Beispiel #1
        protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string kalturaUGCFilePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaUGCFilePath"].ToString();

                if (uploader.HasFile)
                    lblmsg.Text = "Upload media file";
                    //Uncomment this line to Save the uploaded file
                    uploader.SaveAs(kalturaUGCFilePath + uploader.FileName);
                    Label1.Text = "Received " + uploader.FileName + " Content Type " + uploader.PostedFile.ContentType + " Length " + uploader.PostedFile.ContentLength;

                    lblmsg.Text = "Ready to upload file to kaltura media space";
                    //Create Session
                    int    partnerId = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaPartnerID"].ToString());
                    string secret    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaAdminSecret"].ToString();
                    string userId    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaUserID"].ToString();
                    int    expiry    = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaSessionExpiry"].ToString());

                    KalturaConfiguration config = new KalturaConfiguration(partnerId);

                    config.ServiceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaServiceUrl"].ToString();//"";// SERVICE_URL;
                    KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(config);
                    client.KS = client.GenerateSession(secret, userId, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, partnerId, expiry, "");

                    //Add entry
                    KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
                    mediaEntry.Name          = txtFriendlyName.Text; //"Media Entry Using C#";
                    mediaEntry.Description   = edDescription.Text;
                    mediaEntry.MediaType     = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
                    mediaEntry.Categories    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaUGCCategories"].ToString();
                    mediaEntry.CategoriesIds = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KalturaUGCCategoriesIds"].ToString();
                    //mediaEntry.ModerationStatus = KalturaEntryModerationStatus.PENDING_MODERATION;
                    mediaEntry = client.MediaService.Add(mediaEntry);

                    lblmsg.Text = "Added entry to kaltura media space";
                    //Upload token
                    FileStream         fileStream  = new FileStream(kalturaUGCFilePath + uploader.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                    KalturaUploadToken uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Add();
                    client.UploadTokenService.Upload(uploadToken.Id, fileStream);
                    lblmsg.Text = "Update the upload token for the entry to kaltura media space";
                    //Attach Media Entry
                    KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource mediaResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
                    mediaResource.Token = uploadToken.Id;
                    mediaEntry          = client.MediaService.AddContent(mediaEntry.Id, mediaResource);

                    lblmsg.Text = "Attached media entry to kaltura media space";
                    Label1.Text = "No uploaded file";
            catch (Exception ex)
                lblmsg.Text = "There is some error while uploading media entry to kaltura media space.";
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows how to start session, create a mix, add media, and append it to a mix timeline using multi request
        /// </summary>
        private static void AdvancedMultiRequestExample(FileStream fileStream)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());


            // Request 1
            client.SessionService.Start(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = "{1:result}"; // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls

            KalturaMixEntry mixEntry = new KalturaMixEntry();
            mixEntry.Name = ".Net Mix";
            mixEntry.EditorType = KalturaEditorType.SIMPLE;

            // Request 2

            // Request 3

            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry For Mix";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;

            // Request 4
            client.MediaService.AddFromUploadedFile(mediaEntry, "");

            // Request 5
            client.MixingService.AppendMediaEntry("", "");

            // Map request 3 result to request 4 uploadTokeId param
            client.MapMultiRequestParam(3, 4, "uploadTokenId");

            // Map request 2 to request 5 mixEntryId
            client.MapMultiRequestParam(2, "id", 5, "mixEntryId");

            // Map request 4 to request 5 mediaEntryId
            client.MapMultiRequestParam(4, "id", 5, "mediaEntryId");

            KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            foreach (object obj in response)
                if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message);

            // when accessing the response object we will use an index and not the response number (response number - 1)
            if (response[1].GetType() == typeof(KalturaMixEntry))
                mixEntry = (KalturaMixEntry)response[1];
                Console.WriteLine("The new mix entry id is: " + mixEntry.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows how to start session, create a mix, add media, and append it to a mix timeline using multi request
        /// </summary>
        private static void AdvancedMultiRequestExample()
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());


            // Request 1
            client.SessionService.Start(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = "{1:result}"; // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls

