/// <summary>
        /// csv�`���̃f�[�^�I�u�W�F�N�g��ݒ肷��D
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">ICsv�C���^�t�F�[�X����������I�u�W�F�N�g</param>
        public void SetCSV(KrdLab.Lisys.ICsv data)

            if (data == null)

            string csv = data.ToCsv();
            string[] lines = csv.Split(new string[]{"\r\n"},StringSplitOptions.None);
            if (lines.Length < 1)

            String[] cols = lines[0].Split(',');
            for (int c = 0; c < cols.Length; ++c)
                this.DataGridView.Columns.Add("c-" + c, c.ToString());

            foreach (string line in lines)
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// �\���Ώۂ̍s���ݒ肷��D
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        public void SetMatrix(KrdLab.Lisys.Matrix m)
            if (m == null)

            for (int c = 0; c < m.ColumnSize; ++c)
                var gridCol = new DataGridViewColumn();
                gridCol.HeaderText = String.Format("[ , {0}]", c);
                gridCol.ReadOnly = true;
                gridCol.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable;

            for (int r = 0; r < m.RowSize; ++r)
                var gridRow = new DataGridViewRow();
                gridRow.HeaderCell.Value = String.Format("[{0}, ]", r);
                gridRow.ReadOnly = true;
                var row = m.Rows[r];
                foreach (var v in row)
                    var cell = new DataGridViewTextBoxCell();
                    cell.Value = v.ToString();
            this.DataGridView.RowHeadersWidth = 100;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 四角形領域:ソートされた行列を取得する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probNo"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicDistanceX"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicDistanceY"></param>
        /// <param name="betaX"></param>
        /// <param name="betaY"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3"></param>
        /// <param name="coord_c_all"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodeCoords"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="toSorted"></param>
        /// <param name="boundary_node_cnt_B1"></param>
        /// <param name="boundary_node_cnt_B3"></param>
        /// <param name="boundary_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt0"></param>
        /// <param name="KMat0"></param>
        /// <param name="MMat0"></param>
        /// <param name="expAX"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY1"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY2"></param>
        /// <param name="KMat"></param>
        /// <param name="MMat"></param>
        private static void getSortedMatrix_Rect(
            int probNo,
            double periodicDistanceX,
            double periodicDistanceY,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex betaX,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex betaY,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3,
            double[][] coord_c_all,
            uint[] sharedNodes,
            double[][] sharedNodeCoords,
            IList<uint> sortedNodes,
            Dictionary<uint, int> toSorted,
            uint boundary_node_cnt_B1,
            uint boundary_node_cnt_B3,
            uint boundary_node_cnt,
            uint free_node_cnt,
            uint free_node_cnt0,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat0,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat0,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAX,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY1,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY2,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat
            // 境界2の節点は境界1の節点と同一とみなす
            //   境界上の分割が同じであることが前提条件
            KMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
            MMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
            // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
            expAX = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX);
            expAY = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaY * periodicDistanceY);
            // 左下と左上のX座標オフセット
            double ofsX = sharedNodeCoords[0][0] - sharedNodeCoords[1][0];
            if (Math.Abs(ofsX) >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 斜め領域の場合
                //  Y方向の周期境界条件にはオフセット分のX方向成分の因子が入る
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ofsX: {0}", ofsX);
                expAY *= KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * ofsX);
            expAY1 = 0.0;
            expAY2 = 0.0;
            if (probNo == 3)
                expAY = 1.0;
                expAY1 = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX * 0.5)
                    * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaY * periodicDistanceY);
                expAY2 = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX * 0.5)
                    * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaY * periodicDistanceY);
            int nodeIndexShared0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]]; // 左上頂点
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - nodeIndexShared0) == toSorted[sharedNodes[2]]);//左上と右上
            if (probNo == 3)
                nodeIndexShared0 = -1;
            uint boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 = 0;
            if (probNo == 3)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length % 2 == 1);
                boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 = ((uint)no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length - 1) / 2;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(boundary_node_cnt_B3 == (no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length - 2));
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(boundary_node_cnt_B3 == (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 * 2 - 1));

            if (probNo == 3)
                // check
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        int j_3_L = (int)(j + boundary_node_cnt_B1);
                        uint nodeNumber_3_L = sortedNodes[j_3_L];
                        double[] coord_3_L = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_3_L];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("3_L: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", j_3_L, nodeNumber_3_L, coord_3_L[0], coord_3_L[1]);

                        int j_4_R = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j);
                        uint nodeNumber_4_R = sortedNodes[j_4_R];
                        double[] coord_4_R = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_4_R];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("4_R: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", j_4_R, nodeNumber_4_R, coord_4_R[0], coord_4_R[1]);
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        uint nodeNumber_shared1 = sharedNodes[1];
                        int j_shared1 = toSorted[nodeNumber_shared1];
                        double[] coord_shared1 = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared1];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared1: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", j_shared1, nodeNumber_shared1, coord_shared1[0], coord_shared1[1]);

                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                        uint nodeNumber_m_B4 = sortedNodes[jm_B4];
                        double[] coord_m_B4 = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_m_B4];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("m_B4: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", jm_B4, nodeNumber_m_B4, coord_m_B4[0], coord_m_B4[1]);
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        int j_3_R = (int)(j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3);
                        uint nodeNumber_3_R = sortedNodes[j_3_R];
                        double[] coord_3_R = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_3_R];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("3_R: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", j_3_R, nodeNumber_3_R, coord_3_R[0], coord_3_R[1]);

                        int j_4_L = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j);
                        uint nodeNumber_4_L = sortedNodes[j_4_L];
                        double[] coord_4_L = coord_c_all[nodeNumber_4_L];
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("4_L: {0}  {1}  {2} {3}", j_4_L, nodeNumber_4_L, coord_4_L[0], coord_4_L[1]);

            // 境界1+3+内部
            for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
            // 境界1+3+内部
            for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                // 境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                    if (probNo == 3)
                        if (j == nodeIndexShared0) continue; // 右上頂点(左上頂点に対応)は別処理
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expAX * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expAX * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                if (probNo == 3)
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            expAY1 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            expAY1 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] += expAY1 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] += expAY1 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            expAY2 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            expAY2 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                    // 通常の処理
                    // 境界4
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B3; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            expAY * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            expAY * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                    // 左上頂点と左下頂点
                        int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]]; // 左上頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]]; // 左下頂点
                        int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]]; // 右上頂点
                        int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]]; // 右下頂点
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + expAX * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + expAX * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j3];

            // 境界2
            for (int i = 0; i < boundary_node_cnt_B1; i++)
                if (probNo == 3)
                    if (i == nodeIndexShared0) continue; // 右上頂点(左上頂点に対応)は別処理
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAX) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAX) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                    if (probNo == 3)
                        if (j == nodeIndexShared0) continue; // 右上頂点(左上頂点に対応)は別処理
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                if (probNo == 3)
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY1 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY1 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] += (1.0 / expAX) * expAY1 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] += (1.0 / expAX) * expAY1 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY2 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY2 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                    // 通常の処理
                    // 境界4
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B3; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                          + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAX) * expAY * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i)
                                                          + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]]; // 左上頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]]; // 左下頂点
                        int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]]; // 右上頂点
                        int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]]; // 右下頂点
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j3];

            if (probNo == 3)
                // 境界4右半分
                for (int i = 0; i < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); i++)
                    // 境界1+3+内部
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    // 境界2
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAX * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAX * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                                           + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY1 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY1 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY2 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY2 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界4中点
                    // 左下頂点
                    int i1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    // 境界4中点
                    int im_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                    // 境界1+3+内部
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAY1) * KMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAY1) * MMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    // 境界2
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                        KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAY1) * expAX * KMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expAY1) * expAX * MMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY1 * KMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                        MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY1 * MMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        int j1 = i1;
                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = im_B4;
                        KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            KMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                        MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            MMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY2 * KMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY1) * expAY2 * MMat0[im_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界4左半分
                for (int i = 0; i < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); i++)
                    // 境界1+3+内部
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    // 境界2
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAX * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAX * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    // 境界4右半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAY1 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAY1 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                            + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 2 - j)];
                    // 境界4中点
                        // 左下頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                        // 境界4中点
                        int jm_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1);
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAY1 * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY2) * expAY1 * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * jm_B4];
                    // 境界4左半分
                    for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 - 1); j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_Half_B3)] +=
                            MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                // 通常の処理
                // 境界4
                for (int i = 0; i < boundary_node_cnt_B3; i++)
                    // 境界1+3+内部
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    // 境界2
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                        if (j == nodeIndexShared0) continue; // 右上頂点(左上頂点に対応)は別処理
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY) * expAX * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                          + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                            (1.0 / expAY) * expAX * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                                          + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    // 境界4
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B3; j++)
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                            MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i)
                                  + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]]; // 左上頂点
                        int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]]; // 左下頂点
                        int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]]; // 右上頂点
                        int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]]; // 右下頂点
                        KMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAY) * (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAY) * expAX * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAY) * (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
                        MMat[i + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              (1.0 / expAY) * (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAY) * expAX * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAY) * (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
                // 左下頂点、右上頂点、右下頂点
                    int i0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]]; // 左上頂点
                    int i1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]]; // 左下頂点
                    int i2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]]; // 右上頂点
                    int i3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]]; // 右下頂点
                    // 境界1+3+内部
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] += expAY * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] += expAY * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    // 境界2
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B1; j++)
                        if (j == nodeIndexShared0) continue; // 右上頂点(左上頂点に対応)は別処理
                        KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                              expAY * expAX * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAX * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                              expAY * expAX * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAX * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 - 1 - j)];
                    // 境界4
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt_B3; j++)
                        KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                              expAY * expAY * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAY * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAY * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_B1)] +=
                              expAY * expAY * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAY * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAY * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt_B1 + boundary_node_cnt_B3 - 1 - j)];
                        int j0 = i0;
                        int j1 = i1;
                        int j2 = i2;
                        int j3 = i3;
                        KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              expAY * (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + expAY * expAX * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + expAY * (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAX * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
                        MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                              expAY * (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + expAY * expAX * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + expAY * (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[i1 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * expAX * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (1.0 / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * (1.0 / expAY) * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j1]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * expAX * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                            + (expAY / expAX) * (expAX / expAY) * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j3];
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// エルミートバンド行列の一般化固有値問題を解く(clapack)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matLen"></param>
        /// <param name="A"></param>
        /// <param name="B"></param>
        /// <param name="evals"></param>
        /// <param name="evecs"></param>
        private static void solveHermitianBandMatGeneralizedEigen(int matLen, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] A, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] B, ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evals, ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] evecs)
            // エルミート行列、正定値行列チェック
            bool isHermitianA = true;
            bool isHermitianB = true;
            bool isPositiveDefiniteB = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                // [B]の正定値行列チェック
                if (B[i + matLen * i].Real <= 0)
                    isPositiveDefiniteB = false;
                for (int j = i; j < matLen; j++)
                    // [A]のエルミート行列チェック
                    if (KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Conjugate(A[i + matLen * j]) - A[j + matLen * i]) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        isHermitianA = false;
                    // [B]のエルミート行列チェック
                    if (KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Conjugate(B[i + matLen * j]) - B[j + matLen * i]) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        isHermitianB = false;
                if (!isHermitianA || !isHermitianB)

            // パターン取得
            bool[,] patternA = new bool[matLen, matLen];
            bool[,] patternB = new bool[matLen, matLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                    //patternA[i, j] = (A[i + matLen * j].Magnitude >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit);
                    //patternB[i, j] = (B[i + matLen * j].Magnitude >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit);
                    patternA[i, j] = (A[i + matLen * j].Real != 0 || A[i + matLen * j].Imaginary != 0);
                    patternB[i, j] = (B[i + matLen * j].Real != 0 || B[i + matLen * j].Imaginary != 0);
            // バンド行列のバンド幅を縮小する
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] optA = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[matLen * matLen];
            bool[,] optPatternA = new bool[matLen, matLen];
            IList<int> optNodesA = null;
            Dictionary<int, int> toOptNodesA = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] optB = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[matLen * matLen];
            bool[,] optPatternB = new bool[matLen, matLen];
            IList<int> optNodesB = null;
            Dictionary<int, int> toOptNodesB = null;
            // [B]のバンド幅を縮小する
                GetOptBandMatNodes(patternB, out optNodesB, out toOptNodesB);
                for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                    int ino_optB = toOptNodesB[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                        int jno_optB = toOptNodesB[j];
                        optPatternB[ino_optB, jno_optB] = patternB[i, j];
                        optB[ino_optB + matLen * jno_optB] = B[i + matLen * j];
            // [A]は[B]の節点並び替えに合わせて変更する
                optNodesA = optNodesB;
                toOptNodesA = toOptNodesB;
                for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                    int ino_optA = toOptNodesA[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                        int jno_optA = toOptNodesA[j];
                        optPatternA[ino_optA, jno_optA] = patternA[i, j];
                        optA[ino_optA + matLen * jno_optA] = A[i + matLen * j];
            patternA = null;
            patternB = null;
            A = null;
            B = null;

            // バンド行列のサイズ取得
            int a_rowcolSize;
            int a_subdiaSize;
            int a_superdiaSize;
            GetBandMatrixSubDiaSizeAndSuperDiaSize(optPatternA, out a_rowcolSize, out a_subdiaSize, out a_superdiaSize);
            int b_rowcolSize;
            int b_subdiaSize;
            int b_superdiaSize;
            GetBandMatrixSubDiaSizeAndSuperDiaSize(optPatternB, out b_rowcolSize, out b_subdiaSize, out b_superdiaSize);

            // バンド行列作成
            int _a_rsize = a_superdiaSize + 1;
            int _a_csize = a_rowcolSize;
            int _b_rsize = b_superdiaSize + 1;
            int _b_csize = b_rowcolSize;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] AB = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[_a_rsize * _a_csize];
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] BB = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[_b_rsize * _b_csize];
            // [A]の値を[AB]にコピーする
            for (int c = 0; c < a_rowcolSize; c++)
                // 対角成分
                AB[a_superdiaSize + c * _a_rsize] = optA[c + c * a_rowcolSize];

                // superdiagonals成分
                if (c > 0)
                    for (int r = c - 1; r >= c - a_superdiaSize && r >= 0; r--)
                        AB[(r - c) + a_superdiaSize + c * _a_rsize] = optA[r + c * a_rowcolSize];
            // [B]の値を[BB]にコピーする
            for (int c = 0; c < b_rowcolSize; c++)
                // 対角成分
                BB[b_superdiaSize + c * _b_rsize] = optB[c + c * b_rowcolSize];

                // superdiagonals成分
                if (c > 0)
                    for (int r = c - 1; r >= c - b_superdiaSize && r >= 0; r--)
                        BB[(r - c) + b_superdiaSize + c * _b_rsize] = optB[r + c * b_rowcolSize];
            optA = null;
            optB = null;

            double[] ret_evals = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] ret_evecs = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.FunctionExt.zhbgv(AB, matLen, matLen, a_superdiaSize, BB, matLen, matLen, b_superdiaSize, ref ret_evals, ref ret_evecs);

            // エルミート行列の固有値は実数なので複素数配列への移し替えを行う
            evals = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_evals.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret_evals.Length; i++)
                evals[i].Real = ret_evals[i];
                evals[i].Imaginary = 0;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret_evals.Length == ret_evecs.Length);
            // 2次元配列に格納する
            evecs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_evecs.Length, matLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret_evecs.Length; i++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] ret_evec = ret_evecs[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < ret_evec.Length; j++)
                    // バンド幅縮小で並び替えた節点→元の節点番号変換
                    int jnoGlobal = optNodesB[j];
                    evecs[i, jnoGlobal] = ret_evec[j];
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 欠陥モード?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="toSorted"></param>
        /// <param name="PCWaveguidePorts"></param>
        /// <param name="minNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="maxNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="normalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldVec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool isDefectModeBetaSpecified(
            uint free_node_cnt,
            IList<uint> sortedNodes,
            Dictionary<uint, int> toSorted,
            IList<IList<uint>> PCWaveguidePorts,
            double minNormalizedFreq,
            double maxNormalizedFreq,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex normalizedFreq,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec)
            bool isHit = false;
            if (Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Imaginary) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 複素モードは除外する
                return isHit;
            else if (Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 伝搬モード
                // 後進波は除外する
                if (normalizedFreq.Real < 0)
                    return isHit;
            else if (Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Real) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(normalizedFreq.Imaginary) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 減衰モード
                //  利得のある波は除外する
                if (normalizedFreq.Imaginary > 0)
                    return isHit;
                return isHit;

