Beispiel #1
        public static void Run(
            [QueueTrigger(JobTracker.ZipBuilderQueue, Connection = "ConnectionStrings:Storage")] string data,
            ILogger log, ExecutionContext context)
            int id     = int.Parse(data); // int because JobTracker is QueuedJob<int>
            var config = context.GetConfig();

            var databaseConnection = config["ConnectionStrings:Database"];
            var storageConnection  = config["ConnectionStrings:Storage"];
            var statusUpdateUrl    = config["StatusUpdateUrl"];

            var repo = new JobTrackerRepository(databaseConnection);

            new ZipFileBuilder(storageConnection, (id) => $"{statusUpdateUrl}/{id}", repo, log)
Beispiel #2
        private void ZipBuilderInner(bool postUpdates)
            // since this is testing a real job, I need to pass real connection strings from that project
            var dbConnection = Config["Values:ConnectionStrings:Database"];
            var repo         = new JobTrackerRepository(dbConnection);

            var logger = LoggerFactory.Create(config => config.AddDebug()).CreateLogger("testing");

            // I already have some blobs in this location in this account.
            // a more robust test would upload some files first rather than assume these
            var job = QueueClientExtensions.SaveJobAsync(repo, "adamo", new ZipRequest()
                ContainerName = "sample-uploads",
                BlobPrefix    = "anonUser"

            var storageConnection = Config["Values:ConnectionStrings:Storage"];

            var function = new ZipFileBuilder(storageConnection, (id) => $"https://localhost:44377/JobUpdated/{id}", repo, logger)
                PostStatusUpdates = postUpdates
            var result = function.ExecuteAsync(job.Id).Result;

            // verify the download works
            var response = _client.GetAsync(result.Url).Result;


            // and is a valid zip file
            var tempFile = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName() + ".zip");

            using (var downloadFile = File.Create(tempFile))

            using (var zipFile = ZipFile.OpenRead(tempFile))

Beispiel #3
 public ZipFileBuilder(string storageConnection, Func <int, string> endpointBuilder, JobTrackerRepository repository, ILogger logger) : base(repository, logger)
     _storageConnection = storageConnection;
     _endpointBuilder   = endpointBuilder;