public async Task Dispatch([NotNull] DashboardContext context)
            var response = new Response()
                Status = true

            var jobId  = context.Request.GetQuery("Id");
            var action = context.Request.GetQuery("Action");

            if (!JobAgent.IsValidJobId(jobId))
                response.Status  = false;
                response.Message = $"The Job Id {jobId} not found";

                await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response));


            if ("Stop".Equals(action))

            if ("Start".Equals(action))

            context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
            await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response));
        public void TestCreateUpdateDropJobCredential()
            using (SqlManagementTestContext context = new SqlManagementTestContext(this))
                ResourceGroup       resourceGroup = context.CreateResourceGroup();
                Server              server        = context.CreateServer(resourceGroup);
                SqlManagementClient sqlClient     = context.GetClient <SqlManagementClient>();

                    // Create database only required parameters
                    string dbName = SqlManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName();
                    var    db1    = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, dbName, new Database()
                        Location = server.Location,

                    // Create agent
                    string agentName = "agent";

                    JobAgent agent = sqlClient.JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agentName, new JobAgent
                        Location   = server.Location,
                        DatabaseId = db1.Id

                    // Create credential
                    JobCredential credential = sqlClient.JobCredentials.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin, new JobCredential
                        Username = "******",
                        Password = "******"

                    // Update credential
                    credential = sqlClient.JobCredentials.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin, new JobCredential
                        Username = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin,
                        Password = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultPassword

                    // List credentials
                    sqlClient.JobCredentials.ListByAgent(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name);

                    // Delete credential
                    sqlClient.JobCredentials.Delete(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, credential.Name);
                    // Clean up resource group
        public async Task Dispatch([NotNull] Dashboard.DashboardContext context)
            if (!"GET".Equals(context.Request.Method, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                context.Response.StatusCode = 405;


            var periodicJob = new List <PeriodicJob>();


            await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(periodicJob));
Beispiel #4
        public async Task Dispatch([NotNull] Dashboard.DashboardContext context)
            if (!"GET".Equals(context.Request.Method, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                context.Response.StatusCode = 405;


            var recurringJob = _connection.GetRecurringJobs();
            var periodicJob  = new List <PeriodicJob>();

            if (recurringJob.Count > 0)
                recurringJob.ForEach((x) =>
                    periodicJob.Add(new PeriodicJob
                        Id            = x.Id,
                        Cron          = x.Cron,
                        CreatedAt     = x.CreatedAt,
                        Error         = x.Error,
                        LastExecution = x.LastExecution.HasValue ? x.LastExecution.Value.ToString("G") : "N/A",//x.LastExecution,
                        Method        = x.Job.Method.Name,
                        JobState      = "Running",
                        Class         = x.Job.Type.Name,
                        Queue         = x.Queue,
                        LastJobId     = x.LastJobId,
                        LastJobState  = x.LastJobState,
                        NextExecution = x.NextExecution.HasValue ? x.NextExecution.Value.ToString("G") : "N/A",
                        Removed       = x.Removed,
                        TimeZoneId    = x.TimeZoneId

            //Add job was stopped:

            await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(periodicJob));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates or updates an agent
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns>The upserted Azure SQL Database Agent</returns>
        public AzureSqlElasticJobAgentModel UpsertAgent(AzureSqlElasticJobAgentModel model)
            // Construct database id
            string databaseId = string.Format("/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/{2}/databases/{3}",

            // Set agent params
            var param = new JobAgent
                Location   = model.Location,
                Tags       = model.Tags,
                DatabaseId = databaseId

            // Send response
            var resp = Communicator.CreateOrUpdateAgent(model.ResourceGroupName, model.ServerName, model.AgentName, param);

            // Return formatted response
            return(CreateAgentModelFromResponse(model.ResourceGroupName, model.ServerName, resp));
        public void TestStartStopGetJobExecution()
            using (SqlManagementTestContext context = new SqlManagementTestContext(this))
                ResourceGroup resourceGroup = context.CreateResourceGroup();
                Server        server        = context.CreateServer(resourceGroup);

                SqlManagementClient sqlClient = context.GetClient <SqlManagementClient>();