            // フォトニック結晶導波路の導波モードを判定する
            // 領域内の節点の界の絶対値の2乗の和を計算
            //   要素分割が均一であることが前提。面積を考慮しない。
            double totalPower = 0.0;
            //for (int ino = 0; ino < fieldVec.Length; ino++)
            for (int ino = 0; ino < free_node_cnt; ino++)
                double fieldAbs = fieldVec[ino].Magnitude;
                double power = fieldAbs * fieldAbs;
                totalPower += power;
            // チャンネル上の節点の界の絶対値の2乗の和を計算
            //   要素分割が均一であることが前提。面積を考慮しない。
            int channelNodeCnt = 0;
            double channelTotalPower = 0.0;
            for (int portIndex = 0; portIndex < PCWaveguidePorts.Count; portIndex++)
                IList<uint> portNodes = PCWaveguidePorts[portIndex];

                foreach (uint portNodeNumber in portNodes)
                    if (!toSorted.ContainsKey(portNodeNumber)) continue;
                    int noSorted = toSorted[portNodeNumber];
                    //if (noSorted >= fieldVec.Length) continue;
                    if (noSorted >= free_node_cnt) continue;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = fieldVec[noSorted];
                    double valAbs = cvalue.Magnitude;
                    double channelPower = valAbs * valAbs;
                    channelTotalPower += channelPower;
            // 密度で比較する
            //totalPower /= fieldVec.Length;
            //channelTotalPower /= channelNodeCnt;
            ////const double powerRatioLimit = 3.0;
            //const double powerRatioLimit = 2.0;
            ////System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("channelTotalPower = {0}", (channelTotalPower / totalPower));
            // 総和で比較する
            const double powerRatioLimit = 0.5;
            if (Math.Abs(totalPower) >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && (channelTotalPower / totalPower) >= powerRatioLimit)
                if (normalizedFreq.Real >= minNormalizedFreq && normalizedFreq.Real <= maxNormalizedFreq)
                    isHit = true;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("skip: a/λ = {0} + {1} i", normalizedFreq.Real, normalizedFreq.Imaginary);
            return isHit;
Beispiel #6
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] product(
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matA, int a_row, int a_col,
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matB, int b_row, int b_col)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(a_col == b_row);
     int x_row = a_row;
     int x_col = b_col;
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matX = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[x_row * x_col];
     for (int i = 0; i < x_row; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < x_col; j++)
             matX[i + j * x_row] = 0.0;
             for (int k = 0; k < a_col; k++)
                 matX[i + j * x_row] += matA[i + k * a_row] * matB[k + j * b_row];
     return matX;
        /// <summary>
        /// ポート固有値解析
        /// </summary>
        public static void SolvePortWaveguideEigen(
            FemSolver.WaveModeDV WaveModeDv,
            double waveLength,
            double latticeA,
            int maxModeSpecified,
            IList<FemNode> Nodes,
            Dictionary<string, IList<int>> EdgeToElementNoH,
            IList<FemElement> Elements,
            MediaInfo[] Medias,
            Dictionary<int, bool> ForceNodeNumberH,
            IList<int> portNodes,
            IList<uint> portElemNoPeriodic,
            IList<IList<int>> portNodePeriodicB,
            IList<int> defectNodePeriodic,
            out int[] nodesBoundary,
            out MyDoubleMatrix ryy_1d,
            out Complex[] eigenValues,
            out Complex[,] eigenVecsB1,
            out Complex[,] eigen_dFdXsB1,
            out IList<int> nodePeriodic,
            out Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
            out IList<double[]> coordsPeriodic,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] eigenVecsPeriodic
            // ポート境界上
            nodesBoundary = null;
            ryy_1d = null;
            eigenValues = null;
            eigenVecsB1 = null;
            eigen_dFdXsB1 = null;
            // ポート周期構造領域
            nodePeriodic = null;
            toNodePeriodic = null;
            coordsPeriodic = null;
            eigenVecsPeriodic = null;

            // 波数
            double k0 = 2.0 * pi / waveLength;
            // 角周波数
            double omega = k0 * c0;

                out nodesBoundary,
                out ryy_1d
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodesB = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodesBoundary.Length; ino++)
                int nodeNumber = nodesBoundary[ino];
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("nodesBoundary[{0}] = {1}", ino, nodesBoundary[ino]);
                toNodesB.Add(nodeNumber, ino);

            // 周期構造導波路
            int incidentModeIndex = 0;
            Constants.FemElementShapeDV elemShapeDv;
            FemElement workElement = Elements[0];
            int order;
            int vertexCnt;
            FemMeshLogic.GetElementShapeDvAndOrderByElemNodeCnt(workElement.NodeNumbers.Length, out elemShapeDv, out order, out vertexCnt);

            // 領域の節点リスト、座標リストを取得する
            //IList<int> nodePeriodic = null;
            //Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic = null;
            //IList<double[]> coordsPeriodic = null;
                out nodePeriodic,
                out toNodePeriodic,
                out coordsPeriodic
            // 全節点数
            int nodeCntPeriodic = nodePeriodic.Count;

            IList<IList<int>> nodePeriodicB = portNodePeriodicB;
            IList<int> nodePeriodicB1 = nodePeriodicB[0];
            IList<int> nodePeriodicB2 = nodePeriodicB[1];
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodicB1 = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodicB2 = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB1.Count; ino++)
                int nodeNumber = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                toNodePeriodicB1.Add(nodeNumber, ino);
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB2.Count; ino++)
                int nodeNumber = nodePeriodicB2[ino];
                toNodePeriodicB2.Add(nodeNumber, ino);

            // Y方向に周期構造?
            bool isYDirectionPeriodic = false;
                int nodeNumber_first = nodePeriodicB1[0];
                int nodeNumber_last = nodePeriodicB1[nodePeriodicB1.Count - 1];
                int noB_first = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumber_first];
                int noB_last = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumber_last];
                double[] coord_first = coordsPeriodic[noB_first];
                double[] coord_last = coordsPeriodic[noB_last];
                if (Math.Abs(coord_first[1] - coord_last[1]) < 1.0e-12)
                    isYDirectionPeriodic = true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("isYDirectionPeriodic: {0}", isYDirectionPeriodic);

            // 節点の並び替え
            IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic = new List<int>();
            Dictionary<int, int> toSortedPeriodic = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            // ポート境界1
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB1.Count; ino++)
                // 境界1の節点番号
                int nodeNumberB1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                if (ForceNodeNumberH.ContainsKey(nodeNumberB1))
                    // 強制境界は除外
                int index = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count - 1;
                toSortedPeriodic.Add(nodeNumberB1, index);
            int nodeCntBPeriodic = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count; // 境界1
            // 内部領域
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodeCntPeriodic; ino++)
                int nodeNumber = nodePeriodic[ino];
                if (ForceNodeNumberH.ContainsKey(nodeNumber))
                    // 強制境界は除外
                if (toNodePeriodicB1.ContainsKey(nodeNumber))
                    // 境界1は除外
                if (toNodePeriodicB2.ContainsKey(nodeNumber))
                    // 境界2は除外
                int index = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count - 1;
                toSortedPeriodic.Add(nodeNumber, index);
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count; // 境界1 + 内部領域
            // ポート境界2
            for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB2.Count; ino++)
                // 境界2の節点番号
                int nodeNumberB2 = nodePeriodicB2[ino];
                if (ForceNodeNumberH.ContainsKey(nodeNumberB2))
                    // 強制境界は除外
                int index = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count - 1;
                toSortedPeriodic.Add(nodeNumberB2, index);
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 = sortedNodesPeriodic.Count; // 境界1 + 内部領域 + 境界2

            // 周期構造導波路固有値問題用FEM行列の作成
            //bool isSVEA = false; // Φを直接解く方法
            bool isSVEA = true; // Φ= φexp(-jβx)と置く方法(SVEA)
            double[] KMat0 = null;
            double[] CMat0 = null;
            double[] MMat0 = null;
            if (isSVEA)
                // Φ = φexp(-jβx)と置く方法
                KMat0 = new double[freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * freeNodeCntPeriodic_0];
                CMat0 = new double[freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * freeNodeCntPeriodic_0];
                MMat0 = new double[freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * freeNodeCntPeriodic_0];
                // Φを直接解く方法
                KMat0 = new double[freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * freeNodeCntPeriodic_0];
                CMat0 = null;
                MMat0 = null;
            IList<uint> elemNoPeriodic = portElemNoPeriodic;
            int elemCnt = elemNoPeriodic.Count;
            for (int ie = 0; ie < elemCnt; ie++)
                int elemNo = (int)elemNoPeriodic[ie];
                FemElement femElement = Elements[elemNo - 1];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(femElement.No == elemNo);

                if (elemShapeDv == Constants.FemElementShapeDV.Triangle && order == Constants.SecondOrder)
                    // 2次三角形要素
                        ref KMat0,
                        ref CMat0,
                        ref MMat0);
                else if (elemShapeDv == Constants.FemElementShapeDV.Triangle && order == Constants.FirstOrder)
                    // 1次三角形要素
                        ref KMat0,
                        ref CMat0,
                        ref MMat0);

            double periodicDistance = latticeA; // 正方格子誘電体ロッド限定
            bool isModeTrace = false;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] tmpPrevModalVec_1stMode = null;
            double minBeta = 0.00; // 正方格子誘電体ロッド限定
            //double maxBeta = 0.90; // 正方格子誘電体ロッド限定
            double maxBeta = 0.5 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance) / k0;
            bool isPortBc2Reverse = false;
            // 伝搬定数
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] betamToSolveList = null;
            // 界ベクトルは全節点分作成
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] resVecList = null;
            if (isSVEA)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(isSVEA == true);
                    ref tmpPrevModalVec_1stMode,
                    k0, //(2.0 * pi / periodicDistance), //k0, //1.0,
                    out betamToSolveList,
                    out resVecList);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(isSVEA == false);
                    ref tmpPrevModalVec_1stMode,
                    (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance), //k0, //1.0,
                    out betamToSolveList,
                    out resVecList);

            // 固有値が1つでも取得できているかチェック
            if (betamToSolveList == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("betamToSolveList == null");
            for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = betamToSolveList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                // ポート境界1の節点の値を境界2にも格納する
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB1.Count; ino++)
                    // 境界1の節点
                    int nodeNumberPortBc1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                    int ino_InLoop_PortBc1 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                    // 境界1の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1];

                    // 境界2の節点
                    int ino_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(nodePeriodicB2.Count - 1 - ino) : (int)ino;
                    int nodeNumberPortBc2 = nodePeriodicB2[ino_B2];

                    int ino_InLoop_PortBc2 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc2];
                    if (isSVEA)
                        // 緩慢変化包絡線近似の場合は、Φ2 = Φ1
                        resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc2] = cvalue;
                        // 緩慢変化包絡線近似でない場合は、Φ2 = expA * Φ1
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * periodicDistance);
                        resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc2] = expA * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合

            // 位相調整

            for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex phaseShift = 1.0;
                double maxAbs = double.MinValue;
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex fValueAtMaxAbs = 0.0;
                    // 境界上で位相調整する
                    for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB1.Count; ino++)
                        int nodeNumberPortBc1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                        int ino_InLoop_PortBc1 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1];
                        double abs = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(cvalue);
                        if (abs > maxAbs)
                            maxAbs = abs;
                            fValueAtMaxAbs = cvalue;

                    // 領域全体で位相調整する
                    for (int ino_InLoop = 0; ino_InLoop < resVec.Length; ino_InLoop++)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino_InLoop];
                        double abs = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(cvalue);
                        if (abs > maxAbs)
                            maxAbs = abs;
                            fValueAtMaxAbs = cvalue;

                if (maxAbs >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                    phaseShift = fValueAtMaxAbs / maxAbs;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("phaseShift: {0} (°)", Math.Atan2(phaseShift.Imaginary, phaseShift.Real) * 180.0 / pi);
                for (int i = 0; i < resVec.Length; i++)
                    resVec[i] /= phaseShift;

            // X方向の微分値を取得する
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] resDFDXVecList = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[betamToSolveList.Length][];
            for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resDFDXVec = null;
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resDFDYVec = null;
                double rotAngle = 0.0; // 暫定
                double[] rotOrigin = null; // 暫定

                if (elemShapeDv == Constants.FemElementShapeDV.Triangle && order == Constants.SecondOrder)
                    // 2次三角形要素
                        out resDFDXVec,
                        out resDFDYVec);
                else if (elemShapeDv == Constants.FemElementShapeDV.Triangle && order == Constants.FirstOrder)
                    // 1次三角形要素
                        out resDFDXVec,
                        out resDFDYVec);
                if (isYDirectionPeriodic)
                    // Y方向周期構造の場合
                    resDFDXVecList[imode] = resDFDYVec;
                    // X方向周期構造の場合
                    resDFDXVecList[imode] = resDFDXVec;
            // 境界1と境界2の節点の微分値は同じという条件を弱形式で課している為、微分値は同じにならない。
            // 加えて、getDFDXValuesは内部節点からの寄与を片側のみしか計算していない。
            // →境界の両側からの寄与を考慮する為に境界1の微分値と境界2の微分値を平均してみる
            for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = betamToSolveList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resDFDXVec = resDFDXVecList[imode];
                // ポート境界1の節点の微分値、ポート境界2の微分値は、両者の平均をとる
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nodePeriodicB1.Count; ino++)
                    // 境界1の節点
                    int nodeNumberPortBc1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                    int ino_InLoop_PortBc1 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                    // 境界1の節点の界の微分値値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cdFdXValue1 = resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1];

                    // 境界2の節点
                    int ino_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(nodePeriodicB2.Count - 1 - ino) : (int)ino;
                    int nodeNumberPortBc2 = nodePeriodicB2[ino_B2];
                    int ino_InLoop_PortBc2 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc2];
                    // 境界2の節点の界の微分値値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cdFdXValue2 = resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc2];

                    // 平均値を計算し、境界の微分値として再格納する
                    if (isSVEA)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cdFdXValue = (cdFdXValue1 + cdFdXValue2) * 0.5;
                        resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1] = cdFdXValue;
                        resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc2] = cdFdXValue;
                        // 緩慢変化包絡線近似でない場合は、Φ2 = expA * Φ1
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * periodicDistance);
                        // Φ2から逆算でΦ1を求め、平均をとる
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cdFdXValue = (cdFdXValue1 + cdFdXValue2 / expA) * 0.5;
                        resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1] = cdFdXValue;
                        resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc2] = cdFdXValue * expA;

            if (!isSVEA)
                // 緩慢変化包絡線近似でない場合は、緩慢変化包絡線近似の分布に変換する
                for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = betamToSolveList[imode];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam_periodic = ToBetaPeriodic(betam, periodicDistance);
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resDFDXVec = resDFDXVecList[imode];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(resVec.Length == coordsPeriodic.Count);
                    int nodeNumber1st = sortedNodesPeriodic[0];
                    int ino_InLoop_1st = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumber1st];
                    double[] coord1st = coordsPeriodic[ino_InLoop_1st];
                    for (int ino_InLoop = 0; ino_InLoop < resVec.Length; ino_InLoop++)
                        // 節点の界の値
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex fieldVal = resVec[ino_InLoop];
                        // 節点の界の微分値
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex dFdXVal = resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop];
                        // 節点の座標
                        double[] coord = coordsPeriodic[ino_InLoop];
                        double x_pt = 0.0;
                        if (isYDirectionPeriodic)
                            x_pt = (coord[1] - coord1st[1]);
                            x_pt = (coord[0] - coord1st[0]);
                        //KrdLab.clapack.Complex expX = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * x_pt);
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex expX = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam_periodic * x_pt);

