Beispiel #1
 static Config()
     smiterMenu = EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName.ToLower());
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Welcome to VodkaSmite");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Created by Haker");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Feel free to send me any suggestions you might have.");
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Smite Status");
     _smiteEnabled = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled always"));
     _smiteEnabledToggle = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnabledToggle", new KeyBind("Enabled (Toggle Key)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
     _smiteEnemies = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnemies", new CheckBox("KS with Smite"));
     _smiteEnemiesChallenging = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnemiesChallenging", new CheckBox("Smite enemies with Challenging Smite on AA"));
     _keepSmiteNumber = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteKeepSmiteNumber",
         new Slider("Smite enemies only if you have more than {0} charges", 1, 0, 2));
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Monsters to smite");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Select monsters you want to smite");
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron Nashor"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon_Elder", new CheckBox("Elder Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon_Air", new CheckBox("Air Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon_Earth", new CheckBox("Fire Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon_Fire", new CheckBox("Earth Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon_Water", new CheckBox("Water Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Murkwolf"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Krug"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Razorbeak"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSru_Crab", new CheckBox("Crab"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Rift Herald"));
     _drawSmiteStatus = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawSmiteStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Status"));
     _drawSmiteable = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawSmiteable", new CheckBox("Draw Smiteable Monsters"));
     _drawRange = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawRange", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Range"));
 public DynamicKeyBind(ConfigValue key, string displayName, bool defaultValue, KeyBind.BindTypes type, uint defaultKey1 = 27, uint defaultKey2 = 27)
     _configKey = key;
     KeyBind = new KeyBind(displayName, defaultValue, type, defaultKey1, defaultKey2);
     Properties.SetValue(_configKey, KeyBind.CurrentValue);
     KeyBind.OnValueChange += KeyBind_OnValueChange;
Beispiel #3
 static Config()
     smiterMenu = EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.MainMenu.AddMenu(MenuName, MenuName.ToLower());
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Welcome to VodkaGaren");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Created by Haker");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Feel free to send me any suggestions you might have.");
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Smite Status");
     _smiteEnabled = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled always"));
     _smiteEnabledToggle = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnabledToggle", new KeyBind("Enabled (Toggle Key)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
     _smiteEnemies = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteEnemies", new CheckBox("KS enemies with Smite"));
     smiterMenu.AddGroupLabel("Monsters to smite");
     smiterMenu.AddLabel("Select monsters you want to smite");
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Murkwolf"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Krug"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Razorbeak"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSru_Crab", new CheckBox("Crab"));
     smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteSRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Rift Herald", false));
     _drawSmiteStatus = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawSmiteStatus", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Status"));
     _drawSmiteable = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawSmiteable", new CheckBox("Draw Smiteable Monsters"));
     _drawRange = smiterMenu.Add("vSmiteDrawRange", new CheckBox("Draw Smite Range"));
Beispiel #4
        public static void sendAction(KeyBind bind)
            SendKeyInput instance = SendKeyInput.GetInstance ();
            SendKeyInput.VKKeys key = 0;

            switch (bind.keyBindString [0])
            case '=':
                key = SendKeyInput.VKKeys.OEM_PLUS;
            case ',':
                key = SendKeyInput.VKKeys.OEM_COMMA;
            case '-':
                key = SendKeyInput.VKKeys.OEM_MINUS;
            case '.':
                key = SendKeyInput.VKKeys.OEM_PERIOD;
                key = (SendKeyInput.VKKeys)bind.keyBindString [0];

            if (bind.keyBindModifier == "Shift")
                instance.ToggleKeyState (SendKeyInput.VKKeys.SHIFT, true);
            if (bind.keyBindModifier == "CTRL")
                instance.ToggleKeyState (SendKeyInput.VKKeys.CONTROL, true);
            instance.SendKeyPress (key);
            if (bind.keyBindModifier == "Shift")
                instance.ToggleKeyState (SendKeyInput.VKKeys.SHIFT, false);
            if (bind.keyBindModifier == "CTRL")
                instance.ToggleKeyState (SendKeyInput.VKKeys.CONTROL, false);
Beispiel #5
        public static void NewKeybind(this Menu menu, string identifier, string displayName, bool defaultValue, KeyBind.BindTypes bindType, char key, bool separatorBefore = false)
            if (separatorBefore) menu.AddSeparator();

            menu.Add(identifier, new KeyBind(displayName, defaultValue, bindType, key));

            Menus[menu.Parent.DisplayName][menu.DisplayName][menu].Add(identifier, Values.KeyBind);
Beispiel #6
        static UltimateTeleport()
            Menu = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu("Ultimate");
            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate settings");