                    // Allow all conenctions for test
                    sqlClient.FirewallRules.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, "allowAll", new FirewallRule
                        StartIpAddress = "",
                        EndIpAddress   = "",

                    // Create database only required parameters
                    string dbName = SqlManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName();
                    var    db1    = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, dbName, new Database()
                        Location = server.Location,

                    // Create agent
                    string agentName = "agent";

                    JobAgent agent = sqlClient.JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agentName, new JobAgent
                        Location   = server.Location,
                        DatabaseId = db1.Id

                    // Create credential
                    JobCredential credential = sqlClient.JobCredentials.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin, new JobCredential
                        Username = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin,
                        Password = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultPassword

                    // Create target group
                    JobTargetGroup targetGroup = sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "tg1", new JobTargetGroup
                        Members = new List <JobTarget>
                            // server target
                            new JobTarget
                                ServerName     = server.Name,
                                DatabaseName   = db1.Name,
                                Type           = JobTargetType.SqlDatabase,
                                MembershipType = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Include,

                    // Create job that runs once
                    Job job1 = sqlClient.Jobs.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "job1", new Job
                        Description = "Test description",
                        Schedule    = new JobSchedule
                            Enabled = true,
                            Type    = JobScheduleType.Once,

                    // Create job step
                    JobStep step1 = sqlClient.JobSteps.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, "step1", new JobStep
                        Credential = credential.Id,
                        Action     = new JobStepAction
                            Value = "SELECT 1"
                        TargetGroup = targetGroup.Id

                    // Create job execution from job1 - do sync so we can be sure a step execution succeeds
                    JobExecution jobExecution = sqlClient.JobExecutions.Create(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name);

                    // List executions by agent
                    sqlClient.JobExecutions.ListByAgent(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name);

                    // List executions by job
                    sqlClient.JobExecutions.ListByJob(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name);

                    // Get root job execution
                    jobExecution = sqlClient.JobExecutions.Get(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value);

                    // List step executions by root execution
                    sqlClient.JobStepExecutions.ListByJobExecution(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value);

                    // Get step1 execution
                    sqlClient.JobStepExecutions.Get(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value, step1.Name);

                    // List target executions by root job execution
                    sqlClient.JobTargetExecutions.ListByJobExecution(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value);

                    // List target executions by job step
                    IPage <JobExecution> targetStepExecutions = sqlClient.JobTargetExecutions.ListByStep(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value, step1.Name);

                    // Get target execution
                    sqlClient.JobTargetExecutions.Get(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value, step1.Name, Guid.Parse(targetStepExecutions.FirstOrDefault().Name));

                    // Cancel the job execution
                    sqlClient.JobExecutions.Cancel(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, jobExecution.JobExecutionId.Value);
        public void TestCreateUpdateDropJobStep()
            using (SqlManagementTestContext context = new SqlManagementTestContext(this))
                ResourceGroup       resourceGroup = context.CreateResourceGroup();
                Server              server        = context.CreateServer(resourceGroup);
                SqlManagementClient sqlClient     = context.GetClient <SqlManagementClient>();

                    // Create database only required parameters
                    string dbName = SqlManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName();
                    var    db1    = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, dbName, new Database()
                        Location = server.Location,

                    // Create agent
                    string agentName = "agent";

                    JobAgent agent = sqlClient.JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agentName, new JobAgent
                        Location   = server.Location,
                        DatabaseId = db1.Id

                    // Create credential
                    JobCredential credential = sqlClient.JobCredentials.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin, new JobCredential
                        Username = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin,
                        Password = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultPassword

                    // Create target group
                    JobTargetGroup targetGroup = sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "tg1", new JobTargetGroup
                        Members = new List <JobTarget>
                            // server target
                            new JobTarget
                                ServerName        = server.Name,
                                Type              = JobTargetType.SqlServer,
                                RefreshCredential = credential.Id,
                                MembershipType    = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Include,

                    // Create job that runs once
                    Job job1 = sqlClient.Jobs.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "job1", new Job
                        Description = "Test description",
                        Schedule    = new JobSchedule
                            Enabled = true,
                            Type    = JobScheduleType.Once,