                        // ΦのSVEA(φ)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex fieldVal_SVEA = fieldVal / expX;
                        resVec[ino_InLoop] = fieldVal_SVEA;

                        // SVEAの微分( exp(-jβx)dφ/dx = dΦ/dx + jβφexp(-jβx))
                        //resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop] = dFdXVal / expX + KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * fieldVal_SVEA;
                        resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop] = dFdXVal / expX + KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam_periodic * fieldVal_SVEA;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("betamToSolveList.Length {0}", betamToSolveList.Length);

            // モード数の修正
            int maxMode = maxModeSpecified;
            if (maxMode > betamToSolveList.Length)
                maxMode = betamToSolveList.Length;

            // 表示用に周期構造領域の固有モード分布を格納する
            eigenVecsPeriodic = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[maxMode][];
            for (int imode = betamToSolveList.Length - 1, tagtModeIndex = 0; imode >= 0 && tagtModeIndex < maxMode; imode--, tagtModeIndex++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(resVec.Length == nodePeriodic.Count);
                eigenVecsPeriodic[tagtModeIndex] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodePeriodic.Count];
                resVec.CopyTo(eigenVecsPeriodic[tagtModeIndex], 0);

            // 固有値、固有ベクトル
            // 格納
            int nodeCntB1 = nodePeriodicB1.Count;
            eigenValues = new Complex[maxMode];
            //eigenVecsB1 = new Complex[maxMode, nodeCntB1];
            //eigen_dFdXsB1 = new Complex[maxMode, nodeCntB1];
            eigenVecsB1 = new Complex[maxMode, nodesBoundary.Length]; // 強制境界を除く
            eigen_dFdXsB1 = new Complex[maxMode, nodesBoundary.Length]; // 強制境界を除く
            for (int imode = 0; imode < maxMode; imode++)
                eigenValues[imode] = new Complex(0, 0);
                for (int ino = 0; ino < eigenVecsB1.GetLength(1); ino++)
                    eigenVecsB1[imode, ino] = new Complex(0, 0);
                    eigen_dFdXsB1[imode, ino] = new Complex(0, 0);
            for (int imode = betamToSolveList.Length - 1, tagtModeIndex = 0; imode >= 0 && tagtModeIndex < maxMode; imode--, tagtModeIndex++)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("imode = {0}", imode);

                KrdLab.clapack.Complex workBetam = betamToSolveList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[imode];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resDFDXVec = resDFDXVecList[imode];

                Complex betam = new Complex(workBetam.Real, workBetam.Imaginary);
                bool isComplexConjugateMode = false;
                //   減衰定数は符号がマイナス(β = -jα)
                if (betam.Imaginary > 0.0 && Math.Abs(betam.Real) <= 1.0e-12)
                    betam = new Complex(betam.Real, -betam.Imaginary);
                    isComplexConjugateMode = true;
                //Complex[] evec = new Complex[nodeCntB1];
                //Complex[] evec_dFdX = new Complex[nodeCntB1];
                Complex[] evec = new Complex[nodesBoundary.Length]; // 強制境界を除く
                Complex[] evec_dFdX = new Complex[nodesBoundary.Length]; // 強制境界を除く
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nodeCntB1; ino++)
                    int nodeNumberPortBc1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ino = {0} nodeNumberPortBc1 = {1}", ino, nodeNumberPortBc1);
                    int ino_InLoop_PortBc1 = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                    Complex cvalue = new Complex(resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1].Real, resVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1].Imaginary);
                    Complex dFdXValue = new Complex(resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1].Real, resDFDXVec[ino_InLoop_PortBc1].Imaginary);
                    if (isComplexConjugateMode)
                        cvalue = Complex.Conjugate(cvalue);
                        dFdXValue = Complex.Conjugate(dFdXValue);

                    //evec[ino] = cvalue;
                    //evec_dFdX[ino] = dFdXValue;
                    // 強制境界を除く
                    if (!toNodesB.ContainsKey(nodeNumberPortBc1))
                    int ino_f = toNodesB[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ino_f = {0}", ino_f);

                    evec[ino_f] = cvalue;
                    evec_dFdX[ino_f] = dFdXValue;

                    //if (tagtModeIndex == incidentModeIndex)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("evec[{0}] = {1} + {2} i", ino_f, evec[ino_f].Real, evec[ino_f].Imaginary);
                // 規格化定数を求める
                Complex[] workVec = MyMatrixUtil.product(ryy_1d, evec);
                //Complex[] evec_Modify = new Complex[nodeCntB1];
                Complex[] evec_Modify = new Complex[nodesBoundary.Length];//強制境界を除く
                Complex imagOne = new Complex(0.0, 1.0);
                Complex betam_periodic = ToBetaPeriodic(betam, periodicDistance);
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nodeCntB1; ino++)
                    //evec_Modify[ino] = evec[ino] - evec_dFdX[ino] / (imagOne * betam_periodic);
                    // 強制境界を除く
                    int nodeNumberPortBc1 = nodePeriodicB1[ino];
                    if (!toNodesB.ContainsKey(nodeNumberPortBc1))
                    int ino_f = toNodesB[nodeNumberPortBc1];
                    evec_Modify[ino_f] = evec[ino_f] - evec_dFdX[ino_f] / (imagOne * betam_periodic);
                //Complex dm = MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(evec), workVec);
                Complex dm = MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(evec_Modify), workVec);
                if (WaveModeDv == FemSolver.WaveModeDV.TM)
                    // TMモード
                    dm = Complex.Sqrt(omega * eps0 * Complex.Conjugate(betam) / (Complex.Abs(betam) * Complex.Conjugate(betam_periodic)) / dm);
                    // TEモード
                    dm = Complex.Sqrt(omega * mu0 * Complex.Conjugate(betam) / (Complex.Abs(betam) * Complex.Conjugate(betam_periodic)) / dm);

                // 伝搬定数の格納
                eigenValues[tagtModeIndex] = betam;
                if (tagtModeIndex < 10)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("β/k0  ( " + tagtModeIndex + " ) = " + betam.Real / k0 + " + " + betam.Imaginary / k0 + " i " + ((incidentModeIndex == tagtModeIndex) ? " incident" : ""));
                // 固有ベクトルの格納(規格化定数を掛ける)
                for (int ino = 0; ino < evec.Length; ino++)
                    Complex fm = dm * evec[ino];
                    Complex dfmdx = dm * evec_dFdX[ino];
                    eigenVecsB1[tagtModeIndex, ino] = fm;
                    eigen_dFdXsB1[tagtModeIndex, ino] = dfmdx;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("eigen_vecs_Bc1({0}, {1}) = {2} + {3} i", imode, ino, fm.Real, fm.Imag);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("eigen end");
        // Φ = φexp(-jβx)と置く方法(SVEA)
        private static void solveSVEAAsQuadraticGeneralizedEigenToStandardWithRealMat(
            int incidentModeIndex,
            double k0,
            double[] KMat0,
            double[] CMat0,
            double[] MMat0,
            bool isPortBc2Reverse,
            int nodeCntPeriodic,
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic_0,
            int freeNodeCnt,
            int nodeCntBPeriodic,
            IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toSortedPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodicB1,
            IList<int> defectNodePeriodic,
            bool isModeTrace,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
            double minBeta,
            double maxBeta,
            double betaNormalizingFactor,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] betamToSolveList,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] resVecList)
            betamToSolveList = null;
            resVecList = null;

            double[] KMat = new double[freeNodeCnt * freeNodeCnt];
            double[] CMat = new double[freeNodeCnt * freeNodeCnt];
            double[] MMat = new double[freeNodeCnt * freeNodeCnt];
            for (int i = 0; i < freeNodeCnt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < freeNodeCnt; j++)
                    KMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] = KMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    CMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] = CMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    MMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] = MMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
            for (int i = 0; i < freeNodeCnt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                    int jno_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCnt + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - j) : (int)(freeNodeCnt + j);
                    KMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += KMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                    CMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += CMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                    MMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += MMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCntBPeriodic; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < freeNodeCnt; j++)
                    int ino_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCnt + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - i) : (int)(freeNodeCnt + i);
                    KMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += KMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    CMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += CMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    MMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += MMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                    int ino_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCnt + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - i) : (int)(freeNodeCnt + i);
                    int jno_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCnt + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - j) : (int)(freeNodeCnt + j);
                    KMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += KMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                    CMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += CMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                    MMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] += MMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
            // 行列要素check
                for (int i = 0; i < freeNodeCnt; i++)
                    for (int j = i; j < freeNodeCnt; j++)
                        // [K]は対称行列
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(KMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] - KMat[j + freeNodeCnt * i]) < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit);
                        // [M]は対称行列
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(MMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j] - MMat[j + freeNodeCnt * i]) < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit);
                        // [C]は反対称行列
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs((-CMat[i + freeNodeCnt * j]) - CMat[j + freeNodeCnt * i]) < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit);

            // 非線形固有値問題
            //  { [K] - jβ[C] - β^2[M] }{Φ}= {0}
            //  λ= - jβとおくと
            //  [K] + λ[C] + λ^2[M]{Φ}= {0}
            // Lisys(Lapack)による固有値解析
            // マトリクスサイズは、強制境界及び境界3を除いたサイズ
            int matLen = (int)freeNodeCnt;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evals = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] evecs = null;

            // [M]の逆行列が存在する緩慢変化包絡線近似の場合のみ有効な方法
            //   Φを直接解く場合は使えない
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calc [M]-1");
            // [M]の逆行列を求める
            double[] invMMat = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_Inverse(MMat, matLen);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calc [M]-1[K]");
            // [M]-1[K]
            double[] invMKMat = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.product(invMMat, matLen, matLen, KMat, matLen, matLen);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calc [M]-1[C]");
            // [M]-1[C]
            double[] invMCMat = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.product(invMMat, matLen, matLen, CMat, matLen, matLen);

            // 標準固有値解析(実行列として解く)
            double[] A = new double[(matLen * 2) * (matLen * 2)];
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("set [A]");
            for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                    A[i + j * (matLen * 2)] = 0.0;
                    A[i + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                    //  { [K] - jβ[C] - β^2[M] }{Φ}= {0}
                    // λ = -jβと置いた場合
                    //A[(i + matLen) + j * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMKMat[i + j * matLen];
                    //A[(i + matLen) + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMCMat[i + j * matLen];
                    // λ = -j(β/k0)と置いた場合
                    //A[(i + matLen) + j * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMKMat[i + j * matLen] / (k0 * k0);
                    //A[(i + matLen) + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMCMat[i + j * matLen] / (k0);
                    // λ = -j(β/betaNormalizingFactor)と置いた場合
                    A[(i + matLen) + j * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMKMat[i + j * matLen] / (betaNormalizingFactor * betaNormalizingFactor);
                    A[(i + matLen) + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * invMCMat[i + j * matLen] / (betaNormalizingFactor);
            double[] ret_r_evals = null;
            double[] ret_i_evals = null;
            double[][] ret_r_evecs = null;
            double[][] ret_i_evecs = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.FunctionExt.dgeev(A, (matLen * 2), (matLen * 2), ref ret_r_evals, ref ret_i_evals, ref ret_r_evecs, ref ret_i_evecs);

            evals = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_r_evals.Length];
            // βを格納
            for (int i = 0; i < ret_r_evals.Length; i++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex eval = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(ret_r_evals[i], ret_i_evals[i]);
                //  { [K] - jβ[C] - β^2[M] }{Φ}= {0}
                // λ = -jβと置いた場合(β = jλ)
                //evals[i] = eval * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne;
                // λ = -j(β/k0)と置いた場合
                //evals[i] = eval * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * k0;
                // λ = -j(β/betaNormalizingFactor)と置いた場合
                evals[i] = eval * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaNormalizingFactor;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret_r_evals.Length == ret_r_evecs.Length);
            // 2次元配列に格納する
            evecs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_r_evecs.Length, (matLen * 2)];
            for (int i = 0; i < ret_r_evecs.Length; i++)
                double[] ret_r_evec = ret_r_evecs[i];
                double[] ret_i_evec = ret_i_evecs[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < ret_r_evec.Length; j++)
                    evecs[i, j] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(ret_r_evec[j], ret_i_evec[j]);

            // 固有値をソートする
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(evecs.GetLength(1) == freeNodeCnt * 2);
                ref PrevModalVec,
                true, // isDebugShow
                out betamToSolveList,
                out resVecList);
 /// <summary>
 /// 同じ固有モード?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="k0"></param>
 /// <param name="nodeCntPeriodic"></param>
 /// <param name="PrevModalVec"></param>
 /// <param name="freeNodeCntPeriodic"></param>
 /// <param name="sortedNodes"></param>
 /// <param name="toSorted"></param>
 /// <param name="betam"></param>
 /// <param name="fieldVec"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool isSameMode(
     double k0,
     int nodeCntPeriodic,
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
     int freeNodeCntPeriodic,
     Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
     IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic,
     Dictionary<int, int> toSorted,
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam,
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec,
     out double ret_norm)
     bool isHit = false;
     ret_norm = 0.0;
     if (betam.Real > 0.0 && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
         KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] workModalVec1 = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodeCntPeriodic]; // 前回
         KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] workModalVec2 = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodeCntPeriodic]; // 今回
         // 前半の{Φ}のみ取得する
         for (int ino = 0; ino < freeNodeCntPeriodic; ino++)
             // 今回の固有ベクトル
             //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("    ( " + imode + ", " + ino + " ) = " + evec[ino].Real + " + " + evec[ino].Imaginary + " i ");
             int nodeNumber = sortedNodesPeriodic[ino];
             int ino_InLoop = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumber];
             workModalVec2[ino_InLoop] = fieldVec[ino];
             // 対応する前回の固有ベクトル
             workModalVec1[ino_InLoop] = PrevModalVec[ino_InLoop];
         KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm1 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec1), workModalVec1);
         KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm2 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec2), workModalVec2);
         for (int i = 0; i < nodeCntPeriodic; i++)
             workModalVec1[i] /= Math.Sqrt(norm1.Magnitude);
             workModalVec2[i] /= Math.Sqrt(norm2.Magnitude);
         KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm12 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec1), workModalVec2);
         double thLikeMin = 0.9;
         double thLikeMax = 1.1;
         if (norm12.Magnitude >= thLikeMin && norm12.Magnitude < thLikeMax)
             isHit = true;
             ret_norm = norm12.Magnitude;
             System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("norm (prev * current): {0} + {1}i (Abs: {2})", norm12.Real, norm12.Imaginary, norm12.Magnitude);
     return isHit;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 表示用に界の値を置き換える(複素数を複素数絶対値にする)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldValId"></param>
        public static void SetFieldValueForDisplay(CFieldWorld world, uint fieldValId, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec)
            CField valField_base = world.GetField(fieldValId);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(valField_base.GetFieldType() == FIELD_TYPE.ZSCALAR);

