public virtual void Start()
     if (m_Thread.IsAlive)
     Status = JobStatus.Started;
 public IEnumerable<Job> LoadBy(JobStatus status)
     using (var persistenceStore = _persistenceProvider.CreateStore())
         return persistenceStore.LoadBy(status);
 protected override GameAction PrepareNextActionOverride(out JobStatus progress)
     if (this.m_group == null)
         return PrepareNextActionOverrideHerdless(out progress);
         return PrepareNextActionOverrideHerd(out progress);
        GameAction PrepareNextActionOverrideHerd(out JobStatus progress)
            var center = m_group.GetCenter();

            var centerVector = center - this.Worker.Location;
            centerVector = new IntVector3(centerVector.X, centerVector.Y, 0);

            var r = this.Worker.World.Random;
            int moveStrength = m_group.GroupSize + 1;

            var l = centerVector.Length;

            if (l < moveStrength && r.Next(4) < 2)
                progress = JobStatus.Ok;
                return new WaitAction(r.Next(4) + 1);

            var moveVector = new IntVector3(r.Next(-moveStrength, moveStrength + 1), r.Next(-moveStrength, moveStrength + 1), 0);

            var v = centerVector + moveVector;

            var dir = v.ToDirection();

            if (dir == Direction.None)
                progress = JobStatus.Ok;
                return new WaitAction(r.Next(4) + 1);

            var action = DoMove(dir);

            progress = JobStatus.Ok;
            return action;
        protected override void OnStateChanged(JobStatus status)
            if (status == JobStatus.Ok)

            // else Abort, Done or Fail
Beispiel #6
        Job EndTree(Job job, JobStatus endStatus)
            // If this is the root, mutate to completed status.
            if (job.ParentId == null)
                return _jobMutator.Mutate<EndTransition>(job, status: JobStatus.Completed);

            job = _jobMutator.Mutate<EndTransition>(job, PendingEndStatus[endStatus]);

             * First, load the parent, find the await record for this job and
             * update its status to end status.
            // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
            var parent = _jobRepository.Load(job.ParentId.Value);
            var @await = parent.Continuation.Find(job);
            @await.Status = endStatus;

             * After we set the await's status, invoke ContinuationDispatcher to
             * ensure any pending await for parent is dispatched.
             * If ContinuationDispatcher returns any awaits, that means parent job is not
             * ready for completion.
            var pendingAwaits = _continuationDispatcher.Dispatch(parent);

            if (!pendingAwaits.Any())
                EndTree(parent, JobStatus.Completed);

            return _jobMutator.Mutate<EndTransition>(job, endStatus);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a select command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection to create the command with.</param>
        /// <param name="status">The job status to filter results on.</param>
        /// <param name="count">The maximum number of results to select.</param>
        /// <param name="before">The queued-after date to filter on.</param>
        /// <returns>A select command.</returns>
        protected override DbCommand CreateSelectCommand(DbConnection connection, JobStatus status, int count, DateTime before)
            const string SqlStart = "SELECT{0} * FROM {1} WHERE {2} = {3} AND {4} < {5} ORDER BY {4};";

            DbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
            command.Parameters.Add(this.ParameterWithValue(this.ParameterName("Status"), status.ToString()));
            command.Parameters.Add(this.ParameterWithValue(this.ParameterName("Before"), before));

            string countString = String.Empty;

            if (count > 0)
                countString = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, " TOP ({0})", this.ParameterName("Count"));
                command.Parameters.Add(this.ParameterWithValue(this.ParameterName("Count"), count));

            command.CommandText = String.Format(

            return command;
        public Job Change(Job job, JobStatus newStatus, Activity activity = null)
            switch (newStatus)
                case JobStatus.Ready:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, new[] {JobStatus.Created},
                        () => _jobMutator.Mutate<StatusChanger>(job, status: newStatus));
                case JobStatus.Running:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, RunnableStatuses, () => _runningTransition.Transit(job));
                case JobStatus.Completed:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, CompletableStatus,
                        () => _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Completed));
                case JobStatus.Failed:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, FallibleStatuses, () => _failedTransition.Transit(job));
                case JobStatus.WaitingForChildren:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, AwaitableStatus,
                        () => _waitingForChildrenTransition.Transit(job, activity));
                case JobStatus.Poisoned:
                    return CheckStatusAndInvoke(job, PoisonableStatus,
                        () => _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Poisoned));
                case JobStatus.Cancelling:
                    return _jobMutator.Mutate<StatusChanger>(job, status: newStatus);
                case JobStatus.Cancelled:
                    return _endTransition.Transit(job, JobStatus.Cancelled);

