Beispiel #1
        private void LoadJobs(string sampleDataPath, TimeSpan offset)
            var newJobsJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(
                System.IO.Path.Combine(sampleDataPath, "newjobs.json"));
            var allNewJobs = (List <BlackMaple.MachineWatchInterface.NewJobs>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(
                typeof(List <BlackMaple.MachineWatchInterface.NewJobs>),

            foreach (var newJobs in allNewJobs)
                foreach (var j in newJobs.Jobs)
                    OffsetJob(j, offset);
                foreach (var su in newJobs.StationUse)
                    su.StartUTC = su.StartUTC.Add(offset);
                    su.EndUTC   = su.EndUTC.Add(offset);
                foreach (var w in newJobs.CurrentUnfilledWorkorders)
                    w.DueDate = w.DueDate.Add(offset);

                JobDB.AddJobs(newJobs, null);
Beispiel #2
 public MazakQueues(JobLogDB log, JobDB jDB, IWriteData trans)
     _jobDB               = jDB;
     _log                 = log;
     _transDB             = trans;
     CurrentQueueMismatch = false;
        public BuildCurrentStatusSpec()
            var logConn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");

            _emptyLog = new JobLogDB(new FMSSettings(), logConn);
            _emptyLog.CreateTables(firstSerialOnEmpty: null);

            var jobConn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");

            _jobDB = new JobDB(jobConn);

            _settings = new FMSSettings();
            _settings.Queues["castings"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueAAA"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueBBB"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueCCC"] = new QueueSize();

            jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.TimespanConverter());
            jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter());
            jsonSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc;
            jsonSettings.Formatting           = Formatting.Indented;
            jsonSettings.ConstructorHandling  = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor;

            queueSyncFault = Substitute.For <IQueueSyncFault>();
Beispiel #4
 public JobDBUpgradeSpec()
     _jobs = new JobDB();
     _tempFile = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
     System.IO.File.Copy("job.v16.db", _tempFile, overwrite: true);
Beispiel #5
        public static int Save(JobLM lm)
            JobDB db = JobDB.ToDB(lm);


            lm.AutoID = db.AutoID;
Beispiel #6
        public MakinoBackend(IConfiguration config, FMSSettings st)
                var cfg = config.GetSection("Makino");

                string adePath = cfg.GetValue <string>("ADE Path");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adePath))
                    adePath = @"c:\Makino\ADE";

                string dbConnStr = cfg.GetValue <string>("SQL Server Connection String");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbConnStr))
                    dbConnStr = DetectSqlConnectionStr();

                bool downloadOnlyOrders = cfg.GetValue <bool>("Download Only Orders");

                    "Starting makino backend. Connection Str: {connStr}, ADE Path: {path}, DownloadOnlyOrders: {downOnlyOrders}",
                    dbConnStr, adePath, downloadOnlyOrders);

                _dataDirectory = st.DataDirectory;

                _log = new JobLogDB(st);
                    System.IO.Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, "log.db"),
                    System.IO.Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, "inspections.db"),
                    startingSerial: st.StartingSerial

                _jobDB = new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.JobDB();
                _jobDB.Open(System.IO.Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, "jobs.db"));

                _status = new StatusDB(System.IO.Path.Combine(_dataDirectory, "makino.db"));

                _makinoDB = new MakinoDB(MakinoDB.DBTypeEnum.SqlLocal, "", _status, _log);
                _makinoDB = new MakinoDB(MakinoDB.DBTypeEnum.SqlConnStr, dbConnStr, _status, _log);

                _logTimer = new LogTimer(_log, _jobDB, _makinoDB, _status, st);

                _jobs = new Jobs(_makinoDB, _jobDB, adePath, downloadOnlyOrders);

                _logTimer.LogsProcessed += OnLogsProcessed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex, "Error when initializing makino backend");
Beispiel #7
        public MockServerBackend()
            string path = null; // dataDir

            string dbFile(string f) => System.IO.Path.Combine(path, f + ".db");

            if (path != null)
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile("log")))
                LogDB = new JobLogDB(new FMSSettings());
                LogDB.Open(dbFile("log"), dbFile("insp"));

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(dbFile("job")))
                JobDB = new JobDB();
                var conn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");
                LogDB = new JobLogDB(new FMSSettings(), conn);
                LogDB.CreateTables(firstSerialOnEmpty: null);

                conn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");
                JobDB = new JobDB(conn);

