public T CallAPI <T>(string apiName, params object[] args) { if (IsTestType()) { return(default(T)); } #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR return(default(T)); #elif UNITY_ANDROID T result; using (AndroidJavaClass cls = new AndroidJavaClass(ClassName)){ try { result = cls.CallStatic <T>(apiName, args); } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError("CallAPI:" + apiName + "," + ClassName + "," + e.Message + "," + e.StackTrace); result = default(T); } } return(result); #elif UNITY_IPHONE return(default(T)); #endif }
public void SetEndValue(float endValue, string loadingHint = null, Action onProgressEnd = null) { #if UNITY_EDITOR if (endValue < 1f) { JZLog.Log(" ===== 加载进度条到 ====>> " + endValue); } else { JZLog.Log(" ===== 结束加载进度条 ====>> "); } #endif m_endValue = endValue; if (m_endValue - m_curValue > 0.2f) { m_speed = (m_endValue - m_curValue) / 12; } if (null != loadingHint) { txtLoadingHint.text = loadingHint; } if (endValue >= 1f) { if (null != onProgressEnd) { m_onProgressEnd = onProgressEnd; } } }
public void PlayAnimations(tk2dSpriteAnimationClip.WrapMode mode, float fps) { string clipName = GetClipName(); Dictionary <string, tk2dSpriteAnimator> .Enumerator etor = animators.GetEnumerator(); while (etor.MoveNext()) { tk2dSpriteAnimator animator = etor.Current.Value; if (!animator.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { continue; } tk2dSpriteAnimationClip clip = animator.GetClipByName(clipName); if (null == clip) { clipName = GetClipName(PlayerAniConifg.directionStatus.SOUTHEAST, action, isRiding); clip = animator.GetClipByName(clipName); } if (null == clip) { JZLog.LogWarning(etor.Current.Key + " 没有该动画数据: " + clipName); continue; } clip.wrapMode = mode; clip.fps = fps; animator.DefaultClipId = 0; animator.PlayFromFrame(clip, 0); CheckRotation(etor.Current.Key, direction, animator); CheckLayer(etor.Current.Key, animator.gameObject.transform); } }
/// <summary> /// 写入版本配置文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="config"></param> private void M_Write(string name, VersionBundleConfig config) { #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER string path = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(name, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite); Debug.LogWarning("write path: " + path); try { StreamWriter sw; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(path); if (!fInfo.Exists) { string directoryPath = path.Substring(0, path.LastIndexOf('/')); if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath); } sw = fInfo.CreateText(); } else { fInfo.Delete(); fInfo = new FileInfo(path); sw = fInfo.CreateText(); } string content = JsonFx.Json.JsonWriter.Serialize(config); sw.Write(content); sw.Close(); sw.Dispose(); } catch (Exception error) { JZLog.LogError("VersionManager:Write - " + "Error: " + error.Message); } #endif }
void OnApplicationQuit() { isQuit = true; JZLog.Log("Quit GameWorld"); NetworkManager.instance.Close(); ResHelper.Instance().StopDownloadHttp(); }
IEnumerator M_LoadConfig(Action onComplete, Action onError) { string url = GameConfig.HOST_RES() + "ab/" + GameConfig.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE + "?t=" + TimeUtils.CurLocalTimeMilliSecond(); WWW loader = new WWW(url); yield return(loader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(loader.error)) { VersionBundleConfig config = JsonFx.Json.JsonReader.Deserialize <VersionBundleConfig>(loader.text); m_loadedConfig = config; M_CacheBundles(); if (onComplete != null) { onComplete(); } } else { JZLog.LogError(loader.error); if (onError != null) { onError(); } } }
public void StartProgress(float endValue, string loadingHint, string imgBG) { #if UNITY_EDITOR JZLog.Log(" ===== 开始加载进度条到 ====>> " + endValue); #endif m_endValue = endValue; txtLoadingHint.text = loadingHint; P_SetProgress(0f); }
public void StartProgress(int career, float endValue, string loadingHint) { #if UNITY_EDITOR JZLog.Log(" ===== 开始加载进度条到 ====>> " + endValue); #endif m_endValue = endValue; m_txtLoadingHint.text = loadingHint; P_SetProgress(0f); m_startRotation = true; }
public void Init() { try { OnInit(); } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError(GetName() + " Init Fail, Message:" + e.Message + ",StackTrace:" + e.StackTrace); } }
public void Disable() { try { OnDisable(); } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError(GetName() + " Disable Fail, Message:" + e.Message + ",StackTrace:" + e.StackTrace); } }