            return job;
 public virtual void Abort()
     if (!m_Thread.IsAlive)
     Status = JobStatus.NotStarted;
 public PublishJobEntry(Handle jobHandle, string jobName, string category, JobStatus jobStatus, User jobOwner)
     JobHandle = jobHandle.ToString();
      Name = jobName;
      Status = jobStatus;
      Owner = jobOwner;
      Category = category;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JobCompletedEventArgs"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobName">Name of the job.</param>
 /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
 /// <param name="jobId">The job id.</param>
 /// <param name="started">The time the job run started.</param>
 /// <param name="finished">The time the job run ended.</param>
 /// <param name="result">The result of the job run.</param>
 /// <param name="status">The status of the job run.</param>
 public JobCompletedEventArgs(string jobName, JobAction action, string jobId, DateTime started, DateTime finished, string result, JobStatus status)
     : base(jobName, action, jobId)
     Started = started;
     Finished = finished;
     Result = result;
     Status = status;
	public void Run ()
		Status = JobStatus.Running;
		if (Execute ())
			Status = JobStatus.Finished;
			Status = JobStatus.Failed;
Beispiel #13
        internal HpcJobSubmission(HpcLinqContext context)
            this.m_context = context;
            this.m_status = JobStatus.NotSubmitted;

            //@@TODO[P0] pass the runtime to the DryadJobSubmission so that it can use the scheduler instance.
            //@@TODO: Merge DryadJobSubmission into Ms.Hpc.Linq. Until then make sure Context is not disposed before DryadJobSubmission.
            this.m_job = new DryadJobSubmission(m_context.GetIScheduler());
        protected override GameAction PrepareNextActionOverride(out JobStatus progress)
            var dir = m_fleeVector.ToDirection();

            var action = DoMove(dir);

            progress = JobStatus.Ok;
            return action;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MarshalByRefObject" /> class. 
 /// </summary>
 public JobContext(string name, string description, DateTime lastRunTime, JobStatus lastStatus, IDictionary<string, object> arguments, Action<string> updateStatus, IDependencyResolver resolver)
     UpdateStatusAction = updateStatus;
     Name = name;
     Description = description;
     LastRunTime = lastRunTime;
     LastStatus = lastStatus;
     Arguments = arguments;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:System.MarshalByRefObject" /> class. 
 /// </summary>
 public JobContext(string name, string description, DateTime lastRunTime, JobStatus lastStatus, IDictionary<string, object> arguments, Action<string> updateStatus)
     _updateStatus = updateStatus;
     _name = name;
     _description = description;
     _lastRunTime = lastRunTime;
     _lastStatus = lastStatus;
     _arguments = arguments;
Beispiel #17
        public Job Transit(Job job, JobStatus endStatus)
            if (job == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("job");

            if (!EndStatuses.Contains(endStatus))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("endStatus", endStatus, "Not a valid end status.");

            return job.ParentId == null ?
                _jobMutator.Mutate<EndTransition>(job, status: endStatus) : EndTree(job, endStatus);
            public void ParentShouldGoToIntermediaryStatusBeforeEndStatus(JobStatus status)
                Job root = _world.NewJob.In(JobStatus.WaitingForChildren);
                Job parent = _world.NewJob.In(JobStatus.WaitingForChildren).AsChildOf(ref root, JobStatus.Ready);
                var child = _world.NewJob.In(JobStatus.Running).AsChildOf(ref parent, JobStatus.Ready);

                _world.NewEndTransition().Transit(child, status);

                _world.JobMutator.Mutations(parent).Verify(JobStatus.ReadyToComplete, JobStatus.Completed);
Beispiel #19
        public Job(JobStatus status, String title, String description, DateTime deadline)
            Random r = new Random((Int32)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
            key = r.Next();

            Status = status;
            Title = title;
            Description = description;
            DeadlineDate = deadline;
Beispiel #20
        private void main_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            JobStatus JS = new JobStatus(DataList.EpicConn);

            bool morePages;

            JobStatusDataSet JSDS = JS.GetRows("Plant = 'MfgSys' AND Jobclosed = False AND JobComplete = false AND JobFirm=false AND JobEngineered=true AND JobReleased=false BY DueDate", "", 100, 0, out morePages);

            dataGridView1.DataSource = JSDS.Tables[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobId"></param>
        /// <param name="jobStatus"></param>
        public void SetJobStatus(Guid jobId, JobStatus jobStatus)
            if (_scheduled_Jobs.ContainsKey(jobId))
                IScheduledJob job = _scheduled_Jobs[jobId];
                job.JobStatus = jobStatus;

