /// FTP 下载器。同步方法会线程阻塞,用于加载少量文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="ftpIP">FTP服务器IP地址+端口。最后需要带上"/"</param> /// <param name="configsNamesList">待加载文件地址,需要带上后缀。例如XXX/Role.csv</param> /// <param name="name">FTP服务器登陆用户名</param> /// <param name="password">FTP服务器登录密码</param> public void DownLoadFromFTP(string ftpIP, string configsPath, string name = null, string password = null) { var result = FTPDownload(ftpIP + configsPath, userName: name, password: password); DocumentAccessor.SaveAsset2LocalFile(AssetPathManager.Instance.GetPersistentDataPath(configsPath, false), result); LDebug.Log(">>>" + configsPath + result.Count()); }
private void InterstitialLoadEventHandler(bool succ) { InterstitialLoadEvent?.Invoke(succ); InterstitialLoadEvent = null; LDebug.Log("Interstitial Load Status: " + succ + "! "); }
//加载失败 private void OnRewardedVideoFailedEvent(string adUnitId, string error) { //MoPub.RequestRewardedVideo(_rewardedVideoAdUnits[0]); LDebug.Log("激励视频广告加载失败,id:" + adUnitId); LDebug.Log("激励视频广告加载失败,error:" + error); RewardShowEventHandler?.Invoke(false); }
public override void ShowBanner() { #if IRONSOURCE LDebug.Log(">>>>ShowBanner"); IronSource.Agent.displayBanner(); #endif }
private byte[] FTPDownload(string ftpUrl, string savePath = "", string userName = "", string password = "") { FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(ftpUrl)); request.UsePassive = true; request.UseBinary = true; request.KeepAlive = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password); } request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; WebResponse webResponse; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(savePath)) { webResponse = request.GetResponse(); LDebug.Log("FTP连接状态: " + webResponse); DownloadAndSave(webResponse, savePath); return(null); } else { webResponse = request.GetResponse(); LDebug.Log("FTP连接状态: " + webResponse); return(DownloadAsbyteArray(webResponse)); } }
public void InitializePurchasing() { // If we have already connected to Purchasing ... LDebug.Log("====> If we have already connected to Purchasing ..."); if (IsInitialized()) { // ... we are done here. LDebug.Log("====> ....we are done here."); return; } var productDict = PurchaserDataModel.Instance.ProductsDict; // Create a builder, first passing in a suite of Unity provided stores. var builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance()); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer) { foreach (var product in productDict) { builder.AddProduct(product.Value.BuyID, ProductType.Consumable, new IDs { { product.Value.BuyID, AppleAppStore.Name } }); //Discount Item if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.Value.AlternativeBuyID)) { builder.AddProduct(product.Value.AlternativeBuyID, ProductType.Consumable, new IDs { { product.Value.AlternativeBuyID, AppleAppStore.Name } }); } } } //Android && PC else { foreach (var product in productDict) { builder.AddProduct(product.Value.BuyID, ProductType.Consumable, new IDs { { product.Value.BuyID, GooglePlay.Name } }); //Discount Item if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(product.Value.AlternativeBuyID)) { builder.AddProduct(product.Value.AlternativeBuyID, ProductType.Consumable, new IDs { { product.Value.AlternativeBuyID, GooglePlay.Name } }); } } } // Kick off the remainder of the set-up with an asynchrounous call, passing the configuration // and this class' instance. Expect a response either in OnInitialized or OnInitializeFailed. UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder); }
private void InterstitialShowEventHandler(bool succ) { IsAppLeave = false; InterstitialPlayEvent?.Invoke(succ); InterstitialPlayEvent = null; LDebug.Log("Interstitial Show Status: " + succ + "! "); }
public override void CreateBanner() { #if IRONSOURCE IronSource.Agent.loadBanner(IronSourceBannerSize.BANNER, IronSourceBannerPosition.BOTTOM); HideBanner(false); LDebug.Log(">>>>CreateBanner"); #endif }
//Invoked when the Rewarded Video failed to show //@param description - string - contains information about the failure. void RewardedVideoAdShowFailedEvent(IronSourceError error) { LDebug.Log("RewardedVideoAdShowFailedEvent" + " " + (error != null ? error.getDescription() : "error is null")); if (RewardShowEventHandler != null) { RewardShowEventHandler(false); } }