                    // Create step with min params
                    JobStep step1 = sqlClient.JobSteps.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, "step1", new JobStep
                        Credential = credential.Id,
                        Action     = new JobStepAction
                            Value = "SELECT 1"
                        TargetGroup = targetGroup.Id

                    // Update step with max params
                    step1 = sqlClient.JobSteps.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, "step1", new JobStep
                        Credential = credential.Id,
                        Action     = new JobStepAction
                            Value  = "SELECT 1",
                            Source = "Inline",
                            Type   = "TSql"
                        TargetGroup      = targetGroup.Id,
                        ExecutionOptions = new JobStepExecutionOptions
                            InitialRetryIntervalSeconds = 100,
                            MaximumRetryIntervalSeconds = 1000,
                            RetryAttempts = 1000,
                            RetryIntervalBackoffMultiplier = 1.5,
                            TimeoutSeconds = 10000
                        Output = new JobStepOutput
                            ResourceGroupName = "rg1",
                            ServerName        = "s1",
                            DatabaseName      = "db1",
                            SchemaName        = "dbo",
                            TableName         = "tbl",
                            SubscriptionId    = new Guid(),
                            Credential        = credential.Id,
                            Type = JobStepOutputType.SqlDatabase

                    // List steps by job
                    sqlClient.JobSteps.ListByJob(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name);

                    // Delete job step
                    sqlClient.JobSteps.Delete(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name, step1.Name);
        public void TestCreateUpdateDropJob()
            using (SqlManagementTestContext context = new SqlManagementTestContext(this))
                ResourceGroup       resourceGroup = context.CreateResourceGroup();
                Server              server        = context.CreateServer(resourceGroup);
                SqlManagementClient sqlClient     = context.GetClient <SqlManagementClient>();

                    // Create database only required parameters
                    string dbName = SqlManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName();
                    var    db1    = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, dbName, new Database()
                        Location = server.Location,

                    // Create agent
                    string agentName = "agent";

                    JobAgent agent = sqlClient.JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agentName, new JobAgent
                        Location   = server.Location,
                        DatabaseId = db1.Id

                    // Create job that repeats every 5 min from now. Starting now and ending in a day.
                    Job job1 = sqlClient.Jobs.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "job1", new Job
                        Description = "Test description",
                        Schedule    = new JobSchedule
                            Enabled   = false,
                            StartTime = new DateTime(),
                            EndTime   = new DateTime().AddDays(1),
                            Type      = JobScheduleType.Recurring,
                            Interval  = "PT5M"

                    // Update job to run once
                    job1 = sqlClient.Jobs.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "job1", new Job
                        Description = "Test description",
                        Schedule    = new JobSchedule
                            Enabled = true,
                            Type    = JobScheduleType.Once,

                    // List job
                    sqlClient.Jobs.ListByAgent(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name);

                    // Delete job
                    sqlClient.Jobs.Delete(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, job1.Name);
        public void TestCreateUpdateDropTargetGroup()
            using (SqlManagementTestContext context = new SqlManagementTestContext(this))
                ResourceGroup       resourceGroup = context.CreateResourceGroup();
                Server              server        = context.CreateServer(resourceGroup);
                SqlManagementClient sqlClient     = context.GetClient <SqlManagementClient>();

                    // Create database only required parameters
                    string dbName = SqlManagementTestUtilities.GenerateName();
                    var    db1    = sqlClient.Databases.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, dbName, new Database()
                        Location = server.Location,

                    // Create agent
                    string agentName = "agent";

                    JobAgent agent = sqlClient.JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agentName, new JobAgent
                        Location   = server.Location,
                        DatabaseId = db1.Id

                    // Create credential
                    JobCredential credential = sqlClient.JobCredentials.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin, new JobCredential
                        Username = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultLogin,
                        Password = SqlManagementTestUtilities.DefaultPassword

                    // Create target group
                    JobTargetGroup targetGroup = sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "tg1", new JobTargetGroup
                        Members = new List <JobTarget>
                            // server target
                            new JobTarget
                                ServerName        = "s1",
                                Type              = JobTargetType.SqlServer,
                                RefreshCredential = credential.Id,
                                MembershipType    = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Include,

