Beispiel #1
        private static void Execute_Worker(bool doParse, bool doAST, bool doScope, bool autoContinue, bool chartOutput)
            lastExecution = null;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            if (TheParser.Parser().Parse(KGui.gui.GuiInputGetText(), out IReduction root))
                if (doParse)
                    Netlist netlist = new Netlist(autoContinue);
                        Statements statements = Parser.ParseTop(root);
                        if (doAST)
                            SampleValue vessel       = Vessel(KControls.SelectNoiseSelectedItem != Noise.None);
                            Env         initialEnv   = new ValueEnv("vessel", Type.Sample, vessel, new BuiltinEnv(new NullEnv()));
                            Scope       initialScope = initialEnv.ToScope();
                            Scope       scope        = statements.Scope(initialScope);
                            if (doScope)
                                Style style = new Style(varchar: scopeVariants ? defaultVarchar : null, new SwapMap(),
                                                        map: remapVariants ? new AlphaMap() : null, numberFormat: "G4", dataFormat: "full",  // we want it full for samples, but maybe only headers for functions/networks?
                                                        exportTarget: ExportTarget.Standard, traceFull: false, chartOutput: chartOutput);
                                KChartHandler.ChartClear("", "s", "M", style);
                                KDeviceHandler.Sample(vessel, style);

                                netlist.Emit(new SampleEntry(vessel));
                                DateTime evalTime = DateTime.Now;
                                lastExecution             = new ExecutionInstance(vessel, netlist, style, startTime, evalTime);
                                lastExecution.environment = statements.EvalReject(initialEnv, netlist, style, 0);
                                if (lastExecution.environment == null)
                                    throw new Error("Top level reject");

                                if (style.chartOutput)
                                    foreach (ParameterEntry parameter in netlist.Parameters())
                                        KControls.AddParameter(parameter.symbol.Format(style), (parameter.value as NumberValue).value, parameter.distribution, style);
                                    KGui.gui.GuiParametersUpdate(); // calls back KControls.ParametersUpdate, but only on Win/Mac

                    catch (ExecutionEnded) { lastExecution.EndTime(); KGui.gui.GuiOutputAppendText(lastExecution.ElapsedTime()); }
                    catch (ConstantEvaluation ex) { string cat = "Does not have a value: "; netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(cat + ": " + ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, cat, ex.Message); }
                    catch (Error ex) { netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, "Error", ex.Message); try { KGui.gui.GuiProcessOutput(); } catch { }; }
                    catch (StackOverflowException ex) { netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, "Stack Overflow", ex.Message); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { string cat = "Something happened"; netlist.Emit(new CommentEntry(cat + ": " + ex.Message)); KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(-1, -1, 0, cat, ex.Message); }
                KGui.gui.GuiInputSetErrorSelection(TheParser.Parser().FailLineNumber(), TheParser.Parser().FailColumnNumber(), TheParser.Parser().FailLength(), TheParser.Parser().FailCategory(), TheParser.Parser().FailMessage());
Beispiel #2
        public static SampleValue Equilibrate(Env env, Symbol outSymbol, SampleValue inSample, Noise noise, double fortime, Netlist netlist, Style style)
            inSample.CheckConsumed(style); // we will consume it later, but we need to check now
            double initialTime = 0.0;
            double finalTime   = fortime;

            string sampleName = (outSymbol.Raw() == "vessel") ? "" : "Sample " + inSample.FormatSymbol(style);

            KChartHandler.ChartClear(sampleName, "s", "M", style);

            List <SpeciesValue> inSpecies = inSample.stateMap.species;
            State initialState            = inSample.stateMap.state;

            if ((noise == Noise.None) && initialState.lna)
                initialState = new State(initialState.size, lna: false).InitMeans(initialState.MeanVector());
            if ((noise != Noise.None) && !initialState.lna)
                initialState = new State(initialState.size, lna: true).InitMeans(initialState.MeanVector());
            List <ReactionValue> reactions = inSample.RelevantReactions(netlist, style);
            CRN crn = new CRN(inSample, reactions, precomputeLNA: (noise != Noise.None) && KControls.precomputeLNA);

            KChartHandler.SetMeanFlowDictionary(crn.MeanFlowDictionary(), style);
            // List<ReportEntry> reports = netlist.Reports(inSpecies);
            List <ReportEntry> reports = inSample.RelevantReports(style);

            Exec.lastExecution.lastCRN = crn; KGui.gui.GuiOutputSetText(crn.FormatNice(style));

            Func <double, double, Vector, Func <double, Vector, Vector>, IEnumerable <SolPoint> > Solver;

            if (KControls.solver == "GearBDF")
                Solver = Ode.GearBDF;
            else if (KControls.solver == "RK547M")
                Solver = Ode.RK547M;
                throw new Error("No solver");

            Func <double, Vector, Vector> Flux;

            if (noise != Noise.None)
                Flux = (t, x) => crn.LNAFlux(t, x, style);
                Flux = (t, x) => crn.Flux(t, x, style);

            bool nonTrivialSolution =
                (inSpecies.Count > 0) &&  // we don't want to run on the empty species list: Oslo crashes
                (!crn.Trivial(style)) &&  // we don't want to run trivial ODEs: some Oslo solvers hang on very small stepping
                finalTime > 0;            // we don't want to run when fortime==0

            // INTEGRATE
            (double lastTime, State lastState) =
                Integrate(Solver, initialState, initialTime, finalTime, Flux, inSample, reports, noise, nonTrivialSolution, style);

            if (lastState == null)
                lastState = initialState.Clone();
            lastState = lastState.Positive();
            List <SpeciesValue> outSpecies = new List <SpeciesValue> {
            }; foreach (SpeciesValue sp in inSpecies)
                outSpecies.Add(sp);                                                                                                // the species list may be destructively modified (added to) later in the new sample
            SampleValue outSample = new SampleValue(outSymbol, new StateMap(outSymbol, outSpecies, lastState), new NumberValue(inSample.Volume()), new NumberValue(inSample.Temperature()), produced: true);


            foreach (ReportEntry report in reports)
                // an equilibrate may pick up the reports of a previous equilibrate, so we reassign the report even if it has already been assigned
                // this does not really affect lexical binding because a second report with the same name will get a new symbol
                // P.S. this was changed so that an equilibrate no longer picks up reports of previous equilibrate, so the issue should not arise
                if (report.timecourse != null)
                    env.AssignValue(report.timecourse, KChartHandler.ToTimecourse(report.timecourse, report.flow, style), reassign: true);

            inSample.Consume(reactions, lastTime, lastState, netlist, style);