            _TPUltKey = Menu.Add("TPUltKey", new KeyBind("Ult usage key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));
            _MinAllyToTP = Menu.Add("MinAllyToTP", new Slider("Min allies to use ultimate.", 1, 0, 4));
            _MinEnemyToTP = Menu.Add("MinEnemyToTP", new Slider("Min enemies to use ultimate.", 2, 1, 5));
Beispiel #7
        public IEnumerable<KeyBind> GetKeyBinds(int id)
            var bindList = new List<KeyBind> ();
            IntPtr pointer = _mr.ResolvePointerPath (Constants.HOTBARPTR);
            pointer += (Constants.HOTBAROFFSET * id);

            for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
                IntPtr newPointer = pointer + (Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(KeyBind.KeyBindInfo)) * i);
                var temp = new KeyBind(_mr.CreateStructFromAddress<KeyBind.KeyBindInfo> (newPointer), newPointer);
                bindList.Add (temp);

            return bindList;
Beispiel #8
 public static void CreateKeyBind(this Menu menu, string displayName, string uniqueIdentifer, uint defaultKey1 = 'U', uint defaultKey2 = 'I', KeyBind.BindTypes bindType = KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, bool defaultValue = true)
         menu.Add(uniqueIdentifer, new KeyBind(displayName, defaultValue, bindType, defaultKey1, defaultKey2));
     catch (Exception e)
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
         Console.WriteLine("Error creating KeyBind uniqueIdentifer = {0}", uniqueIdentifer);
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
         Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e);
Beispiel #9
 public static void RegisterToggle(KeyBind key, Action action)
     if (!Toggles.ContainsKey(key))
         Toggles.Add(key, action);
         Texts.Add(key, new Text("", new Font("Arial", 10F, FontStyle.Bold)));
         Game.OnTick += delegate
             if (key.CurrentValue)
Beispiel #10
 public static void CreateKeyBind(this Menu m, string displayName, string uniqueId, uint defaultKey1, uint defaultKey2,
     KeyBind.BindTypes bindtype = KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, bool defaultValue = true)
         m.Add(uniqueId, new KeyBind(displayName, defaultValue, bindtype, defaultKey1, defaultKey2));
     catch (Exception)
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
         Console.Write("Error creating the checkbox with the uniqueID = ");
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Beispiel #11
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Loading.OnLoadingComplete += delegate
                // Initialize menu
                var menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("EmoteSpammer", "emoteSpammer", "EmoteSpammer - Huuuuuuuu");

                menu.AddLabel("Bu programlama sizin yürürken spam yapmanızı yani arka arkaya bir hareket yapmanızı sağlar.");
                menu.AddLabel("Sen titrek istiyorsan değer göstergesini Arttır");

                var spamKey = new KeyBind("Spam Tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A', 'U');
                menu.Add("key", spamKey);
                var emoteTypeBox = new ComboBox("Emote Tipi", 3, Emote.Joke.ToString(), Emote.Taunt.ToString(), Emote.Dance.ToString(), Emote.Laugh.ToString());
                menu.Add("type", emoteTypeBox);
                var delaySlider = new Slider("Spam Gecikmesi", 75, 50, 150);
                menu.Add("delay", delaySlider);

                // Helpers
                var lastSpam = 0;

                Game.OnUpdate += delegate
                    // Key active
                    if (spamKey.CurrentValue)
                        if (Core.GameTickCount - lastSpam >= delaySlider.CurrentValue)
                            // Update last spam
                            lastSpam = Core.GameTickCount;

                            // Do the spamming
                            Player.DoEmote((Emote) Enum.Parse(typeof (Emote), emoteTypeBox.SelectedText));

                            // Instantly move after
                            Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos, false);
Beispiel #12
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Loading.OnLoadingComplete += delegate
                // Initialize menu
                var menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("EmoteSpammer", "emoteSpammer", "EmoteSpammer - Huuuuuuuu");

                menu.AddLabel("With this emote spammer you can spam any emote while also being able to walk.");
                menu.AddLabel("If you find any stuttering, please adjust the below slider to a higher value.");

                var spamKey = new KeyBind("Spam key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A', 'U');
                menu.Add("key", spamKey);
                var emoteTypeBox = new ComboBox("Emote type", 3, Emote.Joke.ToString(), Emote.Taunt.ToString(), Emote.Dance.ToString(), Emote.Laugh.ToString());
                menu.Add("type", emoteTypeBox);
                var delaySlider = new Slider("Spam delay", 75, 50, 150);
                menu.Add("delay", delaySlider);

                // Helpers
                var lastSpam = 0;

                Game.OnUpdate += delegate
                    // Key active
                    if (spamKey.CurrentValue)
                        if (Core.GameTickCount - lastSpam >= delaySlider.CurrentValue)
                            // Update last spam
                            lastSpam = Core.GameTickCount;

                            // Do the spamming
                            Player.DoEmote((Emote) Enum.Parse(typeof (Emote), emoteTypeBox.SelectedText));

                            // Instantly move after
                            Player.IssueOrder(GameObjectOrder.MoveTo, Game.CursorPos, false);
Beispiel #13
        public ObjectSelector()
            display = new Text(" ", new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8, FontStyle.Regular)) { Color = Color.Chartreuse };
            Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate;
            Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene;
            Menu menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("ObjectBuddy", "lol");
            Menu menuGeneral = menu.AddSubMenu("General settings", "gen");
            range = menuGeneral.Add("ran", new Slider("Detection range", 300, 0, 6000));
            kb = menuGeneral.Add("key", new KeyBind("Select object", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive));
            refresh = menuGeneral.Add("ref", new KeyBind("Refresh info", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle));
            kb.OnValueChange += kb_OnValueChange;
            menuTypes = menu.AddSubMenu("Object types", "typ");
            foreach (GameObjectType type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GameObjectType)))
                menuTypes.Add(type.ToString(), new CheckBox(type.ToString()));

