Beispiel #1
 bool IsYomTovAssurBemelacha(JewishHoliday holidayIndex)
     return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.PESACH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SHAVUOS ||
            holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SUCCOS || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SHEMINI_ATZERES ||
            holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SIMCHAS_TORAH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.ROSH_HASHANA ||
            holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.YOM_KIPPUR);
Beispiel #2
         * Return true if the day is a Taanis (fast day). Return true for 17 of Tammuz, Tisha B'Av, Yom Kippur, Fast of
         * Gedalyah, 10 of Teves and the Fast of Esther
         * @return true if today is a fast day
        public bool IsTaanis(DateTime dt, bool inIsrael)
            JewishHoliday holidayIndex = GetJewishHoliday(dt, inIsrael);

            return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SEVENTEEN_OF_TAMMUZ || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.TISHA_BEAV || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.YOM_KIPPUR ||
                   holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.FAST_OF_GEDALYAH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.TENTH_OF_TEVES || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.FAST_OF_ESTHER);
Beispiel #3
         * Returns true if the Yom Tov day has a melacha (work)  prohibition. This method will return false for a non Yom Tov day, even if it is Shabbos.
         * @return if the Yom Tov day has a melacha (work)  prohibition.
        public bool IsYomTovAssurBemelacha(DateTime dt, bool inIsrael)
            JewishHoliday holidayIndex = GetJewishHoliday(dt, inIsrael);

            return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.PESACH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SHAVUOS || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SUCCOS || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SHEMINI_ATZERES ||
                   holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.SIMCHAS_TORAH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.ROSH_HASHANA || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.YOM_KIPPUR);
Beispiel #4
         * Returns true if the current day is erev Yom Tov. The method returns true for Erev - Pesach (first and last days),
         * Shavuos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succos and Hoshana Rabba.
         * @return true if the current day is Erev - Pesach, Shavuos, Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and Succos
         * @see #isYomTov()
        public bool IsErevYomTov(DateTime dt, bool inIsrael)
            JewishHoliday holidayIndex = GetJewishHoliday(dt, inIsrael);

            return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.EREV_PESACH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.EREV_SHAVUOS || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.EREV_ROSH_HASHANA ||
                   holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.EREV_YOM_KIPPUR || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.EREV_SUCCOS || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.HOSHANA_RABBA ||
                   (holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_PESACH && GetDayOfMonth(dt) == 20));
Beispiel #5
         * Returns true if the current day is Yom Tov. The method returns false for Chanukah, Erev Yom Tov (with the
         * exception of Hoshana Rabba and Erev the second days of Pesach) and fast days.
         * @return true if the current day is a Yom Tov
         * @see #isErevYomTov()
         * @see #isTaanis()
        public bool IsYomTov(DateTime dt, bool inIsrael)
            JewishHoliday holidayIndex = GetJewishHoliday(dt, inIsrael);

            if ((IsErevYomTov(dt, inIsrael) && (holidayIndex != JewishHoliday.HOSHANA_RABBA && (holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_PESACH && GetDayOfMonth(dt) != 20))) ||
                holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHANUKAH || (IsTaanis(dt, inIsrael) && holidayIndex != JewishHoliday.YOM_KIPPUR))
            return(holidayIndex != JewishHoliday.NONE);
Beispiel #6
 bool IsCholHamoed(JewishHoliday holidayIndex)
     return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_PESACH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_SUCCOS);
Beispiel #7
         * Returns true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach or Succos.
         * @return true if the current day is Chol Hamoed of Pesach or Succos
         * @see #isYomTov()
         * @see #CHOL_HAMOED_PESACH
         * @see #CHOL_HAMOED_SUCCOS
        public bool IsCholHamoed(DateTime dt, bool inIsrael)
            JewishHoliday holidayIndex = GetJewishHoliday(dt, inIsrael);

            return(holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_PESACH || holidayIndex == JewishHoliday.CHOL_HAMOED_SUCCOS);