            IList<uint> aIdEA = valField_base.GetAryIdEA();
            foreach (uint eaId in aIdEA)
                CElemAry ea = world.GetEA(eaId);
                CField valField = world.GetField(fieldValId);
                if (valField.GetInterpolationType(eaId, world) == INTERPOLATION_TYPE.TRI11)
                    // 要素セグメントコーナー値
                    //CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_va = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, world);
                    // 要素セグメントコーナー座標
                    CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_co = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, false, world);
                    uint nno = 3;
                    //uint ndim = 2;
                    // 要素節点の全体節点番号
                    uint[] no_c = new uint[nno];
                    // 要素節点の値
                    //Complex[] value_c = new Complex[nno];
                    // 要素節点の座標
                    //double[,] coord_c = new double[nno, ndim];
                    CNodeAry.CNodeSeg ns_c_val = valField.GetNodeSeg(ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, world);
                    //CNodeAry.CNodeSeg ns_c_co = valField.GetNodeSeg(ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, false, world);
                    for (uint ielem = 0; ielem < ea.Size(); ielem++)
                        // 要素配列から要素セグメントの節点番号を取り出す
                        es_c_co.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);
                        // 座標を取得
                        //for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                        //    double[] tmpval = null;
                        //    ns_c_co.GetValue(no_c[inoes], out tmpval);
                        //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(tmpval.Length == ndim);
                        //    for (int i = 0; i < tmpval.Length; i++)
                        //    {
                        //        coord_c[inoes, i] = tmpval[i];
                        //    }
                        // 節点の値を取って来る
                        //es_c_va.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);
                        //for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                        //    Complex[] tmpval = null;
                        //    ns_c_val.GetValue(no_c[inoes], out tmpval);
                        //    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(tmpval.Length == 1);
                        //    value_c[inoes] = tmpval[0];
                        // 節点の値を絶対値にする
                        for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                            uint inoGlobal = no_c[inoes];
                            KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[inoGlobal];
                            ns_c_val.SetValue(no_c[inoes], 0, cvalue.Real);
                            ns_c_val.SetValue(no_c[inoes], 1, cvalue.Imaginary);
        // DekFEMの処理を隠ぺいした簡易版
        /// <summary>
        /// PCOCGで線形方程式を解く
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mat"></param>
        /// <param name="resVec"></param>
        /// <param name="value_c_all"></param>
        /// <param name="isConverged"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public static bool SolvePCOCG(ref MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyComplexMatrix mat, ref System.Numerics.Complex[] resVec, out System.Numerics.Complex[] value_c_all, out bool isConverged)
        public static bool SolvePCOCG(ref MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyComplexMatrix mat, ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec, out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] value_c_all, out bool isConverged)
            bool success = false;

            int matLen = mat.RowSize;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SolvePCOCG 1");
            // ワールド座標系を生成
            uint baseId = 0;
            CFieldWorld World = new CFieldWorld();
            setupWorld((uint)matLen, ref World, out baseId);

            // 界の値を扱うバッファ?を生成する。
            // フィールド値IDが返却される。
            //    要素の次元: 2次元-->ポイントにしたので0次元? 界: 複素数スカラー 微分タイプ: 値 要素セグメント: 角節点
            uint FieldValId = World.MakeField_FieldElemDim(baseId, 0,

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SolvePCOCG 2");
            // リニアシステム
            CZLinearSystem Ls = new CZLinearSystem();
            CZPreconditioner_ILU Prec = new CZPreconditioner_ILU();

            // 界パターン追加
            Ls.AddPattern_Field(FieldValId, World);
            //  POINTのフィールドなので対角要素のパターンのみ追加される。非対角要素のパターンは追加されない

            // 非対角要素のパターンの追加
                uint node_cnt = (uint)matLen;
                // 要素剛性行列(コーナ-コーナー)
                CZMatDia_BlkCrs_Ptr mat_cc = Ls.GetMatrixPtr(FieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, World);
                // 要素残差ベクトル(コーナー)
                CZVector_Blk_Ptr res_c = Ls.GetResidualPtr(FieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, World);

                // パターンを追加
                using (CIndexedArray crs = new CIndexedArray())

                    //crs.Fill(mat_cc.NBlkMatCol(), mat_cc.NBlkMatRow());
                    using (UIntVectorIndexer index = crs.index)
                    using (UIntVectorIndexer ary = crs.array)
                        for (int iblk = 0; iblk < (int)crs.Size(); iblk++)
                            index[iblk] = 0;
                        for (int iblk = 0; iblk < mat_cc.NBlkMatCol(); iblk++)
                            // 現在のマトリクスのインデックス設定をコピーする
                            uint npsup = 0;
                            ConstUIntArrayIndexer cur_rows = mat_cc.GetPtrIndPSuP((uint)iblk, out npsup);
                            foreach (uint row_index in cur_rows)
                            index[iblk + 1] = (uint)ary.Count;
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("chk:{0} {1}", iblk, npsup);
                            // Note: インデックス設定はされていないので常にnpsup == 0 (cur_rows.Count == 0)

                            // すべての節点に関して列を追加
                            int ino_global = iblk;
                            int col = iblk;
                            if (col != -1 && ino_global != -1)
                                // 関連付けられていない節点をその行の列データの最後に追加
                                int last_index = (int)index[col + 1] - 1;
                                int add_cnt = 0;
                                for (int jno_global = 0; jno_global < node_cnt; jno_global++)
                                    // 行列の0要素を除く
                                    //if (System.Numerics.Complex.Abs(mat[(int)ino_global, (int)jno_global]) < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                                    //if (System.Numerics.Complex.Abs(mat[(int)ino_global, (int)jno_global]) < 1.0e-15)
                                    //if (mat._body[ino_global + jno_global * mat.RowSize].Magnitude < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = mat._body[ino_global + jno_global * mat.RowSize];
                                    if (cvalue.Real == 0 && cvalue.Imaginary == 0)
                                    uint row = (uint)jno_global;
                                    if (ino_global != jno_global)  // 対角要素は除く
                                        if (!cur_rows.Contains(row))
                                            ary.Insert(last_index + 1 + add_cnt, row);
                                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("added:" + col + " " + row);
                                if (add_cnt > 0)
                                    index[col + 1] = (uint)ary.Count;
                    // パターンを削除する
                    // パターンを追加する

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SolvePCOCG 3");
            // プリコンディショナ―
            // set Preconditioner
            // フィルインなしで不完全LU分解した方が収束が早く、また解もそれなりの結果だったので0に設定した
            // フィルインなしでは、収束しない場合がある。フィルインレベルを最大にする
            //   完全LU分解(だと思われる) Prec.SetLinearSystemの処理が遅い
            //   誘電体スラブ導波路だと最低このレベル。これでも収束しない場合がある
            //    導波管だとこれで十分
            // フィルインレベルの設定(既定値)
            // ILU(0)のパターン初期化
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SolvePCOCG 4");

            // 剛性行列、残差ベクトルのマージ
                uint ntmp = Ls.GetTmpBufferSize();
                int[] tmpBuffer = new int[ntmp];
                for (int i = 0; i < ntmp; i++)
                    tmpBuffer[i] = -1;

                uint node_cnt = (uint)matLen;

                // 要素剛性行列(コーナ-コーナー)
                CZMatDia_BlkCrs_Ptr mat_cc = Ls.GetMatrixPtr(FieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, World);
                // 要素残差ベクトル(コーナー)
                CZVector_Blk_Ptr res_c = Ls.GetResidualPtr(FieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, World);

                bool[,] add_flg = new bool[node_cnt, node_cnt];
                for (int i = 0; i < node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < node_cnt; j++)
                        add_flg[i, j] = false;
                        // 0要素はマージ対象でないので最初から除外する
                        //if (System.Numerics.Complex.Abs(mat[i, j]) < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        //if (mat._body[i + j * mat.RowSize].Magnitude < Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = mat._body[i + j * mat.RowSize];
                        if (cvalue.Real == 0 && cvalue.Imaginary == 0)
                            add_flg[i, j] = true;
                for (int iblk = 0; iblk < mat_cc.NBlkMatCol(); iblk++)
                    // 自分及び自分自身と関連のある"row"の要素をマージする( 1 x rowcntのベクトル : 行列の横ベクトルに対応)
                    uint npsup = 0;
                    ConstUIntArrayIndexer cur_rows = mat_cc.GetPtrIndPSuP((uint)iblk, out npsup);
                    uint colcnt = 1;
                    uint rowcnt = (uint)cur_rows.Count + 1; // cur_rowsには自分自身は含まれないので+1する
                    Complex[] emattmp = new Complex[colcnt * rowcnt];
                    uint[] no_c_tmp_col = new uint[colcnt];
                    uint[] no_c_tmp_row = new uint[rowcnt];
                    no_c_tmp_col[0] = (uint)iblk;
                    no_c_tmp_row[0] = (uint)iblk;
                    for (int irow = 0; irow < cur_rows.Count; irow++)
                        no_c_tmp_row[irow + 1] = cur_rows[irow];
                        uint ino = 0;
                        uint ino_global = no_c_tmp_col[ino];
                        for (int jno = 0; jno < rowcnt; jno++)
                            uint jno_global = no_c_tmp_row[jno];
                            //emat[ino, jno]
                            if (!add_flg[ino_global, jno_global])
                                //System.Numerics.Complex cvalue = (System.Numerics.Complex)mat[ino_global, jno_global];
                                //System.Numerics.Complex cvalue = (System.Numerics.Complex)mat._body[ino_global + jno_global * mat.RowSize];
                                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = mat._body[ino_global + jno_global * mat.RowSize];
                                emattmp[ino * rowcnt + jno] = new Complex(cvalue.Real, cvalue.Imaginary);
                                add_flg[ino_global, jno_global] = true;
                                // ここにはこない
                                emattmp[ino * rowcnt + jno] = new Complex(0, 0);
                    // マージ!
                    mat_cc.Mearge(1, no_c_tmp_col, rowcnt, no_c_tmp_row, 1, emattmp, ref tmpBuffer);
                for (int i = 0; i < node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < node_cnt; j++)
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( i + " " + j + " " + add_flg[i, j] );
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(add_flg[i, j]);

                // 残差ベクトルにマージ
                for (uint ino_global = 0; ino_global < node_cnt; ino_global++)
                    // 残差ベクトルにマージする
                    uint no_tmp = ino_global;
                    //System.Numerics.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino_global];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino_global];
                    Complex val = new Complex(cvalue.Real, cvalue.Imaginary);
                    res_c.AddValue(no_tmp, 0, val);
            double res = Ls.FinalizeMarge();
            // リニアシステムを解く
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG 5: CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCOCG");
            // プリコンディショナに値を設定してILU分解を行う
            //double tol = 1.0e-1;
            //double tol = 1.0e-2;
            //double tol = 0.5e-3;
            //double tol = 1.0e-4;
            double tol = 1.0e-6;
            //uint maxIter = 500;
            //uint maxIter = 1000;
            //uint maxIter = 2000;
            //uint maxIter = 5000;
            //uint maxIter = 10000;
            uint maxIter = 20000;
            //uint maxIter = uint.MaxValue;
            uint iter = maxIter;
            bool ret = CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCOCG(ref tol, ref iter, Ls, Prec);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("iter : " + iter + " Res : " + tol + " ret : " + ret);
            if (iter == maxIter)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Not converged");
                isConverged = false;
                isConverged = true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG 6");

            // 計算結果の後処理
            // 計算結果をワールド座標系に反映する
            Ls.UpdateValueOfField(FieldValId, World, FIELD_DERIVATION_TYPE.VALUE);

                uint node_cnt = (uint)matLen;
                //value_c_all = new System.Numerics.Complex[node_cnt]; // コーナーの値
                value_c_all = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt]; // コーナーの値

                CField valField = World.GetField(FieldValId);
                // 要素アレイIDのリストを取得
                IList<uint> aIdEA = valField.GetAryIdEA();
                // 要素アレイを走査
                foreach (uint eaId in aIdEA)
                    CElemAry ea = World.GetEA(eaId);
                    CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_va = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, World);
                    CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_co = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, false, World);
                    // 要素の節点数
                    uint nno = 1; //点
                    // 要素節点の全体節点番号
                    uint[] no_c = new uint[nno];
                    // 要素節点の値
                    Complex[] value_c = new Complex[nno];
                    // 節点の値の節点セグメント
                    CNodeAry.CNodeSeg ns_c_val = valField.GetNodeSeg(ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, World);
                    for (uint ielem = 0; ielem < ea.Size(); ielem++)
                        // 要素配列から要素セグメントの節点番号を取り出す
                        es_c_co.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);

                        // 節点の値を取って来る
                        es_c_va.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);
                        for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                            Complex[] tmpval = null;
                            ns_c_val.GetValue(no_c[inoes], out tmpval);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(tmpval.Length == 1);
                            value_c[inoes] = tmpval[0];
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write( "(" + value_c[inoes].Real + "," + value_c[inoes].Imag + ")" );

                        for (uint ino = 0; ino < nno; ino++)
                            //uint ino_global = no_c[ino] - 1;
                            uint ino_global = no_c[ino];
                            Complex cvalue = value_c[ino];
                            //value_c_all[ino_global] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(cvalue.Real, cvalue.Imag);
                            value_c_all[ino_global].Real = cvalue.Real;
                            value_c_all[ino_global].Imaginary = cvalue.Imag;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG End");
            return success;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="World"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldValId"></param>
        /// <param name="Ls"></param>
        /// <param name="Prec"></param>
        /// <param name="tmpBuffer"></param>
        /// <param name="resVec"></param>
        /// <param name="value_c_all"></param>
        /// <param name="isConverged"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SolvePCOCG(
            ref CFieldWorld World, ref uint FieldValId,
            ref CZLinearSystem Ls, ref CZPreconditioner_ILU Prec, ref int[] tmpBuffer,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec, out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] value_c_all, out bool isConverged)
            bool success = false;

            // マージの終了
            double res = Ls.FinalizeMarge();
            tmpBuffer = null;

            // マトリクスサイズの取得
            // 要素剛性行列(コーナ-コーナー)
            CZMatDia_BlkCrs_Ptr mat_cc = Ls.GetMatrixPtr(FieldValId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, World);
            // マトリクスのサイズ
            int matLen = (int)mat_cc.NBlkMatCol();

            // リニアシステムを解く
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG : CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCOCG");
            // プリコンディショナに値を設定してILU分解を行う
            //double tol = 1.0e-1;
            //double tol = 1.0e-2;
            //double tol = 0.5e-3;
            //double tol = 1.0e-4;
            double tol = 1.0e-6;
            //uint maxIter = 500;
            //uint maxIter = 1000;
            //uint maxIter = 2000;
            //uint maxIter = 5000;
            //uint maxIter = 10000;
            uint maxIter = 20000;
            //uint maxIter = uint.MaxValue;
            uint iter = maxIter;
            bool ret = CZSolverLsIter.Solve_PCOCG(ref tol, ref iter, Ls, Prec);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("iter : " + iter + " Res : " + tol + " ret : " + ret);
            if (iter == maxIter)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Not converged");
                isConverged = false;
                isConverged = true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG solved");

            // 計算結果の後処理
            // 計算結果をワールド座標系に反映する
            Ls.UpdateValueOfField(FieldValId, World, FIELD_DERIVATION_TYPE.VALUE);

                uint node_cnt = (uint)matLen;
                //value_c_all = new System.Numerics.Complex[node_cnt]; // コーナーの値
                value_c_all = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt]; // コーナーの値

                CField valField = World.GetField(FieldValId);
                // 要素アレイIDのリストを取得
                IList<uint> aIdEA = valField.GetAryIdEA();
                // 要素アレイを走査
                foreach (uint eaId in aIdEA)
                    CElemAry ea = World.GetEA(eaId);
                    CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_va = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, World);
                    CElemAry.CElemSeg es_c_co = valField.GetElemSeg(eaId, ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, false, World);
                    // 要素の節点数
                    uint nno = 1; //点
                    // 要素節点の全体節点番号
                    uint[] no_c = new uint[nno];
                    // 要素節点の値
                    Complex[] value_c = new Complex[nno];
                    // 節点の値の節点セグメント
                    CNodeAry.CNodeSeg ns_c_val = valField.GetNodeSeg(ELSEG_TYPE.CORNER, true, World);
                    for (uint ielem = 0; ielem < ea.Size(); ielem++)
                        // 要素配列から要素セグメントの節点番号を取り出す
                        es_c_co.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);

                        // 節点の値を取って来る
                        es_c_va.GetNodes(ielem, no_c);
                        for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                            Complex[] tmpval = null;
                            ns_c_val.GetValue(no_c[inoes], out tmpval);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(tmpval.Length == 1);
                            value_c[inoes] = tmpval[0];
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write( "(" + value_c[inoes].Real + "," + value_c[inoes].Imag + ")" );

                        for (uint ino = 0; ino < nno; ino++)
                            //uint ino_global = no_c[ino] - 1;
                            uint ino_global = no_c[ino];
                            Complex cvalue = value_c[ino];
                            //value_c_all[ino_global] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(cvalue.Real, cvalue.Imag);
                            value_c_all[ino_global].Real = cvalue.Real;
                            value_c_all[ino_global].Imaginary = cvalue.Imag;