Beispiel #14
                static AutoStack()
                    _AutoStackQ = MiscMenu.Add(
                        new KeyBind("热键", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'Z'));

                    _AutoStackQ.OnValueChange += delegate(ValueBase<bool> sender, ValueBase<bool>.ValueChangeArgs args)
                            Program.StackingStatus.TextValue = args.NewValue
                                                                   ? "Passive Stacking On"
                                                                   : "Passive Stacking Off";

                            Program.StackingStatus.Color = args.NewValue ? Color.LimeGreen : Color.Red;

                    _AutoStackMana = MiscMenu.Add("AutoStackMana", new Slider("蓝量控制 %", 30));

                    _MaxStacks = MiscMenu.Add("MaxStacks", new Slider("保持层数于", 3, 1, 4));

                    _StackTimer = MiscMenu.Add("StackTimer", new Slider("使用Q间隔秒数", 5, 1, 10));
Beispiel #15
        public NavGraphTest(NavGraph n)
            p=new List<Vector3>();
            navGraph = n;
            Menu menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("AB NavGraph", "abnavgraph");
            KeyBind addSelectNode = new KeyBind("Add/select node", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive);
            addSelectNode.OnValueChange += addSelectNode_OnValueChange;
            KeyBind removeNode = new KeyBind("remove node", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive);
            removeNode.OnValueChange += removeNode_OnValueChange;
            KeyBind addremoveneighbor = new KeyBind("Add/remove neighbor", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive);
            addremoveneighbor.OnValueChange += addremoveneighbor_OnValueChange;

            menu.Add("addselsect", addSelectNode);
            menu.Add("removeno", removeNode);
            menu.Add("addneigh", addremoveneighbor);
            Slider zoom=new Slider("Zoom", 2250, 0, 5000);
            menu.Add("zoom", zoom);
            zoom.CurrentValue = (int)Camera.ZoomDistance;
            zoom.OnValueChange += zoom_OnValueChange;
            Chat.OnInput += Chat_OnInput;
Beispiel #16
 private void DoBinding(KeyBind kb)
     GUILayout.Label(kb.description, GUILayout.Width(165));
     string label;
     if (IsCapturing() && kb == captureTarget) {
         label = "...";
     } else {
         label = kb.HumanBinding;
     if (GUILayout.Button(label, GUILayout.Width(110))) {
         if (captureTarget == null) {
         } else {
     if (!kb.IsRequiredBound() && GUILayout.Button("clear", C.DeleteButtonStyle)) {
Beispiel #17
        public KeyboardLayoutDialog()
            Index    = 119;
            Library  = Libraries.Title;
            Movable  = true;
            Sort     = true;
            Location = Center;

            TitleLabel = new MirImageControl
                //Index = 7,
                Library  = Libraries.Title,
                Location = new Point(18, 4),
                Parent   = this

            PageLabel = new MirLabel
                Text       = "Keyboard Settings",
                Font       = new Font(Settings.FontName, Settings.FontSize + 2, FontStyle.Bold),
                DrawFormat = TextFormatFlags.HorizontalCenter | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter,
                Parent     = this,
                Size       = new System.Drawing.Size(242, 30),
                Location   = new Point(135, 34)

            CloseButton = new MirButton
                HoverIndex   = 361,
                Index        = 360,
                Location     = new Point(489, 3),
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                PressedIndex = 362,
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
            CloseButton.Click += (o, e) => Hide();

            ScrollUpButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 197,
                HoverIndex   = 198,
                PressedIndex = 199,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Location     = new Point(491, 88),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = true

            ScrollUpButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (TopLine <= 0)



            ScrollDownButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 207,
                HoverIndex   = 208,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                PressedIndex = 209,
                Parent       = this,
                Size         = new Size(16, 14),
                Location     = new Point(491, 363),
                Sound        = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Visible      = true

            ScrollDownButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                if (TopLine + LineCount >= CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count + CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.GroupBy(x => x.Group).Select(y => y.First()).Count())



            PositionBar = new MirButton
                Index        = 205,
                HoverIndex   = 206,
                PressedIndex = 206,
                Library      = Libraries.Prguse2,
                Location     = new Point(491, 101),
                Parent       = this,
                Movable      = true,
                Sound        = SoundList.None,
                Visible      = true
            PositionBar.OnMoving += PositionBar_OnMoving;

            ResetButton = new MirButton
                Index        = 120,
                HoverIndex   = 121,
                PressedIndex = 122,
                Library      = Libraries.Title,
                Size         = new Size(72, 25),
                Location     = new Point(30, 400),
                Parent       = this,
                Visible      = true,
            ResetButton.Click += (o, e) =>
                for (int i = 0; i < CMain.InputKeys.Keylist.Count; i++)
                    KeyBind bind        = CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i];
                    KeyBind defaultBind = CMain.InputKeys.DefaultKeylist[i];

                    if (bind.Key != defaultBind.Key || bind.RequireAlt != defaultBind.RequireAlt || bind.RequireCtrl != defaultBind.RequireCtrl || bind.RequireShift != defaultBind.RequireShift || bind.RequireTilde != defaultBind.RequireTilde)
                        CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i].Key          = defaultBind.Key;
                        CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i].RequireAlt   = defaultBind.RequireAlt;
                        CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i].RequireCtrl  = defaultBind.RequireCtrl;
                        CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i].RequireShift = defaultBind.RequireShift;
                        CMain.InputKeys.Keylist[i].RequireTilde = defaultBind.RequireTilde;



