public void LoadingDictionaryWithMissingCulture()
            "Given the file"
            .x(() => stream = Use(File.OpenRead("Dictionaries/MissingCulture.json")));

            "When I execute the Load action"
            .x(() => action = () => JsonDictionary.Load(stream));

            "Then it should throw an exception"
            .x(() =>
                action.ShouldThrow <Exception>().WithMessage("The target culture could not be read form the dictionary.");
        public void LoadingJsonWithUnexpectedEnd()
            "Given the file"
            .x(() => stream = Use(File.OpenRead("Dictionaries/UnexpectedEnd.json")));

            "When I execute the Load action"
            .x(() => action = () => JsonDictionary.Load(stream));

            "Then it should throw an exception"
            .x(() =>
                action.ShouldThrow <FormatException>().WithMessage("Unexpected end when parsing JSON. Path 'Title', line 4 position 32.");
        public void LoadingJsonWithUnknownToken()
            "Given the file"
            .x(() => stream = Use(File.OpenRead("Dictionaries/UnknownToken.json")));

            "When I execute the Load action"
            .x(() => action = () => JsonDictionary.Load(stream));

            "Then it should throw an exception"
            .x(() =>
                action.ShouldThrow <FormatException>().WithMessage("Unsupported JSON token 'StartArray' was found. Path 'Search', line 6 position 15.");
        public void LoadingJsonWithArrayAsRoot()
            "Given the file"
            .x(() => stream = Use(File.OpenRead("Dictionaries/ArrayAsRoot.json")));

            "When I execute the Load action"
            .x(() => action = () => JsonDictionary.Load(stream));

            "Then it should throw an exception"
            .x(() =>
                action.ShouldThrow <FormatException>().WithMessage("Only an object can be the root. Path '', line 1 position 1.");
        public void LoadingDictionary()
            "Given the file"
            .x(() => stream = Use(File.OpenRead("Dictionaries/Correct.json")));

            "When I load the JSON dictionary"
            .x(() => dictionary = JsonDictionary.Load(stream));

            "Then it should be loaded correctly"
            .x(() =>
                dictionary.Culture.Should().Be(new CultureInfo("en"));
                dictionary.Values["Title"].Should().Be("Application Title");
                dictionary.Values["Search:NotSupported"].Should().Be("Not supported");