Beispiel #1
        public void DecodeToObject_Should_DecodeToken_On_Exp_Claim_After_Year2038()
            var key = _fixture.Create <string>();
            var dateTimeProvider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var serializer       = new JsonNetSerializer();
            var validator        = new JwtValidator(serializer, dateTimeProvider);
            var urlEncoder       = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            var decoder          = new JwtDecoder(serializer, validator, urlEncoder);

            // Why 2038? See
            var post2038   = new DateTime(2038, 1, 19, 3, 14, 8, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var exp        = (post2038 - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            var payload    = new { exp };
            var encoder    = new JwtEncoder(new HMACSHA256Algorithm(), serializer, urlEncoder);
            var validToken = encoder.Encode(payload, key);

            var expected = serializer.Serialize(payload);
            var actual   = decoder.Decode(validToken, key, true);

            .Be(actual, "because the token should be correctly decoded");
Beispiel #2
        public void DecodeToObject_Should_Throw_Exception_On_Invalid_Expiration_Claim_MultipleKeys()
            var key  = _fixture.Create <string>();
            var keys = _fixture.Create <string[]>();

            keys[0] = key;

            var serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            var validator  = new JwtValidator(serializer, new UtcDateTimeProvider());

            var urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            var decoder    = new JwtDecoder(serializer, validator, urlEncoder);

            var encoder = new JwtEncoder(new HMACSHA256Algorithm(), serializer, urlEncoder);
            var token   = encoder.Encode(new { exp = _fixture.Create <string>() }, key);

            Action encodingAJwtWithWrongExpField = ()
                                                   => decoder.DecodeToObject <Customer>(token, keys, verify: true);

            .Throw <SignatureVerificationException>("because the invalid 'exp' must result in an exception on decoding");
Beispiel #3
        public AuthenticationStatus GenerateToken(User user, out string token)
            AuthenticationStatus result = AuthenticationStatus.Success;

            token = null;

            if (_jwtSettings.IsEnabled)
                DateTime unixEpoch = UnixEpoch.Value;

                IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();

                DateTimeOffset now = provider.GetNow().AddSeconds(_jwtSettings.ExpirationSpan);
                double         secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds);

                Dictionary <string, object> payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "exp", secondsSinceEpoch.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) },
                    { "Id", user.Id },
                    { "Email", user.Email },
                    { "Role", user.Role }

                IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
                IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();

                IJwtEncoder encoder = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

                token = encoder.Encode(payload, _jwtSettings.SignatureSecret);
                result = AuthenticationStatus.ClientDisabled;

Beispiel #4
        public string Encode <T>(T data, string secret, out DateTime exp)
            var json    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data, Formatting.Indented);
            var payload = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(json);

            var exp2 = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddDays(1);

            exp = exp2.UtcDateTime;
            if (!payload.ContainsKey("exp"))
                payload.Add("exp", exp2.ToUnixTimeSeconds());

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #5
        public LoginResult Post([FromBody] LoginRequest request)
            LoginResult rs = new LoginResult();

            if (request.UserName == "wangshibang" && request.Password == "123456")
                AuthInfo info = new AuthInfo {
                    UserName = "******", Roles = new List <string> {
                        "Admin", "Manage"
                    }, IsAdmin = true
                    const string secret = "To Live is to change the world";
                    IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
                    IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                    IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
                    IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
                    var token = encoder.Encode(info, secret);
                    rs.Message = "XXXXX";
                    rs.Token   = token;
                    rs.Success = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rs.Message = ex.Message;
                    rs.Success = false;
                rs.Message = "fail";
                rs.Success = false;
        public IHttpActionResult Login([FromBody] LoginViewModel model)
            if (model == null)
                model = new LoginViewModel();
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            var user = DbSet.Users.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Username == model.Username && c.Password == model.Password);

            if (user != null)
                const string secret = "gjhgjhgmjgjmhgjhtjmjmgjmgjmgjhm";

                IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
                IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
                IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
                var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Id", user.Id }
                var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

                var result = new TokenModel()
                    AccessToken = token,
                    Type        = "Bearer",
                    LifeTime    = 0