            //Update the configuration for currently scheduled jobs
 public void UpdateBackupJobStatus(Guid backupJobId, JobStatus status)
     using (var ctx = new LANBackupContext())
         var job = ctx.BACKUPJOBS.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == backupJobId);
         if (job != null)
             job.STATUS = (int) status;
Beispiel #23
 public void JobEdit(int jobId, string name, JobStatus status, int pageId, string description)
     Database.Execute(() =>
                                   DbCommand cmd = CreateCommand("NewsletterJobEdit");
                                   cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("jobid", jobId));
                                   cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("name", name));
                                   cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("pageId", pageId));
                                   cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("status", status));
                                   cmd.Parameters.Add(CreateParameter("description", description));
Beispiel #24
 public Job()
     this.guid = Guid.Empty;
     this.jobID = null;
     this.userGuid = Guid.Empty;
     this.userName = null;
     this.appDomainID = -1;
     this.queueGuid = Guid.Empty;
     this.workflowTypeName = null;
     this.workflowInstanceId = Guid.Empty;
     this.timeStarted = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.status = JobStatus.Unknown;
        public async Task ShouldOnlyRecoverJobsInRecoverableState(JobStatus status, bool recoverable)
            Dependable.Job job = _world.NewJob.In(status);
            Dependable.Job next = _world.NewJob;

            _world.PersistenceStore.LoadBy(status).Returns(new[] {job});

            var configuration = _world.NewJobQueueFactory().Create();

            var first = await configuration.Default.Read();

            Assert.Equal(recoverable ? job : next, first);
Beispiel #26
 public void Execute()
         Status = JobStatus.Running;
         Status = JobStatus.Succeeded;
         Status = JobStatus.Failed;
            public void DoesNotCompleteParentWithIncompleteSiblings(JobStatus siblingStatus)
                Job parent = _world.NewJob.In(JobStatus.WaitingForChildren);
                var sibling = _world.NewJob.In(siblingStatus).AsChildOf(ref parent, JobStatus.Ready);
                var siblingContinuation = parent.Continuation.Find(sibling);

                _world.ContinuationDispatcher.Dispatch(parent).Returns(new[] { siblingContinuation });

                var completingChild = _world.NewJob.In(JobStatus.Running).AsChildOf(ref parent, JobStatus.Ready);

                _world.NewEndTransition().Transit(completingChild, JobStatus.Completed);

                Assert.Equal(JobStatus.WaitingForChildren, parent.Status);
        protected override GameAction PrepareNextActionOverride(out JobStatus progress)
            var v = m_location - this.Worker.Location;

            if (!this.Worker.Location.IsAdjacentTo(m_location, DirectionSet.Planar))
                progress = JobStatus.Fail;
                return null;

            var action = new FellTreeAction(v.ToDirection());
            progress = JobStatus.Ok;
            return action;
Beispiel #29
        protected override GameAction PrepareNextActionOverride(out JobStatus progress)
            var v = m_location - this.Worker.Location;

            if (!v.IsNormal)
                progress = JobStatus.Fail;
                return null;

            var action = new MineAction(v.ToDirection(), m_mineActionType);
            progress = JobStatus.Ok;
            return action;
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new job executor object.
 /// </summary>
 public DryadLinqJobExecutor(DryadLinqContext context)
     // use a new job submission object for each query
     this.m_context = context;
     this.m_currentStatus = JobStatus.NotSubmitted;
     if (context.LocalExecution)
         this.m_jobSubmission = new LocalJobSubmission(context);
         this.m_jobSubmission = new YarnJobSubmission(context);
Beispiel #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Send notification email to specific users on import of Price report
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobStatus"></param>
 public void ProcessNotifications(JobStatus jobStatus)
     _service.ProcessNotifications(Models.JobNotificationType.LoadPriceReportNotification, jobStatus);
 protected override void OnStatusChanged(JobStatus status)
Beispiel #33
 public AtomicParsley(string Parameters, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, bool ignoreSuspend = false)
     : base(Parameters, APP_PATH, jobStatus, jobLog, ignoreSuspend)
     _success = false; //Atomic Parsley handlers look for a true condition in the output so we start with false
 private Job CreateNewJob()
 => new Job(new JobIdentifier(), JobStatus.Create(_quantityOfWork * QuantityOfWork.Unit));
Beispiel #35
 public Job(ProcessInfo processInformation, JobStatus status = JobStatus.Unknown)
     ProcessInformation = processInformation;
     Status             = status;
Beispiel #36
        // * Public constructor
        // */
        //public Job(Task task, List<string> filePaths) {
        //    timestamp = DateTime.Now;
        //    this.task = task;
        //    this.filePaths = filePaths;
        //    Status = Job.JobStatus.Active;