            _jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            _jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter());
            _jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.TimespanConverter());
            _jsonSettings.ContractResolver    = new Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.DefaultContractResolver();
            _jsonSettings.ConstructorHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor;

            var sampleDataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(

            // sample data starts at Jan 1, 2018.  Need to offset to current month
            var jan1_18 = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var offset  = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-28).Subtract(jan1_18);

            LoadEvents(sampleDataPath, offset);
            LoadJobs(sampleDataPath, offset);
            LoadStatus(sampleDataPath, offset);
Beispiel #8
        public ActionResult UpdateJob(FormCollection formCollection)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;

            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "client")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "FactoryLayout"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            // Get Job
            Job jobToEdit = new Job();

            jobToEdit                = new JobDB().SelectwithId(formCollection["jobID"]);
            jobToEdit.jobTitle       = formCollection["jobTitle"];
            jobToEdit.jobBudget      = Int32.Parse(formCollection["jobBudget"]);
            jobToEdit.jobType        = formCollection["jobType"];
            jobToEdit.jobDescription = formCollection["jobDescription"];

            // Update Data
            new JobDB().Update(jobToEdit);

            // View Data
            List <Job> list = new List <Job>();

            list = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list = list.FindAll(u => u.jobAdminAcceptance == "Accepted" && u.jobStatus == "Waitting");
            // Clients
            List <User> clients = new List <User>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
                clients.Add(new UserDB().SelectwithId(list[i].clientID.ToString()));
            ViewData["Jobs"]    = list;
            ViewData["Job"]     = null;
            ViewData["Clients"] = clients;
Beispiel #9
        public ActionResult receivedproposals()
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;
            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "admin")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Dashboard"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            // Get all User Job
            List <Job> jobList = new JobDB().SelectAll();

            jobList = jobList.FindAll(J => J.clientID == user.userID);

            // Get all Proposels
            List <Proposal> AllproposalList = new ProposalsDB().SelectAll();
            List <Proposal> proposalList    = new List <Proposal>();

            for (int i = 0; i < jobList.Count(); i++)
                List <Proposal> temp = AllproposalList.FindAll(p => p.jobID == jobList[i].jobID);

            // Get all User that proposed
            List <User> userList = new List <User>();

            for (int i = 0; i < proposalList.Count(); i++)
                userList.Add(new UserDB().SelectwithId(proposalList[i].freelancerID.ToString()));

            // ** We need to send Jobs , Proposel for each Job, Client for each Proposel **
            // Return to View Profile
            ViewData["jobList"]      = jobList;
            ViewData["proposalList"] = proposalList;
            ViewData["userList"]     = userList;
Beispiel #10
        private static void AddDataFromJobDB(JobDB jobDB, JobPlan jobFromMazak)
            var jobFromDb = jobDB.LoadJob(jobFromMazak.UniqueStr);

            if (jobFromDb == null)

            jobFromMazak.RouteStartingTimeUTC = jobFromDb.RouteStartingTimeUTC;
            jobFromMazak.RouteEndingTimeUTC   = jobFromDb.RouteEndingTimeUTC;
            jobFromMazak.ScheduleId           = jobFromDb.ScheduleId;
            jobFromMazak.HoldEntireJob = jobFromDb.HoldEntireJob;
            foreach (var b in jobFromDb.ScheduledBookingIds)
            for (int proc = 1; proc <= jobFromMazak.NumProcesses; proc++)
                for (int path = 1; path <= jobFromMazak.GetNumPaths(proc); path++)
                    if (proc > jobFromDb.NumProcesses || path > jobFromDb.GetNumPaths(proc))

                    jobFromMazak.SetSimulatedStartingTimeUTC(proc, path,
                                                             jobFromDb.GetSimulatedStartingTimeUTC(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetSimulatedAverageFlowTime(proc, path,
                                                             jobFromDb.GetSimulatedAverageFlowTime(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetSimulatedProduction(proc, path,
                                                        jobFromDb.GetSimulatedProduction(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetExpectedLoadTime(proc, path,
                                                     jobFromDb.GetExpectedLoadTime(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetExpectedUnloadTime(proc, path,
                                                       jobFromDb.GetExpectedUnloadTime(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetInputQueue(proc, path,
                                               jobFromDb.GetInputQueue(proc, path));
                    jobFromMazak.SetOutputQueue(proc, path,
                                                jobFromDb.GetOutputQueue(proc, path));

                    var mazakStops = jobFromMazak.GetMachiningStop(proc, path).ToList();
                    var dbStops    = jobFromDb.GetMachiningStop(proc, path).ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(mazakStops.Count, dbStops.Count); i++)
                        mazakStops[i].StationGroup      = dbStops[i].StationGroup;
                        mazakStops[i].ExpectedCycleTime = dbStops[i].ExpectedCycleTime;
Beispiel #11
 public LogTimer(
     JobLogDB log, JobDB jobDB, MakinoDB makinoDB, StatusDB status, FMSSettings settings)
     _lock     = new object();
     _log      = log;
     _jobDB    = jobDB;
     Settings  = settings;
     _makinoDB = makinoDB;
     _status   = status;
     TimerSignaled(null, null);
     _timer          = new System.Timers.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds);
     _timer.Elapsed += TimerSignaled;
Beispiel #12
        // POST PAGE
        public ActionResult PostsPage(string jobID)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;