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取JWT token
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <param name="expireTime">过期时间</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool GetToken(out JwtResult jwtResult, int expireTime = 20)
                DateTime UTC = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary <string, object> payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "iat", ConvertDateTimeInt(UTC) },
                    { "iss", "ERP@Oversea" },
                    { "exp", ConvertDateTimeInt(UTC.AddMinutes(expireTime)) }

                IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
                IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
                IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
                string            result     = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);
                string            token      = DESEncrypt.DesEncrypt(result);
                jwtResult = new JwtResult()
                    JwtCode   = token,
                    IsSuccess = true,
                    Message   = "success"
            catch (Exception e)
                Utility.Log.WriteTextLog("JWTGetToken", "JWT.GetToken:", e.Message, "", "");
                jwtResult = new JwtResult()
                    JwtCode   = "",
                    IsSuccess = false,
                    Message   = e.Message
Beispiel #8
        public TokenInfo GetToken([FromBody] LoginRequest loginRequest)
            TokenInfo tokenInfo = new TokenInfo();

            if (loginRequest != null)
                string   userName = loginRequest.UserName;
                string   passWord = loginRequest.Password;
                bool     isAdmin  = (userName == "SWD") ? true : false;
                AuthInfo authInfo = new AuthInfo {
                    UserName = userName, Roles = new List <string>(), IsAdmin = isAdmin, ExpiryDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)
                const string secretKey = "ShunKai";//
                    byte[]            key        = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey);
                    IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
                    IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                    IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
                    IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
                    var token = encoder.Encode(authInfo, key);
                    tokenInfo.Success = true;
                    tokenInfo.Token   = token;
                    tokenInfo.Message = "OK";
                catch (Exception ex)
                    tokenInfo.Success = false;
                    tokenInfo.Message = ex.Message.ToString();
                tokenInfo.Success = false;
                tokenInfo.Message = "用户信息为空";
Beispiel #9
        public static string GenerateToken(string key, string data, int duration = 48)
            IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var expiry            = provider.GetNow().AddHours(duration);
            var unixEpoch         = JwtValidator.UnixEpoch;
            var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((expiry - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds);

            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { key, data },
                { "exp", secondsSinceEpoch }
            var secret = Config.Secret;

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

        private static string createJWT(string username, string[] groups, string name)
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "username", username.Replace("\\\\", "\\") },
                { "id", username },
                { "name", name },
                { "groups", groups }

            string secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["jwtSecret"];

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #11
        private string GetToken(string username)
            IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var now               = provider.GetNow();
            var unixEpoch         = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // or use JwtValidator.UnixEpoch
            var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds);

            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "name", username },
                //{"exp",secondsSinceEpoch+(20) }
                { "exp", secondsSinceEpoch + (3600 * 24 * 30) }     //超时时间,单位:秒
            var secret = "GQDstcKsx0NHjPOuXOYg5MbeJ1XT0uFiwDVvVBrk";

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #12
        public static string Generate(string userName)
            var secret        = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JWTSecret"];
            var expireMinutes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JWTExpireMinutes"];

            IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var now               = provider.GetNow();
            var unixEpoch         = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // or use JwtValidator.UnixEpoch
            var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now.AddMinutes(int.Parse(expireMinutes)) - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds);
            var payload           = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "user", userName },
                { "exp", secondsSinceEpoch }

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #13
        private static string Encoder(object obj, string type)
            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            string secret;

            switch (type)
            case "header": secret = Service.key_header;

            default: secret = Service.key_data;

            string token = encoder.Encode(obj, secret);

Beispiel #14
        public const string SECRETKEY = "jwttest"; //加密的密钥

        /// <summary>
        /// 使用自定义密钥加密,HS512签名
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strSecretKey">密钥</param>
        /// <param name="strJson">需要加密的JSON</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string EncodeByJwt(string strSecretKey, string strJson)
                var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "Crypt", strJson }

                IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA512Algorithm();
                IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
                IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
                IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

                var token = encoder.Encode(payload, strSecretKey);

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #15
        public string GetToken()
            // setup payload
            var payload = new
                iss = "",
                sub = _subject,
                iat = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixTimestamp(),
                jti = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();

            IJwtEncoder encoder = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            // convert the secret to base64 string and use as key
            var base64Secret = Convert.FromBase64String(_secret);
            var token        = encoder.Encode(payload, base64Secret);

        public string TesteJwt()
            var header = new Header();

            var paylod = new Payload()
                uuid             = "2",
                srcDateTime      = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"),
                srcId            = 123,
                srcAgencyNumber  = "2568",
                srcAccountNumber = "5005565",
                srcClientName    = "Ryoji",
                srcCpfCnpj       = "885588999555",
                amount           = 5058,
                urlConfirm       = "",
                withdrawStatus   = "aprovado"

            var privateKey   = new X509Certificate2("my-key.p12", "password", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet);
            var extraHeaders = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "partner", 0000 },
                { "versionKey", 1 }

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new RS256Algorithm(privateKey);
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var jsonWebToken = encoder.Encode(extraHeaders, paylod, privateKey.PrivateKey.ToString());

Beispiel #17
        public void Fail()
            var payload = FixtureFactory.Create <Payload>();
            var key     = LitJWT.Algorithms.HS256Algorithm.GenerateRandomRecommendedKey();
            var encoder = new JwtEncoder(new LitJWT.Algorithms.HS256Algorithm(key));

            var result = encoder.Encode(payload, null, (x, writer) => writer.Write(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(x))));

            var decoder = new JwtDecoder(new LitJWT.Algorithms.HS256Algorithm(key));

                var span = result.ToCharArray().AsSpan();
                span[4] = '?';

                var decodeResult = decoder.TryDecode(span, x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Payload>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x)), out var decodedPayload);

                var span = result.ToCharArray().AsSpan();

                var decoder2     = new JwtDecoder(new LitJWT.Algorithms.HS384Algorithm(key));
                var decodeResult = decoder2.TryDecode(span, x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Payload>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x)), out var decodedPayload);

                var span = result.ToCharArray().AsSpan();
                span[span.Length - 10] = 'A';
                span[span.Length - 11] = 'B';
                span[span.Length - 12] = 'C'; // maybe break signature

                var decodeResult = decoder.TryDecode(span, x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Payload>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(x)), out var decodedPayload);

Beispiel #18
        public const string jti = "jti"; //jwt的唯一身份标识,主要用来作为一次性token,从而回避重放攻击。

        /// <summary>
        /// jwt的第三部分是一个签证信息,这个签证信息由三部分组成:
        /// 1、header (base64后的)
        /// 2、payload (base64后的)
        /// 3、signature (这个部分需要base64加密后的header和base64加密后的payload使用.连接组成的字符串,然后通过header中声明的加密方式进行加secret组合加密,然后就构成了jwt的第三部分)
        /// 将这三部分用.连接成一个完整的字符串,构成了最终的jwt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">载荷, 就是存放有效信息的地方</param>
        /// <param name="expire">过期时间, 单位:秒</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Encode(Dictionary <string, object> payload, double expire = 24 * 60 * 60)
            //var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>
            //    { "claim1", 0 },
            //    { "claim2", "claim2-value" }

            if (expire != 0)
                IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
                var now = provider.GetNow();

                var unixEpoch         = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // or use JwtValidator.UnixEpoch
                var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds) + expire;
                if (payload.ContainsKey(exp))
                    payload[exp] = secondsSinceEpoch;
                    payload.Add(exp, secondsSinceEpoch);

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new CustomJsonSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #19
        private string GetToken(Dictionary <string, object> payload)
            var secret = _options.SecretKey;

            payload.Add("iss", _options.Issuer);
            payload.Add("aud", _options.Audience);
            payload.Add("nbf", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now));
            payload.Add("iat", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now));
            payload.Add("exp", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now.AddDays(7)));
            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            return(encoder.Encode(payload, secret));