        // * Public constructor
        // */
        //public Job(Task task, string filePath) {
        //    timestamp = DateTime.Now;
        //    this.task = task;
        //    DestinationPath = filePath;
        //    Status = Job.JobStatus.Active;

        ///Constructor for a generic Job
        public Job(Task task)
            timestamp = DateTime.Now;
            this.task = task;
            Status    = Job.JobStatus.Active;
Beispiel #37
        internal AnalyzeJobState(DateTimeOffset createdDateTime, Guid jobId, DateTimeOffset lastUpdateDateTime, JobStatus status, TasksStateTasks tasks) : base(createdDateTime, jobId, lastUpdateDateTime, status)
            if (tasks == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tasks));

            Errors = new ChangeTrackingList <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal>();
            Tasks  = tasks;
Beispiel #38
 public Supervise(Guid jobId, DateTime lastStatusTimestamp, JobStatus lastStatus)
     JobId = jobId;
     LastStatusTimestamp = lastStatusTimestamp;
     LastStatus          = lastStatus;
        private void listViewStatus_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (listViewStatus.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                ListViewItem item = listViewStatus.SelectedItems[0];
                if (item.Tag != null && item.Tag is FullJob)
                    FullJob fj = (FullJob)item.Tag;
                    JobStatus js = fj.Status;

                    if (js.Result != null && js.Result.Logs.Count > 0)
                        Dictionary<string, List<string>> logEntries = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

                        foreach (FileData log in js.Result.Logs)
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(log.Data))
                                string lastDateTimeStr = null;
                                TextReader tr = new StreamReader(ms);
                                string line = null;
                                while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                    //[20100830 15:58:49] 
                                    string datetime = line.Substring(1, 17);
                                    if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(datetime, @"\d{8}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}").Success)
                                        lastDateTimeStr = datetime;
                                        if (!logEntries.ContainsKey(datetime))
                                            logEntries[datetime] = new List<string>();
                                        if (!logEntries[datetime].Contains(line))
                                        if (lastDateTimeStr != null)

                        System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache), Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".log"));
                        using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Create)))
                            List<string> keys = new List<string>(logEntries.Keys);
                            foreach (string key in keys)
                                foreach (string line in logEntries[key])
                        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", "\"" + fi.FullName + "\"").WaitForExit();
                        catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #40
 public StatusChangedEventArgs(JobStatus status)
     Status = status;
Beispiel #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JobInformationResponse" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="JobId">JobId.</param>
 /// <param name="Name">A user-provided name for the job..</param>
 /// <param name="Description">An optional user-provided text describing the job..</param>
 /// <param name="CreatedAt">The time of job creation.</param>
 /// <param name="Owner">The user_id of the job-owning user..</param>
 /// <param name="ClientInformation">ClientInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="Services">Services.</param>
 /// <param name="JobStatus">JobStatus.</param>
 /// <param name="ProgressDetails">ProgressDetails.</param>
 /// <param name="AssessmentMetrics">AssessmentMetrics.</param>
 public JobInformationResponse(string JobId = default(string), string Name = default(string), string Description = default(string), DateTime?CreatedAt = default(DateTime?), string Owner = default(string), ClientInformation ClientInformation = default(ClientInformation), ServicesArray Services = default(ServicesArray), JobStatus JobStatus = default(JobStatus), ProgressDetails ProgressDetails = default(ProgressDetails), JobInformationResponseAssessmentMetrics AssessmentMetrics = default(JobInformationResponseAssessmentMetrics))
     this.JobId             = JobId;
     this.Name              = Name;
     this.Description       = Description;
     this.CreatedAt         = CreatedAt;
     this.Owner             = Owner;
     this.ClientInformation = ClientInformation;
     this.Services          = Services;
     this.JobStatus         = JobStatus;
     this.ProgressDetails   = ProgressDetails;
     this.AssessmentMetrics = AssessmentMetrics;
Beispiel #42
 public static void ChangeStatus(this Job job, JobStatus newStatus)
     job.Status = newStatus;
Beispiel #43
 private void UpdateStatus(JobStatus status)
     _hostControl.Invoke((Action)(() => _job.Status = status));
Beispiel #44
 internal void SetStatus(JobStatus js)
     this.m_currentStatus = js;
Beispiel #45
        // POST api/Compute
        public string Post(Microsoft.Research.Science.FetchClimate2.Serializable.FetchRequest request)
                if (request.ReproducibilityTimestamp == new DateTime())
                    request.ReproducibilityTimestamp = DateTime.MaxValue;
                var exactTS = WebApiApplication.GetExactConfigurationTimestamp(request.ReproducibilityTimestamp);
                if (exactTS == DateTime.MinValue)
                    FrontendTrace.TraceError("Cannot process request. Timestamp {0} is too early for current service configuration", request.ReproducibilityTimestamp);
                    return(String.Format(Constants.FaultReply, "Timestamp is too early for this service"));
                    FrontendTrace.TraceVerbose("Request received: timestamp = {0}, exact timestamp = {1}",
                                               request.ReproducibilityTimestamp, exactTS);
                    request.ReproducibilityTimestamp = exactTS;