            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("DemoVideo.flv", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            // Request 2
            KalturaUploadToken uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Add();

            // Request 3
            uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Upload("{2:result}", fileStream);

            // Request 4
            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry Using C#.Net Client To Test Flavor Replace";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.Add(mediaEntry);

            // Request 5
            KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource mediaResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
            mediaResource.Token = "{2:result:id}";
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.AddContent("{4:result}", mediaResource);

            // map paramters from responses to requests according to response calling order and names to request calling order and C# method parameter name
            client.MapMultiRequestParam(2, ":id", 3, "uploadTokenId");
            client.MapMultiRequestParam(4, ":id", 5, "entryId");

            KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            foreach (object obj in response)
                if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message);

            // when accessing the response object we will use an index and not the response number (response number - 1)
            if (response[4].GetType() == typeof(KalturaMediaEntry))
                KalturaMediaEntry newMediaEntry = (KalturaMediaEntry)response[4];
                Console.WriteLine("Multirequest newly added entry id: " + newMediaEntry.Id);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows how to start session, create a mix, add media, and append it to a mix timeline using multi request
        /// </summary>
        private static void AdvancedMultiRequestExample()
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("DemoVideo.flv", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry Using C#.Net Client To Test Flavor Replace";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;

            KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource mediaResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
            mediaResource.Token = "{1:result:id}";

            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());

            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID);
            client.UploadTokenService.Upload("{1:result:id}", fileStream);
            client.MediaService.AddContent("{2:result:id}", mediaResource);

            KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            foreach (object obj in response)
                if (obj is KalturaAPIException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message);

            // when accessing the response object we will use an index and not the response number (response number - 1)
            if (response[3] is KalturaMediaEntry)
                KalturaMediaEntry newMediaEntry = (KalturaMediaEntry)response[3];
                Console.WriteLine("Multirequest newly added entry id: " + newMediaEntry.Id + ", status: " + newMediaEntry.Status);
 public KalturaServiceBase(KalturaClient client)
     this._Client = client;
        // this method is deprecated and should be avoided.
        // see above SampleReplaceVideoFlavorAndAddCaption for the current method of uploading media.
        // new method should use the Add method along with specific appropriate Resource object.
        static void StartSessionAndUploadMedia(Uri url)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());

            // start new session (client session is enough when we do operations in a users scope)
            string ks = client.GenerateSession(SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.USER, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;

            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry Using .Net Client";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;

            // add the media using the upload token
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.AddFromUrl(mediaEntry, url.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("New media was created with the following id: " + mediaEntry.Id);
        // this method is deprecated and should be avoided.
        // see above SampleReplaceVideoFlavorAndAddCaption for the current method of uploading media.
        // new method should use the Add method along with specific appropriate Resource object and Upload Token.
        static KalturaMediaEntry StartSessionAndUploadMedia(FileStream fileStream)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());

            // start new session (client session is enough when we do operations in a users scope)
            string ks = client.GenerateSession(SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.USER, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;

            // upload the media
            string uploadTokenId = client.MediaService.Upload(fileStream); // synchronous proccess
            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry Using .Net Client";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;

            // add the media using the upload token
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.AddFromUploadedFile(mediaEntry, uploadTokenId);

            Console.WriteLine("New media was created with the following id: " + mediaEntry.Id);

            return mediaEntry;
        // This will guide you through uploading a video, getting a specific transcoding flavor, replacing a flavor, and uploading a caption file.
        static void SampleReplaceVideoFlavorAndAddCaption()
            // Upload a file
            Console.WriteLine("1. Upload a video file");
            FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("DemoVideo.flv", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            string ks = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;
            KalturaUploadToken uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Add();
            client.UploadTokenService.Upload(uploadToken.Id, fileStream);
            KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource mediaResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
            mediaResource.Token = uploadToken.Id;
            KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            mediaEntry.Name = "Media Entry Using C#.Net Client To Test Flavor Replace";
            mediaEntry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.Add(mediaEntry);
            mediaEntry = client.MediaService.AddContent(mediaEntry.Id, mediaResource);