                MirMessageBox messageBox = new MirMessageBox("Keyboard settings have been reset back to default.", MirMessageBoxButtons.OK);

            EnforceButton = new MirButton
                Visible  = true,
                Index    = 1346,
                Library  = Libraries.Prguse,
                Sound    = SoundList.ButtonA,
                Parent   = this,
                Location = new Point(105, 406)
            EnforceButton.Click += EnforceButton_Click;

            EnforceButtonChecked = new MirImageControl()
                Visible    = Enforce,
                Index      = 1347,
                Library    = Libraries.Prguse,
                Parent     = this,
                NotControl = true,
                Location   = new Point(105, 406)

            EnforceButtonLabel = new MirLabel
                Visible    = true,
                NotControl = true,
                Parent     = this,
                Location   = new Point(120, 404),
                AutoSize   = true,
                Text       = "Assign Rule: Strict"

Beispiel #18
        public static void Initialize()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu(Champion.AddonName, Champion.AddonName + " by " + Champion.Author);

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("General Settings");
            Menu.AddLabel("HitChance : 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High");
            Menu.Add("PredW", new Slider("W HitChance", 2, 1, 3));
            Menu.Add("PredE", new Slider("E HitChance", 2, 1, 3));
            Menu.Add("PredR", new Slider("R HitChance", 2, 1, 3));
            TapKey = Menu.Add("R.Tap.Key", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Values.KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            TapKey.OnValueChange += OnValueChange;

            SubMenu["Combo"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use rockets (Smart)"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("Q.Aoe", new Slider("Use rockets if hit is >= {0}", 2, 1, 5));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E (Smart)"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("E.Aoe", new Slider("Use E if hit is >= {0}", 3, 0, 5));
            SubMenu["Automatic"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Automatic");
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("W.Spells", new CheckBox("Use W when enemy is escaping"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.CC", new CheckBox("Use E on enemies with CC"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.Antigapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E as antigapcloser"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.Spells", new CheckBox("Use E to immobile spells casted by enemy"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("R.JungleSteal", new CheckBox("Use R to JungleSteal"));

                if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)

                    var hash = new HashSet<string>();
                    foreach (var h in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)

                    foreach (var t in ImmobileTracker.ChampionImmobileSlots.Where(h => EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Any(h2 => h2.Hero == h.Key)))
                        if (ImmobileSpellsMenu == null)
                            ImmobileSpellsMenu = SubMenu["Automatic"];
                            ImmobileSpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Enemy spells to cast E");
                        var enemy = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.FirstOrDefault(h => t.Key == h.Hero);
                        if (enemy != null)
                            foreach (var slot in t.Value.Where(slot => !ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Contains(enemy.ChampionName + slot)))
                                ImmobileSpellsMenu.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot, new CheckBox(slot.ToString()));
                                ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot);

            SubMenu["KillSteal"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use rockets"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R (Only secure kill)"));
            SubMenu["Clear"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("LastHit.Q", new Slider("Use rockets if hit is >= {0}", 2, 0, 10));
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Use rockets if hit is >= {0}", 3, 0, 10));
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("JungleClear.Q", new Slider("Use rockets if hit is >= {0}", 2, 0, 10));

            SubMenu["Drawings"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("Disable", new CheckBox("Disable all drawings", false));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("DamageIndicator", new CheckBox("Draw R damage indicator"));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("Target", new CheckBox("Draw circle on target"));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Draw text if exists R killable"));
Beispiel #19
 public static void Initialize()
     HarassMenu = MainMenu.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Auto Harass Options");
     _autoQ = HarassMenu.Add("Harass.AutoQ", new KeyBind("Auto Q", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));
     _autoQMana = HarassMenu.Add("Harass.AutoQMana", new Slider("If Mana Percent >=", 50));
     HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Options");
     _q = HarassMenu.Add("Harass.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
     _w = HarassMenu.Add("Harass.W", new CheckBox("Use W"));
Beispiel #20
 public Key Mapping(KeyBind mapping)
Beispiel #21
 static Misc()
     // Initialize the menu values
     _autoA = ModesMenu.Add("autoA", new CheckBox("Auto AA if target(Only heroes) is netted or trapped"));
     _autoQ = ModesMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q if target is CC'ed"));
     _autoW = ModesMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W if target is CC'ed"));
     ModesMenu.AddLabel("Hold it until it ults", 35);
     _keyR = ModesMenu.Add("keyR", new KeyBind("Key to use R when targets are killable",false,  KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'Z'));
Beispiel #22
 static SmiteMenu()
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Smite Options");
     _smiteToggle = SMenu.Add("EnableSmite", new KeyBind("Enable Smite Monsters (Toggle)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteEnemies = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteEnemies", new KeyBind("Blue Smite KS (Toggle)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteCombo = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteCombo", new KeyBind("Red Smite Combo (Toggle)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _redSmitePercent = SMenu.Add("SmiteRedPercent", new Slider("Red Smite Enemy % HP", 60));
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Smite-able Monsters");
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Gromp"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("Murkwolf"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Krug"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("Razorbeak"));
     SMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Crab"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Rift Herald", false));
Beispiel #23
        public static void Initialize()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu(Champion.AddonName, Champion.AddonName + " by " + Champion.Author);

