Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new process wrapper with an executable path and working directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executablePath">Path to executable</param>
        /// <param name="workingDirectory">Starting directory for executable. May be left empty to inherit from parent</param>
        public ProcessHost(string executablePath, string workingDirectory)
            if (!HostIsCompatible())
                throw new NotSupportedException("The host operating system is not compatible");

            _executablePath   = executablePath;
            _workingDirectory = DefaultToCurrentIfEmpty(workingDirectory);

            StdIn  = new Pipe(Pipe.Direction.In);
            StdErr = new Pipe(Pipe.Direction.Out);
            StdOut = new Pipe(Pipe.Direction.Out);

            _lastExitCode = 0;

            _si = new Kernel32.Startupinfo
                wShowWindow = 0,
                dwFlags     = Kernel32.StartfUsestdhandles | Kernel32.StartfUseshowwindow,
                hStdOutput  = StdOut.WriteHandle,
                hStdError   = StdErr.WriteHandle,
                hStdInput   = StdIn.ReadHandle

            _si.cb = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(_si);
            _pi    = new Kernel32.ProcessInformation();
Beispiel #2
        public static void Run(Settings settings, string clientDirectory, string bin, long ip, ushort port)
            var binpath = Path.Combine(clientDirectory, bin);

            var startupInfo = new Kernel32.Startupinfo();
            var processInfo = new Kernel32.ProcessInformation();

            //TODO -- what to do if !success?
            var success = Kernel32.CreateProcess(binpath, string.Format("\"{0}\" {1} {2}", binpath.Trim(), ip, port),
                                                 IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false,
                                                 Kernel32.ProcessCreationFlags.CreateSuspended | Kernel32.ProcessCreationFlags.CreateDefaultErrorMode,
                                                 IntPtr.Zero, null, ref startupInfo, out processInfo);

            var tHandle = processInfo.HThread;

            DllInjector.GetInstance.BInject(processInfo.DwProcessId, Path.Combine(clientDirectory, "login.dll"));

            // open the process after it is created so we can add the appropriate flags to write to the process
            var hndProc = Kernel32.OpenProcess((uint)(Kernel32.ProcessAccessFlags.CreateThread | Kernel32.ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryOperation
                                                      | Kernel32.ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryRead | Kernel32.ProcessAccessFlags.VirtualMemoryWrite
                                                      | Kernel32.ProcessAccessFlags.QueryInformation), 0, processInfo.DwProcessId);



            // Remove darkness
            if (settings.DisableDark)
                Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hndProc, (IntPtr)0x0046690B, new byte[] { 0x90, 0xE9 }, 2, 0);

            // Mob level highlight toggle
            if (settings.EnableMobColours)
                Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hndProc, (IntPtr)0x0046786E, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }, 6, 0);

            // Don't know if the constant suspend/resume is needed, but WinXP was being funnky and this works
            // Needed to get the lance master poly working properly
            var zelgoPak = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(clientDirectory, "zelgo.pak"));

            Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hndProc, (IntPtr)0x004B6CE0, new byte[] { 0xEB }, 1, 0);
            Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hndProc, (IntPtr)0x00504538, zelgoPak, (uint)zelgoPak.Length - 1, 0);
            Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(hndProc, (IntPtr)0x006DA508, new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x27 }, 2, 0);

            hndProc = IntPtr.Zero;

Beispiel #3
        public static void Run(Settings settings, string bin, long ip, ushort port)
            var binpath = Path.Combine(settings.ClientDirectory, bin);

            var startupInfo = new Kernel32.Startupinfo();

            _processInfo = new Kernel32.ProcessInformation();

            //TODO -- what to do if !success?
            var success = Kernel32.CreateProcess(binpath, string.Format("\"{0}\" {1} {2}", binpath.Trim(), ip, port),
                                                 IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, false,
                                                 Kernel32.ProcessCreationFlags.CreateSuspended | Kernel32.ProcessCreationFlags.CreateDefaultErrorMode,
                                                 IntPtr.Zero, null, ref startupInfo, out _processInfo);

            var tHandle = _processInfo.HThread;

            // TODO: need a better way to hook/suspend the client after themida unpack
            var tries = 10;

            byte[] patchWatchFor  = { 0x75, 0x3B };
            var    patchWatchBuff = new byte[2];


            while (tries > 0)
                Kernel32.ReadProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0045CF2F, patchWatchBuff, (uint)patchWatchBuff.Length, 0);

                if (ByteArrayCompare(patchWatchBuff, patchWatchFor))
                    // Fix Runtime Expired
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0045CF2F, new byte[] { 0xEB }, 1, 0);

                    // Fix GameGuard
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0045E3AC, new byte[] { 0x90, 0xE9 }, 2, 0);
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x004DE45A, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90 }, 2, 0);
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0045BA71, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }, 6, 0);
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0045EABA, new byte[] { 0xEB }, 1, 0);

                    // Don't let Lin.bin install NPKCMSVC Windows Service
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x00474AC4, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x84, 0xC0, 0x5E, 0x5B, 0xEB }, 10, 0);

                    // Remove darkness
                    if (settings.DisableDark)
                        byte[] write7 = { 0x90, 0xE9 };
                        Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0046690B, new byte[] { 0x90, 0xE9 }, 2, 0);

                    // TODO: A checkbox to enable/disable like darkness?
                    // Mob name with color
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x0046786E, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }, 6, 0);

                    // Load list.spr with lancemaster fix
                    string zelgoPakPath = Path.Combine(settings.ClientDirectory, (string)"zelgo.pak");
                    if (File.Exists(zelgoPakPath))
                        byte[] zelgoPak = File.ReadAllBytes(zelgoPakPath);
                        Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x004B6CE0, new byte[] { 0xEB }, 1, 0);
                        Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x00504538, zelgoPak, (uint)zelgoPak.Length, 0);
                        Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x006DA508, new byte[] { 0x0F, 0x27 }, (uint)2, 0);

                    // Codepage??
                    Kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(_processInfo.HProcess, (IntPtr)0x00483B8E, new byte[] { 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90 }, 6, 0);