                var jobManager = WebApiApplication.GetSharedJobManager(Request);

                var fetchRequest = request.ConvertFromSerializable();

                string errorMsg;
                if (!fetchRequest.Domain.IsContentValid(out errorMsg)) //checking request content
                    return(string.Format(Constants.FaultReply, errorMsg));

                string hash = fetchRequest.GetSHAHash();
                FrontendTrace.TraceInfo("{0}: Hash is computed for request", hash);

                var jobStatus = jobManager.Submit(fetchRequest, hash, jobRegistrationPermitedTime, minPtsPerPartition, maxPtsPerPartition, RoleEnvironment.Roles["FetchWorker"].Instances.Count);
                if (jobStatus.State == JobOrPartState.Pending || jobStatus.State == JobOrPartState.InProgress)
                    // Waiting for some time before response in case job manage to complete
                    FrontendTrace.TraceVerbose("{0}:Waiting for request completion", hash);
                    for (int i = 0; i *jobStatusCheckIntervalMilisec * 0.001 < waitingFastResultPeriodSec; ++i)
                        jobStatus = jobManager.GetStatus(hash);
                        if ((jobStatus.State == JobOrPartState.Completed) || (jobStatus.State == JobOrPartState.Failed))
                            FrontendTrace.TraceVerbose("{0}:Request result is ready in less than {1} seconds, reporting {2} status", hash, waitingFastResultPeriodSec, jobStatus.ToString());
                    FrontendTrace.TraceVerbose("{0}:Request result is not ready in {1} seconds, reporting {2} status", hash, waitingFastResultPeriodSec, jobStatus.ToString());
            catch (Exception exc)
                FrontendTrace.TraceError("Request is processing error: {0}", exc.ToString());
Beispiel #46
        private static JobStepBase getJobStepFromFactory(JobStatus jobStatus)
            switch (jobStatus)
            // Extract Data
            case JobStatus.ExtractControllerVersionAndApplications:
                return(new ExtractControllerVersionAndApplications());

            case JobStatus.ExtractControllerConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractControllerConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions:
                return(new ExtractControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions());

            case JobStatus.ExtractDashboards:
                return(new ExtractDashboards());

            case JobStatus.ExtractLicenses:
                return(new ExtractLicenses());

            case JobStatus.ExtractControllerAuditEventsAndNotifications:
                return(new ExtractControllerAuditEventsAndNotifications());

            case JobStatus.ExtractApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations:
                return(new ExtractApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations());

            case JobStatus.ExtractApplicationHealthRulesAlertsPolicies:
                return(new ExtractApplicationHealthRulesAlertsPolicies());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractAPMConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractDBConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractDBConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractWEBConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractWEBConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractMOBILEConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractMOBILEConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractBIQConfiguration:
                return(new ExtractBIQConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMEntities:
                return(new ExtractAPMEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractSIMEntities:
                return(new ExtractSIMEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractDBEntities:
                return(new ExtractDBEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractWEBEntities:
                return(new ExtractWEBEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractMOBILEEntities:
                return(new ExtractMOBILEEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractBIQEntities:
                return(new ExtractBIQEntities());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMMetrics:
                return(new ExtractAPMMetrics());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMFlowmaps:
                return(new ExtractAPMFlowmaps());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMEntityDashboardScreenshots:
                return(new ExtractAPMEntityDashboardScreenshots());

            case JobStatus.ExtractAPMSnapshots:
                return(new ExtractAPMSnapshots());