            //List<Claim> claims = new List<Claim>();
            //foreach (var item in payload)
            //    claims.Add(new Claim(item.Key.ToString(), item.Value.ToString()));
            //claims.Add(new Claim("nbf", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now).ToString()));
            //claims.Add(new Claim("iat", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(DateTime.Now).ToString()));

            //SigningCredentials signingCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secret)), SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256);

            //var token = new JwtSecurityToken(_options.Issuer,
            //      _options.Audience,
            //      claims,
            //      expires: DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(7)),
            //      signingCredentials: signingCredentials);

            //return new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token);
Beispiel #20
        public void SignIn(TBody body)
            //  获取 密钥
            string secret = SecretBuilder.Build();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secret))
                throw new Exception("应用程序密钥(AppSecret)为空或null");

            //  生成加密token;
            IAlgorithmFactory algorithmFactory = new HMACSHAAlgorithmFactory();
            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm        = algorithmFactory.Create(AuthConfigProvider.AuthConfig.JwtAlgorithmType);
            IJsonSerializer   serializer       = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder       = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder          = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
            string            token            = encoder.Encode(body, secret);

            //  写入Cookie
            ICookieFactory cookieFactory = new CookieFactory();
            ICookieClient  cookieClient  = cookieFactory.Create();

            cookieClient.SetCookie(AuthConfigProvider.AuthConfig.CookieName, token, AuthConfigProvider.AuthConfig.Expires);
Beispiel #21
        private string CreateJWTToken(Dictionary <string, string> cachingServiceParameters, ITracingService trace, IOrganizationService service)
            if (trace == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ValidationMessages.TraceIsNull);
            if (cachingServiceParameters == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ValidationMessages.CachingParameterIsNull);
            if (service == null)
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ValidationMessages.OrganizationServiceIsNull);

            trace.Trace("Start - CreateJWTToken");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SecretKey))
                throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(ValidationMessages.CachingSecretKeyIsNullOrEmpty);

            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { JwtPayloadParameters.IssuedAtTime, GetIssuedAtTime(cachingServiceParameters, trace).ToString() },
                { JwtPayloadParameters.NotBeforeTime, GetNotBeforeTime(cachingServiceParameters, trace).ToString() },
                { JwtPayloadParameters.Expiry, GetExpiry(cachingServiceParameters, trace).ToString() }

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            return(encoder.Encode(payload, this.SecretKey));
Beispiel #22
        public static string SetJwtEncode(Dictionary <string, object> payload)
            IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var now               = provider.GetNow();
            var unixEpoch         = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds);

            payload.Add("exp", secondsSinceEpoch + 2);
            payload.Add("iat", now.ToString());
            payload.Add("issuer", "eduplat");
            payload.Add("audience", "");
            payload.Add("jti", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

            var key = EncryptionAlgorithm.Hash(token);

Beispiel #23
        public string CreateToken()
            IDateTimeProvider provider   = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var now = provider.GetNow();

            var unixEpoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var expiry    = Math.Round((now.AddHours(12) - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds); //12 hours expiry

            //add claims in payload for now we will leave it blank
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "exp", expiry },
                { "user", User }

            var secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["jwtSecret"];

            return(encoder.Encode(payload, secret));
Beispiel #24
 public IActionResult Register(string username, string password)
     if (UserExists(username))
         User user = new User();
         user.Name     = username;
         user.Password = password;
         var user_new = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Name == username);
         var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
             { "iss", "RecordProAPI" },
             { "iat", DateTime.Now.ToString() },
             { "name", username },
             { "id", }
         const string      secret     = "ezio0124";
         IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm(); // symmetric
         IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
         IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
         IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
         var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);
         user_new.Token = token;
         _context.Update <User>(user_new);
         return(CreatedAtAction("Register", new { id = }, user));
Beispiel #25
        public static string CreateToken(CustomRouteData route)
            var host = GetHostDatas().First(o => o.Name == route.MicroService);
            IDateTimeProvider provider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var now               = provider.GetNow();
            var unixEpoch         = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); // or use JwtValidator.UnixEpoch
            var secondsSinceEpoch = Math.Round((now - unixEpoch).TotalSeconds) + 60;     //60S后过期

