Beispiel #1
        public async void ShouldThrowInvalidOpEx_WhenConfigAlreadyExists()
            var dict = await _service.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(CoreService.KvpDictionaryName);

            KvpConfig config = null;

            using (var tx = new MockTransaction())
                config = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.0.0"
                var key = new ConfigKey(config);
                await dict.TryAddAsync(tx, key, config);

                await tx.CommitAsync();
            KvpConfig newconfig = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => _service.AddConfigSetting(newconfig));
Beispiel #2
        public async void ShouldNotGetNonExistantKvpConfig()
            var dict = await _service.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(CoreService.KvpDictionaryName);

            KvpConfig config = null;

            using (var tx = new MockTransaction())
                config = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.0.0"
                var key = new ConfigKey(config);
                await dict.TryAddAsync(tx, key, config);

                await tx.CommitAsync();
            if (await dict.GetCountAsync(new MockTransaction()) != 1)
                Assert.False(true, "The config key was not saved. The test will not proceed");
            var val = await _service.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey("NotAKey", "1.0.0"));

            Assert.True(val == null, "The service returned a response.... That ain't right");
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <KvpConfig> GetLatestConfigSetting(string name)
            var kvpDictionary = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(KvpDictionaryName);

            KvpConfig config = null;

            using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                var asyncEnumerable = await kvpDictionary.CreateEnumerableAsync(tx);

                var    kvps            = asyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
                SemVer greatestRelease = null;
                while (await kvps.MoveNextAsync(new CancellationToken()))
                    var kvp = kvps.Current;
                    if (kvp.Key.Name != name)
                    if (greatestRelease == null)
                        greatestRelease = new SemVer(kvp.Key.Version);
                    var version = new SemVer(kvp.Key.Version);
                    if (greatestRelease < version)
                        greatestRelease = version;
                        config          = (KvpConfig)kvp.Value;
Beispiel #4
        ///Backs up config settings to mongodb store. Currently abandons all hope of saving if an exception is thrown. that's what
        ///stateful services are for anyways right? lol
        //TODO add some way to add failures to a queue of shit that needs to be backed up
        private async Task BackupConfigSetting(KvpConfig config)
            var db         = DbClient.GetDatabase(_backupDbName);
            var collection = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(_backupKvpCollection);
            var toInsert   = new BsonDocument
                { "Type", config.Type },
                { "Value", config.Value },
                { "Name", config.Name },
                { "Version", config.Version },

                var exists = await collection.FindAsync(toInsert);

                if (exists.Any())
                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, 0, $"Attempted to backup a config which already exists {config.Name}: {config.Value}. Aborting",
                                null, (msg, exx) => msg);
                await collection.InsertOneAsync(toInsert);
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, 0, "Exception of type {0} occured while saving config to backup: {1} | {2}", ex,
                            (msg, exx) => String.Format(msg, exx.Message, exx.Source, exx.StackTrace));
Beispiel #5
        public void BasicUpdater_ShouldRetrieveNewerConfig()
            KvpConfig older_config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.1.0"
            var providerMock = new Mock <IKvpConfigService>();

            providerMock.Setup(svc => svc.GetLatestConfigSetting(It.Is <string>(x => x == "Test"))).Returns(Task <KvpConfig> .FromResult(config));
            var logger       = new Mock <ILogger>().Object;
            var updateTarget = new Dictionary <string, KvpConfig>()
                ["Test"] = older_config
            var basicUpdater = new BasicConfigUpdateStrategy(providerMock.Object, logger, TimeSpan.FromHours(6), new List <string>()

            Assert.True(updateTarget.Keys.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(updateTarget["Test"].Version == "1.1.0");
Beispiel #6
        public async Task AddConfigSetting(KvpConfig config)
            var kvpDictionary = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(KvpDictionaryName);

            bool saved = false;

            using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                var configValue = await kvpDictionary.TryGetValueAsync(tx, new ConfigKey(config));

                if (configValue.HasValue)
                    string msg = $"You are trying to add a config for which the SemVer you specified already exists: {config.Name}, {config.Version}. That is not allowed";
                    _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, 0, msg, null, (ms, ex) => ms);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(msg);
                    await kvpDictionary.AddAsync(tx, new ConfigKey(config), new KvpConfig(config));

                    await tx.CommitAsync();

                    saved = true;
            if (saved)
                Task.Run(async() => await this.BackupConfigSetting(config));
Beispiel #7
        public async void ShouldAdd_IncrementedVersion()
            if (!_fixture.RunTheseTests)
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "new test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.1.0"
            await Client.AddConfigSetting(config);

            var val = await Client.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey(config));

            Assert.True(val != null, "The client didnt get the new config....");

            var old_val = await Client.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey("Test", "1.0.0"));

            Assert.True(old_val != null, "The old configuration key doesn't exist...");
            Assert.True(old_val.Value != val.Value, "We added a new config but didn't update the value....");
            Assert.True(val.Value == "new test", "We added a new config but didn't update the value....");