            //verify that the account we're testing has the iPad flavor enabled
            int? flavorId = CheckIfFlavorExist("iPad");
            if (flavorId == null)
                Console.WriteLine("!! Default conversion profile does NOT include the new iPad flavor");
                Console.WriteLine("!! Skipping the iPad flavor replace test, make sure account has newiPad flavor enabled.");
                int iPadFlavorId = (int)flavorId; //C# failsafe from nullable int - we cast it to int
                Console.WriteLine("** Default conversion profile includes the new iPad flavor, id is: " + iPadFlavorId);

                //Detect the conversion readiness status of the iPad flavor and download the file when ready -
                Boolean statusB = false;
                KalturaFlavorAsset iPadFlavor = null;
                while (statusB == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("2. Waiting for the iPad flavor to be available...");
                    KalturaFlavorAssetFilter flavorAssetsFilter = new KalturaFlavorAssetFilter();
                    flavorAssetsFilter.EntryIdEqual = mediaEntry.Id;
                    KalturaFlavorAssetListResponse flavorAssets = client.FlavorAssetService.List(flavorAssetsFilter);
                    foreach (KalturaFlavorAsset flavor in flavorAssets.Objects)
                        if (flavor.FlavorParamsId == iPadFlavorId)
                            iPadFlavor = flavor;
                            statusB = flavor.Status == KalturaFlavorAssetStatus.READY;
                            if (flavor.Status == KalturaFlavorAssetStatus.NOT_APPLICABLE)
                                //in case the Kaltura Transcoding Decision Layer decided not to convert to this flavor, let's force it.
                                client.FlavorAssetService.Convert(mediaEntry.Id, iPadFlavor.FlavorParamsId);
                            Console.WriteLine("3. iPad flavor (" + iPadFlavor.FlavorParamsId + "). It's " + (statusB ? "Ready to ROCK!" : "being converted. Waiting..."));

                //this is the download URL for the actual Video file of the iPad flavor
                string iPadFlavorUrl = client.FlavorAssetService.GetDownloadUrl(iPadFlavor.Id);
                Console.WriteLine("4. iPad Flavor URL is: " + iPadFlavorUrl);

                //Alternatively, download URL for a given flavor id can also be retrived by creating the playManifest URL -
                string playManifestURL = "{partnerId}/sp/0/playManifest/entryId/{entryId}/format/url/flavorParamId/{flavorParamId}/ks/{ks}/{fileName}.mp4";
                playManifestURL = playManifestURL.Replace("{partnerId}", PARTNER_ID.ToString());
                playManifestURL = playManifestURL.Replace("{entryId}", mediaEntry.Id);
                playManifestURL = playManifestURL.Replace("{flavorParamId}", iPadFlavor.FlavorParamsId.ToString());
                playManifestURL = playManifestURL.Replace("{ks}", client.KS);
                playManifestURL = playManifestURL.Replace("{fileName}", mediaEntry.Name);
                Console.WriteLine("4. iPad Flavor playManifest URL is: " + playManifestURL);

                //now let's replace the flavor with our video file (e.g. after processing the file outside of Kaltura)
                FileStream fileStreamiPad = new FileStream("DemoVideoiPad.mp4", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Add();
                client.UploadTokenService.Upload(uploadToken.Id, fileStreamiPad);
                mediaResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
                mediaResource.Token = uploadToken.Id;
                KalturaFlavorAsset newiPadFlavor = client.FlavorAssetService.SetContent(iPadFlavor.Id, mediaResource);
                Console.WriteLine("5. iPad Flavor was replaced! id: " + newiPadFlavor.Id);