            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "client")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "FactoryLayout"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            Job job = new Job();

            if (jobID != null)
                job = new JobDB().SelectwithId(jobID);
                job = null;
            // Jobs
            List <Job> list = new List <Job>();

            list = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list = list.FindAll(u => u.jobAdminAcceptance == "Accepted" && u.jobStatus == "Waitting");
            // Clients
            List <User> clients = new List <User>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
                clients.Add(new UserDB().SelectwithId(list[i].clientID.ToString()));
            ViewData["Jobs"]    = list;
            ViewData["Clients"] = clients;
            ViewData["Job"]     = job;
Beispiel #13
        public DecrementSpec()
            var jobConn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");

            _jobDB = new JobDB(jobConn);

            _write = new WriteMock();

            _read = Substitute.For <IReadDataAccess>();

            _decr = new DecrementPlanQty(_jobDB, _write, _read);
Beispiel #14
        public ActionResult UpdateJobType(FormCollection formCollection)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;

            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "client")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "FactoryLayout"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            // Get the Job
            Job job = new Job();

            job = new JobDB().SelectwithId(formCollection["jobID"]);
            // Update Role
            job.jobAdminAcceptance = formCollection["type"];
            // Set the Job
            new JobDB().Update(job);
            // Jobs
            List <Job> list = new List <Job>();

            list = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list = list.FindAll(u => u.jobAdminAcceptance == "Waitting");
            // Clients
            List <User> clients = new List <User>();

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count(); i++)
                clients.Add(new UserDB().SelectwithId(list[i].clientID.ToString()));

            ViewData["Jobs"]    = list;
            ViewData["Clients"] = clients;
Beispiel #15
        public ActionResult myposts(string jobID)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;
            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "admin")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Dashboard"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            List <Job> list_posts = new List <Job>();

            list_posts = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list_posts = list_posts.FindAll(J => J.clientID == user.userID);
            // Return to View Profile
            ViewData["jobs"] = list_posts;

            Job job = new Job();

            if (jobID != null)
                job = new JobDB().SelectwithId(jobID);
                job = null;
            ViewData["Job"] = job;
Beispiel #16
        public ActionResult Search(FormCollection formCollection)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;

            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "admin")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Dashboard"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            var dataToSearch = formCollection["dataToSearch"];

            List <Job> list_posts = new List <Job>();

            list_posts = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list_posts = list_posts.FindAll(J => J.clientID == user.userID);
            if (dataToSearch != "")
                list_posts = list_posts.FindAll(J => J.jobTitle == dataToSearch);

            // Return to View Profile
            ViewData["jobs"] = list_posts;
            ViewData["Job"]  = null;

Beispiel #17
        public ActionResult createnewpost(Job post)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;
            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "admin")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Dashboard"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            post.clientID           = user.userID;
            post.jobStatus          = "Waitting";
            post.jobAdminAcceptance = "Waitting";
            int    clientID  = post.clientID;
            string jobTitle  = post.jobTitle;            //= formCollection["jobtitle"];
            int    jobBudget = post.jobBudget;           //= Int32.Parse(formCollection["jobbudget"]);
            // string creationDate = post.creationDate; // = formCollection["creationdate"];
            string jobDescription = post.jobDescription; //= formCollection["jobdescription"];

            new JobDB().Insert(post);

            List <Job> list_posts = new List <Job>();

            list_posts = new JobDB().SelectAll();
            list_posts = list_posts.FindAll(J => J.clientID == post.clientID);
            // Return to View Profile
            ViewData["jobs"] = list_posts;
Beispiel #18
        public ActionResult EditJob(FormCollection formCollection)
            User user = new User();

            user = Session["User"] as IAProject_FreelancerSystem.Models.User;

            // Users
            if (Session["User"] != null)
                if (user.role == "admin")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "Dashboard"));
                else if (user.role == "freelancer")
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Wall"));