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("General Settings");
            Menu.Add("Farming.Q", new CheckBox("Use Q to Farm"));
            Menu.Add("Prediction.W", new Slider("W HitChancePercent", 75));
            TapKey = Menu.Add("R.Tap.Key", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            TapKey.OnValueChange += OnValueChange;

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Automatic Settings");
            Menu.Add("KillSteal", new CheckBox("Use Q/W/E to KillSteal"));
            Menu.Add("W.Spells", new CheckBox("Use W when enemy is escaping"));
            Menu.Add("E.CC", new CheckBox("Use E on enemies with CC"));
            Menu.Add("E.Antigapcloser", new CheckBox("Use E as antigapcloser"));
            Menu.Add("E.Spells", new CheckBox("Use E to immobile spells casted by enemy"));
            Menu.Add("R.KillSteal", new CheckBox("Use R to KillSteal (Only secure kill)"));
            Menu.Add("R.JungleSteal", new CheckBox("Use R to JungleSteal"));

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings");
            Menu.Add("Drawings.Disable", new CheckBox("Disable all drawings", false));
            Menu.Add("Drawings.W", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            Menu.Add("Drawings.DamageIndicator", new CheckBox("Draw R damage indicator"));
            Menu.Add("Drawings.Target", new CheckBox("Draw circle on target"));
            Menu.Add("Drawings.R.Killable", new CheckBox("Draw text if exists R killable"));

            if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)

                var hash = new HashSet<string>();
                foreach (var h in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                var lastChampName = "";
                foreach (var a in Gapcloser.GapCloserList.Where(h => hash.Contains(h.ChampName)).OrderBy(h => h.ChampName).ThenBy(h => h.SpellSlot))
                    if (AntiGapcloserMenu == null)
                        AntiGapcloserMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Antigapcloser", "Antigapcloser");
                        AntiGapcloserMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gapclose spells to cast E");
                    if (!a.ChampName.Equals(lastChampName))
                        lastChampName = a.ChampName;
                    if (!AntiGapcloserHashSet.Contains(a.ChampName + a.SpellSlot))
                        AntiGapcloserMenu.Add(a.ChampName + a.SpellSlot, new CheckBox(a.SpellSlot.ToString(), !(a.ChampName.Contains("Twisted") && a.ChampName.Contains("Pantheon"))));
                        AntiGapcloserHashSet.Add(a.ChampName + a.SpellSlot);

                foreach (var t in ImmobileTracker.ChampionImmobileSlots.Where(h => EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Any(h2 => h2.Hero == h.Key)))
                    if (ImmobileSpellsMenu == null)
                        ImmobileSpellsMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Immobile spells", "Immobile spells");
                        ImmobileSpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Enemy spells to cast E");
                    var enemy = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.FirstOrDefault(h => t.Key == h.Hero);
                    if (enemy != null)
                        foreach (var slot in t.Value.Where(slot => !ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Contains(enemy.ChampionName + slot)))
                            ImmobileSpellsMenu.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot, new CheckBox(slot.ToString()));
                            ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot);

Beispiel #24
 static SmiteMenu()
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp  Ayarları");
     _smiteToggle = SMenu.Add("EnableSmite", new KeyBind("Canavarlara çarp Aktif(tuşu)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteEnemies = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteEnemies", new KeyBind("KS'de mavi çarp tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteCombo = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteCombo", new KeyBind("Komboda Kırmızı Çarp Tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _redSmitePercent = SMenu.Add("SmiteRedPercent", new Slider("Kırmızı Çarp için Rakibin Canı %", 60));
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp Kullanılabilecek Canavarlar");
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Ejder"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Kırmızı"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Mavi"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Kurbağa"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("AlacaKurt"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Golem"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("SivriGagalar"));
     SMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Yampiri Yengeç"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Baronun Kız Kardeşi", false));
Beispiel #25
 public bool Same(KeyBind keyBind)
     return(name ==;
Beispiel #26
 static Misc()
     _stealthRecall = MenuMisc.Add("stealthrecall", new KeyBind("Görünmez B", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'B'));
     _useQ = MenuMisc.Add("qflee", new CheckBox("Kaçarken Q"));
Beispiel #27
 public static void AddKeyBind(this Menu menu, string uniqueID, string displayName, bool defaultValue,
     KeyBind.BindTypes type, char defKey)
     menu.Add(uniqueID, new KeyBind(displayName, defaultValue, type, defKey));
Beispiel #28
        public static void Initialize()
            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu(Champion.AddonName, Champion.AddonName + " by " + Champion.Author);

            Menu.AddGroupLabel("Genel Ayarlar");
            Menu.Add("Prediction.W", new Slider("W İsabet Oranı", 80));
            TapKey = Menu.Add("R.Tap.Key", new KeyBind("Otomatik R Kullan şu tuşla", false, EloBuddy.SDK.Menu.Values.KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            TapKey.OnValueChange += OnValueChange;

