Beispiel #1
    public void ReadOneSpellCardJSON()
        //Read the one spell card json data and generate a list of cards from it, which should contain only one card
        List <Card> cards = JSONReader.GenerateCardsFromJSON(OneSpellCardJSON);

        //Ensure the length of this card list is two
        Assert.AreEqual(1, cards.Count);

        //Ensure the cards were generated correctly
        Assert.AreEqual("Small Rock", cards[0].Name);
Beispiel #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Parses the cards json data and generates card objects from it
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadAllCards()
        //Create an empty dictionary to populate with cards
        _allCards = new Dictionary <int, Card>();

        //Read card JSON data and generate a list of cards from it
        TextAsset   cardDataRaw    = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("Cards");
        List <Card> generatedCards = JSONReader.GenerateCardsFromJSON(cardDataRaw.text);

        //Read the generated cards into the allCards dictionary
        foreach (Card c in generatedCards)
            _allCards.Add(c.Id, c);