            // Index data
            case JobStatus.IndexControllerVersionAndApplications:
                return(new IndexControllerVersionAndApplications());

            case JobStatus.IndexControllerConfiguration:
                return(new IndexControllerConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions:
                return(new IndexControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions());

            case JobStatus.IndexDashboards:
                return(new IndexDashboards());

            case JobStatus.IndexLicenses:
                return(new IndexLicenses());

            case JobStatus.IndexControllerAuditEventsAndNotifications:
                return(new IndexControllerAuditEventsAndNotifications());

            case JobStatus.IndexApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations:
                return(new IndexApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations());

            case JobStatus.IndexAPMEntities:
                return(new IndexAPMEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexSIMEntities:
                return(new IndexSIMEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexDBEntities:
                return(new IndexDBEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexWEBEntities:
                return(new IndexWEBEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexMOBILEEntities:
                return(new IndexMOBILEEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexBIQEntities:
                return(new IndexBIQEntities());

            case JobStatus.IndexApplicationHealthRulesAlertsPolicies:
                return(new IndexApplicationHealthRulesAlertsPolicies());

            case JobStatus.IndexAPMConfiguration:
                return(new IndexAPMConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexDBConfiguration:
                return(new IndexDBConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexWEBConfiguration:
                return(new IndexWEBConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexMOBILEConfiguration:
                return(new IndexMOBILEConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexBIQConfiguration:
                return(new IndexBIQConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.IndexApplicationConfigurationDifferences:
                return(new IndexApplicationConfigurationDifferences());

            case JobStatus.IndexAPMMetrics:
                return(new IndexAPMMetrics());

            case JobStatus.IndexAPMFlowmaps:
                return(new IndexAPMFlowmaps());

            case JobStatus.IndexAPMSnapshots:
                return(new IndexAPMSnapshots());

            // Report data
            case JobStatus.ReportControllerAndApplicationConfiguration:
                return(new ReportControllerAndApplicationConfiguration());

            case JobStatus.ReportControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions:
                return(new ReportControllerUsersGroupsRolesAndPermissions());

            case JobStatus.ReportDashboards:
                return(new ReportDashboards());

            case JobStatus.ReportLicenses:
                return(new ReportLicenses());

            case JobStatus.ReportApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations:
                return(new ReportApplicationEventsAndHealthRuleViolations());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMEntities:
                return(new ReportAPMEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportSIMEntities:
                return(new ReportSIMEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportDBEntities:
                return(new ReportDBEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportWEBEntities:
                return(new ReportWEBEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportMOBILEEntities:
                return(new ReportMOBILEEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportBIQEntities:
                return(new ReportBIQEntities());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMMetrics:
                return(new ReportAPMMetrics());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMMetricGraphs:
                return(new ReportAPMMetricGraphs());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMSnapshots:
                return(new ReportAPMSnapshots());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMSnapshotsMethodCallLines:
                return(new ReportAPMSnapshotsMethodCallLines());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMFlameGraphs:
                return(new ReportAPMFlameGraphs());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMEntityDetails:
                return(new ReportAPMEntityDetails());

            case JobStatus.ReportAPMEntityDashboardScreenshots:
                return(new ReportAPMEntityDashboardScreenshots());


Beispiel #47
        private const double DRC  = 0.8; // Dynamic Range Compression to 80%

        public ConvertWithMencoder(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan)
            : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan)
            //Check if MEncoder EDL Removal has been disabled at conversion time
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);

            mEncoderEDLSkip = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "MEncoderEDLSkip", false);
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "MEncoder skip EDL cuts (MEncoderEDLSkip) : " + mEncoderEDLSkip.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            _extractCC = conversionOptions.extractCC;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_extractCC)) // If Closed Caption extraction is enabled, we don't use cut EDL using Mencoder during encoding, Mencoder has a bug which causes it to cut out of sync with the EDL file which throws the CC out of sync, it will be cut separately
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Closed Captions Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                mEncoderEDLSkip = true;

            if ((_startTrim != 0) || (_endTrim != 0)) // If trimming is enabled skip cutting using EDL otherwise MEncoder messes it up
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Trimming Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                mEncoderEDLSkip = true;
Beispiel #48
        /// <summary>
        /// Process all task of Price report
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>JobStatus</returns>
        public JobStatus Process()
            #region Previous Code
            //int jobCount = 0;
            //dlxTaskResult taskResult = dlxTaskResult.SuccessResult();
            //JobStatus jobStatus = JobStatus.DlxSuccessResult();
            //Job jobLog = new Job();
            //jobLog.JobType = FtpConfigurationType.PriceReport.ToString();
            //jobLog.TriggeredBy = this.RunBy;
            //int jobId = _service.JobLog(jobLog);
            //jobStatus.JobId = jobId;

