Beispiel #1
        static async Task Main()
            var client = new KameleoLocalApiClient(new Uri($"http://localhost:{KameleoPort}"));


            // Search a Base Profiles
            var baseProfileList = await client.SearchBaseProfilesAsync();

            // Choose one of from BaseProfiles
            var createProfileRequest = BuilderForCreateProfile

            var profile = await client.CreateProfileAsync(createProfileRequest);

            // Start the profile
            await client.StartProfileAsync(profile.Id);

            // Wait for 10 seconds
            await Task.Delay(10000);

            // Stop the profile
            await client.StopProfileAsync(profile.Id);

            // save the profile to a given path
            var result = await client.SaveProfileAsync(profile.Id, new SaveProfileRequest(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "test.kameleo")));

            Console.WriteLine("Profile has been saved to " + result.LastKnownPath);

            // You have to delete this profile if you want to load back
            await client.DeleteProfileAsync(profile.Id);

            // load the profile from the given url
            profile = await client.LoadProfileAsync(new LoadProfileRequest(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "test.kameleo")));

            // Start the profile
            await client.StartProfileAsync(profile.Id);

            // Wait for 10 seconds
            await Task.Delay(10000);

            // Stop the profile
            await client.StopProfileAsync(profile.Id);