Beispiel #1
        private void OnPageFlagsChanged(object sender, KryptonPageFlagsEventArgs e)
            // Get access to the Flags property
            MemberDescriptor propertyFlags = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(_page)[@"Flags"];

            // Notify that the flags property has been updated
            RaiseComponentChanged(propertyFlags, null, null);
Beispiel #2
 private void OnCellSelectedPageFlagsChanged(object sender, KryptonPageFlagsEventArgs e)
     if (ApplyDockingCloseAction || ApplyDockingPinAction)
         // Only need to process the change in flags if the page in question is a selected page
         KryptonPage          page = (KryptonPage)sender;
         KryptonWorkspaceCell cell = CellForPage(page);
         if (cell.SelectedPage == page)
             UpdateCellActions(cell, _lookupCellState[cell]);