            // Get Job
            Job jobToEdit = new Job();

            jobToEdit                = new JobDB().SelectwithId(formCollection["jobID"]);
            jobToEdit.jobTitle       = formCollection["jobTitle"];
            jobToEdit.jobBudget      = Int32.Parse(formCollection["jobBudget"]);
            jobToEdit.jobType        = formCollection["jobType"];
            jobToEdit.jobDescription = formCollection["jobDescription"];

            // Update Data
            new JobDB().Update(jobToEdit);

Beispiel #19
        public static CurrentStatus Build(JobDB jobDB, JobLogDB log, FMSSettings fmsSettings, IMachineGroupName machineGroupName, IQueueSyncFault queueSyncFault, MazakDbType dbType, MazakAllData mazakData, DateTime utcNow)
            //Load process and path numbers
            Dictionary <string, int> uniqueToMaxPath;
            Dictionary <string, int> uniqueToMaxProcess;

            CalculateMaxProcAndPath(mazakData, out uniqueToMaxPath, out uniqueToMaxProcess);

            var currentLoads = new List <LoadAction>(mazakData.LoadActions);

            var curStatus = new CurrentStatus();

            foreach (var k in fmsSettings.Queues)
                curStatus.QueueSizes[k.Key] = k.Value;
            if (mazakData.Alarms != null)
                foreach (var alarm in mazakData.Alarms)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alarm.AlarmMessage))
            if (queueSyncFault.CurrentQueueMismatch)
                curStatus.Alarms.Add("Queue contents and Mazak schedule quantity mismatch.");

            var jobsBySchID = new Dictionary <long, InProcessJob>();
            var pathBySchID = new Dictionary <long, MazakPart.IProcToPath>();

            foreach (var schRow in mazakData.Schedules)
                if (!MazakPart.IsSailPart(schRow.PartName))

                MazakPartRow partRow = null;
                foreach (var p in mazakData.Parts)
                    if (p.PartName == schRow.PartName)
                        partRow = p;
                if (partRow == null)

                //Parse data from the database
                var partName = partRow.PartName;
                int loc      = partName.IndexOf(':');
                if (loc >= 0)
                    partName = partName.Substring(0, loc);
                string jobUnique = "";
                MazakPart.IProcToPath procToPath = null;
                bool manual = false;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(partRow.Comment))
                    MazakPart.ParseComment(partRow.Comment, out jobUnique, out procToPath, out manual);

                if (!uniqueToMaxProcess.ContainsKey(jobUnique))

                int numProc      = uniqueToMaxProcess[jobUnique];
                int maxProc1Path = uniqueToMaxPath[jobUnique];

                InProcessJob job;

                //Create or lookup the job
                if (curStatus.Jobs.ContainsKey(jobUnique))
                    job = curStatus.Jobs[jobUnique];
                    var jobPaths = new int[numProc];
                    for (int i = 0; i < numProc; i++)
                        jobPaths[i] = maxProc1Path;
                    job                   = new InProcessJob(jobUnique, numProc, jobPaths);
                    job.PartName          = partName;
                    job.JobCopiedToSystem = true;
                    curStatus.Jobs.Add(jobUnique, job);
                jobsBySchID.Add(schRow.Id, job);
                pathBySchID.Add(schRow.Id, procToPath);

                //Job Basics
                job.SetPlannedCyclesOnFirstProcess(procToPath.PathForProc(proc: 1), schRow.PlanQuantity);
                AddCompletedToJob(schRow, job, procToPath);
                job.Priority = schRow.Priority;
                if (((HoldPattern.HoldMode)schRow.HoldMode) == HoldPattern.HoldMode.FullHold)
                    job.HoldEntireJob.UserHold = true;
                    job.HoldEntireJob.UserHold = false;

                AddRoutingToJob(mazakData, partRow, job, machineGroupName, procToPath, dbType);

            var loadedJobs = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var j in jobsBySchID.Values)
                if (loadedJobs.Contains(j.UniqueStr))
                AddDataFromJobDB(jobDB, j);

            //Now add pallets

            foreach (var palRow in mazakData.Pallets)
                if (palRow.PalletNumber > 0 && !curStatus.Pallets.ContainsKey(palRow.PalletNumber.ToString()))
                    var palName = palRow.PalletNumber.ToString();
                    var palLoc  = FindPalletLocation(machineGroupName, mazakData, dbType, palRow.PalletNumber);

                    //Create the pallet
                    PalletStatus status = new PalletStatus()
                        Pallet = palName,
                        CurrentPalletLocation = palLoc,
                        FixtureOnPallet       = palRow.Fixture,
                        NumFaces = 1,
                        OnHold   = false
                    curStatus.Pallets.Add(status.Pallet, status);

                    var oldCycles = log.CurrentPalletLog(palName);