            SubMenu["Combo"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo");
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("Q", new CheckBox("Roket Kullan (Akıllı)"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("Q.Aoe", new Slider("Roket Kullan isabet edecekse >= {0}", 2, 1, 5));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("W", new CheckBox("W Kullan"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("E", new CheckBox("E Kullan (Akıllı)"));
                SubMenu["Combo"].Add("E.Aoe", new Slider("E Kullan isabet edecekse >= {0}", 3, 0, 5));
            SubMenu["Automatic"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Automatic");
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("W.Spells", new CheckBox("Kaçan hedefe W kullan"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.CC", new CheckBox("Use E on enemies with CC"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.Antigapcloser", new CheckBox("E Kullan  antigapcloser"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("E.Spells", new CheckBox("Use E to immobile spells casted by enemy"));
                SubMenu["Automatic"].Add("R.JungleSteal", new CheckBox("Ejder Baron çalmak için R Kullan"));

                if (EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Count > 0)

                    var hash = new HashSet<string>();
                    foreach (var h in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)

                    foreach (var t in ImmobileTracker.ChampionImmobileSlots.Where(h => EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Any(h2 => h2.Hero == h.Key)))
                        if (ImmobileSpellsMenu == null)
                            ImmobileSpellsMenu = SubMenu["Automatic"];
                            ImmobileSpellsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Enemy spells to cast E");
                        var enemy = EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.FirstOrDefault(h => t.Key == h.Hero);
                        if (enemy != null)
                            foreach (var slot in t.Value.Where(slot => !ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Contains(enemy.ChampionName + slot)))
                                ImmobileSpellsMenu.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot, new CheckBox(slot.ToString()));
                                ImmobileSpellsHashSet.Add(enemy.ChampionName + slot);

            SubMenu["KillSteal"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("KillSteal");
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("Q", new CheckBox("Roket Kullan"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("W", new CheckBox("W Kullan"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("E", new CheckBox("E Kullan"));
                SubMenu["KillSteal"].Add("R", new CheckBox("R Kullan (Sadece ölecek varsa)"));
            SubMenu["Clear"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Clear");
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("LastHit.Q", new Slider("Roket kullan .. isabet edecekse >= {0}", 2, 0, 10));
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("LaneClear.Q", new Slider("Roket kullan .. isabet edecekse >= {0}", 3, 0, 10));
                SubMenu["Clear"].AddGroupLabel("Orman Temizleyici");
                SubMenu["Clear"].Add("JungleClear.Q", new Slider("Roket kullan ..isabet edecekse >= {0}", 2, 0, 10));

            SubMenu["Drawings"] = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings");
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("Disable", new CheckBox("Tüm Göstergeleri Kapat", false));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("W", new CheckBox("Göster W Menzili"));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("DamageIndicator", new CheckBox("R ile  vurulduğunda verilecek Hasar Tespiti "));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("Target", new CheckBox("Hedefi Daireyle Göster"));
                SubMenu["Drawings"].Add("R.Killable", new CheckBox("Eğer öldürülebilecek varsa R ile göster"));

Beispiel #29
 public void SetKeyBind(ref KeyBind keyBind)
     KeyBinds[keyBind.KeyCode] = keyBind;
Beispiel #30
 public bool IsKeyDown(KeyBind binding)
Beispiel #31
        public static KeyBind EditKeyBind(string identifier, bool showHint = true, bool allowModifierOnly = false, params GUILayoutOption[] options)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)
            var keyBind        = KeyBindings.GetBinding(identifier);
            var isEditing      = identifier == selectedIdentifier;
            var isEditingOther = selectedIdentifier != null && identifier != selectedIdentifier && oldValue != null;
            var label          = keyBind.IsEmpty ? (isEditing ? "Cancel" : "Bind") : keyBind.ToString().orange().bold();

            showHint = showHint && isEditing;
            var conflicts = keyBind.Conflicts();

            using (VerticalScope(options)) {
                if (GL.Button(label, hotkeyStyle, AutoWidth()))
                    if (isEditing || isEditingOther)
                        KeyBindings.SetBinding(selectedIdentifier, oldValue);
                        if (isEditing)
                            selectedIdentifier = null;
                            oldValue           = null;
                    selectedIdentifier = identifier;
                    oldValue           = keyBind;
                    keyBind            = new KeyBind(identifier);
                    KeyBindings.SetBinding(identifier, keyBind);
                if (conflicts.Count() > 0)
                    Label("conflicts".orange().bold() + "\n" + string.Join("\n", conflicts));
                if (showHint)
                    var hint = "";
                    if (keyBind.IsEmpty)
                        hint = oldValue == null ? "set key binding".green() : "press key".green();
            if (isEditing && keyBind.IsEmpty && Event.current != null)
                var isCtrlDown  = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightControl);
                var isAltDown   = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt);
                var isCmdDown   = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt);
                var isShiftDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift);
                var keyCode     = Event.current.keyCode;
                //Logger.Log($"    {keyCode.ToString()} ctrl:{isCtrlDown} alt:{isAltDown} cmd: {isCmdDown} shift: {isShiftDown}");
                if (keyCode == KeyCode.Escape || keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace)
                    selectedIdentifier = null;
                    oldValue           = null;
                    //Logger.Log("   unbound");
                if (Event.current.isKey && !keyCode.IsModifier())
                    keyBind = new KeyBind(identifier, keyCode, isCtrlDown, isAltDown, isCmdDown, isShiftDown);
                    Mod.Trace($"    currentEvent isKey - bind: {keyBind}");
                    KeyBindings.SetBinding(identifier, keyBind);
                    selectedIdentifier = null;
                    oldValue           = null;