/// <summary> /// 注销管理者,注意:该方法仅供GlobalManager调用,其他地方想要触发Destroy,请使用GlobalManager.RemoveManager方法 /// </summary> public void Destroy() { try { OnDisable(); OnDestroy(); } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError("Message:" + e.Message + ",StackTrace:" + e.StackTrace + ",Source:" + e.Source); } }
private string M_GetOT(Language language, string key) { if (m_ots.ContainsKey(language)) { Dictionary <string, string> content = m_ots[language]; if (content.ContainsKey(key)) { return(content[key]); } } JZLog.Log(" 没有该多语言配置:" + language.ToString() + " ==> " + key); return(""); }
/********************************* * 函数说明: 添加一个管理器 * 返 回 值: void * 参数说明: manager * 注意事项: 无 *********************************/ public void AddManager(IManager manager) { if (manager == null) { JZLog.LogError("You can not add a null manager"); return; } // 防止重复添加 if (m_managers.ContainsKey(manager.GetNameHash()) == true) { JZLog.LogError("You can not add mulit manager : " + manager.GetName()); return; } m_managers.Add(manager.GetNameHash(), manager); }
/// <summary> /// 更新所有序列帧 /// </summary> public void playAllAnimation() { string clipName = GetClipName(); Dictionary <string, tk2dSpriteAnimator> .Enumerator etor = animators.GetEnumerator(); while (etor.MoveNext()) { tk2dSpriteAnimator animator = etor.Current.Value; if (!animator.gameObject.activeSelf) { continue; } tk2dSpriteAnimationClip clip = animator.GetClipByName(clipName); if (null == clip) { clipName = GetClipName(PlayerAniConifg.directionStatus.SOUTHEAST, action, isRiding); clip = animator.GetClipByName(clipName); } if (null == clip) { JZLog.LogWarning(etor.Current.Key + " 没有该动画数据: " + clipName); continue; } switch (action) { case PlayerAniConifg.actionStatus.DIE: case PlayerAniConifg.actionStatus.ATTACK: case PlayerAniConifg.actionStatus.HURT: clip.wrapMode = tk2dSpriteAnimationClip.WrapMode.Once; break; default: clip.wrapMode = tk2dSpriteAnimationClip.WrapMode.Loop; break; } clip.fps = 30f; animator.DefaultClipId = 0; animator.PlayFromFrame(clip, 0); CheckRotation(etor.Current.Key, direction, animator); CheckLayer(etor.Current.Key, animator.gameObject.transform); } }
void Awake() { #if UNITY_EDITOR Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); System.GC.Collect(); #endif Application.runInBackground = true; Application.targetFrameRate = defaultFPS; JZLog.Init(useLog, reportError, logLevel); GameConfig.useLocalRes = useLocalRes; GameConfig.showFPS = showFPS; GameConfig.language = language; GameConfig.showLogConsole = showLogConsole; PathUtils.Init(); #if UNITY_EDITOR SceneHelper.instance.SetTransitionType(type); //Debug.Log(Application.persistentDataPath); #endif }
public void CallAPI(string apiName, params object[] args) { if (IsTestType()) { return; } #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR #elif UNITY_ANDROID using (AndroidJavaClass cls = new AndroidJavaClass(ClassName)){ try { cls.CallStatic(apiName, args); } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError("CallAPI:" + apiName + "," + ClassName + "," + e.Message + "," + e.StackTrace); } } #elif UNITY_IPHONE #endif }
/********************************* * 函数说明: 移除一个管理器 * 返 回 值: void * 参数说明: manager * 注意事项: 无 *********************************/ public void RemoveManager(IManager manager) { if (manager == null) { JZLog.LogError("You can not remove a null " + name); return; } if (m_managers.ContainsKey(manager.GetNameHash()) == false) { JZLog.LogError("You have not add manager " + manager.GetName()); return; } if (manager != m_managers[manager.GetNameHash()]) { JZLog.LogError(manager.GetName() + " is not match the exist manager!!"); return; } manager.Destroy(); m_managers.Remove(manager.GetNameHash()); manager = null; }
private static void AddOT(Language language, string text) { if (!m_ots.ContainsKey(language)) { m_ots.Add(language, new Dictionary <string, string>()); } Dictionary <string, string> _text = m_ots[language]; string[] noComment = Regex.Split(text, @"\s*//.*\s*"); for (int it = 0; it < noComment.Length; it++) { string item = noComment[it]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) { continue; } MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(item, @"\w+="); string[] values = Regex.Split(item, @"\w+="); for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) { string key = matches[i].Value; key = key.Substring(0, key.Length - 1); if (_text.ContainsKey(key)) { #if UNITY_EDITOR JZLog.LogError("AddOT - " + "Error: Duplicate " + key + " in OT files"); continue; #endif _text.Remove(key); } string value = values[i + 1]; value = Regex.Replace(value, @"[\t\r\n]+", ""); //去掉TAB,回车符 value = Regex.Replace(value, @"\\n", "\n"); //将\n替换成换行符 _text.Add(key, value); } } }
