/// <summary>
        /// 设置cmbKeyword的Text
        /// </summary>
        private void SetKeywordText(KeywordStruct keyword)
            string str = "";

            if (keyword.Directory != null && keyword.Directory != "")
                str += "\"" + keyword.Directory + "\"" + " ";

            if (this.modeStatus == ModeStatus.FILE)
                if (keyword.Extension != null && keyword.Extension != "")
                    str += "\"" + keyword.Extension + "\"" + " ";

            if (this.modeStatus == ModeStatus.MP3)
                if (keyword.Artist != null && keyword.Artist != "")
                    str += keyword.Artist + " ";

            if (keyword.Name != "")
                str += keyword.Name;
            this.cmbKeyword.Text = str;
        /// <summary>
        /// 拖放完成
        /// </summary>
        private void FileFinder_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            if (e.Effect == DragDropEffects.Link)
                string        str     = ((System.Array)e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)).GetValue(0).ToString();
                KeywordStruct keyword = Deal.GetKeyword(this.cmbKeyword.Text.Trim());

                if (Directory.Exists(str))
                    keyword.Directory = str;
                        FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(str);
                        keyword.Extension = fileInfo.Extension;
                    { }


 private void 作为搜索后缀ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.modeStatus == ModeStatus.FILE)
         KeywordStruct keyword = Deal.GetKeyword(this.cmbKeyword.Text);
         string        str     = "";
         int           i;
         if (this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].ImageIndex != 0)
             str = this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].Text;
             i   = str.LastIndexOf('.');
             keyword.Extension = str.Substring(i, str.Length - i);
    // Adds new keywords to the _keywords HashSet by supplying a txt file
    public void AddKeywords(TextAsset txt)
        //Init a KeywordStruct we can fill with data
        KeywordStruct keyword = new KeywordStruct();

        string[] kws = txt.text.Split('\n');            //Create a string array of lines

        //Extract a color from the first line in the txt file
        keyword.Color = kws[0].Trim();

        //Loop through the keywords and add them (skip the color)
        for (int i = 1; i < kws.Length; i++)
            keyword.Word = kws[i].Trim();
        private void 作为搜索路径ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KeywordStruct keyword = Deal.GetKeyword(this.cmbKeyword.Text);
            string        str     = "";

            if (this.lvStatus == ListViewStatus.File)
                if (this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].ImageIndex == 0)
                    str = this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text
                          + this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].Text;
                    keyword.Directory = str;
                    str = this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text;
                    keyword.Directory = str;
            else if (this.lvStatus == ListViewStatus.MP3)
                if (this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].ImageIndex != 0)
                    str = this.lvwFiles.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[8].Text;
                    keyword.Directory = str;
    // Adds new keywords to the _keywords HashSet by supplying a txt file
    public void AddKeywords(TextAsset txt)
        //Init a KeywordStruct we can fill with data
        KeywordStruct keyword = new KeywordStruct();

        string[] kws = txt.text.Split( '\n' );	//Create a string array of lines

        //Extract a color from the first line in the txt file
        keyword.Color = kws[0].Trim();

        //Loop through the keywords and add them (skip the color)
        for (int i = 1; i < kws.Length; i++) {
            keyword.Word = kws[i].Trim();
            _keywords.Add (keyword);