            Ls = null;
            Prec = null;
            World = null;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Solve_PCOCG End");
            return success;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 四角形領域:従属な節点の界をセットする
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probNo"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="expAX"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY1"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY2"></param>
        /// <param name="resVec"></param>
        private static void setDependentFieldVal_Rect(
            int probNo,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4,
            uint[] sharedNodes,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAX,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY1,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expAY2,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec
            if (probNo == 3)
                // ポート境界1の節点の値を境界2にも格納する
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; i++)
                    // 境界1の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[i];
                    // 境界1の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc1];

                    // 境界2の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc2 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length - 1 - i];
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc2] = expAX * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                // ポート境界3の節点の値を境界4にも格納する
                for (int i = 0; i < (no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length - 1) / 2; i++)
                    // 境界3の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc3 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3[i];
                    // 境界3の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc3];

                    // 境界4の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc4 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4[(no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4.Length - 1) / 2 - 1 - i];
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc4] = expAY1 * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                for (int i = (no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length - 1) / 2; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length; i++)
                    // 境界3の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc3 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3[i];
                    // 境界3の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc3];

                    // 境界4の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc4 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4.Length - 1 - (i - ((no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length - 1) / 2))];
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc4] = expAY2 * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                // 共有頂点の値を格納
                    // 左上
                    uint nodeNumberShared0 = sharedNodes[0];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberShared0];
                    // 左下
                    uint nodeNumberShared1 = sharedNodes[1];
                    resVec[nodeNumberShared1] = (1.0 / expAY) * cvalue;
                    // 右上
                    uint nodeNumberShared2 = sharedNodes[2];
                    resVec[nodeNumberShared2] = expAX * cvalue;
                    // 右下
                    uint nodeNumberShared3 = sharedNodes[3];
                    resVec[nodeNumberShared3] = (expAX / expAY) * cvalue;
                // ポート境界1の節点の値を境界2にも格納する
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; i++)
                    // 境界1の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[i];
                    // 境界1の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc1];

                    // 境界2の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc2 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length - 1 - i];
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc2] = expAX * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                // ポート境界3の節点の値を境界4にも格納する
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3.Length; i++)
                    // 境界3の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc3 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3[i];
                    // 境界3の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc3];

                    // 境界4の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc4 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4.Length - 1 - i];
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc4] = expAY * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 六角形領域:従属な節点の界をセットする
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probNo"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3"></param>
        /// <param name="no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="expAX"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY1"></param>
        /// <param name="expAY2"></param>
        /// <param name="resVec"></param>
        private static void setDependentFieldVal_Hex(
            int probNo,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId5,
            uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId6,
            uint[] sharedNodes,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA1,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA2,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA3,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec
            // 共有頂点の値を格納
                // 上
                uint nodeNumberShared0 = sharedNodes[0];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberShared0];
                // 右下
                uint nodeNumberShared4 = sharedNodes[4];
                resVec[nodeNumberShared4] = expA1 * cvalue;
                // 左下
                uint nodeNumberShared2 = sharedNodes[2];
                resVec[nodeNumberShared2] = (1.0 / expA3) * cvalue;
                // 左上
                uint nodeNumberShared1 = sharedNodes[1];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberShared1];
                // 下
                uint nodeNumberShared3 = sharedNodes[3];
                resVec[nodeNumberShared3] = expA1 * cvalue;
                // 右上
                uint nodeNumberShared5 = sharedNodes[5];
                resVec[nodeNumberShared5] = expA2 * cvalue;
            // ポート境界1の節点の値を境界4にも格納する
            for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; i++)
                // 境界1の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[i];
                if (nodeNumberPortBc1 == sharedNodes[0]) continue;
                if (nodeNumberPortBc1 == sharedNodes[1]) continue;
                // 境界1の節点の界の値を取得
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc1];

                // 境界4の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc4 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId4.Length - 1 - i];
                resVec[nodeNumberPortBc4] = expA1 * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
            // ポート境界2の節点の値を境界5にも格納する
            for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length; i++)
                // 境界2の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc2 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2[i];
                if (nodeNumberPortBc2 == sharedNodes[1]) continue;
                if (nodeNumberPortBc2 == sharedNodes[2]) continue;
                // 境界3の節点の界の値を取得
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc2];

                // 境界5の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc5 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId5[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId5.Length - 1 - i];
                resVec[nodeNumberPortBc5] = expA2 * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
            // ポート境界3の節点の値を境界6にも格納する
            for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length; i++)
                // 境界2の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc3 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId3[i];
                if (nodeNumberPortBc3 == sharedNodes[2]) continue;
                if (nodeNumberPortBc3 == sharedNodes[3]) continue;
                // 境界3の節点の界の値を取得
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc3];

                // 境界6の節点
                uint nodeNumberPortBc6 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId6[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId6.Length - 1 - i];
                resVec[nodeNumberPortBc6] = expA3 * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
        /// <summary>
        /// 界のx方向微分値を取得する (2次三角形要素)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="world"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldValId"></param>
        private static void getDFDXValues_Tri_SecondOrder(
            FemSolver.WaveModeDV WaveModeDv,
            double k0,
            double rotAngle,
            double[] rotOrigin,
            IList<FemNode> Nodes,
            IList<FemElement> Elements,
            MediaInfo[] Medias,
            Dictionary<int, bool> ForceNodeNumberH,
            IList<uint> elemNoPeriodic,
            IList<IList<int>> nodePeriodicB,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fVec,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] dFdXVec,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] dFdYVec)
            dFdXVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[fVec.Length];
            dFdYVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[fVec.Length];

            Dictionary<int, int> nodeElemCntH = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            Dictionary<int, double> nodeAreaSum = new Dictionary<int, double>();

            int elemCnt = elemNoPeriodic.Count;
            for (int ie = 0; ie < elemCnt; ie++)
                int elemNo = (int)elemNoPeriodic[ie];
                FemElement element = Elements[elemNo - 1];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(element.No == elemNo);

                // 要素内節点数
                const int nno = Constants.TriNodeCnt_SecondOrder; //6;  // 2次三角形要素
                // 座標次元数
                const int ndim = Constants.CoordDim2D; //2;

                int[] nodeNumbers = element.NodeNumbers;
                int[] no_c = new int[nno];
                MediaInfo media = Medias[element.MediaIndex];
                double[,] media_P = null;
                double[,] media_Q = null;
                // ヘルムホルツ方程式のパラメータP,Qを取得する
                    out media_P,
                    out media_Q);

                // 節点座標(IFの都合上配列の配列形式の2次元配列を作成)
                double[][] pp = new double[nno][];
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nno; ino++)
                    int nodeNumber = nodeNumbers[ino];
                    int nodeIndex = nodeNumber - 1;
                    FemNode node = Nodes[nodeIndex];

                    no_c[ino] = nodeNumber;
                    pp[ino] = new double[ndim];
                    for (int n = 0; n < ndim; n++)
                        pp[ino][n] = node.Coord[n];
                if (Math.Abs(rotAngle) >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                    // 座標を回転移動する
                    for (uint inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                        double[] srcPt = new double[] { pp[inoes][0], pp[inoes][1] };
                        double[] destPt = GetRotCoord(srcPt, rotAngle, rotOrigin);
                        for (int i = 0; i < ndim; i++)
                            pp[inoes][i] = destPt[i];

                // 面積を求める
                double area = KerEMatTri.TriArea(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Elem No {0} area:  {1}", element.No, area);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(area >= 0.0);

                // 面積座標の微分を求める
                //   dldx[k, n] k面積座標Lkのn方向微分
                double[,] dldx = null;
                double[] const_term = null;
                KerEMatTri.TriDlDx(out dldx, out const_term, pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]);

                // 形状関数の微分の係数を求める
                //    dndxC[ino,n,k]  ino節点のn方向微分のLk(k面積座標)の係数
                //       dNino/dn = dndxC[ino, n, 0] * L0 + dndxC[ino, n, 1] * L1 + dndxC[ino, n, 2] * L2 + dndxC[ino, n, 3]
                double[, ,] dndxC = new double[nno, ndim, Constants.TriVertexCnt + 1]
                        {4.0 * dldx[0, 0], 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 * dldx[0, 0]},
                        {4.0 * dldx[0, 1], 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 * dldx[0, 1]},
                        {0.0, 4.0 * dldx[1, 0], 0.0, -1.0 * dldx[1, 0]},
                        {0.0, 4.0 * dldx[1, 1], 0.0, -1.0 * dldx[1, 1]},
                        {0.0, 0.0, 4.0 * dldx[2, 0], -1.0 * dldx[2, 0]},
                        {0.0, 0.0, 4.0 * dldx[2, 1], -1.0 * dldx[2, 1]},
                        {4.0 * dldx[1, 0], 4.0 * dldx[0, 0], 0.0, 0.0},
                        {4.0 * dldx[1, 1], 4.0 * dldx[0, 1], 0.0, 0.0},
                        {0.0, 4.0 * dldx[2, 0], 4.0 * dldx[1, 0], 0.0},
                        {0.0, 4.0 * dldx[2, 1], 4.0 * dldx[1, 1], 0.0},
                        {4.0 * dldx[2, 0], 0.0, 4.0 * dldx[0, 0], 0.0},
                        {4.0 * dldx[2, 1], 0.0, 4.0 * dldx[0, 1], 0.0},

                // 界の微分値を計算
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] dFdXs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nno];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] dFdYs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nno];
                // 節点の面積座標
                double[,] L_node = new double[Constants.TriNodeCnt_SecondOrder, 3]
                    {1.0, 0.0, 0.0},
                    {0.0, 1.0, 0.0},
                    {0.0, 0.0, 1.0},
                    {0.5, 0.5, 0.0},
                    {0.0, 0.5, 0.5},
                    {0.5, 0.0, 0.5}
                for (int inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                    for (int jnoes = 0; jnoes < nno; jnoes++)
                        int jNodeNumber = no_c[jnoes];
                        if (!toNodePeriodic.ContainsKey(jNodeNumber))
                        int jnoGlobal = toNodePeriodic[jNodeNumber];
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex fVal = fVec[jnoGlobal];
                        double[] dNdx_node = new double[ndim];
                        for (int n = 0; n < ndim; n++)
                            dNdx_node[n] = dndxC[jnoes, n, 0] * L_node[inoes, 0]
                                           + dndxC[jnoes, n, 1] * L_node[inoes, 1]
                                           + dndxC[jnoes, n, 2] * L_node[inoes, 2]
                                           + dndxC[jnoes, n, 3];
                        dFdXs[inoes] += dNdx_node[0] * fVal;
                        dFdYs[inoes] += dNdx_node[1] * fVal;
                // 格納
                for (int inoes = 0; inoes < nno; inoes++)
                    int iNodeNumber = no_c[inoes];
                    if (!toNodePeriodic.ContainsKey(iNodeNumber))
                    int inoGlobal = toNodePeriodic[iNodeNumber];

                    //dFdXVec[inoGlobal] += dFdXs[inoes];
                    //dFdYVec[inoGlobal] += dFdYs[inoes];
                    // Note:
                    //  TEzモードのとき -dHz/dx = jωDy
                    dFdXVec[inoGlobal] += dFdXs[inoes] * area;
                    dFdYVec[inoGlobal] += dFdYs[inoes] * area;

                    if (nodeElemCntH.ContainsKey(inoGlobal))
                        // 面積を格納
                        nodeAreaSum[inoGlobal] += area;
                        nodeElemCntH.Add(inoGlobal, 1);
                        nodeAreaSum.Add(inoGlobal, area);
            for (int i = 0; i < dFdXVec.Length; i++)
                //int cnt = nodeElemCntH[i];
                //dFdXVec[i] /= cnt;
                //dFdYVec[i] /= cnt;
                double areaSum = nodeAreaSum[i];
                dFdXVec[i] = (dFdXVec[i] / areaSum);
                dFdYVec[i] = (dFdYVec[i] / areaSum);
Beispiel #16
 public static Complex[,] matrix_FromBuffer(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] mat_, int nRow, int nCol)
     Complex[,] mat = new Complex[nRow, nCol];
     // rowから先に埋めていく
     for (int j = 0; j < mat.GetLength(1); j++) // col
         for (int i = 0; i < mat.GetLength(0); i++)  // row
             KrdLab.clapack.Complex cval = mat_[j * mat.GetLength(0) + i];
             mat[i, j] = new Complex(cval.Real, cval.Imaginary);
     return mat;
        /// <summary>
        /// 欠陥モード?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k0"></param>
        /// <param name="freeNodeCntPeriodic"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedNodesPeriodic"></param>
        /// <param name="toSortedPeriodic"></param>
        /// <param name="defectNodePeriodic"></param>
        /// <param name="minBeta"></param>
        /// <param name="maxBeta"></param>
        /// <param name="betam"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldVec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool isDefectMode(
            double k0,
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic,
            IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toSortedPeriodic,
            IList<int> defectNodePeriodic,
            double minBeta,
            double maxBeta,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec)
            bool isHit = false;
            if (Math.Abs(betam.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 複素モードは除外する
                return isHit;
            else if (Math.Abs(betam.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                // 伝搬モード
                // 後進波は除外する
                if (betam.Real < 0)
                    return isHit;
            else if (Math.Abs(betam.Real) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)

                // 減衰モード
                //  利得のある波は除外する
                if (betam.Imaginary > 0)
                    return isHit;

                return isHit;
                return isHit;

            // フォトニック結晶導波路の導波モードを判定する
            // 領域内の節点の界の絶対値の2乗の和を計算
            //   要素分割が均一であることが前提。面積を考慮しない。
            double totalPower = 0.0;
            //for (int ino = 0; ino < fieldVec.Length; ino++)
            for (int ino = 0; ino < freeNodeCntPeriodic; ino++)
                double fieldAbs = fieldVec[ino].Magnitude;
                double power = fieldAbs * fieldAbs;
                totalPower += power;
            // チャンネル上の節点の界の絶対値の2乗の和を計算
            //   要素分割が均一であることが前提。面積を考慮しない。
            int channelNodeCnt = 0;
            double channelTotalPower = 0.0;

            foreach (int defectNodeNumber in defectNodePeriodic)
                if (!toSortedPeriodic.ContainsKey(defectNodeNumber)) continue;
                int noSorted = toSortedPeriodic[defectNodeNumber];
                //if (noSorted >= fieldVec.Length) continue;
                if (noSorted >= freeNodeCntPeriodic) continue;
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = fieldVec[noSorted];
                double valAbs = cvalue.Magnitude;
                double channelPower = valAbs * valAbs;
                channelTotalPower += channelPower;
            // 密度で比較する
            //totalPower /= fieldVec.Length;
            //channelTotalPower /= channelNodeCnt;
            ////const double powerRatioLimit = 3.0;
            //const double powerRatioLimit = 2.0;
            ////System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("channelTotalPower = {0}", (channelTotalPower / totalPower));
            // 総和で比較する
            const double powerRatioLimit = 0.5;
            if (Math.Abs(totalPower) >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && (channelTotalPower / totalPower) >= powerRatioLimit)
                //if (((Math.Abs(betam.Real) / k0) > maxBeta))
                if (Math.Abs(betam.Real / k0) > maxBeta || Math.Abs(betam.Real / k0) < minBeta)
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode: beta is invalid skip: β/k0 = {0} at k0 = {1}", betam.Real / k0, k0);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode: beta is invalid skip: β/k0 = {0} at k0 = {1}", betam.Real / k0, k0);
                    isHit = true;

            if (Math.Abs(betam.Real / k0) > maxBeta || Math.Abs(betam.Real / k0) < minBeta)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode: beta is invalid skip: β/k0 = {0} at k0 = {1}", betam.Real / k0, k0);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode: beta is invalid skip: β/k0 = {0} at k0 = {1}", betam.Real / k0, k0);
                isHit = true;
            return isHit;
Beispiel #18
 // 行列の行ベクトルを抜き出す
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matrix_GetRowVec(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] matA, int row)
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] rowVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[matA.GetLength(1)];
     for (int j = 0; j < matA.GetLength(1); j++)
         rowVec[j] = matA[row, j];
     return rowVec;
        // 周期構造導波路固有値問題:Φを直接解く方法
        private static void solveNonSVEAModeAsQuadraticGeneralizedEigenWithRealMat(
            int incidentModeIndex,
            double periodicDistance,
            double k0,
            double[] KMat0,
            bool isPortBc2Reverse,
            int nodeCntPeriodic,
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic_0,
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic,
            int nodeCntBPeriodic,
            IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toSortedPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodicB1,
            IList<double[]> coordsPeriodic,
            IList<int> defectNodePeriodic,
            bool isModeTrace,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
            double minBeta,
            double maxBeta,
            double betaNormalizingFactor,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] betamToSolveList,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] resVecList)
            betamToSolveList = null;
            resVecList = null;

