Beispiel #1
        public void Vencimiento_due_date()
            LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL analisis = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();

            var lista_final_aux = analisis.BruteTodos().OrderByDescending(z => z.SmoScopeID).ToList();
            var lista_final     = lista_final_aux.ToList();


            foreach (var item in lista_final_aux)
                if (!lista_final.Exists(x => x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdOwner == item.RefIdOwner && x.ActionPlan == item.ActionPlan && x.RefIdResponsable == item.RefIdResponsable))

            var lista_analisis = lista_final.ToList();

            foreach (var item in lista_analisis)
                if (item.DueDate != null)
                    if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(item.DueDate.ToString()), DateTime.Today) < 0 && item.O_C != "C")
                        var    fs      = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/AlertTemplates/ActionPlansFirstReminders.htm"), FileMode.Open);
                        var    sr      = new StreamReader(fs);
                        string subject = "LARCA - FIRST REMINDER - ACTION PLANS";
                        var    to      = item.ResponsableSmo.Responsable_user.user_name + "";
                        var    body    = sr.ReadToEnd();
                        body = body.Replace("[owner]", item.ResponsableSmo.Responsable_user.user_name);
                        string string_action = item.DueDate.ToString();
                        if (item.DueDate.ToString().Count() > 0)
                            string_action = item.ActionPlan + " - " + string_action.Substring(0, 10);
                        body = body.Replace("[action_plan]", string_action);
                        Send(subject, body, to, null);
        public List <string> EnviarSegundosRemiders()
/*            LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL analisis = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();
 *          var lista_final_aux = analisis.Todos().OrderByDescending(z => z.SmoScopeID).ToList();
 *          var lista_final = lista_final_aux.ToList();
 *          lista_final.Clear();
 *          foreach (var item in lista_final_aux)
 *          {
 *              if (!lista_final.Exists(x => x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdOwner == item.RefIdOwner))
 *              {
 *                  lista_final.Add(item);
 *              }
 *          }*/

            //LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_Users user = (LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_Users)HttpContext.Current.Session["Usuario"];

            LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL repo = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL();
            DateTime siev = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-repo.Todos().First().SmoDays.Value);

            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result            = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_test       = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_aux_smo    = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_aux_bu     = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScopeDetail> lista_tops_level2 = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScopeDetail>();

            //result = result.Where(x => x.deleted == false && >= siev).ToList();
            LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL smo_list = new LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL();
            LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL bu_list  = new LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL();
            var toplvl3 = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL().TraerTopLvl3();
            var toplvl2 = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL().TraerTopLvl2();

            decimal volumen;
            decimal vol;

            LARCA2.Business.Services.SMOScopeBLL smoscopebll = new LARCA2.Business.Services.SMOScopeBLL();

            LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL SmoScopeDAL = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();

            foreach (var smo_var in smo_list.Todos().Where(x => x.Data == "SMO").ToList())
                result_aux_smo.AddRange(SmoScopeDAL.Todos().Where(x => >= siev && x.RefIdSMO == && x.clone != true).ToList());

            var result_aux_s = result_aux_smo.GroupBy(p => p.RefIdSMO).ToList();

            var tops_smo = smoscopebll.traer_tops_level2(1);

            foreach (var item in result_aux_s)
                var result_aux = item.Where(i => i.RefIdSMO == item.Key).GroupBy(p => p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0] + "." + p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[1]).ToList();

                foreach (var subitem in result_aux)
                    if (tops_smo.Exists(p => p.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && p.smo == item.Key))
                        volumen = tops_smo.SingleOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.smo == item.Key).volumen;

                        vol = 0;
                        int cant = 0;
                        foreach (var item_list in subitem.OrderByDescending(p => p.Volumen).ToList())
                            if (cant == 1)
                                vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);