                    //Add the material currently on the pallet
                    foreach (var palSub in mazakData.PalletSubStatuses)
                        if (palSub.PalletNumber != palRow.PalletNumber)
                        if (palSub.FixQuantity <= 0)
                        if (!jobsBySchID.ContainsKey(palSub.ScheduleID))

                        status.NumFaces = Math.Max(status.NumFaces, palSub.PartProcessNumber);

                        var job        = jobsBySchID[palSub.ScheduleID];
                        var procToPath = pathBySchID[palSub.ScheduleID];

                        var matIDs = new Queue <long>(FindMatIDsFromOldCycles(oldCycles, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber));

                        for (int i = 1; i <= palSub.FixQuantity; i++)
                            int  face  = palSub.PartProcessNumber;
                            long matID = -1;
                            if (matIDs.Count > 0)
                                matID = matIDs.Dequeue();

                            var matDetails = log.GetMaterialDetails(matID);
                            var inProcMat  = new InProcessMaterial()
                                MaterialID          = matID,
                                JobUnique           = job.UniqueStr,
                                PartName            = job.PartName,
                                Process             = palSub.PartProcessNumber,
                                Path                = procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber),
                                Serial              = matDetails?.Serial,
                                WorkorderId         = matDetails?.Workorder,
                                SignaledInspections =
                                    .Where(x => x.Inspect)
                                    .Select(x => x.InspType)
                                LastCompletedMachiningRouteStopIndex =
                                        c => c.LogType == LogType.MachineCycle &&
                                        !c.StartOfCycle &&
                                        c.Material.Any(m => m.MaterialID == matID && m.Process == palSub.PartProcessNumber)
                    ? (int?)0
                    : null,
                                Location = new InProcessMaterialLocation()
                                    Type   = InProcessMaterialLocation.LocType.OnPallet,
                                    Pallet = status.Pallet,
                                    Face   = face
                                Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Waiting

                            //check for unloading or transfer
                            var loadNext = CheckLoadOfNextProcess(currentLoads, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber, palLoc);
                            var unload   = CheckUnload(currentLoads, job.UniqueStr, palSub.PartProcessNumber, palLoc);

                            if (loadNext != null)
                                var start = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type                  = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Loading,
                                    LoadOntoFace          = palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1,
                                    LoadOntoPallet        = status.Pallet,
                                    ProcessAfterLoad      = palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1,
                                    PathAfterLoad         = procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber + 1),
                                    ElapsedLoadUnloadTime = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null
                            else if (unload != null)
                                var start = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                    Type =
                                        palSub.PartProcessNumber == job.NumProcesses
                            ? InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.UnloadToCompletedMaterial
                            : InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.UnloadToInProcess,
                                    UnloadIntoQueue = job.GetOutputQueue(
                                        process: palSub.PartProcessNumber,
                                        path: procToPath.PathForProc(palSub.PartProcessNumber)),
                                    ElapsedLoadUnloadTime = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null
                                // detect if machining
                                var start = FindMachineStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles, matID);
                                if (start != null)
                                    var machStop    = job.GetMachiningStop(inProcMat.Process, inProcMat.Path).FirstOrDefault();
                                    var elapsedTime = utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC);
                                    inProcMat.Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                                        Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Machining,
                                        ElapsedMachiningTime           = elapsedTime,
                                        ExpectedRemainingMachiningTime =
                                            machStop != null?machStop.ExpectedCycleTime.Subtract(elapsedTime) : TimeSpan.Zero

                    if (palLoc.Location == PalletLocationEnum.LoadUnload)
                        var start       = FindLoadStartFromOldCycles(oldCycles);
                        var elapsedLoad = start != null ? (TimeSpan?)utcNow.Subtract(start.EndTimeUTC) : null;
                        AddLoads(log, currentLoads, status.Pallet, palLoc, elapsedLoad, curStatus);
                        AddUnloads(log, currentLoads, status, elapsedLoad, oldCycles, curStatus);