            // 複素モード、エバネセントモードの固有ベクトル計算をスキップする? (計算時間短縮するため)
            bool isSkipCalcComplexAndEvanescentModeVec = true;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("isSkipCalcComplexAndEvanescentModeVec: {0}", isSkipCalcComplexAndEvanescentModeVec);
            // 緩慢変化包絡線近似? Φを直接解く方法なので常にfalse
            const bool isSVEA = false; // Φを直接解く方法
            // 境界1のみの式に変換
            int inner_node_cnt = freeNodeCntPeriodic - nodeCntBPeriodic;
            double[] P11 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            double[] P10 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * inner_node_cnt];
            double[] P12 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            double[] P01 = new double[inner_node_cnt * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            double[] P00 = new double[inner_node_cnt * inner_node_cnt];
            double[] P02 = new double[inner_node_cnt * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            double[] P21 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            double[] P20 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * inner_node_cnt];
            double[] P22 = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];

            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCntBPeriodic; i++)
                int ino_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - i) : (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + i);
                for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                    int jno_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - j) : (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + j);
                    // [K11]
                    P11[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    // [K12]
                    P12[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                    // [K21]
                    P21[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    // [K22]
                    P22[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                for (int j = 0; j < inner_node_cnt; j++)
                    // [K10]
                    P10[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[i + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * (j + nodeCntBPeriodic)];
                    // [K20]
                    P20[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] = KMat0[ino_B2 + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * (j + nodeCntBPeriodic)];
            for (int i = 0; i < inner_node_cnt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                    int jno_B2 = isPortBc2Reverse ? (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + nodeCntBPeriodic - 1 - j) : (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic + j);
                    // [K01]
                    P01[i + inner_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[(i + nodeCntBPeriodic) + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * j];
                    // [K02]
                    P02[i + inner_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[(i + nodeCntBPeriodic) + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * jno_B2];
                for (int j = 0; j < inner_node_cnt; j++)
                    // [K00]
                    P00[i + inner_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[(i + nodeCntBPeriodic) + freeNodeCntPeriodic_0 * (j + nodeCntBPeriodic)];

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("setup [K]B [C]B [M]B");
            double[] invP00 = MyMatrixUtil.matrix_Inverse(P00, (int)(freeNodeCntPeriodic - nodeCntBPeriodic));
            double[] P10_invP00 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P10, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                invP00, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)inner_node_cnt);
            double[] P20_invP00 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P20, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                invP00, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)inner_node_cnt);
            // for [C]B
            double[] P10_invP00_P01 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P10_invP00, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P01, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            double[] P20_invP00_P02 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P20_invP00, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P02, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            // for [M]B
            double[] P10_invP00_P02 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P10_invP00, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P02, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            // for [K]B
            double[] P20_invP00_P01 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                P20_invP00, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P01, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            // [C]B
            double[] CMatB = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            // [M]B
            double[] MMatB = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            // [K]B
            double[] KMatB = new double[nodeCntBPeriodic * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            for (int i = 0; i < nodeCntBPeriodic; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                    CMatB[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] =
                        - P10_invP00_P01[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j]
                        + P11[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j]
                        - P20_invP00_P02[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j]
                        + P22[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j];
                    MMatB[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] =
                        - P10_invP00_P02[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j]
                        + P12[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j];
                    KMatB[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j] =
                        - P20_invP00_P01[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j]
                        + P21[i + nodeCntBPeriodic * j];

            // 非線形固有値問題
            //  [K] + λ[C] + λ^2[M]{Φ}= {0}
            // Lisys(Lapack)による固有値解析
            // マトリクスサイズは、強制境界及び境界3を除いたサイズ
            int matLen = (int)nodeCntBPeriodic;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evals = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] evecs = null;

            // 一般化固有値解析(実行列として解く)
            double[] A = new double[(matLen * 2) * (matLen * 2)];
            double[] B = new double[(matLen * 2) * (matLen * 2)];
            for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                    A[i + j * (matLen * 2)] = 0.0;
                    A[i + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                    A[(i + matLen) + j * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * KMatB[i + j * matLen];
                    A[(i + matLen) + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = -1.0 * CMatB[i + j * matLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < matLen; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < matLen; j++)
                    B[i + j * (matLen * 2)] = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
                    B[i + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = 0.0;
                    B[(i + matLen) + j * (matLen * 2)] = 0.0;
                    B[(i + matLen) + (j + matLen) * (matLen * 2)] = MMatB[i + j * matLen];
            double[] ret_r_evals = null;
            double[] ret_i_evals = null;
            double[][] ret_r_evecs = null;
            double[][] ret_i_evecs = null;
            KrdLab.clapack.FunctionExt.dggev(A, (matLen * 2), (matLen * 2), B, (matLen * 2), (matLen * 2), ref ret_r_evals, ref ret_i_evals, ref ret_r_evecs, ref ret_i_evecs);

            evals = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_r_evals.Length];
            // βを格納
            for (int i = 0; i < ret_r_evals.Length; i++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex eval = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(ret_r_evals[i], ret_i_evals[i]);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("exp(-jβd) = {0} + {1} i", eval.Real, eval.Imaginary);
                if ((Math.Abs(eval.Real) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit && Math.Abs(eval.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                    || double.IsInfinity(eval.Real) || double.IsInfinity(eval.Imaginary)
                    || double.IsNaN(eval.Real) || double.IsNaN(eval.Imaginary)
                    // 無効な固有値
                    //evals[i] = -1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * double.MaxValue;
                    evals[i] = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * double.MaxValue;
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("exp(-jβd) = {0} + {1} i", eval.Real, eval.Imaginary);
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betatmp = -1.0 * MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.complex_Log(eval) / (KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * periodicDistance);
                    evals[i] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(betatmp.Real, betatmp.Imaginary);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret_r_evals.Length == ret_r_evecs.Length);
            // 2次元配列に格納する ({Φ}のみ格納)
            evecs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_r_evecs.Length, freeNodeCntPeriodic];

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("calc {Φ}0");
            double[] invP00_P01 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                invP00, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P01, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            double[] invP00_P02 = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                invP00, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)inner_node_cnt,
                P02, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] transMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[inner_node_cnt * nodeCntBPeriodic];
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(evals.Length == ret_r_evecs.Length);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(evals.Length == ret_i_evecs.Length);
            for (int imode = 0; imode < evals.Length; imode++)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = evals[imode];
                // 複素モード、エバネセントモードの固有モード計算をスキップする?
                if (isSkipCalcComplexAndEvanescentModeVec)
                    if (Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) >= Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        // 複素モード、エバネセントモードの固有モード計算をスキップする

                KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * periodicDistance);
                double[] ret_r_evec = ret_r_evecs[imode];
                double[] ret_i_evec = ret_i_evecs[imode];
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret_r_evec.Length == nodeCntBPeriodic * 2);
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fVecB = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodeCntBPeriodic];
                // {Φ}Bのみ格納
                for (int ino = 0; ino < nodeCntBPeriodic; ino++)
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(ret_r_evec[ino], ret_i_evec[ino]);
                    evecs[imode, ino] = cvalue;
                    fVecB[ino] = cvalue;

                // {Φ}0を計算
                //   変換行列を計算
                for (int i = 0; i < inner_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nodeCntBPeriodic; j++)
                        transMat[i + inner_node_cnt * j] = -1.0 * (invP00_P01[i + inner_node_cnt * j] + expA * invP00_P02[i + inner_node_cnt * j]);
                //   {Φ}0を計算
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fVecInner = MyMatrixUtil.product(
                    transMat, (int)inner_node_cnt, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic,
                    fVecB, (int)nodeCntBPeriodic);
                //   {Φ}0を格納
                for (int ino = 0; ino < inner_node_cnt; ino++)
                    evecs[imode, ino + nodeCntBPeriodic] = fVecInner[ino];


            if (!isSVEA)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(freeNodeCntPeriodic == (sortedNodesPeriodic.Count - nodeCntBPeriodic));
                for (int imode = 0; imode < evals.Length; imode++)
                    // 伝搬定数
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betatmp = evals[imode];
                    // 界ベクトル
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, imode);

                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex beta_d_tmp = betatmp * periodicDistance;
                    if (
                        // [-π, 0]の解を[π, 2π]に移動する
                        ((minBeta * k0 * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi)) >= (0.5 - MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                             && (minBeta * k0 * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi)) < 1.0
                             && Math.Abs(betatmp.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit
                             && Math.Abs(betatmp.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit
                             && (beta_d_tmp.Real / (2.0 * pi)) >= (-0.5 - MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                             && (beta_d_tmp.Real / (2.0 * pi)) < 0.0)
                        // [0, π]の解を[2π, 3π]に移動する
                        || ((minBeta * k0 * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi)) >= (1.0 - MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                                && (minBeta * k0 * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi)) < 1.5
                                && Math.Abs(betatmp.Real) >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit
                                && Math.Abs(betatmp.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit
                                && (beta_d_tmp.Real / (2.0 * pi)) >= (0.0 - MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                                && (beta_d_tmp.Real / (2.0 * pi)) < 0.5)
                        // [0, π]の解を2πだけ移動する
                        double delta_phase = 2.0 * pi;
                        beta_d_tmp.Real += delta_phase;
                        betatmp = beta_d_tmp / periodicDistance;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shift beta * d / (2π): {0} + {1} i to {2} + {3} i",
                            evals[imode].Real * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi),
                            evals[imode].Imaginary * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi),
                            beta_d_tmp.Real / (2.0 * pi),
                            beta_d_tmp.Imaginary / (2.0 * pi));
                        // 再設定
                        evals[imode] = betatmp;

            // 固有値をソートする
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(evecs.GetLength(1) == freeNodeCntPeriodic);
                ref PrevModalVec,
                true, // isDebugShow
                out betamToSolveList,
                out resVecList);
Beispiel #20
        public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matrix_Inverse(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matA, int n)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(matA.Length == (n * n));
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matA_ = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[n * n];
            matA.CopyTo(matA_, 0);
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matB_ = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[n * n];
            // 単位行列
            for (int i = 0; i < matB_.Length; i++)
                matB_[i] = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                matB_[i + i * n] = 1.0;
            // [A][X] = [B]
            //  [B]の内容が書き換えられるので、matXを新たに生成せず、matBを出力に指定している
            int x_row = 0;
            int x_col = 0;
            KrdLab.clapack.FunctionExt.zgesv(ref matB_, ref x_row, ref x_col, matA_, n, n, matB_, n, n);

            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] matX = matB_;
            return matX;
        public static void GetSortedModes(
            int incidentModeIndex,
            double k0,
            int nodeCntPeriodic,
            int freeNodeCntPeriodic,
            int nodeCntBPeriodic,
            IList<int> sortedNodesPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toSortedPeriodic,
            Dictionary<int, int> toNodePeriodic,
            IList<int> defectNodePeriodic,
            bool isModeTrace,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
            double minBeta,
            double maxBeta,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evals,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] evecs,
            bool isDebugShow,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] betamToSolveList,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] resVecList)
            betamToSolveList = null;
            resVecList = null;

            // 固有値のソート
            FemSolverPort.Sort1DEigenMode(k0, evals, evecs);

            // 欠陥モードを取得
            IList<int> defectModeIndexList = new List<int>();
            // 追跡するモードのインデックス退避
            int traceModeIndex = -1;
            // フォトニック結晶導波路解析用
                double hitNorm = 0.0;
                for (int imode = 0; imode < evals.Length; imode++)
                    // 伝搬定数
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = evals[imode];
                    // 界ベクトル
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, imode);

                    // フォトニック結晶導波路の導波モードを判定する
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((free_node_cnt * 2) == fieldVec.Length);
                    bool isHitDefectMode = isDefectMode(

                    // 入射モードを追跡する
                    if (isHitDefectMode
                        && isModeTrace && PrevModalVec != null)
                        // 同じ固有モード?
                        double ret_norm = 0.0;
                        bool isHitSameMode = isSameMode(
                            out ret_norm);
                        if (isHitSameMode)
                            // より分布の近いモードを採用する
                            if (Math.Abs(ret_norm - 1.0) < Math.Abs(hitNorm - 1.0))
                                // 追跡するモードのインデックス退避
                                traceModeIndex = imode;
                                hitNorm = ret_norm;
                                if (isDebugShow)
                                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode(ModeTrace): imode = {0} β/k0 = {1} + {2} i", imode, betam.Real / k0, betam.Imaginary / k0);

                    if (isHitDefectMode)
                        if (isDebugShow)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PCWaveguideMode: imode = {0} β/k0 = {1} + {2} i", imode, betam.Real / k0, betam.Imaginary / k0);
                        if (imode != traceModeIndex) // 追跡するモードは除外、あとで追加
                if (isModeTrace && traceModeIndex != -1)
                    if (isDebugShow)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("traceModeIndex:{0}", traceModeIndex);
                    // 追跡している入射モードがあれば最後に追加する
                    // 追跡している入射モードがあれば最後から入射モードインデックス分だけシフトした位置に挿入する
                    if (defectModeIndexList.Count >= (0 + incidentModeIndex))
                        defectModeIndexList.Insert(defectModeIndexList.Count - incidentModeIndex, traceModeIndex);
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("other modes dissappeared ! defectModeIndexList cleared.");
                        traceModeIndex = -1;
            IList<int> selectedModeList = new List<int>();
            // フォトニック結晶導波路解析用
                // フォトニック結晶導波路
                if (defectModeIndexList.Count > 0)
                    // フォトニック結晶欠陥部閉じ込めモード
                    for (int iDefectModeIndex = defectModeIndexList.Count - 1; iDefectModeIndex >= 0; iDefectModeIndex--)
                        int imode = defectModeIndexList[iDefectModeIndex];
                        // 伝搬定数
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = evals[imode];
                        // 界ベクトル
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, imode);
                        if (Math.Abs(betam.Real) < 1.0e-12 && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) >= 1.0e-12)
                            // 減衰モード
                            // 正しく計算できていないように思われる
                            if (selectedModeList.Count > incidentModeIndex)
                                // 基本モード以外の減衰モードは除外する
                                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("skip evanesent mode:β/k0  ( " + imode + " ) = " + betam.Real / k0 + " + " + betam.Imaginary / k0 + " i ");
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!! Not converged photonic crystal waveguide mode");
            if (selectedModeList.Count > 0)
                betamToSolveList = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[selectedModeList.Count];
                resVecList = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[selectedModeList.Count][];
                for (int imode = 0; imode < betamToSolveList.Length; imode++)
                    resVecList[imode] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodeCntPeriodic]; // 全節点
                for (int i = selectedModeList.Count - 1, selectedModeIndex = 0; i >= 0; i--, selectedModeIndex++)
                    int imode = selectedModeList[i];
                    // 伝搬定数、固有ベクトルの格納
                    betamToSolveList[selectedModeIndex] = evals[imode];