                // Allow raw modifier keys as keybinds
                if (Event.current.isKey && keyCode.IsModifier() && allowModifierOnly)
                    keyBind = new KeyBind(identifier, keyCode, false, false, false, false);
                    Mod.Trace($"    currentEvent isKey - bind: {keyBind}");
                    KeyBindings.SetBinding(identifier, keyBind);
                    selectedIdentifier = null;
                    oldValue           = null;

                foreach (var mouseButton in allowedMouseButtons)
                    if (Input.GetKey(mouseButton))
                        keyBind = new KeyBind(identifier, mouseButton, isCtrlDown, isAltDown, isCmdDown, isShiftDown);
                        KeyBindings.SetBinding(identifier, keyBind);
                        selectedIdentifier = null;
                        oldValue           = null;
        /// <summary> Returns whether the key associated with the given key binding is currently held down. </summary>
        public bool IsKeyDown(KeyBind binding)
            Key key = Keys[binding];

Beispiel #33
 static Misc()
     MenuMisc.AddGroupLabel("CCed target");
     _CcQ = MenuMisc.Add("CCQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on CCed enemy"));
     _CcW = MenuMisc.Add("CCW", new CheckBox("Use W on CCed enemy"));
     MenuMisc.AddGroupLabel("Use Q to secure minion");
     _UseQOnUnkillable = MenuMisc.Add("QUnkillable", new CheckBox("Use Q if can't kill minion with AA"));
     _UseQUnderTurret = MenuMisc.Add("QUnderTurret", new CheckBox("Use Q if can't kill minion with AA under turret"));
     MenuMisc.AddGroupLabel("Use W and E to get attack speed");
     _SelfW = MenuMisc.Add("SelfW", new KeyBind("Self W", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'J'));
     MenuMisc.AddGroupLabel("Use E on Gap closer");
     _EGapClos = MenuMisc.Add("EGapClos", new CheckBox("Use E on Gap closer"));
     MenuMisc.AddGroupLabel("Hit Chance");
     MenuMisc.AddLabel("HitChance : 1 = Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High");
     _PredQ = MenuMisc.Add("PredQ", new Slider("Q HitChance", 3, 1, 3));
     _PredW = MenuMisc.Add("PredW", new Slider("W HitChance", 3, 1, 3));
     _PredR = MenuMisc.Add("PredR", new Slider("R HitChance", 3, 1, 3));
Beispiel #34
            static Ultimate()
                // Initialize menu
                Menu = Config.Menu.AddSubMenu(MenuName);

                _enabled = Menu.Add("enabled", new CheckBox("Enable settings below"));

                _mode = new Slider("Mode: " + AvailableModes[0], 0, 0, AvailableModes.Length - 1);
                _mode.OnValueChange += delegate { _mode.DisplayName = "Mode: " + AvailableModes[_mode.CurrentValue]; };
                Menu.Add("mode", _mode);
                Menu.AddLabel("Available modes:");
                for (var i = 0; i < AvailableModes.Length; i++)
                    Menu.AddLabel(string.Format("  - {0}: {1}", i, AvailableModes[i]));

                _shootKey = Menu.Add("keyPress", new KeyBind("Shoot charge on press", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
Beispiel #35
 static SmiteMenu()
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp  Ayarları");
     _smiteToggle = SMenu.Add("EnableSmite",
         new KeyBind("Canavarlara Çarp Tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteEnemies = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteEnemies",
         new KeyBind("Maviye Çarp Atma tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteCombo = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteCombo",
         new KeyBind("Kırmızı Çarp Kombosu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _blueSlow = SMenu.Add("BlueSlow", new CheckBox("Maviyi Çarpla Yavaşlat"));
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Düşman menzilden çıkıyorsa canı azsa çarp+düzvuruş kullan");
     _redSmitePercent = SMenu.Add("SmiteRedPercent", new Slider("Kırmızı Çarp düşmanın canı %", 60));
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp Kullanılabilecek Canavarlar");
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Ejder"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Kırmızı"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Mavi"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Kurbağa"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("AlacaKurt"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Golem"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("SivriGagalar"));
     SMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Yampiri Yengeç"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Baronun Kız Kardeşi", false));
Beispiel #36
        public static void getMenu()
            Main Menu
            Rengar = MainMenu.AddMenu("Rengod", "Rengod");
            Rengar.AddGroupLabel("RenGOD ~.^");
            Rengar.AddLabel("" + G_name);