            //now queued
            var seenMatIds = new HashSet <long>(curStatus.Material.Select(m => m.MaterialID));

            foreach (var mat in log.GetMaterialInAllQueues())
                // material could be in the process of being loaded
                if (seenMatIds.Contains(mat.MaterialID))
                var matLogs  = log.GetLogForMaterial(mat.MaterialID);
                int lastProc = 0;
                foreach (var entry in log.GetLogForMaterial(mat.MaterialID))
                    foreach (var entryMat in entry.Material)
                        if (entryMat.MaterialID == mat.MaterialID)
                            lastProc = Math.Max(lastProc, entryMat.Process);
                var matDetails = log.GetMaterialDetails(mat.MaterialID);
                curStatus.Material.Add(new InProcessMaterial()
                    MaterialID          = mat.MaterialID,
                    JobUnique           = mat.Unique,
                    PartName            = mat.PartName,
                    Process             = lastProc,
                    Path                = 1,
                    Serial              = matDetails?.Serial,
                    WorkorderId         = matDetails?.Workorder,
                    SignaledInspections =
                        .Where(x => x.Inspect)
                        .Select(x => x.InspType)
                    Location = new InProcessMaterialLocation()
                        Type          = InProcessMaterialLocation.LocType.InQueue,
                        CurrentQueue  = mat.Queue,
                        QueuePosition = mat.Position,
                    Action = new InProcessMaterialAction()
                        Type = InProcessMaterialAction.ActionType.Waiting

            var notCopied = jobDB.LoadJobsNotCopiedToSystem(DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-WriteJobs.JobLookbackHours), DateTime.UtcNow);

            foreach (var j in notCopied.Jobs)
                if (curStatus.Jobs.ContainsKey(j.UniqueStr))
                    //The copy to the cell succeeded but the DB has not yet been updated.
                    //The thread which copies jobs will soon notice and update the database
                    //so we can ignore it for now.
                    curStatus.Jobs.Add(j.UniqueStr, new InProcessJob(j));

            foreach (var j in curStatus.Jobs)
                foreach (var d in jobDB.LoadDecrementsForJob(j.Value.UniqueStr))

Beispiel #20
 public static JobLM Get(int autoID)
     return(JobDB.ToLM(Database.Table <JobDB>().First(i => i.AutoID == autoID)));
Beispiel #21
        public WriteJobsSpec()
            var logConn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");

            _logDB = new JobLogDB(new FMSSettings(), logConn);
            _logDB.CreateTables(firstSerialOnEmpty: null);

            var jobConn = new Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection("Data Source=:memory:");

            _jobDB = new JobDB(jobConn);

            _writeMock = new WriteMock();

            _readMock = Substitute.For <IReadDataAccess>();
            _readMock.LoadAllData().Returns(new MazakAllData()
                Schedules = new[] {
                    // a completed schedule, should be deleted
                    new MazakScheduleRow()
                        Id               = 1,
                        PartName         = "part1:1:1",
                        Comment          = MazakPart.CreateComment("uniq1", new [] { 1 }, false),
                        PlanQuantity     = 15,
                        CompleteQuantity = 15,
                        Priority         = 50,
                        Processes        =
                            new MazakScheduleProcessRow()
                                MazakScheduleRowId = 1,
                                FixedMachineFlag   = 1,
                                ProcessNumber      = 1
                    // a non-completed schedule, should be decremented
                    new MazakScheduleRow()
                        Id               = 2,
                        PartName         = "part2:1:1",
                        Comment          = MazakPart.CreateComment("uniq2", new [] { 1 }, false),
                        PlanQuantity     = 15,
                        CompleteQuantity = 10,
                        Priority         = 50,
                        Processes        =
                            new MazakScheduleProcessRow()
                                MazakScheduleRowId      = 1,
                                FixedMachineFlag        = 1,
                                ProcessNumber           = 1,
                                ProcessMaterialQuantity = 3,
                                ProcessExecuteQuantity  = 2
                Parts = new[] {
                    // should be deleted, since corresponding schedule is deleted
                    new MazakPartRow()
                        PartName  = "part1:1:1",
                        Comment   = MazakPart.CreateComment("uniq1", new[] { 1 }, false),
                        Processes =
                            new MazakPartProcessRow()
                                PartName      = "part1:1:1",
                                ProcessNumber = 1,
                                FixQuantity   = 5,
                                Fixture       = "fixtoremove"
                    //should be kept, since schedule is kept
                    new MazakPartRow()
                        PartName  = "part2:1:1",
                        Comment   = MazakPart.CreateComment("uniq2", new[] { 1 }, false),
                        Processes =
                            new MazakPartProcessRow()
                                PartName      = "part2:1:1",
                                ProcessNumber = 1,
                                FixQuantity   = 2,
                                Fixture       = "fixtokeep"
                Fixtures = new[] {
                    new MazakFixtureRow()
                        FixtureName = "fixtoremove", Comment = "Insight"
                    new MazakFixtureRow()
                        FixtureName = "fixtokeep", Comment = "Insight"
                Pallets = new[] {
                    new MazakPalletRow()
                        PalletNumber = 5, Fixture = "fixtoremove"
                    new MazakPalletRow()
                        PalletNumber = 6, Fixture = "fixtokeep"
                PalletSubStatuses = Enumerable.Empty <MazakPalletSubStatusRow>(),
                PalletPositions   = Enumerable.Empty <MazakPalletPositionRow>(),
                LoadActions       = Enumerable.Empty <LoadAction>(),
                MainPrograms      =
                        (new[] { "1001", "1002", "1003", "1004", "1005" }).Select(p => new MazakProgramRow()
                    MainProgram = p, Comment = ""
                        new[] {
                    new MazakProgramRow()
                        MainProgram = System.IO.Path.Combine("theprogdir", "prog-bbb-1_rev2.EIA"),
                        Comment     = "Insight:2:prog-bbb-1"
                    new MazakProgramRow()
                        MainProgram = System.IO.Path.Combine("theprogdir", "prog-bbb-1_rev3.EIA"),
                        Comment     = "Insight:3:prog-bbb-1"
            _readMock.LoadSchedulesPartsPallets().Returns(x => new MazakSchedulesPartsPallets()
                Schedules         = Enumerable.Empty <MazakScheduleRow>(),
                Parts             = _writeMock.AddParts.Parts,
                Pallets           = _writeMock.AddParts.Pallets,
                PalletSubStatuses = Enumerable.Empty <MazakPalletSubStatusRow>(),
                PalletPositions   = Enumerable.Empty <MazakPalletPositionRow>(),
                LoadActions       = Enumerable.Empty <LoadAction>(),
                MainPrograms      = (new[] {
                    "1001", "1002", "1003", "1004", "1005"
                }).Select(p => new MazakProgramRow()
                    MainProgram = p, Comment = ""

