public void RenderToStringAsyncSpeedTestMultiThreaded()
            // Seems to be some sort of problem running this in Rider - it just hangs

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            int renders = 1000;

            // Optimal jintEngine count seems to be 4 on Surface Book 2

            var katexJsLatexProcessor = new KatexJsLatexProcessor(4, 2000);

            long initialisationMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // initialisationMilliseconds tests out at about 500 ms - significant overhead

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"{nameof(initialisationMilliseconds)}: {initialisationMilliseconds}");


            var options = new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10

            Parallel.For(0, renders, options, async i =>
                _ = await katexJsLatexProcessor.RenderToStringAsync("c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}").ConfigureAwait(false);


            long elapsedMilliseconds = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            double millisecondsPerRender = elapsedMilliseconds / (double)renders;

            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"{nameof(millisecondsPerRender)}: {millisecondsPerRender}");
            _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"{stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds}: {elapsedMilliseconds}");

            Assert.True(millisecondsPerRender < 100);
        // Docs:    Note processing timings
        //          Note required package refs
        //          Note js equivalent library

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Instantiate KatexJsLatexProcessor. ILatexProcessor provides parsing for raw LaTeX strings.
            // ILatexProcessor can be used standalone or within IMarkdownLatexPreprocessor

            // The argument jintEngineCount causes KatexJsLatexProcessor
            // to create 4 Jint JavaScript Interpreter engine instances and load the KaTeX JS library into
            // each. This is because Jint is not thread safe so KatexJsLatexProcessor manages thread safety
            // locking during function calls. Multiple instances allows for concurrent processing using a
            // round robin algorithm to distribute requests to each Jint engine.

            // Argument jintEngineLockTimeout specifies a timeout in milliseconds after which an exception will be thrown
            // if a lock cannot be obtained on an instance of the underlying Jint engine if the load on KatexJsLatexProcessor
            // is too high. You can set this value as high as needed.

            var latexProcessor = new KatexJsLatexProcessor(jintEngineCount: 4, jintEngineLockTimeout: 2000);

            // Instantiate MarkdownLatexPreprocessor. IMarkdownLatexPreprocessor provides parsing for LaTeX strings in markdown text.

            var markdownLatexPreprocessor = new MarkdownLatexPreprocessor(latexProcessor);

            // Services can be instantiated via DI as follows

            // services.AddSingleton<ILatexProcessor>(new KatexJsLatexProcessor(4, 2000));
            // services.AddSingleton<IMarkdownLatexPreprocessor, MarkdownLatexPreprocessor>();

            // Render a raw LaTeX expression.

            string latexHtml = latexProcessor.RenderToStringAsync("f(a,b,c) = (a^2+b^2+c^2)^3").Result;

            Console.WriteLine("Latex expression output:");

            string markdown = @"

## Example Markdown

This is an example markdown document

This is an expression in inline delmiters ...

$f(a,b,c) = (a^2+b^2+c^2)^3$

... and this one with block delimiters





            // ... or use MarkdownLatexPreprocessor to process LaTeX expressions within
            // markdown text.

            var markdownHtml = markdownLatexPreprocessor.ProcessLatex(markdown);

            Console.WriteLine("Markdown output:");