Beispiel #1
        private static Dictionary <int, string> GetJournalFileIndexMap(JournalConfiguration configuration, bool validateJournalSequence)
            var journalIndexPathMap = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            if (!Directory.Exists(configuration.JournalDirectory))
                throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("Could not find journal directory at path: " + configuration.JournalDirectory);

            var files = Directory.GetFiles(configuration.JournalDirectory, configuration.JournalFileName + ".*");

            if (!files.Any())
                throw new FileNotFoundException("No journal files found at path: " + configuration.JournalDirectory);

            Array.ForEach(files, filePath =>
                var idxString = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                int idx;
                if (!int.TryParse(idxString, out idx))

                journalIndexPathMap.Add(idx, filePath);

            if (!journalIndexPathMap.Any())
                throw new FileLoadException("Failed to find any valid journal files to load at path: " + configuration.JournalDirectory);

            var orderedJournalIndexPathMap = journalIndexPathMap
                                             .OrderBy(x => x.Key)
                                             .ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);

            if (validateJournalSequence)
                var keys = orderedJournalIndexPathMap.Keys.ToArray();
                if (Enumerable.Range(0, keys.Length).Any(i => keys[i] != keys[0] + i))
                    throw new FileLoadException(
                              "The loaded journal files were not in sequential order. " +
                              "Please ensure the specified journal directory contains all journal files created by the journal object.");

Beispiel #2
 public UnbufferedJournalFileWriter(JournalConfiguration journalConfiguration)
     : base(journalConfiguration)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the 'common' workload before and after executing the underlying
        /// method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Execution context.</param>
        /// <param name="request">Request message.</param>
        /// <returns>Response message.</returns>
        public async Task <Rp> RunAsync(ExecutionContext context, Rq request)
            #region Validations

            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));


             * Where's my request? This can happen, when the user doesn't
             * provide a "{}" during the JSON post.
            if (request == null)
                throw new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_RequestIsNull);

            JournalConfiguration config = ZincConfiguration.Current.Journaling;

            if (config.To == null)
                throw new ZincException(ER.Journaling_NotConfigured);

            ZincJournal journalConfig = ZincConfiguration.Current.Journals.FirstOrDefault(j => j.Name == config.To);

            if (journalConfig == null)
                throw new ZincException(ER.Journaling_JournalNotFound, config.To);

            IExecutionJournal journal;

                journal = Platinum.Activator.Create <IExecutionJournal>(journalConfig.Type);
            catch (ActorException ex)
                throw new ZincException(ER.Journaling_InvalidMoniker, ex, config.To);

             * Normalize WCF dates, so that they are ALL DateTimeKind = Utc
             * Once normalized, secrefy the message.
            var jrequest = Secrets.Strip <Rq>(request);

             * Pre-log
            if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                await journal.PreAsync(context, jrequest);

             * Validate
            ValidationResult vr;

                vr = Validator.Validate <Rq>(request);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var vex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_RequestValidate, ex, request.GetType().FullName);
                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, null, vex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, vex);

                throw vex;

            if (vr.IsValid == false)
                ActorAggregateException agex = new ActorAggregateException(vr.Errors);

                var vex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_RequestInvalid, agex, request.GetType().FullName);
                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, null, vex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, vex);

                throw vex;

            T method = System.Activator.CreateInstance <T>();

             * Run
            Rp response;

                response = await method.RunAsync(context, request);
            catch (ActorException ex)
                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, null, ex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, ex);

            catch (AggregateException ex)
                if (ex.InnerExceptions.Count == 1 && ex.InnerExceptions[0] is ActorException)
                    var aex = (ActorException)ex.InnerExceptions[0];

                    context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                        await journal.PostAsync(context, null, aex);
                        await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, aex);

                    // Yes, this will re-write exception stack :-(
                    throw aex;
                else if (ex.InnerExceptions.All(x => x is ActorException) == true)
                    ActorAggregateException agg = new ActorAggregateException(ex.InnerExceptions.Select(x => x as ActorException));
                    var uex = new ZincAggregateException(ex.InnerExceptions[0] as ActorException, agg);

                    context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                        await journal.PostAsync(context, null, uex);
                        await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, uex);

                    throw uex;
                    var uex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_UnhandledException, ex, typeof(T).FullName, ex.Message);

                    context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                    if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                        await journal.PostAsync(context, null, uex);
                        await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, uex);

                    throw uex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                var uex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_UnhandledException, ex, typeof(T).FullName, ex.Message);

                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, null, uex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, null, uex);

                throw uex;

             * We always expect a response: we should never accept a null response!
            if (response == null)
                throw new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_ResponseIsNull, typeof(T).FullName);

            var jresponse = Secrets.Strip <Rp>(response);

             * Validate
                vr = Validator.Validate <Rp>(response);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var vex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_ResponseValidate, ex, request.GetType().FullName);
                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, jresponse, vex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, jresponse, vex);

                throw vex;

            if (vr.IsValid == false)
                ActorAggregateException agex = new ActorAggregateException(vr.Errors);
                var vex = new ZincException(ER.MethodInvoker_ResponseInvalid, agex, request.GetType().FullName);

                context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

                if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                    await journal.PostAsync(context, jresponse, vex);
                    await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, jresponse, vex);

                throw vex;

             * Post-log
            context.MomentEnd = PreciseDateTime.UtcNow;

            if (config.Type == MethodLoggingType.PrePost)
                await journal.PostAsync(context, jresponse, null);
                await journal.FullAsync(context, jrequest, jresponse, null);

Beispiel #4
 public PadToAlignToSector(JournalConfiguration journalConfiguration)
     _journalConfiguration = journalConfiguration;
Beispiel #5
 protected JournalFileWriter(JournalConfiguration journalConfiguration)
     _journalConfiguration = journalConfiguration;
Beispiel #6
 public JournalReader(JournalConfiguration configuration, bool validateJournalSequence)
     _journalIndexPathMap = GetJournalFileIndexMap(configuration, validateJournalSequence);