/// <summary> /// 异步连接回调 /// </summary> /// <param name="ar"></param> private void M_ConnectCallBack(IAsyncResult ar) { try { Socket client = ar.AsyncState as Socket; if (null != client) { client.EndConnect(ar); if (m_socket.Connected) { m_socket.ReceiveBufferSize = SIZE_READ_BUFFER; m_socket.SendBufferSize = SIZE_WRITE_BUFFER; m_socket.NoDelay = true; m_status = SocketStatus.Connected; m_asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.ConnectSucceed; m_active = true; m_Receive.PrepareReadHeader(HEAD_LENGTH); Receive(); } } else { JZLog.LogError(" connect fail reason ar.AsyncStat return null "); m_asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.ConnectFailed; m_socket.Close(); m_status = SocketStatus.Closed; } } catch (Exception e) { JZLog.LogError("M_ConnectCallBack fail error " + e.Message); m_asyncStatus = AsyncStatus.ConnectFailed; m_socket.Close(); m_status = SocketStatus.Closed; } }
/************************************ * 函数说明: 获取本地可读资源路径 * 返 回 值: string ************************************/ public static string GetReadablePath(string fileName, ref PathUtils.PathType eType, bool addPre = true) { string szUrl = ""; do { //if (!GameConfig.useLocalRes) { if (eType == PathUtils.PathType.None) { switch (platform) { case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor: case RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer: case RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer: case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor: szUrl = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(fileName, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite); break; case RuntimePlatform.Android: szUrl = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(fileName, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite); break; case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: szUrl = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(fileName, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite); break; default: JZLog.LogError("GetBundle : Error For Platform"); break; } if (GameUtils.FileExist(szUrl) == true) { eType = PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite; break; } } } /** @brief: 默认手机盘只读数据 */ if (eType == PathUtils.PathType.None) { switch (platform) { case RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor: case RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer: case RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer: case RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor: szUrl = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(fileName, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskStreamAssert); break; case RuntimePlatform.Android: szUrl = dataPath + "!assets/" + fileName; break; case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer: szUrl = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(fileName, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskStreamAssert); break; default: JZLog.LogError("GetBundle : Error For Platform"); break; } eType = PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskStreamAssert; } } while (false); return(szUrl); }
/************************************ * 函数说明: 内部加载资源 * 返 回 值: System.Collections.IEnumerator * 参数说明: resRequest * 注意事项: ************************************/ private IEnumerator LoadResources(string szPkgName, System.Action <string, AssetBundle> callback) { do { /** @brief: 检查参数 */ if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(szPkgName)) { //JZLog.LogError("AsyncLoadRes : Error szPkgName == null"); yield break; } ResourceMgrData resourceData = null; /** @brief: 检查是否加载过此包 或者正在加载此包 */ if (gDicPkgResource.ContainsKey(szPkgName) == false) { resourceData = new ResourceMgrData() { eState = ResourceMgrData.State.None, assetBundle = null }; gDicPkgResource[szPkgName] = resourceData; } else { resourceData = gDicPkgResource[szPkgName]; if (resourceData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.LoadFinish) { if (null != callback) { callback(szPkgName, resourceData.assetBundle); callback = null; } yield break; } } /** @brief: 避免一帧时间过长 */ /** @brief: Non matching Profiler.EndSample (BeginSample and EndSample count must match) */ /** @brief: One is catching an exception from another object, the other is long frame times. If it's either of those two, it can only be fixed by the Unity team. */ // yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (gDicPkgResource.ContainsKey(szPkgName) == false) { //JZLog.LogError("LoadResources : Warning Pkg == " + szPkgName + " Have no this Pkg , MayBe Remove it!"); yield break; } if (resourceData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.None) { resourceData.eState = ResourceMgrData.State.Loading; } else { break; } VersionBundle bundle = VersionHelper.instance.GetBundle(szPkgName); if (null != bundle && null != bundle.dependency && bundle.dependency.