            //now let's upload a new caption file to this entry
            FileStream fileStreamCaption = new FileStream("", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            uploadToken = client.UploadTokenService.Add();
            client.UploadTokenService.Upload(uploadToken.Id, fileStreamCaption);
            KalturaCaptionAsset captionAsset = new KalturaCaptionAsset();
            captionAsset.Label = "Test C# Uploaded Caption";
            captionAsset.Language = KalturaLanguage.EN;
            captionAsset.Format = KalturaCaptionType.SRT;
            captionAsset.FileExt = "srt";
            captionAsset = client.CaptionAssetService.Add(mediaEntry.Id, captionAsset);
            Console.WriteLine("6. Added a new caption asset. Id: " + captionAsset.Id);
            KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource captionResource = new KalturaUploadedFileTokenResource();
            captionResource.Token = uploadToken.Id;
            captionAsset = client.CaptionAssetService.SetContent(captionAsset.Id, captionResource);
            Console.WriteLine("7. Uploaded a new caption file and attached to caption asset id: " + captionAsset.Id);
            string captionUrl = client.CaptionAssetService.GetUrl(captionAsset.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("7. Newly created Caption Asset URL is: " + captionUrl);
        static void SampleMetadataOperations()
            // The metadata field we'll add/update
            string metaDataFieldName = "SubtitleFormat";
            string fieldValue = "VobSub";

            // The Schema file for the field
            // Currently, you must build the xsd yourself. There is no utility provided.
            string xsdFile = "MetadataSchema.xsd";

            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());

            // start new session (client session is enough when we do operations in a users scope)
            string ks = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;

            // Setup a pager and search to use
            KalturaFilterPager pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
            KalturaMediaEntryFilter search = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter();
            search.OrderBy = KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy.CREATED_AT_ASC;
            search.MediaTypeEqual = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;  // Video only
            pager.PageSize = 10;
            pager.PageIndex = 1;

            Console.WriteLine("List videos, get the first one...");

            // Get 10 video entries, but we'll just use the first one returned
            IList<KalturaMediaEntry> entries = client.MediaService.List(search, pager).Objects;
            // Check if there are any custom fields defined in the KMC (Settings -> Custom Data)
            // for the first item returned by the previous listaction
            KalturaMetadataProfileFilter filter = new KalturaMetadataProfileFilter();
            IList<KalturaMetadataProfile> metadata = client.MetadataProfileService.List(filter, pager).Objects;
            int profileId = 0;
            string name = "";
            string id = "";

            if (metadata.Count > 0)
                profileId = metadata[0].Id;
                name = entries[0].Name;
                id = entries[0].Id;
                Console.WriteLine("1. There are custom fields for video: " + name + ", entryid: " + id);
                Console.WriteLine("1. This publisher account doesn't have any custom metadata profiles enabled.");
                Console.WriteLine("Exiting the metadata test (enable customer metadata in Admin Console and create a profile in KMC first).");

            // Add a custom data entry in the KMC  (Settings -> Custom Data)
            KalturaMetadataProfile profile = new KalturaMetadataProfile();
            profile.MetadataObjectType = KalturaMetadataObjectType.ENTRY;
            profile.Name = metadata[0].Name;
            string viewsData = "";

            StreamReader fileStream = File.OpenText(xsdFile);
            string xsd = fileStream.ReadToEnd();
            KalturaMetadataProfile metadataResult = client.MetadataProfileService.Update(profileId, profile, xsd, viewsData);

            if (metadataResult.Xsd != null)
                Console.WriteLine("2. Successfully created the custom data field " + metaDataFieldName + ".");
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("2. Failed to create the custom data field.");

            // Add the custom metadata value to the first video
            KalturaMetadataFilter filter2 = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
            filter2.ObjectIdEqual = entries[0].Id;
            string xmlData = "<metadata><SubtitleFormat>" + fieldValue + "</SubtitleFormat></metadata>";
            KalturaMetadata metadata2 = client.MetadataService.Add(profileId, profile.MetadataObjectType, entries[0].Id, xmlData);

            if (metadata2.Xml != null) {
                Console.WriteLine("3. Successfully added the custom data field for video: "+name+", entryid: "+id);
                string xmlStr = metadata2.Xml;
                Console.WriteLine("XML used: " + xmlStr);
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("3. Failed to add the custom data field.");