            _settings = new FMSSettings();
            _settings.Queues["castings"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueAAA"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueBBB"] = new QueueSize();
            _settings.Queues["queueCCC"] = new QueueSize();

            _writeJobs = new WriteJobs(
                Substitute.For <IHoldManagement>(),
                check: false,
                useStarting: true,
                progDir: "theprogdir");

            jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
            jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.TimespanConverter());
            jsonSettings.Converters.Add(new Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter());
            jsonSettings.DateTimeZoneHandling = DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc;
            jsonSettings.Formatting           = Formatting.Indented;
Beispiel #22
 public DecrementPlanQty(JobDB jdb, IWriteData w, IReadDataAccess r)
     _jobDB = jdb;
     _write = w;
     _read  = r;
Beispiel #23
 public void Dispose()
Beispiel #24
 public void AddJobs(NewJobs jobs, string expectedPreviousScheduleId)
     JobDB.AddJobs(jobs, expectedPreviousScheduleId);
Beispiel #25
        public MazakBackend(IConfiguration configuration, FMSSettings st)
            var    cfg         = configuration.GetSection("Mazak");
            string localDbPath = cfg.GetValue <string>("Database Path");

            MazakType = DetectMazakType(cfg, localDbPath);

            // database settings
            string sqlConnectString = cfg.GetValue <string>("SQL ConnectionString");
            string dbConnStr;

            if (MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakSmooth)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConnectString))
                    dbConnStr = sqlConnectString;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(localDbPath))
                    // old installers put sql server computer name in localDbPath
                    dbConnStr = "Server=" + localDbPath + "\\pmcsqlserver;" +
                                "User ID=mazakpmc;Password=Fms-978";
                    var b = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
                    b.UserID     = "mazakpmc";
                    b.Password   = "******";
                    b.DataSource = "(local)";
                    dbConnStr    = b.ConnectionString;
                dbConnStr = localDbPath;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbConnStr))
                    dbConnStr = "c:\\Mazak\\NFMS\\DB";

            // log csv
            string logPath = cfg.GetValue <string>("Log CSV Path");

            if (logPath == null || logPath == "")
                logPath = "c:\\Mazak\\FMS\\Log";

            if (MazakType != MazakDbType.MazakVersionE && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(logPath))
                Log.Error("Log CSV Directory {path} does not exist.  Set the directory in the config.ini file.", logPath);
            else if (MazakType != MazakDbType.MazakVersionE)
                Log.Information("Loading log CSV files from {logcsv}", logPath);