                                if ((vol * 100 / volumen <= 80))
                                    vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);
                        result.AddRange(result_test.OrderByDescending(s => s.Volumen).Take(toplvl3).ToList());

            foreach (var bu_var in smo_list.Todos().Where(x => x.Data == "BU").ToList())
                result_aux_bu.AddRange(SmoScopeDAL.Todos().Where(x => >= siev && x.RefIdBU == && x.clone != true).ToList().ToList());

            var result_aux_b = result_aux_bu.GroupBy(p => p.MasterBU.DataFin).ToList();

            var tops_bu = smoscopebll.traer_tops_level2(2);

            foreach (var item in result_aux_b)
                var result_aux = item.Where(i => i.MasterBU.DataFin == item.Key.ToString()).GroupBy(p => p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0] + "." + p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[1]).ToList();

                foreach (var subitem in result_aux)
                    if (tops_bu.Exists(p => p.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && p.bu == item.Key.ToString()))
                        //volumen = tops_bu.SingleOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.bu == item.Key.ToString()).volumen;
                        volumen = tops_bu.FirstOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.bu == item.Key.ToString()).volumen;

                        vol = 0;
                        int cant = 0;
                        foreach (var item_list in subitem.OrderByDescending(p => p.Volumen).ToList())
                            if (cant == 1)
                                vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);

                                if ((vol * 100 / volumen <= 80))
                                    vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);
                        result.AddRange(result_test.OrderByDescending(s => s.Volumen).Take(toplvl3).ToList());

            var lista_analisis = result.ToList();


            foreach (var item in result.ToList())
                if (!lista_analisis.Exists(x => x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC))

            string        username    = "";
            List <string> return_list = new List <string>();

            foreach (var item in lista_analisis)
                username = "";
                if ((item.Problem == "" || item.Problem == null) || (item.ActionPlan == "" || item.ActionPlan == null))
                    LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL permisos = new LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL();
                    var permisos_lista2 = permisos.Todos().Where(x => x.IdOwner == item.RefIdOwner && x.IdSmo == item.RefIdSMO && x.IdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.deleted != true);

                    if (permisos_lista2.Count() > 0)
                        username = permisos_lista2.First().LARCA20_Users.user_name;
                        username = "";

                    if (username != "" && username != null)
                        var    lista   = new List <string>();
                        string manager = "";
                        using (var forest = Forest.GetCurrentForest())
                            foreach (Domain domain in forest.Domains)
                                var userdomain = domain.Name.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0].ToUpper();

                                List <string> gruposEncontrados = new List <string>();
                                // Creamos un objeto DirectoryEntry para conectarnos al directorio activo
                                DirectoryEntry adsRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + userdomain);
                                // Creamos un objeto DirectorySearcher para hacer una búsqueda en el directorio activo
                                DirectorySearcher adsSearch = new DirectorySearcher(adsRoot);

                                // Ponemos como filtro que busque el usuario actual
                                adsSearch.Filter = "samAccountName=" + username;

                                SearchResult oResult;
                                // Extraemos la primera coincidencia
                                oResult = adsSearch.FindOne();

                                if (oResult != null)
                                    manager = oResult.Properties["manager"][0].ToString();
                                    string[] words = manager.Split(',');
                                    manager = words[0];
                                    string[] words2 = manager.Split('=');
                                    if (words2[1] != null && words2[1] != "")
                                        manager = words2[1];
                                    return_list.Add(manager + " - " + username + " - " + item.MasterBU.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterSMO.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterLvl.Description);
                        string action = item.MasterBU.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterSMO.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterLvl.Description;
                        if (username != null && username != "")
                            new MailingCore().EnviarSegundosRemiders(username, manager, action);
        public void Vencimiento_due_date_escalation()
            //new MailingCore().Vencimiento_due_date_escalation();

            LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL analisis = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();
            var lista_final_aux = analisis.BruteTodos().OrderByDescending(z => z.SmoScopeID).ToList();
            var lista_final     = lista_final_aux.ToList();


            foreach (var item in lista_final_aux)
                if (!lista_final.Exists(x => x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdOwner == item.RefIdOwner && x.ActionPlan == item.ActionPlan && x.RefIdResponsable == item.RefIdResponsable))

            var lista_analisis = lista_final.ToList();

            foreach (var item in lista_analisis)
                if (item.DueDate != null)
                    if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Parse(item.DueDate.ToString()), DateTime.Today) < 0 && item.O_C != "C")
                        LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL permisos = new LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL();
                        var    permisos_lista2 = permisos.Todos().Where(x => x.IdOwner == item.RefIdOwner && x.IdSmo == item.RefIdSMO && x.IdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.deleted != true);
                        string cc = "";
                        if (permisos_lista2.Count() > 0)
                            cc = permisos_lista2.First().LARCA20_Users.user_name + "";

                        var    lista    = new List <string>();
                        string manager  = "";
                        string username = item.ResponsableSmo.Responsable_user.user_name;
                        using (var forest = Forest.GetCurrentForest())
                            foreach (Domain domain in forest.Domains)
                                var userdomain = domain.Name.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0].ToUpper();

                                List <string> gruposEncontrados = new List <string>();
                                // Creamos un objeto DirectoryEntry para conectarnos al directorio activo
                                DirectoryEntry adsRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + userdomain);
                                // Creamos un objeto DirectorySearcher para hacer una búsqueda en el directorio activo
                                DirectorySearcher adsSearch = new DirectorySearcher(adsRoot);

                                // Ponemos como filtro que busque el usuario actual
                                adsSearch.Filter = "samAccountName=" + username;

                                SearchResult oResult;
                                // Extraemos la primera coincidencia
                                oResult = adsSearch.FindOne();

                                if (oResult != null)
                                    manager = oResult.Properties["manager"][0].ToString();
                                    string[] words = manager.Split(',');
                                    manager = words[0];
                                    string[] words2 = manager.Split('=');
                                    manager = words2[1] + "";

                        string duedate    = item.DueDate.ToString();
                        string actionplan = item.ActionPlan;
                        new MailingCore().Vencimiento_due_date_escalation(username, duedate, actionplan, cc, manager);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Metodo que se encarga de enviar los PRIMEROS REMINDERS por email
        /// </summary>
        public List <string> EnviarPrimerosRemiders()
            // General Reminders

            /* LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL analisis = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();
             * //var lista_analisis = analisis.Todos();
             * var lista_final_aux = analisis.Todos().OrderByDescending(z => z.SmoScopeID).ToList();
             * var lista_final = lista_final_aux.ToList();
             * lista_final.Clear();
             * foreach (var item in lista_final_aux)
             * {
             *   if (!lista_final.Exists(x => x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdOwner == item.RefIdOwner))
             *   {
             *       lista_final.Add(item);
             *   }
             * }*/

            List <string> return_list = new List <string>();

            LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL repo = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL();
            DateTime siev = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-repo.Todos().First().SmoDays.Value);

            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result            = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_test       = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_aux_smo    = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>       result_aux_bu     = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScope>();
            List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScopeDetail> lista_tops_level2 = new List <LARCA2.Data.DatabaseModels.LARCA20_SmoScopeDetail>();

            //result = result.Where(x => x.deleted == false && >= siev).ToList();
            LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL smo_list = new LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL();
            LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL bu_list  = new LARCA2.Business.Services.MasterDataBLL();
            var toplvl3 = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL().TraerTopLvl3();
            var toplvl2 = new LARCA2.Business.Services.ApplicationDataBLL().TraerTopLvl2();

            decimal volumen;
            decimal vol;

            LARCA2.Business.Services.SMOScopeBLL smoscopebll = new LARCA2.Business.Services.SMOScopeBLL();

            LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL SmoScopeDAL = new LARCA2.Data.Services.SmoScopeDAL();

            foreach (var smo_var in smo_list.Todos().Where(x => x.Data == "SMO").ToList())
                result_aux_smo.AddRange(SmoScopeDAL.Todos().Where(x => >= siev && x.RefIdSMO == && x.clone != true).ToList());

            var result_aux_s = result_aux_smo.GroupBy(p => p.RefIdSMO).ToList();

            var tops_smo = smoscopebll.traer_tops_level2(1);

            foreach (var item in result_aux_s)
                var result_aux = item.Where(i => i.RefIdSMO == item.Key).GroupBy(p => p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0] + "." + p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[1]).ToList();

                foreach (var subitem in result_aux)
                    if (tops_smo.Exists(p => p.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && p.smo == item.Key))
                        volumen = tops_smo.SingleOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.smo == item.Key).volumen;

                        vol = 0;
                        int cant = 0;
                        foreach (var item_list in subitem.OrderByDescending(p => p.Volumen).ToList())
                            if (cant == 1)
                                vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);

                                if ((vol * 100 / volumen <= 80))
                                    vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);
                        result.AddRange(result_test.OrderByDescending(s => s.Volumen).Take(toplvl3).ToList());

            foreach (var bu_var in smo_list.Todos().Where(x => x.Data == "BU").ToList())
                result_aux_bu.AddRange(SmoScopeDAL.Todos().Where(x => >= siev && x.RefIdBU == && x.clone != true).ToList().ToList());

            var result_aux_b = result_aux_bu.GroupBy(p => p.MasterBU.DataFin).ToList();

            var tops_bu = smoscopebll.traer_tops_level2(2);

            foreach (var item in result_aux_b)
                var result_aux = item.Where(i => i.MasterBU.DataFin == item.Key.ToString()).GroupBy(p => p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[0] + "." + p.MasterLvl.Code.Split(Convert.ToChar("."))[1]).ToList();

                foreach (var subitem in result_aux)
                    if (tops_bu.Exists(p => p.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && p.bu == item.Key.ToString()))
                        //volumen = tops_bu.SingleOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.bu == item.Key.ToString()).volumen;
                        volumen = tops_bu.FirstOrDefault(t => t.level == subitem.Key.ToString() && t.bu == item.Key.ToString()).volumen;

                        vol = 0;
                        int cant = 0;
                        foreach (var item_list in subitem.OrderByDescending(p => p.Volumen).ToList())
                            if (cant == 1)
                                vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);

                                if ((vol * 100 / volumen <= 80))
                                    vol = vol + Convert.ToDecimal(item_list.Volumen);
                        result.AddRange(result_test.OrderByDescending(s => s.Volumen).Take(toplvl3).ToList());

            var lista_analisis = result.ToList();


            foreach (var item in result.ToList())
                if (!lista_analisis.Exists(x => x.RefIdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.RefIdSMO == item.RefIdSMO && x.RefIdRC == item.RefIdRC))

            foreach (var item in lista_analisis)
                if ((item.Problem == "" || item.Problem == null) || (item.ActionPlan == "" || item.ActionPlan == null))
                    LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL permisos = new LARCA2.Data.Services.UserOwnerDAL();
                    var permisos_lista2 = permisos.Todos().Where(x => x.IdOwner == item.RefIdOwner && x.IdSmo == item.RefIdSMO && x.IdBU == item.RefIdBU && x.deleted != true);

                    var    fs      = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/AlertTemplates/FirstReminders.htm"), FileMode.Open);
                    var    sr      = new StreamReader(fs);
                    string subject = "LARCA - FIRST REMINDER - PENDING ANALYSIS";
                    var    body    = sr.ReadToEnd();

                    if (permisos_lista2.Count() > 0)
                        var to = permisos_lista2.First().LARCA20_Users.user_name + "";
                        return_list.Add(permisos_lista2.First().LARCA20_Users.user_name + " - " + item.MasterBU.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterSMO.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterLvl.Description);
                        body = body.Replace("[owner]", permisos_lista2.First().LARCA20_Users.user_name);
                        string texto = item.MasterBU.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterSMO.DataFin + " - " + item.MasterLvl.Description;
                        body = body.Replace("[action_plan]", texto);
                        Send(subject, body, to, null);