            // Now lets change the value (update) of the custom field
            // Get the metadata for the video
            KalturaMetadataFilter filter3 = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
            filter3.ObjectIdEqual = entries[0].Id;
            IList<KalturaMetadata> metadataList = client.MetadataService.List(filter3).Objects;
            if (metadataList[0].Xml != null) {
                Console.WriteLine("4. Current metadata for video: " + name + ", entryid: " + id);
                string xmlquoted = metadataList[0].Xml;
                Console.WriteLine("XML: " + xmlquoted);
                string xml = metadataList[0].Xml;
                // Make sure we find the old value in the current metadata
                int pos = xml.IndexOf("<" + metaDataFieldName + ">" + fieldValue + "</" + metaDataFieldName + ">");
                if (pos == -1) {
                    Console.WriteLine("4. Failed to find metadata STRING for video: " + name + ", entryid: " + id);
                } else {
                    System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex pattern = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex ("@<" + metaDataFieldName + ">(.+)</" + metaDataFieldName + ">@");
                    xml = pattern.Replace(xml, "<" + metaDataFieldName + ">Ogg Writ</" + metaDataFieldName + ">");
                    KalturaMetadata rc = client.MetadataService.Update(metadataList[0].Id, xml);
                    Console.WriteLine("5. Updated metadata for video: " + name + ", entryid: " + id);
                    xmlquoted = rc.Xml;
                    Console.WriteLine("XML: " + xmlquoted);
            } else {
                Console.WriteLine("4. Failed to find metadata for video: " + name + ", entryid: " + id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple multi request example showing how to start session and list media in a single HTTP request
        /// </summary>
        static void MultiRequestExample()
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());


            client.SessionService.Start(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = "{1:result}"; // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls

            KalturaMediaEntryFilter filter = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter();
            filter.OrderBy = KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy.CREATED_AT_DESC;
            client.MediaService.List(filter, new KalturaFilterPager());

            KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            // in multi request, when there is an error, an exception is NOT thrown, so we should check manually
            if (response[1].GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
                Console.WriteLine("Error listing media " + ((KalturaAPIException)response[1]).Message);

                // we can throw the exception if we want
                //throw (KalturaAPIException)response[1];
                KalturaMediaListResponse mediaList = (KalturaMediaListResponse)response[1];
                Console.WriteLine("Total media entries: " + mediaList.TotalCount);
                foreach (KalturaMediaEntry mediaEntry in mediaList.Objects)
                    Console.WriteLine("Media Name: " + mediaEntry.Name);
        //this function checks if a given flavor system name exist in the account.
        static int? CheckIfFlavorExist(String name)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            string ks = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;

            //verify that the account we're testing has the new iPad flavor enabled on the default conversion profile
            KalturaConversionProfile defaultProfile = client.ConversionProfileService.GetDefault();
            KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsFilter  flavorsListFilter = new KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsFilter();
            flavorsListFilter.SystemNameEqual = name;
            flavorsListFilter.ConversionProfileIdEqual = defaultProfile.Id;

            KalturaConversionProfileAssetParamsListResponse list = client.ConversionProfileAssetParamsService.List(flavorsListFilter);
            if (list.TotalCount > 0)
                return list.Objects[0].AssetParamsId;
                return null;
Beispiel #12
        private static KalturaMetadata createMetadata(int metadataProfileId, KalturaMetadataObjectType objectType, string objectId, string xmlData)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.USER, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");

            KalturaMetadata metadata = new KalturaMetadata();
            metadata.MetadataObjectType = objectType;
            metadata.ObjectId = objectId;

            return client.MetadataService.Add(metadataProfileId, objectType, objectId, xmlData);
Beispiel #13
        private static KalturaMediaEntry createEntry()
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.USER, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");

            KalturaMediaEntry entry = new KalturaMediaEntry();
            entry.MediaType = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;
            entry.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            entry.Tags = uniqueTag;

            return client.MediaService.Add(entry);
Beispiel #14
        static void SampleMetadataOperations()
            // The Schema file for the field
            // Currently, you must build the xsd yourself. There is no utility provided.
            string xsdFile = "MetadataSchema.xsd";
            StreamReader fileStream = File.OpenText(xsdFile);
            string xsd = fileStream.ReadToEnd();

            string fieldValue = "VobSub";
            string xmlData = "<metadata><SubtitleFormat>" + fieldValue + "</SubtitleFormat></metadata>";