            //foreach (var task in _tasks)
            //    jobCount++;
            //    if (taskResult.IsSuccess)
            //    {
            //        task.PreviousTaskResult = taskResult;
            //        task.Execute(jobId);
            //        taskResult = task.GetTaskResult();
            //        //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000);
            //        if (jobCount == _tasks.Count() && taskResult.IsSuccess)
            //        {
            //            jobLog.Status = true;
            //            jobLog.Description = "Job Successfully Completed";
            //            jobLog.Id = jobId;
            //            _service.UpdateJobLog(jobLog);
            //        }
            //        if (jobCount == _tasks.Count() && !taskResult.IsSuccess)
            //        {
            //            jobLog.Status = false;
            //            jobLog.Description = "Job fails due to"+ " " + taskResult.ErrorMessage;
            //            jobLog.Id = jobId;
            //            _service.UpdateJobLog(jobLog);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        jobLog.Status = false;
            //        jobLog.Description = "Job fails due to" + " " + taskResult.ErrorMessage;
            //        jobLog.Id = jobId;
            //        _service.UpdateJobLog(jobLog);
            //        break;
            //    }

            int           jobCount   = 0;
            dlxTaskResult taskResult = dlxTaskResult.SuccessResult();
            JobStatus     jobStatus  = JobStatus.DlxSuccessResult();
            Job           jobLog     = new Job();
            jobLog.JobType     = FtpConfigurationType.PriceReport.ToString();
            jobLog.TriggeredBy = this.RunBy;
            int jobId = _service.JobLog(jobLog);
            jobStatus.JobId = jobId;
            string runingTask      = string.Empty;
            int    recordsImported = 0;

            foreach (var task in _tasks)
                runingTask = task.Name;
                if (taskResult.IsSuccess)
                    task.PreviousTaskResult = taskResult;
                    taskResult = task.GetTaskResult();
                    jobStatus.Success  = false;
                    jobLog.Description = "Job fails due to" + " " + taskResult.ErrorMessage;

                if (taskResult.TaskData != null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskResult.TaskData.FilePath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobLog.FileName))
                        string filePath = taskResult.TaskData.FilePath;
                        jobLog.FileName = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

                    if (taskResult.TaskData.NoOfRecordImported > 0)
                        recordsImported = taskResult.TaskData.NoOfRecordImported;

            jobLog.Status      = taskResult.IsSuccess;
            jobLog.Description = taskResult.IsSuccess ? "Job completed successfully" : string.Format("Job failed due to {0} task failed", runingTask);
            jobLog.Id          = jobId;

            jobStatus.FileName            = jobLog.FileName;
            jobStatus.NoOfRecordsImported = recordsImported;
            jobStatus.Success             = taskResult.IsSuccess;
 public FullJob(Job j, JobStatus js)
     this.Job = j;
     this.Status = js;
Beispiel #50
 public DownloadJobStatusEntry(string appName, Guid jobId, JobStatus jobStatusValue)
     this._appName   = appName;
     this._jobId     = jobId;
     this._jobStatus = jobStatusValue;
Beispiel #51
 internal AnalyzeJobState(DateTimeOffset createdDateTime, string displayName, DateTimeOffset?expirationDateTime, Guid jobId, DateTimeOffset lastUpdateDateTime, JobStatus status, IReadOnlyList <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal> errors, TextDocumentBatchStatistics statistics, TasksStateTasks tasks, string nextLink) : base(createdDateTime, displayName, expirationDateTime, jobId, lastUpdateDateTime, status)
     Errors     = errors;
     Statistics = statistics;
     Tasks      = tasks;
     NextLink   = nextLink;
 private IEnumerable <JenkinsJobViewModel> GetJobsInStatus(JobStatus jobStatus)
     return(this.GetAllJobsViewModels().Where(o => o.Status == jobStatus));
Beispiel #53
 internal HealthcareJobState(DateTimeOffset createdDateTime, DateTimeOffset?expirationDateTime, string jobId, DateTimeOffset lastUpdateDateTime, JobStatus status, HealthcareResult results, IReadOnlyList <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal> errors, string nextLink) : base(createdDateTime, expirationDateTime, jobId, lastUpdateDateTime, status)
     Results  = results;
     Errors   = errors;
     NextLink = nextLink;
Beispiel #54
        // parse the CSV file
        internal Collection <RepairOrder> Parse(Stream stream)
            var items = new Collection <RepairOrder>();
            int max   = _MaxPreview;
            int ret   = max;

            if (_ShowAll | 0 == max)
                max = 0;
                max = _MaxPreview + 1;
            CSV file = new CSV(stream,
                               hasHeaders: true, charDelimiter: ',', charQuote: '"', charEscapeQuote: '\\', fileEncoding: Encoding.UTF8, maxRecords: max, name: Title);
            DataTable table = file.ToDataTable();

            if (null == table)
                _Proxy.NoticeLog(string.Format("EBS Bulk Import cannot parse file {0} id {1}. Cannot create data table.",
                                               Title, FileId), null);
                _JobStatus = JobStatus.ParseError;
            DataRowCollection rows = table.Rows;
            int rowCount           = rows.Count;