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < bundle.dependency.Length; i++) { string depName = bundle.dependency[i]; if (gDicPkgResource.ContainsKey(depName) == false || gDicPkgResource[depName].assetBundle == null) { yield return(GameWorld.instance.StartCoroutine(LoadResources(depName, null))); } } } AssetBundle asset = null; if (VersionHelper.instance.HasBundleHttp(szPkgName)) { VersionBundle httpAB = VersionHelper.instance.GetBundle(szPkgName); string szUrl = GameConfig.HOST_RES() + + "?v=" + httpAB.versionValue; WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(szUrl, httpAB.versionValue, httpAB.crc); yield return(www); if (null != www && null == www.error) { asset = www.assetBundle; www.Dispose(); www = null; } else { JZLog.LogError("LoadResources : Load from www Error: " + szUrl + "\n" + www.error); } } else { PathUtils.PathType eType = PathUtils.PathType.None; string szUrl = PathUtils.GetReadablePath(szPkgName, ref eType, false); AssetBundleCreateRequest abcr = AssetBundle.LoadFromFileAsync(szUrl); yield return(abcr); if (null != abcr.assetBundle) { asset = abcr.assetBundle; } else { JZLog.LogError("LoadResources : Load from file Error: " + szUrl); } } if (null != asset) { if (resourceData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.Loading) { resourceData.assetBundle = asset; #if UNITY_EDITOR if ("shader_greymaterial.ab".Equals(szPkgName)) { Material mat = gDicPkgResource[szPkgName].assetBundle.LoadAsset <Material>("GreyMaterial"); mat.shader = Shader.Find(; } #endif } } else { resourceData.assetBundle = null; } /** @brief: 判断是否提前释放 */ if (resourceData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.Loading) { resourceData.eState = ResourceMgrData.State.LoadFinish; } else { if (IsInvalid(resourceData.assetBundle) == false) { resourceData.assetBundle.Unload(true); resourceData.assetBundle = null; } } } while (false); ResourceMgrData resourceMgrData = gDicPkgResource[szPkgName]; /** @brief: 等待下载完成进行检测 */ while (resourceMgrData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.Loading) { yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } /** @brief: 提前释放 */ if (resourceMgrData.eState == ResourceMgrData.State.None) { callback = null; ////JZLog.LogWarning("LoadResources : You have Destroyed this bundle " + szPkgName + " , Ignore ..."); yield break; } InitHideFlag(resourceMgrData.assetBundle); if (callback != null) { callback.Invoke(szPkgName, resourceMgrData.assetBundle); callback = null; } }
IEnumerator ReadLocalConfig(Action onComplete, Action onError) { string path = PathUtils.MakeFilePath(GameConfig.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskWrite); try { if (File.Exists(path)) { Loom.RunAsync(() => { StreamReader sr = null; sr = File.OpenText(path); string content = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); m_localConfig = JsonFx.Json.JsonReader.Deserialize <VersionBundleConfig>(content); if (null != onComplete) { Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { onComplete(); }); } }); yield break; } } catch (Exception error) { JZLog.LogError("VersionManager:Read - " + "Error: " + error.Message); if (null != onError) { onError(); } } path = "file://" + PathUtils.MakeFilePath(GameConfig.LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE, PathUtils.PathType.MobileDiskStreamAssert); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android) { path = "jar:" + path; } WWW www = new WWW(path); yield return(www); if (null != www && null == www.error) { JZLog.Log("load config success"); string content = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(www.bytes); Loom.RunAsync(() => { m_localConfig = JsonFx.Json.JsonReader.Deserialize <VersionBundleConfig>(content); if (null != onComplete) { Loom.QueueOnMainThread(() => { onComplete(); }); } }); } else { JZLog.LogError("VersionManager:Read - " + "Error: " + www.error); if (null != onError) { onError(); } } }