            // general config
            string useStarting  = cfg.GetValue <string>("Use Starting Offset For Due Date");
            string useStarting2 = cfg.GetValue <string>("Use Starting Offset");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(useStarting))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(useStarting2))
                    UseStartingOffsetForDueDate = true;
                    UseStartingOffsetForDueDate = Convert.ToBoolean(useStarting2);
                UseStartingOffsetForDueDate = Convert.ToBoolean(useStarting);
            //Perhaps this should be a new setting, but if you don't check for pallets used once
            //then you don't care if all faces on a pallet are full so might as well use priority
            //which causes pallet positions to go empty.
            CheckPalletsUsedOnce = !UseStartingOffsetForDueDate;

            ProgramDirectory = cfg.GetValue <string>("Program Directory");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProgramDirectory))
                ProgramDirectory = "C:\\NCProgs";

            // serial settings
            string serialPerMaterial = cfg.GetValue <string>("Assign Serial Per Material");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serialPerMaterial))
                bool result;
                if (bool.TryParse(serialPerMaterial, out result))
                    if (!result)
                        st.SerialType = SerialType.AssignOneSerialPerCycle;

                "Configured UseStartingOffsetForDueDate = {useStarting}",

            jobLog = new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.JobLogDB(st);
                System.IO.Path.Combine(st.DataDirectory, "log.db"),
                System.IO.Path.Combine(st.DataDirectory, "insp.db"),
                startingSerial: st.StartingSerial

            jobDB = new BlackMaple.MachineFramework.JobDB();
            var jobInspName = System.IO.Path.Combine(st.DataDirectory, "jobinspection.db");

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(jobInspName))
                jobDB.Open(System.IO.Path.Combine(st.DataDirectory, "mazakjobs.db"));

            _writeDB = new OpenDatabaseKitTransactionDB(dbConnStr, MazakType);

            if (MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakVersionE)
                loadOper = new LoadOperationsFromFile(cfg, enableWatcher: true);
            else if (MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakWeb)
                loadOper = new LoadOperationsFromFile(cfg, enableWatcher: false); // web instead watches the log csv files
                loadOper = null; // smooth db doesn't use the load operations file
            var openReadDb = new OpenDatabaseKitReadDB(dbConnStr, MazakType, loadOper);

            if (MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakSmooth)
                _readDB = new SmoothReadOnlyDB(dbConnStr, openReadDb);
                _readDB = openReadDb;

            queues = new MazakQueues(jobLog, jobDB, _writeDB);
            var sendToExternal = new SendMaterialToExternalQueue();

            hold = new HoldPattern(_writeDB, _readDB, jobDB, true);
            var writeJobs = new WriteJobs(_writeDB, _readDB, hold, jobDB, jobLog, st, CheckPalletsUsedOnce, UseStartingOffsetForDueDate, ProgramDirectory);
            var decr      = new DecrementPlanQty(jobDB, _writeDB, _readDB);

            if (MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakWeb || MazakType == MazakDbType.MazakSmooth)
                logDataLoader = new LogDataWeb(logPath, jobLog, jobDB, writeJobs, sendToExternal, _readDB, queues, st);
                logDataLoader = new LogDataVerE(jobLog, jobDB, sendToExternal, writeJobs, _readDB, queues, st);
                throw new Exception("Mazak Web and VerE are not supported on .NET core");

            routing = new RoutingInfo(_writeDB, writeJobs, _readDB, logDataLoader, jobDB, jobLog, writeJobs, queues, decr,
                                      CheckPalletsUsedOnce, st);

            logDataLoader.NewEntries += OnNewLogEntries;
            if (loadOper != null)
                loadOper.LoadActions += OnLoadActions;
Beispiel #26
        public static JobLM[] Search(int userAutoID, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string jobName, string planName, string begindate, string enddate, string isFinish)
            var query = Database.Table <JobDB>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobName))
                query = query.Where(m => m.Name.Contains(jobName));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(planName))
                query = query.Where(m => m.PlanTitle.Contains(planName));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(begindate))
                query = query.Where(m => m.CreateTime >= Convert.ToDateTime(begindate));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(enddate))
                query = query.Where(m => m.CreateTime <= Convert.ToDateTime(enddate).AddDays(1));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isFinish) && isFinish != "不限")
                if (isFinish == "完成")
                    query = query.Where(m => m.IsComplete == true);
                    query = query.Where(m => m.IsComplete == false);
            if (userAutoID == 0)
                return(query.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).OrderByDescending(i => i.UpdateTime).ToArray().Select(i => JobDB.ToLM(i)).ToArray());
            return(query.Where(i => i.UserAutoID == userAutoID && i.DeleteFlag == 0).Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).OrderByDescending(i => i.UpdateTime).ToArray().Select(i => JobDB.ToLM(i)).ToArray());