Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Export process to code folder in vs project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fi"></param>
        /// <param name="mapedFile"></param>
        private void Export_Process(FileInfo fi)
            #region Mapped process template file

            FileInfo f_prc_template = new DirectoryInfo(SYS_MAPS_PATH).GetFiles(dGLOBALS.MAPS_PROCESS)[0];
            String   prc_template   = File.ReadAllText(f_prc_template.FullName);

            #region Loop into processes

            JSonFile jProcess = new JSonFile(fi.FullName);
            if ((jProcess.jActiveObj[dPROCESS.PROCESSES] != null) && (fi.Name != "base_process.json"))
                String functions      = "";
                String base_processes = "";

                #region create path to code

                // export code to
                String code_path   = (system_app) ? System_code_path : dEXPORTCODE.VS_CODE_PATH;
                String codeMapPath = Path.Combine(APP_VSPROJECT_PATH, code_path);

                String processes_path = DAPP_PRC.FullName;
                String file_path      = fi.FullName.Replace(processes_path, "");
                String relative_path  = "";
                String filename       = "";
                foreach (String dir in file_path.Split(new char[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                    if (!dir.Contains(".json"))
                        relative_path = Path.Combine(relative_path, dir);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(codeMapPath, relative_path)))
                            Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(codeMapPath, relative_path));
                        filename = dir.Replace(".json", ".cs");

                #region Get code from logic and insert into process file

                foreach (JToken Jnode in jProcess.jActiveObj[dPROCESS.PROCESSES] as JArray)
                    // Get code from logic
                    String Guid       = Jnode[dPROCESS.GUID].ToString();
                    String Name       = (Jnode[dPROCESS.NAME] != null) ? Jnode[dPROCESS.NAME].ToString() : "";
                    String Desciption = (Jnode[dPROCESS.DESCRIPTION] != null) ? Jnode[dPROCESS.DESCRIPTION].ToString() : "";
                    String prc_code   = CLogicEditor.get_Code_from_logic(ARQODE_PATH, Guid);

                    if ((prc_code == "") && (Jnode[dPROCESS.CODE] != null) && (Jnode[dPROCESS.CODE].ToString() != ""))
                        prc_code = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(Jnode[dPROCESS.CODE].ToString()));
                    if (prc_code != "")
                        // Save into current process
                        Jnode[dPROCESS.CODE] = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(prc_code));

                        // write replaced template file to mapped folder. Renaming guid to valid function name
                        functions += dEXPORTCODE.F_TEMPLATE.
                                     Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_NAME, Name).
                                     Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_DESCRIPTION, Desciption).
                                     Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_FUNCTION_NAME, Utils.escape_sc(Guid)).
                                     Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_CODE, prc_code);

                    #region Save base process string

                    JToken base_prc = Jnode.DeepClone();
                    if (Jnode[dPROCESS.CODE] != null)
                    base_processes += "public static string BP_" + Utils.escape_sc(Guid) +
                                      " { get { return \"" +
                                      + "\"; } } \r\n";

                if (functions != "")
                    #region Save process file

                    prc_template = prc_template
                                   .Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_FUNCTIONS, functions)            // Replace functions
                                   .Replace(dEXPORTCODE.F_BASE_PROCESSES, base_processes); // Replace base processs strings

                    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(codeMapPath, Path.Combine(relative_path, filename)), prc_template);

                    #region Insert into VS project file

                    // Add node if not founded else remove from pj_compile list
                    if (!pj_compile_items.ContainsKey(Path.Combine(code_path, Path.Combine(relative_path, filename))))
                        XmlNode      xnode = x_pj.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, dEXPORTCODE.VS_PJ_ITEM_COMPILE, null);
                        XmlAttribute xatt  = x_pj.CreateAttribute(dEXPORTCODE.VS_PJ_ATT_INCLUDE);
                        xatt.Value = Path.Combine(code_path, Path.Combine(relative_path, filename));
                        changes_in_pj = true;
                        pj_compile_items.Remove(Path.Combine(code_path, Path.Combine(relative_path, filename)));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Find in processes process all words in find_str
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fi"></param>
        /// <param name="find_str"></param>
        /// <param name="findedProcesses"></param>
        private void find_in_processes(FileInfo fi, ArrayList find_str, ref List <KeyValuePair <JToken, int> > findedProcesses)
            JSonFile jProcess    = new JSonFile(fi.FullName);
            int      max_founded = 0;
            int      founded     = 0;

            // Search in calls
            if (jProcess.jActiveObj["processes"] != null)
                foreach (JToken Jnode in jProcess.jActiveObj["processes"] as JArray)
                    String Guid = Jnode["Guid"].ToString();
                    Jnode["Guid"] = "";
                    founded       = 0;
                    String cad_bus = "";
                    if (find_str.Count > 2)
                        foreach (string find in find_str)
                            cad_bus += find + " ";
                        if (Jnode.ToString().ToLower().Contains(cad_bus))
                            founded += 2;
                        cad_bus = "";
                    for (int i = 1; i < find_str.Count && find_str.Count > 1; i++)
                        cad_bus = find_str[i - 1] + " " + find_str[i];
                        if (Jnode.ToString().ToLower().Contains(cad_bus))
                            founded += 1;

                    foreach (string find in find_str)
                        if (Jnode.ToString().ToLower().Contains(find.ToLower()))
                    if (founded >= find_str.Count)
                        if (max_founded < founded)
                            max_founded = founded;
                        JObject jfind = new JObject();
                        jfind["Process"]      = fi.FullName;
                        jfind["Process guid"] = Guid;
                        jfind["Process name"] = (Jnode["Name"] != null) ? Jnode["Name"] : Guid;
                        findedProcesses.Add(new KeyValuePair <JToken, int>(jfind, founded));
            #region find in path
            founded = 0;
            foreach (string find in find_str)
                if (fi.FullName.ToLower().Contains(find.ToLower()))
            if (founded >= find_str.Count - 1)
                JObject jfind = new JObject();
                jfind["Process"]      = fi.FullName;
                jfind["Process guid"] = "";
                jfind["Process name"] = "";
                if (max_founded < founded)
                    max_founded = founded;
                findedProcesses.Add(new KeyValuePair <JToken, int>(jfind, max_founded + (founded - find_str.Count)));