                    // Update target group with each type of target
                    targetGroup = sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, "tg1", new JobTargetGroup
                        Members = new List <JobTarget>
                            // server target
                            new JobTarget
                                ServerName        = "s1",
                                Type              = JobTargetType.SqlServer,
                                RefreshCredential = credential.Id,
                                MembershipType    = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Include,
                            // db target
                            new JobTarget
                                DatabaseName   = "db1",
                                ServerName     = "s1",
                                Type           = JobTargetType.SqlDatabase,
                                MembershipType = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Include,
                            // shard map target
                            new JobTarget
                                ShardMapName      = "sm1",
                                DatabaseName      = "db1",
                                ServerName        = "s1",
                                RefreshCredential = credential.Id,
                                Type           = JobTargetType.SqlShardMap,
                                MembershipType = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Exclude,
                            // elastic pool target
                            new JobTarget
                                ElasticPoolName   = "ep1",
                                ServerName        = "s1",
                                RefreshCredential = credential.Id,
                                Type           = JobTargetType.SqlElasticPool,
                                MembershipType = JobTargetGroupMembershipType.Exclude,

                    // List target groups
                    sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.ListByAgent(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name);

                    // Delete target group
                    sqlClient.JobTargetGroups.Delete(resourceGroup.Name, server.Name, agent.Name, targetGroup.Name);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert JobAgent model to AzureSqlDatabaseAgentModel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resourceGroupName">The resource group the server is in</param>
        /// <param name="serverName">The server the agent is in</param>
        /// <param name="resp">The management client server response to convert</param>
        /// <returns>The converted agent model</returns>
        private static AzureSqlElasticJobAgentModel CreateAgentModelFromResponse(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, JobAgent resp)
            string databaseName = new ResourceIdentifier(resp.DatabaseId).ResourceName;
            int?   workerCount  = resp.Sku.Capacity;

            AzureSqlElasticJobAgentModel agent = new AzureSqlElasticJobAgentModel
                ResourceGroupName = resourceGroupName,
                ServerName        = serverName,
                AgentName         = resp.Name,
                Location          = resp.Location,
                DatabaseName      = databaseName,
                WorkerCount       = workerCount,
                ResourceId        = resp.Id,
                Tags       = TagsConversionHelper.CreateTagDictionary(TagsConversionHelper.CreateTagHashtable(resp.Tags), false),
                DatabaseId = resp.DatabaseId,
                State      = resp.State,
                Type       = resp.Type

 /// <summary>
 /// Creates or updates a job agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceGroupName'>
 /// The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain
 /// this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='serverName'>
 /// The name of the server.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='jobAgentName'>
 /// The name of the job agent to be created or updated.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// The requested job agent resource state.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='cancellationToken'>
 /// The cancellation token.
 /// </param>
 public static async Task <JobAgent> BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync(this IJobAgentsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string jobAgentName, JobAgent parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var _result = await operations.BeginCreateOrUpdateWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroupName, serverName, jobAgentName, parameters, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates or updates a job agent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// The operations group for this extension method.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='resourceGroupName'>
 /// The name of the resource group that contains the resource. You can obtain
 /// this value from the Azure Resource Manager API or the portal.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='serverName'>
 /// The name of the server.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='jobAgentName'>
 /// The name of the job agent to be created or updated.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='parameters'>
 /// The requested job agent resource state.
 /// </param>
 public static JobAgent BeginCreateOrUpdate(this IJobAgentsOperations operations, string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string jobAgentName, JobAgent parameters)
     return(operations.BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync(resourceGroupName, serverName, jobAgentName, parameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult());
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// PUT: Creates an Azure SQL Database Agent
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resourceGroupName">The resource group name</param>
 /// <param name="serverName">The server name</param>
 /// <param name="agentName">The agent name</param>
 /// <param name="parameters">The agent's create parameters</param>
 /// <returns>The newly created agent</returns>
 public JobAgent CreateOrUpdateAgent(string resourceGroupName, string serverName, string agentName, JobAgent parameters)
     return(GetCurrentSqlClient().JobAgents.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, serverName, agentName, parameters));