            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());

            // start new session (client session is enough when we do operations in a users scope)
            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID);

            // Setup a pager and search to use
            KalturaMediaEntryFilter mediaEntryFilter = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter();
            mediaEntryFilter.OrderBy = KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy.CREATED_AT_ASC;
            mediaEntryFilter.MediaTypeEqual = KalturaMediaType.VIDEO;

            KalturaFilterPager pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
            pager.PageSize = 1;
            pager.PageIndex = 1;

            KalturaMetadataProfile newMetadataProfile = new KalturaMetadataProfile();
            newMetadataProfile.MetadataObjectType = KalturaMetadataObjectType.ENTRY;
            newMetadataProfile.Name = "Test";

            Console.WriteLine("List videos, get the first one...");
            IList<KalturaMediaEntry> entries = client.MediaService.List(mediaEntryFilter, pager).Objects;
            KalturaMediaEntry entry = entries[0];

            KalturaMetadataProfile metadataProfile = client.MetadataProfileService.Add(newMetadataProfile, xsd);
            Console.WriteLine("1. Successfully created the custom metadata profile " + metadataProfile.Name + ".");

            KalturaMetadata metadata = client.MetadataService.Add(metadataProfile.Id, metadataProfile.MetadataObjectType, entry.Id, xmlData);
            Console.WriteLine("2. Successfully added the custom data field for entryid: " + entry.Id);

            KalturaMetadataFilter metadataFilter = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
            metadataFilter.ObjectIdEqual = entry.Id;
            metadataFilter.MetadataProfileIdEqual = metadataProfile.Id;
            IList<KalturaMetadata> metadataList = client.MetadataService.List(metadataFilter).Objects;
            if (metadataList.Count == 0) {
                throw new Exception("Failed to find metadata for entryid: " + entry.Id);
Beispiel #15
        // Show how to use response-profile
        private static void ResponseProfileExample()
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");

            int entriesTotalCount = 4;
            int metadataProfileTotalCount = 2;
            int metadataPageSize = 2;

            IList<KalturaMediaEntry> entries = createEntriesWithMetadataObjects(entriesTotalCount, metadataProfileTotalCount);

            KalturaMediaEntryFilter entriesFilter = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter();
            entriesFilter.StatusIn = KalturaEntryStatus.PENDING.ToString() + "," + KalturaEntryStatus.NO_CONTENT.ToString();
            entriesFilter.TagsLike = uniqueTag;

            KalturaFilterPager entriesPager = new KalturaFilterPager();
            entriesPager.PageSize = entriesTotalCount;

            KalturaMetadataFilter metadataFilter = new KalturaMetadataFilter();
            metadataFilter.MetadataObjectTypeEqual = KalturaMetadataObjectType.ENTRY;

            KalturaResponseProfileMapping metadataMapping = new KalturaResponseProfileMapping();
            metadataMapping.FilterProperty = "objectIdEqual";
            metadataMapping.ParentProperty = "id";

            IList<KalturaResponseProfileMapping> metadataMappings = new List<KalturaResponseProfileMapping>();

            KalturaFilterPager metadataPager = new KalturaFilterPager();
            metadataPager.PageSize = metadataPageSize;

            KalturaDetachedResponseProfile metadataResponseProfile = new KalturaDetachedResponseProfile();
            metadataResponseProfile.Name = "metadata_" + uniqueTag;
            metadataResponseProfile.Type = KalturaResponseProfileType.INCLUDE_FIELDS;
            metadataResponseProfile.Fields = "id,objectId,createdAt, xml";
            metadataResponseProfile.Filter = metadataFilter;
            metadataResponseProfile.Pager = metadataPager;
            metadataResponseProfile.Mappings = metadataMappings;

            IList<KalturaDetachedResponseProfile> metadataResponseProfiles = new List<KalturaDetachedResponseProfile>();