//Invoked when the RewardedVideo ad view is about to be closed. //Your activity will now regain its focus. void RewardedVideoAdClosedEvent() { LDebug.Log("RewardedVideoAdClosedEvent"); if (RewardCloseEventHandler != null) { RewardCloseEventHandler(false); } }
//Invoked when the ad fails to show. //@param description - string - contains information about the failure. void InterstitialAdShowFailedEvent(IronSourceError error) { LDebug.Log("==InterstitialAdShowFailedEvent"); if (InterstitialShowEventHandler != null) { InterstitialShowEventHandler(false); } }
//单击的时候回调 private void OnInterstitialClickedEvent(string adUnitId) { LDebug.Log("mopub调试——interstitial单击的时候回调,id:" + adUnitId); if (InterstitialShowEventHandler != null) { InterstitialShowEventHandler(true); } }
//interstitial读取成功 private void OnInterstitialLoadedEvent(string adUnitId) { LDebug.Log("mopub调试——interstitial读取成功"); if (InterstitialLoadEventHandler != null) { InterstitialLoadEventHandler(true); } }
private void InitAppFlyer() { #if APPFLY LDebug.Log(">>>AppsFlyer initSDK "); AppsFlyer.initSDK("devkey", "appID"); LDebug.Log(">>>AppsFlyer UNITY_ANDROID initSDK "); AppsFlyer.startSDK(); #endif }
public override bool IsRewardedVideoAvailable() { #if IRONSOURCE LDebug.Log(">>>IsRewardedVideoAvailable " + IronSource.Agent.isRewardedVideoAvailable()); return(IronSource.Agent.isRewardedVideoAvailable()); #else return(false); #endif }
//关闭激励视频回调 private void OnRewardedVideoClosedEvent(string adUnitId) { LDebug.Log("关闭激励视频回调,id:" + adUnitId); MoPub.RequestRewardedVideo(_rewardedVideoAdUnits[0]); if (RewardCloseEventHandler != null) { RewardCloseEventHandler(false); } }
//Invoked when the interstitial ad closed and the user goes back to the application screen. void InterstitialAdClosedEvent() { LDebug.Log("==InterstitialAdClosedEvent"); if (InterstitialShowEventHandler != null) { InterstitialShowEventHandler(true); } CreateInterstitial(); }
/// <summary> /// 反射注册UI回调 /// </summary> /// <param name="_assetsName"></param> /// <param name="_className"></param> public void RegistFunctionCallFun(string uiPathName, string className) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uiPathName) && !_allRegisterUIDict.ContainsKey(uiPathName)) { _allRegisterUIDict.Add(uiPathName, className); } LDebug.Log("LitFramework UI添加成功 " + uiPathName); }
private void RewardCloseEventHandler(bool succ) { _isPlayReward = false; IsAppLeave = false; RewardShutDownEventHandler?.Invoke(succ); RewardShutDownEventHandler = null; LDebug.Log("Reward Close Status " + succ); }
//Invoked when the initialization process has failed. //@param description - string - contains information about the failure. void InterstitialAdLoadFailedEvent(IronSourceError error) { LDebug.Log("==InterstitialAdLoadFailedEvent"); if (error != null) { LDebug.Log(error.getDescription()); } if (InterstitialLoadEventHandler != null) { InterstitialLoadEventHandler(false); } }
//interstitial读取失败 private void OnInterstitialFailedEvent(string adUnitId, string error) { if (error != null) { LDebug.Log("OnInterstitialFailedEvent " + error); } if (InterstitialLoadEventHandler != null) { InterstitialLoadEventHandler(false); } LDebug.Log("mopub调试——interstitial读取失败, id:" + adUnitId); LDebug.Log("error-----" + error); }
public override void HideBanner(bool destroy) { #if IRONSOURCE LDebug.Log(">>>>HideBanner"); if (destroy) { IronSource.Agent.destroyBanner(); } else { IronSource.Agent.hideBanner(); } #endif }
private void Initialized(ProductCollection productCollection) { LDebug.Log("IAP total count ==>" + productCollection.all.Length); for (int i = 0; i < productCollection.all.Length; i++) { var product = productCollection.all[i]; LDebug.Log("IAP product storeSpecificId ==>" + product.definition.storeSpecificId); LDebug.Log("IAP availableToPurchase ==>" + product.availableToPurchase); if (product.definition.storeSpecificId.StartsWith("buy")) { continue; } //包含在ProductsDict中的都是正是商品,打折商品ID不会出现在ProductDict中 if (ProductsDict.ContainsKey(product.definition.storeSpecificId)) { //真正后台配置商品 ProductsDict[product.definition.storeSpecificId].Name = product.metadata.localizedTitle; ProductsDict[product.definition.storeSpecificId].Price = product.metadata.localizedPriceString; ProductsDict[product.definition.storeSpecificId].Description = product.metadata.localizedDescription; ProductsDict[product.definition.storeSpecificId].ProductType = product.definition.type; } else { var alternativeItem = ProductsDict.Where(e => e.Value.AlternativeBuyID == product.definition.storeSpecificId); //如果该ID被设置为一个打折商品ID if (alternativeItem.Count() > 0) { var target = alternativeItem.First(); target.Value.AlternativePrice = product.metadata.localizedPriceString; } else { ProductsDict.Add(product.definition.storeSpecificId, new PurchaserStoreItem(product.definition.storeSpecificId) { Name = product.metadata.localizedTitle, Price = product.metadata.localizedPriceString, Description = product.metadata.localizedDescription, ProductType = product.definition.type, }); } } LDebug.Log("IAP localizedTitle ==>" + product.metadata.localizedTitle); LDebug.Log("IAP storeSpecificId ==>" + product.definition.storeSpecificId); } }
//购买不同商品结束后的处理方法 对应定义的商品 public PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs args) { foreach (var prod in PurchaserDataModel.Instance.ProductsDict) { // A consumable product has been purchased by this user. if (String.Equals(, prod.Value.BuyID, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { LDebug.Log(string.Format("ProcessPurchase: Succeed : '{0}'",; ProcessPurchaseEventHandler?.Invoke(prod.Value.BuyID); var product = m_StoreController.products.WithID(prod.Value.BuyID); string receipt = product.receipt; string currency = product.metadata.isoCurrencyCode; int amount = decimal.ToInt32(product.metadata.localizedPrice * 100); Receipt receiptClass = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <Receipt>(receipt); ProcessPurchaseReceiptEventHandler?.Invoke(currency, prod.Value.BuyID, amount, receiptClass); // Return a flag indicating whether this product has completely been received, or if the application needs // to be reminded of this purchase at next app launch. Use PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending when still // saving purchased products to the cloud, and when that save is delayed. return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prod.Value.AlternativeBuyID) && String.Equals(, prod.Value.AlternativeBuyID, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { LDebug.Log(string.Format("ProcessPurchase: Succeed : '{0}'",; ProcessPurchaseEventHandler?.Invoke(prod.Value.AlternativeBuyID); var product = m_StoreController.products.WithID(prod.Value.AlternativeBuyID); string receipt = product.receipt; string currency = product.metadata.isoCurrencyCode; int amount = decimal.ToInt32(product.metadata.localizedPrice * 100); Receipt receiptClass = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <Receipt>(receipt); ProcessPurchaseReceiptEventHandler?.Invoke(currency, prod.Value.AlternativeBuyID, amount, receiptClass); // Return a flag indicating whether this product has completely been received, or if the application needs // to be reminded of this purchase at next app launch. Use PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending when still // saving purchased products to the cloud, and when that save is delayed. return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Complete); } } LDebug.Log(string.Format("ProcessPurchase: FAIL. Unrecognized product: '{0}'",; // Return a flag indicating whether this product has completely been received, or if the application needs // to be reminded of this purchase at next app launch. Use PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending when still // saving purchased products to the cloud, and when that save is delayed. return(PurchaseProcessingResult.Pending); }
// // --- IStoreListener // public void OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions) { // Purchasing has succeeded initializing. Collect our Purchasing references. LDebug.Log("OnInitialized: PASS"); // Overall Purchasing system, configured with products for this application. m_StoreController = controller; // Store specific subsystem, for accessing device-specific store features. m_StoreExtensionProvider = extensions; if (InitializedEventHandler != null) { InitializedEventHandler(m_StoreController.products); } }