Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new active hotkey which will notify the event handler, when the hotkey is pressed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="keyboardKeys">The keyboard keys of the hotkey which will be listened for</param>
 /// <param name="mouseButtons">The mouse buttons of the hotkey which will be listened for</param>
 /// <param name="hotkeyPressedEventHandler">The event handler which will be notified</param>
 /// <param name="enabled"><see langword="false"/> to disable the active hotkey by reference</param>
 /// <param name="suppressHotkey"><see langword="true"/> if the hotkey should not be forwarded down the chain</param>
 internal ActiveHotkey(List <Key> keyboardKeys, List <MouseButton> mouseButtons, KeyUpEventHandler hotkeyPressedEventHandler, ref bool enabled, bool suppressHotkey = false) : base(keyboardKeys, mouseButtons)
     HotkeyPressedEventHandler += hotkeyPressedEventHandler;
     SuppressHotkey             = suppressHotkey;
     Enabled = enabled;
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new active hotkey which will notify the event handler, when the hotkey is pressed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="hotkey">The hotkey which will be listened for</param>
 /// <param name="hotkeyPressedEventHandler">The event handler which will be notified</param>
 /// <param name="enabled"><see langword="false"/> to disable the active hotkey by reference</param>
 /// <param name="suppressHotkey"><see langword="true"/> if the hotkey should not be forwarded down the chain</param>
 internal ActiveHotkey(Hotkey hotkey, KeyUpEventHandler hotkeyPressedEventHandler, ref bool enabled, bool suppressHotkey = false) : base(hotkey.KeyboardKeys, hotkey.MouseButtons)
     HotkeyPressedEventHandler += hotkeyPressedEventHandler;
     Enabled        = enabled;
     SuppressHotkey = suppressHotkey;
        /** Constructor
         *  @param
         *      name The name to be given to the widget (must be unique).
         *  @param
         *      dimensions The x Position, y Position, width, and height of the widget.
         *              @param
         *                      positionMode The GuiMetricsMode for the values given for the position. (absolute/relative/pixel)
         *              @param
         *                      sizeMode The GuiMetricsMode for the values given for the size. (absolute/relative/pixel)
         *              @param
         *                      material Ogre material defining the widget image.
         *              @param
         *                      overlayContainer associates the internal OverlayElement with a specified zOrder.
         *              @param
         *                      ParentWidget parent widget which created this widget.
        public TextBox(string name, Vector4 dimensions, QGuiMetricsMode positionMode, QGuiMetricsMode sizeMode, string material, OverlayContainer overlayContainer, Widget ParentWidget)
            : base(name, dimensions, positionMode, sizeMode, material, overlayContainer, ParentWidget)
            mWidgetType = Widget.WidgetType.QGUI_TYPE_TEXTBOX;

            mMaskUserInput         = false;
            mBackSpaceDown         = false;
            mBackSpaceTimer        = 0.0f;
            mDeleteDown            = false;
            mDeleteTimer           = 0.0f;
            mLeftArrowDown         = false;
            mRightArrowDown        = false;
            mMoveCursorTimer       = 0.0f;
            mCursorVisibilityTimer = 0.0f;
            mReadOnly  = false;
            mInputMode = false;

            // Border Overlay gives us ability to assign material to TextBox border and Panel separately.
            mOverlayElement = createPanelOverlayElement(mInstanceName + ".Background", mPixelDimensions, "");

            mCharacterHeight = 0.75f;
            Mogre.Vector3 textDimensions = new Mogre.Vector3(0, 0, mCharacterHeight);
            // Label has no material, since it directly overlaps the textbox overlay element
            mTextWidget = new Text(mInstanceName + ".Text", textDimensions, QGuiMetricsMode.QGUI_GMM_RELATIVE, QGuiMetricsMode.QGUI_GMM_RELATIVE, mChildrenContainer, this);

            mHorizontalAlignment = GuiHorizontalAlignment.GHA_LEFT;
            mVerticalAlignment   = GuiVerticalAlignment.GVA_CENTER;

            alignText(mHorizontalAlignment, mVerticalAlignment);

            OnDeactivate      += new DeactivateEventHandler(TextBox_OnDeactivate);
            OnCharacter       += new CharacterEventHandler(TextBox_OnCharacter);
            OnKeyDown         += new KeyDownEventHandler(TextBox_OnKeyDown);
            OnKeyUp           += new KeyUpEventHandler(TextBox_OnKeyUp);
            OnMouseButtonDown += new MouseButtonDownEventHandler(TextBox_OnMouseButtonDown);
            OnTimeElapsed     += new TimeElapsedHandler(TextBox_OnTimeElapsed);
Beispiel #4
 public TextBox()
     Height = 30;
     Width = 150;
     KeyUp += new KeyUpEventHandler(keyUp);
Beispiel #5
 public static void RemoveKeyUpEventHandler(KeyUpEventHandler e) => ModBase.InputManager.RemoveKeyUpEventHandler(e);
Beispiel #6
 public static void AddKeyUpEventHandler(KeyUpEventHandler e) => ModBase.InputManager.AddKeyUpEventHandler(e);