                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, imode);
                    // 非線形固有値方程式の解は{Φ} {λΦ}の順になっている
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((evec.Length == free_node_cnt * 2));
                    // 前半の{Φ}のみ取得する
                    for (int ino = 0; ino < freeNodeCntPeriodic; ino++)
                        int nodeNumber = sortedNodesPeriodic[ino];
                        int ino_InLoop = toNodePeriodic[nodeNumber];
                        resVecList[selectedModeIndex][ino_InLoop] = evec[ino];
                    if (isDebugShow)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("mode({0}): index:{1} β/k0 = {2} + {3} i", selectedModeIndex, imode, (betamToSolveList[selectedModeIndex].Real / k0), (betamToSolveList[selectedModeIndex].Imaginary / k0));

            if (isModeTrace)
                if (PrevModalVec != null && (traceModeIndex == -1))
                    // モード追跡に失敗した場合
                    betamToSolveList = null;
                    resVecList = null;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("fail to trace mode at k0 = {0}", k0);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("fail to trace mode at k0 = {0}", k0);

                // 前回の固有ベクトルを更新
                if ((PrevModalVec == null || (PrevModalVec != null && traceModeIndex != -1)) // 初回格納、またはモード追跡に成功した場合だけ更新
                    && (betamToSolveList != null && betamToSolveList.Length >= (1 + incidentModeIndex))
                    // 返却用リストでは伝搬定数の昇順に並んでいる→入射モードは最後
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam = betamToSolveList[betamToSolveList.Length - 1 - incidentModeIndex];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = resVecList[betamToSolveList.Length - 1 - incidentModeIndex];
                    if (betam.Real != 0.0 && Math.Abs(betam.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                        //PrevModalVec = resVec;
                        PrevModalVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[nodeCntPeriodic];
                        resVec.CopyTo(PrevModalVec, 0);
                        // クリアしない(特定周波数で固有値が求まらないときがある。その場合でも同じモードを追跡できるように)
                        //PrevModalVec = null;
                    // クリアしない(特定周波数で固有値が求まらないときがある。その場合でも同じモードを追跡できるように)
                    //PrevModalVec = null;
Beispiel #22
 public static void matrix_setRowVec(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] matA, int row, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] rowVec)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(matA.GetLength(1) == rowVec.Length);
     for (int j = 0; j < matA.GetLength(1); j++)
         matA[row, j] = rowVec[j];
Beispiel #23
 // x = Log(c)
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex complex_Log(KrdLab.clapack.Complex c)
     System.Numerics.Complex work = new System.Numerics.Complex(c.Real, c.Imaginary);
     work = System.Numerics.Complex.Log(work);
     return new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(work.Real, work.Imaginary);
Beispiel #24
 // {x} = ({v})*
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] vector_Conjugate(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] vec)
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] retVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[vec.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < retVec.Length; i++)
         retVec[i] = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Conjugate(vec[i]);
     return retVec;
Beispiel #25
        // {x} = [A]{v}
        public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] product(double[] matA, int a_row, int a_col, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] vec, int vec_row)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(a_col == vec_row);
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] retVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[a_row];

            for (int i = 0; i < a_row; i++)
                retVec[i] = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(0.0, 0.0);
                for (int k = 0; k < a_col; k++)
                    retVec[i] += matA[i + k * a_row] * vec[k];
            return retVec;
Beispiel #26
 // x = {v1}t{v2}
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex vector_Dot(KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] v1, KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] v2)
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(v1.Length == v2.Length);
     int n = v1.Length;
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex sum = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(0.0, 0.0);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
         sum += v1[i] * v2[i];
     return sum;
Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 同じ固有モード?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k0"></param>
        /// <param name="node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="PrevModalVec"></param>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="toSorted"></param>
        /// <param name="PCWaveguidePorts"></param>
        /// <param name="minNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="maxNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="complexNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldVec"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool isSameModeBetaSpecified(
            uint node_cnt,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
            uint free_node_cnt,
            IList<uint> sortedNodes,
            Dictionary<uint, int> toSorted,
            IList<IList<uint>> PCWaveguidePorts,
            double minNormalizedFreq,
            double maxNormalizedFreq,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex complexNormalizedFreq,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec,
            out double ret_norm)
            bool isHit = false;
            ret_norm = 0.0;
            if (complexNormalizedFreq.Real > 0.0 && Math.Abs(complexNormalizedFreq.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] workModalVec1 = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt]; // 前回
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] workModalVec2 = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt]; // 今回
                // 前半の{Φ}のみ取得する
                for (int ino = 0; ino < free_node_cnt; ino++)
                    // 今回の固有ベクトル
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("    ( " + imode + ", " + ino + " ) = " + evec[ino].Real + " + " + evec[ino].Imaginary + " i ");
                    uint nodeNumber = sortedNodes[ino];
                    workModalVec2[nodeNumber] = fieldVec[ino];

                    // 対応する前回の固有ベクトル
                    workModalVec1[nodeNumber] = PrevModalVec[nodeNumber];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm1 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec1), workModalVec1);
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm2 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec2), workModalVec2);
                for (int i = 0; i < node_cnt; i++)
                    workModalVec1[i] /= Math.Sqrt(norm1.Magnitude);
                    workModalVec2[i] /= Math.Sqrt(norm2.Magnitude);
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex norm12 = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Dot(MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.vector_Conjugate(workModalVec1), workModalVec2);
                double thLikeMin = 0.9;
                double thLikeMax = 1.1;
                if (norm12.Magnitude >= thLikeMin && norm12.Magnitude < thLikeMax)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("norm (prev * current): {0} + {1}i (Abs: {2})", norm12.Real, norm12.Imaginary, norm12.Magnitude);
                    if (complexNormalizedFreq.Real >= minNormalizedFreq && complexNormalizedFreq.Real <= maxNormalizedFreq)
                        isHit = true;
                        ret_norm = norm12.Magnitude;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("skip: a/λ = {0} + {1} i", complexNormalizedFreq.Real, complexNormalizedFreq.Imaginary);
            return isHit;
 /// <summary>
 /// 周期構造導波路の伝搬定数に変換する(βdが[-π, π]に収まるように変換)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="beta"></param>
 /// <param name="periodicDistance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static KrdLab.clapack.Complex ToBetaPeriodic(KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam, double periodicDistance)
     // βの再変換
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betam * periodicDistance);
     KrdLab.clapack.Complex betam_periodic = -1.0 * MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.complex_Log(expA) / (KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * periodicDistance);
     return betam_periodic;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// 問題を解く
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probNo"></param>
        /// <param name="betaIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="Beta1"></param>
        /// <param name="Beta2"></param>
        /// <param name="BetaDelta"></param>
        /// <param name="initFlg"></param>
        /// <param name="WaveguideWidth"></param>
        /// <param name="WaveModeDv"></param>
        /// <param name="IsPCWaveguide"></param>
        /// <param name="latticeA"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicDistance"></param>
        /// <param name="PCWaveguidePorts"></param>
        /// <param name="CalcModeIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="isSVEA"></param>
        /// <param name="PrevModalVec"></param>
        /// <param name="IsShowAbsField"></param>
        /// <param name="MinNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="MaxNormalizedFreq"></param>
        /// <param name="World"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldValId"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldLoopId"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldForceBcId"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldPortBcId1"></param>
        /// <param name="FieldPortBcId2"></param>
        /// <param name="Medias"></param>
        /// <param name="LoopDic"></param>
        /// <param name="EdgeDic"></param>
        /// <param name="EigenValueList"></param>
        /// <param name="DrawerAry"></param>
        /// <param name="Camera"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool solveProblem(
            int probNo,
            ref int betaIndex,
            double Beta1,
            double Beta2,
            double BetaDelta,
            bool initFlg,
            double WaveguideWidth,
            WgUtil.WaveModeDV WaveModeDv,
            bool IsPCWaveguide,
            double latticeA,
            double periodicDistance,
            IList<IList<uint>> PCWaveguidePorts,
            int CalcModeIndex,
            bool isSVEA,
            ref KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] PrevModalVec,
            bool IsShowAbsField,
            double MinNormalizedFreq,
            double MaxNormalizedFreq,
            ref CFieldWorld World,
            uint FieldValId,
            uint FieldLoopId,
            uint FieldForceBcId,
            uint FieldPortBcId1,
            uint FieldPortBcId2,
            IList<MediaInfo> Medias,
            Dictionary<uint, wg2d.World.Loop> LoopDic,
            Dictionary<uint, wg2d.World.Edge> EdgeDic,
            ref IList<Complex> EigenValueList,
            ref CDrawerArrayField DrawerAry,
            CCamera Camera)
            //long memorySize1 = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
            //Console.WriteLine("    total memory: {0}", memorySize1);

            bool success = false;
            bool showException = true;
                // 緩慢変化包絡線近似 SVEA(slowly varying envelope approximation)で表現?
                //  true: v = v(x, y)exp(-jβx)と置いた場合
                //  false: 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                //bool isSVEA = false; // falseの時の方が妥当な解が得られる
                //bool isSVEA = false;
                // モード追跡する?
                bool isModeTrace = true;
                if (!IsPCWaveguide)
                    isModeTrace = false;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("isSVEA: {0}", isSVEA);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("isModeTrace: {0}, CalcModeIndex: {1}", isModeTrace, CalcModeIndex);

                if (betaIndex == 0)
                    PrevModalVec = null;

                // 規格化伝搬定数
                double beta = getBeta(
                    ref betaIndex,
                if (betaIndex == -1)
                    return success;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("beta: {0}    beta*d/(2.0 * pi): {1}",
                    beta * periodicDistance / (2.0 * pi));

                if (probNo == 3)
                    // probNo == 3 theta = 45 defectRodCnt = 3 even 1st
                    if (beta < 0.32 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();

                    // probNo == 3 theta = 60 defectRodCnt = 1 r = 0.30 even
                    if (beta < 0.20 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();

                    // probNo == 3 theta = 30 defectRodCnt = 1 r = 0.30 n = 3.4 even
                    if (beta < 0.08 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.92 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;

                    // probNo == 3 theta = 60 defectRodCnt = 1 r = 0.35 even
                    if (beta < 0.08 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.92 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;
                    // probNo == 3 theta = 30 defectRodCnt = 3 r = 0.28 even 1st
                    if (beta < 0.16 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    // probNo == 3 theta = 30 defectRodCnt = 3 r = 0.28 even 2nd
                    if (beta > 0.39 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;
                    // probNo == 3 theta = 30 defectRodCnt = 3 r = 0.28 odd 2nd
                    if (beta > 0.20 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;

                    if (beta < 0.10 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();

                else if (probNo == 5)
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a  n = 3.4 air hole even 1st above decoupling point
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a  n = 3.4 air hole odd 1st above decoupling point
                    if (beta < 0.13 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.2501 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a air hole  n = 3.4 even 1st below decoupling point
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a air hole  n = 3.4 odd 1st below decoupling point
                    if (beta < 0.2501 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.4801 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;

                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a  n = 2.76 air hole even 1st above & below decoupling point
                    if (beta < 0.1601 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.4801 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a  n = 2.76 air hole odd 1st above decoupling point
                    if (beta < 0.1601 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.2601 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;

                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a air hole  n = 2.76 even 1st below decoupling point
                    // for latticeTheta = 60 r = 0.30a air hole  n = 2.76 odd 1st below decoupling point
                    if (beta < 0.2601 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        showException = false;
                        throw new Exception();
                    if (beta > 0.4801 * (2.0 * pi / periodicDistance))
                        betaIndex = -1;
                        return success;


                // 全節点数を取得する
                uint node_cnt = 0;
                node_cnt = WgUtilForPeriodicEigenBetaSpecified.GetNodeCnt(World, FieldLoopId);

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("node_cnt: {0}", node_cnt);

                // 境界の節点リストを取得する
                uint[] no_c_all_fieldForceBcId = null;
                Dictionary<uint, uint> to_no_boundary_fieldForceBcId = null;
                if (FieldForceBcId != 0)
                    WgUtil.GetBoundaryNodeList(World, FieldForceBcId, out no_c_all_fieldForceBcId, out to_no_boundary_fieldForceBcId);
                uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1 = null;
                Dictionary<uint, uint> to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId1 = null;
                WgUtil.GetBoundaryNodeList(World, FieldPortBcId1, out no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1, out to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId1);
                uint[] no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2 = null;
                Dictionary<uint, uint> to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId2 = null;
                WgUtil.GetBoundaryNodeList(World, FieldPortBcId2, out no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2, out to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId2);

                // 節点のソート
                IList<uint> sortedNodes = new List<uint>();
                Dictionary<uint, int> toSorted = new Dictionary<uint, int>();
                //   境界1と境界2は周期構造条件より同じ界の値をとる
                // ポート境界1
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; i++)
                    // 境界1の節点を追加
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[i];
                    if (FieldForceBcId != 0)
                        // 強制境界を除く
                        if (to_no_boundary_fieldForceBcId.ContainsKey(nodeNumberPortBc1)) continue;
                    int nodeIndex = sortedNodes.Count - 1;
                    toSorted.Add(nodeNumberPortBc1, nodeIndex);
                uint boundary_node_cnt = (uint)sortedNodes.Count; // 境界1
                // 内部領域
                for (uint nodeNumber = 0; nodeNumber < node_cnt; nodeNumber++)
                    // 追加済み節点はスキップ
                    //if (toSorted.ContainsKey(nodeNumber)) continue;
                    // 境界1は除く
                    if (to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId1.ContainsKey(nodeNumber)) continue;
                    // 境界2は除く
                    if (to_no_boundary_fieldPortBcId2.ContainsKey(nodeNumber)) continue;
                    if (FieldForceBcId != 0)
                        // 強制境界を除く
                        if (to_no_boundary_fieldForceBcId.ContainsKey(nodeNumber)) continue;
                    toSorted.Add(nodeNumber, sortedNodes.Count - 1);
                uint free_node_cnt = (uint)sortedNodes.Count;  // 境界1 + 内部領域
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length; i++)
                    // 境界2の節点を追加
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc2 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2[i];
                    if (FieldForceBcId != 0)
                        // 強制境界を除く
                        if (to_no_boundary_fieldForceBcId.ContainsKey(nodeNumberPortBc2)) continue;
                    int nodeIndex = sortedNodes.Count - 1;
                    toSorted.Add(nodeNumberPortBc2, nodeIndex);
                uint free_node_cnt0 = (uint)sortedNodes.Count;  // 境界1 + 内部領域 + 境界2

                // 剛性行列、質量行列を作成
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat0 = null;
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat0 = null;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex betaForMakingMat = 0.0;
                    if (isSVEA)
                        betaForMakingMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex(beta, 0.0); // v = v(x, y)exp(-jβx)と置いた場合
                        betaForMakingMat = 0.0; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                        false, // isYDirectionPeriodic: false
                        out KMat0,
                        out MMat0);

                // 境界2の節点は境界1の節点と同一とみなす
                //   境界上の分割が同じであることが前提条件
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
                // v = v(x, y)exp(-jβx)と置いた場合
                for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                for (int i = 0; i < boundary_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA = 1.0;
                if (isSVEA)
                    expA = 1.0;
                    expA = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * beta * periodicDistance);
                for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expA * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expA * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                for (int i = 0; i < boundary_node_cnt; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA) * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA) * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    for (int j = 0; j < boundary_node_cnt; j++)
                        //KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA) * expA * KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        //MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA) * expA * MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];
                        MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[(free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - i) + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + boundary_node_cnt - 1 - j)];

                // 規格化周波数
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex complexNormalizedFreq_ans = 0.0;
                // 界ベクトルは全節点分作成
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] resVec = null;
                resVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt]; //全節点

                    int matLen = (int)free_node_cnt;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evals = null;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] evecs = null;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] A = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[KMat.Length];
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] B = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[MMat.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < matLen * matLen; i++)
                        A[i] = KMat[i];
                        B[i] = MMat[i];
                    // 一般化複素固有値解析
                    //   [A],[B]は内部で書き換えられるので注意
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] ret_evals = null;
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex[][] ret_evecs = null;
                    KrdLab.clapack.FunctionExt.zggev(A, matLen, matLen, B, matLen, matLen, ref ret_evals, ref ret_evecs);

                    evals = ret_evals;
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ret_evals.Length == ret_evecs.Length);
                    // 2次元配列に格納する
                    evecs = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[ret_evecs.Length, matLen];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ret_evecs.Length; i++)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] ret_evec = ret_evecs[i];
                        for (int j = 0; j < ret_evec.Length; j++)
                            evecs[i, j] = ret_evec[j];
                    // エルミートバンド行列の固有値解析
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] ret_evals = null;
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex[,] ret_evecs = null;
                        solveHermitianBandMatGeneralizedEigen(matLen, A, B, ref ret_evals, ref ret_evecs);
                        evals = ret_evals;
                        evecs = ret_evecs;