            //Cleanup -- reset all internal and external state
            await Client.DeleteConfigSetting(new ConfigKey(config));
Beispiel #8
        public async void ShouldNot_RetrieveConfigWhichDoesntExist()
            if (!_fixture.RunTheseTests)
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test2",
                Name    = "sfajslkfjds",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            var val = await Client.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey(config));

            Assert.True(val == null, "The client retrieved something....");
Beispiel #9
        protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var kvpDictionary = await this.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(KvpDictionaryName);

            long result = 0;

            using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                //do we have any values? Should we get from backup?
                result = await kvpDictionary.GetCountAsync(tx);

            //get from backup nosql store
            if (result == 0)
                ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.Context, "No config values found, updating from backup: {0}", DateTime.UtcNow);
                var db            = DbClient.GetDatabase(_backupDbName);
                var kvpCollection = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(_backupKvpCollection);
                var kvps          = await kvpCollection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToListAsync();

                //var temp = await kvpCollection.CountAsync(new BsonDocument());
                foreach (var config in kvps)
                    using (var tx = this.StateManager.CreateTransaction())
                        var name    = config.GetValue("Name").AsString;
                        var version = config.GetValue("Version").AsString;
                        var type    = config.GetValue("Type").AsString;
                        var value   = config.GetValue("Value").AsString;
                        var x       = new KvpConfig()
                            Name    = name,
                            Version = version,
                            Type    = type,
                            Value   = value
                        var key = new ConfigKey(name, version);
                        await kvpDictionary.AddAsync(tx, key, x);

                        await tx.CommitAsync();
Beispiel #10
        public async void ShouldRetrieveConfig()
            if (!_fixture.RunTheseTests)
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            var val = await Client.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey(config));

            Assert.True(val != null, "The test config was not retrieved...");
            Assert.True(val.Version == config.Version, "The retrieved value did not match expected");
            Assert.True(val.Name == config.Name, "The retrieved value did not match expected");
            Assert.True(val.Type == config.Type, "The retrieved value did not match expected");
            Assert.True(val.Value == config.Value, "The retrieved value did not match expected");
Beispiel #11
        public async void ShouldGetLatestKvpConfigByName()
            var dict = await _service.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(CoreService.KvpDictionaryName);

            KvpConfig config = null;

            using (var tx = new MockTransaction())
                config = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.1.0"
                var key = new ConfigKey(config);
                await dict.TryAddAsync(tx, key, config);

                var config2 = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.0.0"
                var key2 = new ConfigKey(config2);
                await dict.TryAddAsync(tx, key2, config2);

                await tx.CommitAsync();
            if (await dict.GetCountAsync(new MockTransaction()) != 2)
                Assert.False(true, "The config key was not saved. The test will not proceed");
            var val = await _service.GetLatestConfigSetting("Test");

            Assert.True(val != null, "The srevice returned a null response. That ain't right");
            Assert.True(val.Equals(config), "The service returned a value but it did not equal the stored config");
Beispiel #12
        public async void ShouldDeleteConfig()
            if (!_fixture.RunTheseTests)
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            await Client.DeleteConfigSetting(new ConfigKey("Test", "1.0.0"));

            var val = await Client.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey("Test", "1.0.0"));

            Assert.True(val == null, "The client didnt delete the config....");

            //Cleanup -- reset all internal and external state
            await Client.AddConfigSetting(config);
Beispiel #13
        public async void ShouldSaveConfig()
            var dict = new MockReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig>();

            using (var tx = new MockTransaction())
                var config = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.0.0"
                var key = new ConfigKey(config);
                await dict.TryAddAsync(tx, key, config);

                await tx.CommitAsync();
            using (var tx = new MockTransaction())
                var config = new KvpConfig()
                    Value   = "Test",
                    Name    = "Test",
                    Type    = "String",
                    Version = "1.0.0"
                var key = new ConfigKey(config);
                var val = await dict.TryGetValueAsync(tx, key);

                Assert.Equal(val.Value.Name, config.Name);
                Assert.Equal(val.Value.Type, config.Type);
                Assert.Equal(val.Value.Version, config.Version);
                Assert.Equal(val.Value.Value, config.Value);
Beispiel #14
        public async void ShouldAddNewConfig()
            KvpConfig config = new KvpConfig()
                Value   = "Test",
                Name    = "Test",
                Type    = "String",
                Version = "1.0.0"
            await _service.AddConfigSetting(config);

            var dict = await _service.StateManager.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <ConfigKey, KvpConfig> >(CoreService.KvpDictionaryName);

            if (await dict.GetCountAsync(new MockTransaction()) != 1)
                Assert.False(true, "The config key was not saved. The test will not proceed");
            var val = await _service.GetConfigSetting(new ConfigKey("Test", "1.0.0"));

            Assert.True(val.Name == config.Name, "The config value saved was not equal to that passed into the service");
            Assert.True(val.Version == config.Version, "The config value saved was not equal to that passed into the service");
            Assert.True(val.Type == config.Type, "The config value saved was not equal to that passed into the service");
            Assert.True(val.Value == config.Value, "The config value saved was not equal to that passed into the service");
Beispiel #15
 public async Task AddConfigSetting(KvpConfig config)
     await _fabricProvider.AddConfigSetting(config);