            Combo Menu
            ComboMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Options");
            ComboMenu.Add("ComboQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Combo"));
            ComboMenu.Add("ComboW", new CheckBox("Use W on Combo"));
            ComboMenu.Add("ComboE", new CheckBox("Use E on Combo"));
            ComboPrio = ComboMenu.Add("cPrio", new Slider("Prioritize: ", 0, 0, 2));
            ComboPrio.OnValueChange +=
                delegate { ComboPrio.DisplayName = "Prioritize: " + prio[ComboPrio.CurrentValue]; };
            ComboPrio.DisplayName = "Prioritize: " + prio[ComboPrio.CurrentValue];
            ComboKey = ComboMenu.Add("changeC",
                new KeyBind("Press to change Combo Prioritize", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'N'));
            ComboKey.OnValueChange += delegate
                var x = ComboPrio.CurrentValue;
                if (x == 2)
                    ComboPrio.CurrentValue = 0;
                    ComboPrio.CurrentValue = ComboPrio.CurrentValue +1;
            ComboMenu.Add("useIG", new CheckBox("Use Ignite on Combo"));
            ComboMenu.Add("useSmite", new CheckBox("Use Smite on Combo"));

            Harass Menu
            HarassMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Harass", "Harass");
            HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Options");
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Harass"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassW", new CheckBox("Use W on Harass"));
            HarassMenu.Add("HarassE", new CheckBox("Use E on Harass"));
            HarassPrio = HarassMenu.Add("hPrio", new Slider("Prioritize: ", 0, 0, 1));
            HarassPrio.OnValueChange +=
                delegate { HarassPrio.DisplayName = "Prioritize: " + prio[HarassPrio.CurrentValue]; };
            HarassPrio.DisplayName = "Prioritize: " + prio[HarassPrio.CurrentValue];

            LaneClear Menu
            LaneMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", "LaneClear");
            LaneMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Options");
            LaneMenu.Add("LaneQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on LaneClear"));
            LaneMenu.Add("LaneW", new CheckBox("Use W on LaneClear"));
            LaneMenu.Add("LaneE", new CheckBox("Use E on LaneClear"));

            JungleClear Menu
            JungleMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Jungle", "Jungle");
            JungleMenu.AddGroupLabel("Jungle Options");
            JungleMenu.Add("JungleQ", new CheckBox("Use Q on Jungle"));
            JungleMenu.Add("JungleW", new CheckBox("Use W on Jungle"));
            JungleMenu.Add("JungleE", new CheckBox("Use E on Jungle"));

            Items Menu
            ItemsMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Items", "Items");
            ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Items Options");
            ItemsMenu.Add("useYoumu", new CheckBox("Use Youmuus"));
            ItemsMenu.Add("useHydra", new CheckBox("Use Hydra"));
            ItemsMenu.Add("useBTRK", new CheckBox("Use BTRK"));
            ItemsMenu.Add("myHP", new Slider("My Hp <% to use", 60));
            ItemsMenu.Add("enemyHP", new Slider("Enemy HP <% to use", 60));
            ItemsMenu.Add("usePOT", new CheckBox("Use Potions"));

            Misc Menu
            MiscMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Options");
            MiscMenu.Add("useHeal", new CheckBox("Auto Heal with W"));
            MiscMenu.Add("hpHeal", new Slider("HP % to Heal", 25));
            SkinHax = MiscMenu.Add("skinHax", new Slider("Choose you Skin [number]", 2, 0, 2));
            SkinHax.OnValueChange += delegate { _Player.SetSkinId(SkinHax.CurrentValue); };

            Drawing Menu
            DrawingMenu = Rengar.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            DrawingMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Options");
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawK", new CheckBox("Draw K on Killable Enemies"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawT", new CheckBox("Draw R Timer Left"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("drawC", new CheckBox("Draw Current Combo Prioritize"));
            DrawingMenu.Add("posX", new Slider("X Position", 50, 0, 2000));
            DrawingMenu.Add("posY", new Slider("Y Position", 50, 0, 2000));
Beispiel #37
 static SmiteMenu()
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp Ayarları");
     _smiteToggle = SMenu.Add("EnableSmite", new KeyBind("Canavarlara Çarp kullanma tuşu", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteEnemies = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteEnemies", new KeyBind("Maviye Çarp Kullan", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _smiteCombo = SMenu.Add("EnableSmiteCombo", new KeyBind("Kırmızıya Çarp Kombo (Tuş)", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'M'));
     _redSmitePercent = SMenu.Add("SmiteRedPercent", new Slider("Kırmızının Canı Şu kadarken at", 60));
     SMenu.AddGroupLabel("Çarp Atılacak Canavarlar");
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Ejder"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Kırmız"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Mavi"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Gromp", new CheckBox("Kurbağa"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Murkwolf", new CheckBox("AlacaKurt"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Krug", new CheckBox("Golem"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_Razorbeak", new CheckBox("SivriGagalar"));
     SMenu.Add("Sru_Crab", new CheckBox("Yampiri Yengeç"));
     SMenu.Add("SRU_RiftHerald", new CheckBox("Baronun Kız Kardeşi :D", false));
Beispiel #38
 public static IEnumerable <string> Conflicts(this KeyBind keyBind) => KeyBindings.conflicts.GetValueOrDefault(keyBind.bindCode, new List <string> {
 }).Where(id => id != keyBind.ID);