            ret = rowCount;
            if (0 == rowCount || (rowCount <= _MaxPreview) || (0 == max))
                _LoadedAll       = true;
                IsShowAllEnabled = false;
            else if (rowCount == (_MaxPreview + 1))
                _LoadedAll       = false;
                IsShowAllEnabled = true;
                ret = rowCount - 1;
                _LoadedAll       = false;
                IsShowAllEnabled = true;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                if (++i > ret)
                var item = new RepairOrder(
                    Convert.ToString(row.Field <object>("PROBLEM_DESCRIPTION")),
                    Convert.ToString(row.Field <object>("APPROVAL_REQUIRED_FLAG")),
                    Convert.ToDecimal(row.Field <object>("REPAIR_TYPE_ID")),
                    Convert.ToDecimal(row.Field <object>("QUANTITY")),
                    Convert.ToString(row.Field <object>("UNIT_OF_MEASURE")),
                    Convert.ToString(row.Field <object>("CURRENCY_CODE")),
                item.SerialNumber = Convert.ToString(row.Field <object>("SERIAL_NUMBER"));
        internal static HealthcareJobState DeserializeHealthcareJobState(JsonElement element)
            Optional <HealthcareResult> results = default;
            Optional <IReadOnlyList <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal> > errors = default;
            Optional <string>         nextLink           = default;
            DateTimeOffset            createdDateTime    = default;
            Optional <string>         displayName        = default;
            Optional <DateTimeOffset> expirationDateTime = default;
            string         jobId = default;
            DateTimeOffset lastUpdateDateTime = default;
            JobStatus      status             = default;

            foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject())
                if (property.NameEquals("results"))
                    if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
                    results = HealthcareResult.DeserializeHealthcareResult(property.Value);
                if (property.NameEquals("errors"))
                    if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
                    List <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal> array = new List <TextAnalyticsErrorInternal>();
                    foreach (var item in property.Value.EnumerateArray())
                    errors = array;
                if (property.NameEquals("@nextLink"))
                    nextLink = property.Value.GetString();
                if (property.NameEquals("createdDateTime"))
                    createdDateTime = property.Value.GetDateTimeOffset("O");
                if (property.NameEquals("displayName"))
                    displayName = property.Value.GetString();
                if (property.NameEquals("expirationDateTime"))
                    if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null)
                    expirationDateTime = property.Value.GetDateTimeOffset("O");
                if (property.NameEquals("jobId"))
                    jobId = property.Value.GetString();
                if (property.NameEquals("lastUpdateDateTime"))
                    lastUpdateDateTime = property.Value.GetDateTimeOffset("O");
                if (property.NameEquals("status"))
                    status = new JobStatus(property.Value.GetString());
            return(new HealthcareJobState(createdDateTime, displayName.Value, Optional.ToNullable(expirationDateTime), jobId, lastUpdateDateTime, status, results.Value, Optional.ToList(errors), nextLink.Value));
Beispiel #56
        public static IEnumerable <JobTask> Search(Int32 id, Int32 appid, Int32 jobid, JobStatus status, DateTime start, DateTime end, String client, String key, PageParameter p)
            var exp = new WhereExpression();

            if (id > 0)
                exp &= _.ID == id;
            if (appid > 0)
                exp &= _.AppID == appid;
            if (jobid > 0)
                exp &= _.JobID == jobid;
            if (status >= JobStatus.就绪)
                exp &= _.Status == status;
            if (!client.IsNullOrEmpty())
                exp &= _.Client == client;
            if (!key.IsNullOrEmpty())
                exp &= _.Data.Contains(key) | _.Message.Contains(key) | _.Key == key;
            exp &= _.Start.Between(start, end);

            return(FindAll(exp, p));
Beispiel #57
 public SuperviseJobCommand(Guid jobId, T command, DateTime lastStatusTimestamp, JobStatus lastStatus)
     JobId       = jobId;
     LastUpdated = lastStatusTimestamp;
     LastStatus  = lastStatus;
     Command     = command;
Beispiel #58
 public void Cancelled()
     Description = "Cancelled";
     Status      = JobStatus.Cancelled;
     StatusChanged?.Invoke(this, null);
Beispiel #59
		void IJobObserver.OnObservableJobStatusChanged(IJob job, JobStatus status)
			Debug.Assert(job is Jobs.JobGroups.BuildItemJob);
			OnJobStatusChanged(job, status);
Beispiel #60
 public Job()
     ProcessInformation = null;
     Status             = JobStatus.Unknown;
     ErrorMessage       = "";