                    // 固有値のソート
                    WgUtilForPeriodicEigenBetaSpecified.Sort1DEigenMode(evals, evecs);
                    // check
                    for (int imode = 0; imode < evals.Length; imode++)
                        // 固有周波数
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex complex_k0_eigen = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Sqrt(evals[imode]);
                        // 規格化周波数
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex complexNormalizedFreq = latticeA * (complex_k0_eigen / (2.0 * pi));
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("a/λ  ( " + imode + " ) = " + complexNormalizedFreq.Real + " + " + complexNormalizedFreq.Imaginary + " i ");
                    // 欠陥モードを取得
                    IList<int> defectModeIndexList = new List<int>();
                    // フォトニック結晶導波路解析用
                    if (IsPCWaveguide)
                        int hitModeIndex = -1;
                        double hitNorm = 0.0;
                        for (int imode = 0; imode < evals.Length; imode++)
                            // 固有周波数
                            KrdLab.clapack.Complex complex_k0_eigen = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Sqrt(evals[imode]);
                            // 規格化周波数
                            KrdLab.clapack.Complex complexNormalizedFreq = latticeA * (complex_k0_eigen / (2.0 * pi));
                            // 界ベクトル
                            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] fieldVec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, imode);

                            // フォトニック結晶導波路の導波モードを判定する
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(free_node_cnt == fieldVec.Length);
                            bool isHitDefectMode = isDefectModeBetaSpecified(

                            if (isHitDefectMode
                                && isModeTrace && PrevModalVec != null)
                                // 同じ固有モード?
                                double ret_norm = 0.0;
                                bool isHitSameMode = isSameModeBetaSpecified(
                                    out ret_norm);
                                if (isHitSameMode)
                                    // より分布の近いモードを採用する
                                    if (Math.Abs(ret_norm - 1.0) < Math.Abs(hitNorm - 1.0))
                                        hitModeIndex = imode;
                                        hitNorm = ret_norm;
                                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PC defectMode(ModeTrace): a/λ  ( " + imode + " ) = " + complexNormalizedFreq.Real + " + " + complexNormalizedFreq.Imaginary + " i ");
                            if (isHitDefectMode)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("PC defectMode: a/λ  ( " + imode + " ) = " + complexNormalizedFreq.Real + " + " + complexNormalizedFreq.Imaginary + " i ");
                                if (!isModeTrace || PrevModalVec == null) // モード追跡でないとき、またはモード追跡用の参照固有モードベクトルがないとき
                        if (isModeTrace && hitModeIndex != -1)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(defectModeIndexList.Count == 0);
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("hitModeIndex: {0}", hitModeIndex);
                    // 基本モードを取得する(k0^2最小値)
                    int tagtModeIndex = 0;
                    // フォトニック結晶導波路解析用
                    if (IsPCWaveguide)
                        tagtModeIndex = -1;
                        if (isModeTrace && PrevModalVec != null)
                            if (defectModeIndexList.Count > 0)
                                tagtModeIndex = defectModeIndexList[0];
                            if (defectModeIndexList.Count > 0)
                                if ((defectModeIndexList.Count - 1) >= CalcModeIndex)
                                    tagtModeIndex = defectModeIndexList[CalcModeIndex];
                                    tagtModeIndex = -1;
                                tagtModeIndex = -1;
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!! Not converged photonic crystal waveguide mode");
                    if (tagtModeIndex == -1)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!! Not found mode");
                        complexNormalizedFreq_ans = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < resVec.Length; i++)
                            resVec[i] = 0;
                        // 伝搬定数、固有ベクトルの格納
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex complex_k0_eigen_ans = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Sqrt(evals[tagtModeIndex]);
                        complexNormalizedFreq_ans = latticeA * (complex_k0_eigen_ans / (2.0 * pi));
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] evec = MyUtilLib.Matrix.MyMatrixUtil.matrix_GetRowVec(evecs, tagtModeIndex);
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("a/λ  ( " + tagtModeIndex + " ) = " + complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Real + " + " + complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Imaginary + " i ");
                        for (int ino = 0; ino < evec.Length; ino++)
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("    ( " + imode + ", " + ino + " ) = " + evec[ino].Real + " + " + evec[ino].Imaginary + " i ");
                            uint nodeNumber = sortedNodes[ino];
                            resVec[nodeNumber] = evec[ino];

                // ポート境界1の節点の値を境界2にも格納する
                for (int i = 0; i < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; i++)
                    // 境界1の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[i];
                    // 境界1の節点の界の値を取得
                    KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[nodeNumberPortBc1];

                    // 境界2の節点
                    uint nodeNumberPortBc2 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2[no_c_all_fieldPortBcId2.Length - 1 - i];
                    //resVec[nodeNumberPortBc2] = cvalue; // v = v(x, y)exp(-jβx)と置いた場合
                    resVec[nodeNumberPortBc2] = expA * cvalue; // 直接Bloch境界条件を指定する場合

                // 位相調整
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex phaseShift = 1.0;
                double maxAbs = double.MinValue;
                KrdLab.clapack.Complex fValueAtMaxAbs = 0.0;
                    for (int ino = 0; ino < no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1.Length; ino++)
                        uint nodeNumberPortBc1 = no_c_all_fieldPortBcId1[ino];
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino];
                        double abs = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(cvalue);
                        if (abs > maxAbs)
                            maxAbs = abs;
                            fValueAtMaxAbs = cvalue;
                    for (int ino = 0; ino < resVec.Length; ino++)
                        KrdLab.clapack.Complex cvalue = resVec[ino];
                        double abs = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Abs(cvalue);
                        if (abs > maxAbs)
                            maxAbs = abs;
                            fValueAtMaxAbs = cvalue;
                if (maxAbs >= MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                    phaseShift = fValueAtMaxAbs / maxAbs;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("phaseShift: {0} (°)", Math.Atan2(phaseShift.Imaginary, phaseShift.Real) * 180.0 / pi);
                for (int i = 0; i < resVec.Length; i++)
                    resVec[i] /= phaseShift;

                // 前回の固有ベクトルを更新
                if (isModeTrace && complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Real != 0.0 && Math.Abs(complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Imaginary) < MyUtilLib.Matrix.Constants.PrecisionLowerLimit)
                    //PrevModalVec = resVec;
                    PrevModalVec = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[node_cnt];
                    resVec.CopyTo(PrevModalVec, 0);
                    // クリアしない(特定周波数で固有値が求まらないときがある。その場合でも同じモードを追跡できるように)
                    //PrevModalVec = null;

                // 計算結果の後処理
                // 固有ベクトルの計算結果をワールド座標系にセットする
                WgUtilForPeriodicEigenBetaSpecified.SetFieldValueForDisplay(World, FieldValId, resVec);

                // 表示用にデータを格納する
                if (betaIndex == 0)

                // 表示用加工
                Complex evalueToShow = new Complex(complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Real, complexNormalizedFreq_ans.Imaginary);

                // 描画する界の値を加工して置き換える
                //    そのまま描画オブジェクトにフィールドを渡すと、複素数で格納されているフィールド値の実数部が表示されます。
                //    絶対値を表示したかったので、下記処理を追加しています。
                if (IsShowAbsField)
                    WgUtil.ReplaceFieldValueForDisplay(World, FieldValId); // 絶対値表示
                // DEBUG
                //WgUtil.ReplaceFieldValueForDisplay(World, FieldValId); // 絶対値表示
                //WgUtil.ReplaceFieldValueForDisplay(World, FieldValId, 1); // 虚数部表示

                // 描画する界の追加
                DrawerAry.PushBack(new CDrawerFace(FieldValId, true, World, FieldValId));
                DrawerAry.PushBack(new CDrawerEdge(FieldValId, true, World));
                if (initFlg)
                    // カメラの変換行列初期化

                    // 表示位置調整
                    setupPanAndScale(probNo, Camera);
                success = true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(exception.Message + " " + exception.StackTrace);
                if (showException)
                    Console.WriteLine(exception.Message + " " + exception.StackTrace);
                // 表示用にデータを格納する
                if (betaIndex == 0)
                EigenValueList.Add(new Complex(0.0, 0.0));

                DrawerAry.PushBack(new CDrawerFace(FieldValId, true, World, FieldValId));
                DrawerAry.PushBack(new CDrawerEdge(FieldValId, true, World));
                if (initFlg)
                    // カメラの変換行列初期化

                    // 表示位置調整
                    setupPanAndScale(probNo, Camera);
            return success;
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="probNo"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicDistanceX"></param>
        /// <param name="periodicDistanceY"></param>
        /// <param name="betaX"></param>
        /// <param name="betaY"></param>
        /// <param name="coord_c_all"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="sharedNodeCoords"></param>
        /// <param name="sortedNodes"></param>
        /// <param name="toSorted"></param>
        /// <param name="boundary_node_cnt_each"></param>
        /// <param name="boundary_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt"></param>
        /// <param name="free_node_cnt0"></param>
        /// <param name="KMat0"></param>
        /// <param name="MMat0"></param>
        /// <param name="expA1"></param>
        /// <param name="expA2"></param>
        /// <param name="expA3"></param>
        /// <param name="KMat"></param>
        /// <param name="MMat"></param>
        private static void getSortedMatrix_Hex(
            int probNo,
            double periodicDistanceX,
            double periodicDistanceY,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex betaX,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex betaY,
            double[][] coord_c_all,
            uint[] sharedNodes,
            double[][] sharedNodeCoords,
            IList<uint> sortedNodes,
            Dictionary<uint, int> toSorted,
            uint boundary_node_cnt_each,
            uint boundary_node_cnt,
            uint free_node_cnt,
            uint free_node_cnt0,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat0,
            KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat0,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA1,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA2,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex expA3,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] KMat,
            out KrdLab.clapack.Complex[] MMat
            KMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
            MMat = new KrdLab.clapack.Complex[free_node_cnt * free_node_cnt];
            expA1 = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX * 0.5)
                * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaY * periodicDistanceY * 0.75);
            expA2 = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX);
            expA3 = KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaX * periodicDistanceX * 0.5)
                * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.Exp(-1.0 * KrdLab.clapack.Complex.ImaginaryOne * betaY * periodicDistanceY * 0.75);
            // check
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    int j_B1 = j;
                    uint nodeNumber_B1 = sortedNodes[j_B1];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B1 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B1, nodeNumber_B1, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B1][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B1][1]);
                    int j_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1));
                    uint nodeNumber_B4 = sortedNodes[j_B4];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B4 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B4, nodeNumber_B4, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B4][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B4][1]);
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    int j_B2 = (int)(j + boundary_node_cnt_each);
                    uint nodeNumber_B2 = sortedNodes[j_B2];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B2 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B2, nodeNumber_B2, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B2][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B2][1]);
                    int j_B5 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j);
                    uint nodeNumber_B5 = sortedNodes[j_B5];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B5 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B5, nodeNumber_B5, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B5][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B5][1]);
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    int j_B3 = (int)(j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2));
                    uint nodeNumber_B3 = sortedNodes[j_B3];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B3 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B3, nodeNumber_B3, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B3][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B3][1]);
                    int j_B6 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j);
                    uint nodeNumber_B6 = sortedNodes[j_B6];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("B6 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j_B6, nodeNumber_B6, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B6][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_B6][1]);
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared0 = sortedNodes[j0];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared4 = sortedNodes[j4];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared2 = sortedNodes[j2];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared0 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j0, nodeNumber_shared0, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared0][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared0][1]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared4 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j4, nodeNumber_shared4, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared4][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared4][1]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared2 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j2, nodeNumber_shared2, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared2][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared2][1]);
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared1 = sortedNodes[j1];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared3 = sortedNodes[j3];
                    uint nodeNumber_shared5 = sortedNodes[j5];
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared1 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j1, nodeNumber_shared1, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared1][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared1][1]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared3 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j3, nodeNumber_shared3, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared3][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared3][1]);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("shared5 {0} {1} {2} {3}",
                        j5, nodeNumber_shared5, coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared5][0], coord_c_all[nodeNumber_shared5][1]);

            // 境界1+2 + 3+内部
            for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] = MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j];
            // 境界1+2+3+内部
            for (int i = 0; i < free_node_cnt; i++)
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expA1 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j] += expA1 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        expA2 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        expA2 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        expA3 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        expA3 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          expA1 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          expA1 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    KMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          expA1 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + expA2 * KMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          expA1 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + expA2 * MMat0[i + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
            // 境界4
            for (int i = 1; i < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); i++)
                int i_B1 = i; // 境界1
                int i_B4 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (i - 1)); // 境界4
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA1) * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA1) * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] += KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j] += MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    KMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i_B1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i_B4 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
            // 境界5
            for (int i = 0; i < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); i++)
                int i_B2 = (int)(i + boundary_node_cnt_each); // 境界2
                int i_B5 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - i); // 境界5
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA2) * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA2) * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        (1.0 / expA2) * expA3 * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        (1.0 / expA2) * expA3 * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    KMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * KMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i_B2 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * MMat0[i_B5 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
            // 境界6
            for (int i = 0; i < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); i++)
                int i_B3 = (int)(i + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2)); // 境界3
                int i_B6 = (int)(free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - i); // 境界6
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j] += (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        (1.0 / expA3) * expA2 * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                        (1.0 / expA3) * expA2 * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                        MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    KMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * expA2 * KMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i_B3 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA3) * expA1 * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA3) * expA2 * MMat0[i_B6 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
            // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                int i0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                int i4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                int i2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                        + expA3 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                        + expA3 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)]
                        + expA3 * expA2 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)]
                        + expA3 * expA2 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)]
                        + expA3 * expA3 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)]
                        + expA3 * expA3 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = i0;
                    int j4 = i4;
                    int j2 = i2;
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + expA3 * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + expA3 * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                    int j3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                    int j5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                    KMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j5]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + expA3 * expA2 * KMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i0 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i4 + free_node_cnt0 * j5]
                        + expA3 * expA1 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + expA3 * expA2 * MMat0[i2 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
            // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                int i1 = toSorted[sharedNodes[1]];
                int i3 = toSorted[sharedNodes[3]];
                int i5 = toSorted[sharedNodes[5]];
                // 境界1+3+内部
                for (int j = 0; j < free_node_cnt; j++)
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j];
                // 境界4→境界1
                for (int j = 1; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 1); j++)
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) - 1 - (j - 1))];
                // 境界5→境界2
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each)] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 2 - 1 - j)];
                // 境界6→境界3
                for (int j = 0; j < (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2); j++)
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA3 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * (j + boundary_node_cnt_each + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2))] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA3 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA3 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * (free_node_cnt + (boundary_node_cnt_each - 2) * 3 - 1 - j)];
                // 頂点4→0, 頂点2→0
                    int j0 = toSorted[sharedNodes[0]];
                    int j4 = toSorted[sharedNodes[4]];
                    int j2 = toSorted[sharedNodes[2]];
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * (1.0 / expA3) * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j0] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j2]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j4]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * (1.0 / expA3) * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j2];
                // 頂点3→1, 頂点5→1
                    int j1 = i1;
                    int j3 = i3;
                    int j5 = i5;
                    KMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * KMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j5]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * KMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];
                    MMat[i1 + free_node_cnt * j1] +=
                          (1.0 / expA1) * expA1 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA1) * expA2 * MMat0[i3 + free_node_cnt0 * j5]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA1 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j3]
                        + (1.0 / expA2) * expA2 * MMat0[i5 + free_node_cnt0 * j5];