            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "app_id", host.ApplicationId },
                { "exp", secondsSinceEpoch }
            var secret = host.ApplicationKey;

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

Beispiel #26

Beispiel #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成JwtToken
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">不敏感的用户数据</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string SetJwtEncode(AuthInfo authInfo)
            //var payload = new Dictionary<string, object>
            //    { "username","admin" },
            //    { "pwd", "claim2-value" }

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var jwtcreated     = Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds + 5);
            var jwtcreatedOver = Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds + 5);//TOKEN声明周期一周
            var payload        = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>
                { "iss", authInfo.iss },   //非必须。issuer 请求实体,可以是发起请求的用户的信息,也可是jwt的签发者。
                { "iat", jwtcreated },     //非必须。issued at。 token创建时间,unix时间戳格式
                { "exp", jwtcreatedOver }, //非必须。expire 指定token的生命周期。unix时间戳格式
                { "aud", authInfo.aud },   //非必须。接收该JWT的一方。
                { "sub", authInfo.sub },   //非必须。该JWT所面向的用户
                { "jti", authInfo.jti },   //非必须。JWT ID。针对当前token的唯一标识
                { "userInfo", authInfo.userInfo } //自定义字段 用于存放当前登录人账户信息
                //{"userId", authInfo.userId},//自定义字段 用于存放当前登录人账户信息
                //{"userName", authInfo.userName},//自定义字段 用于存放当前登录人账户信息
                //{"userPwd", authInfo.userPwd},//自定义字段 用于存放当前登录人登录密码信息
                //{"userRole", authInfo.userRoles},//自定义字段 用于存放当前登录人登录权限信息

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secret);

        private static string secretKey = "GQDstcKsx0NHjPOuXOYg5MbeJ1XT0uFiwDVvVBrk"; // This secret key is configurable
        public static string CreateJSONWebToken(string userId, string password, string vendor)
            var now     = Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds);
            var exp     = Math.Round((DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(30) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds);
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "id", userId },
                { "password", password },
                { "vendor", vendor },
                { "iat", now },
                { "exp", exp }

            const string secret = "GQDstcKsx0NHjPOuXOYg5MbeJ1XT0uFiwDVvVBrk";

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, secretKey);

Beispiel #29
        public String GetToken()
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "userId", UserId },
                { "userName", UserName },
                { "exp", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(ExpiresAt) },
                { "iat", ConvertToUnixTimestamp(IssuedAt) }

            foreach (var customClaim in CustomClaims)
                payload.Add(customClaim.Key, customClaim.Value);

            IJwtAlgorithm     algorithm  = new HMACSHA256Algorithm();
            IJsonSerializer   serializer = new JsonNetSerializer();
            IBase64UrlEncoder urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            IJwtEncoder       encoder    = new JwtEncoder(algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);

            var token = encoder.Encode(payload, this.SecretKey);

Beispiel #30
        public void DecodeToObject_Should_Throw_Exception_On_Expired_Claim()
            const string key       = TestData.Secret;
            const int    timeDelta = -1;

            var dateTimeProvider = new UtcDateTimeProvider();
            var serializer       = new JsonNetSerializer();

            var validator  = new JwtValidator(serializer, dateTimeProvider);
            var urlEncoder = new JwtBase64UrlEncoder();
            var decoder    = new JwtDecoder(serializer, validator, urlEncoder, TestData.HMACSHA256Algorithm);

            var now = dateTimeProvider.GetNow();
            var exp = UnixEpoch.GetSecondsSince(now.AddHours(timeDelta));

            var encoder = new JwtEncoder(TestData.HMACSHA256Algorithm, serializer, urlEncoder);
            var token   = encoder.Encode(new { exp }, key);

            Action action =
                () => decoder.DecodeToObject <Customer>(token, key, verify: true);

            .Throw <TokenExpiredException>("because decoding an expired token should raise an exception when verified");