            KalturaResponseProfile responseProfile = new KalturaResponseProfile();
            responseProfile.Name = "test_" + uniqueTag;
            responseProfile.SystemName = "test_" + uniqueTag;
            responseProfile.Type = KalturaResponseProfileType.INCLUDE_FIELDS;
            responseProfile.Fields = "id,name,createdAt";
            responseProfile.RelatedProfiles = metadataResponseProfiles;

            responseProfile = client.ResponseProfileService.Add(responseProfile);

            KalturaResponseProfileHolder nestedResponseProfile = new KalturaResponseProfileHolder();
            nestedResponseProfile.Id = responseProfile.Id;

            client.ResponseProfile = nestedResponseProfile;
            IList<KalturaBaseEntry> list = client.BaseEntryService.List(entriesFilter, entriesPager).Objects;

            if(entriesTotalCount != list.Count)
                throw new Exception("entriesTotalCount[" + entriesTotalCount + "] != list.Count[" + list.Count + "]");

            foreach(KalturaBaseEntry entry in list)
                if(entry.RelatedObjects == null)
                    throw new Exception("Related objects are missing");

                    throw new Exception("Related object [" + metadataResponseProfile.Name + "] is missing");

                if (!(entry.RelatedObjects[metadataResponseProfile.Name] is KalturaMetadataListResponse))
                    throw new Exception("Related object [" + metadataResponseProfile.Name + "] has wrong type [" + entry.RelatedObjects[metadataResponseProfile.Name].GetType() + "]");
                KalturaMetadataListResponse metadataListResponse = (KalturaMetadataListResponse)entry.RelatedObjects[metadataResponseProfile.Name];

                if(metadataListResponse.Objects.Count != metadataProfileTotalCount)
                    throw new Exception("Related object [" + metadataResponseProfile.Name + "] has wrong number of objects");

                foreach(KalturaMetadata metadata in metadataListResponse.Objects)
                    if (metadata.ObjectId != entry.Id)
                        throw new Exception("Related object [" + metadataResponseProfile.Name + "] metadata [" + metadata.Id + "] related to wrong object [" + metadata.ObjectId + "]");
Beispiel #16
        static void PlaylistExecuteMultiRequestExample()
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());


            // Request 1
            client.SessionService.Start(ADMIN_SECRET, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = "{1:result}"; // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls

            // Request 2

            KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            foreach (object obj in response)
                if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message);

            String twoEntries = "";

            if (response[1].GetType() == typeof(KalturaMediaListResponse))
                KalturaMediaListResponse mediaListResponse = (KalturaMediaListResponse)response[1];
                twoEntries = mediaListResponse.Objects[0].Id + ", " + mediaListResponse.Objects[1].Id;
                Console.WriteLine("We will use the first 2 entries we got as a reponse: " + twoEntries);


            string ks = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");
            client.KS = ks;

            KalturaPlaylist newPlaylist = new KalturaPlaylist();
            newPlaylist.Name = "Test Playlist";
            newPlaylist.PlaylistContent = twoEntries;
            newPlaylist.PlaylistType = KalturaPlaylistType.STATIC_LIST;

            KalturaPlaylist kPlaylist = client.PlaylistService.Add(newPlaylist);

            // new multirequest


            response = client.DoMultiRequest();

            foreach (object obj in response)
                if (obj.GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
                    Console.WriteLine("Error occurred: " + ((KalturaAPIException)obj).Message);

            foreach (var currentResponse in response)
                if(currentResponse.GetType() != typeof(KalturaMultiResponse))
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected multirequest response");
Beispiel #17
        private static KalturaMetadataProfile createMetadataProfile(KalturaMetadataObjectType objectType, string xsdData)
            KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
            client.KS = client.GenerateSession(ADMIN_SECRET, USER_ID, KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, PARTNER_ID, 86400, "");

            KalturaMetadataProfile metadataProfile = new KalturaMetadataProfile();
            metadataProfile.MetadataObjectType = objectType;
            metadataProfile.Name = "test_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            return client.MetadataProfileService.Add(metadataProfile, xsdData);