Beispiel #1
        public IndexModel(
            ILogger <IndexModel> logger,
            IOptions <SupportEmailSettings> supportEmailSettings,
            IRazorPartialToStringRenderer razorRenderer,
            JSONFileManager <PortfolioItem> portfolioManager,
            IMailer mailer)
            _logger = logger;
            _supportEmailSettings = supportEmailSettings.Value;

            RazorRenderer    = razorRenderer;
            PortfolioManager = portfolioManager;
            Mailer           = mailer;
Beispiel #2
    private void Start()
        JSONExampleDataPacket data1 = new JSONExampleDataPacket(1, "This is data packet 1");
        JSONExampleDataPacket data2 = new JSONExampleDataPacket(2, "This is data packet 2");
        JSONExampleDataPacket data3 = new JSONExampleDataPacket(3, "This is data packet 3");

        JSONExampleDataPacket[] datas = new JSONExampleDataPacket[]
            new JSONExampleDataPacket(4, "Hi, I'm in an array"),
            new JSONExampleDataPacket(5, "Hey, I'm in an array too"),
            new JSONExampleDataPacket(6, "Hello, I'm here")

        //creates a JSON file at Application.persistentDataPath from the DataPacket data1
        JSONFileManager.CreateJSONFile(data1, "/data1.json");

        //Returns true, as we just created the file above

        //Returns false, as we have not created a file called "/data2.json"

        //Displays "This is data packet 1" in the console, as we retrieved the data from the file
        //(Remember to specify the object you want back, in this case, JSONExampleDataPacket)
        Debug.Log(JSONFileManager.GetObjectFromJSON <JSONExampleDataPacket>("/data1.json").StringData);

        //Deletes the file "/data1.json" and outputs "DELETED /data1.json" in the console

        //creates a JSON file at Application.persistentDataPath from the DataPacket data2
        JSONFileManager.CreateJSONFile(data2, "/data2.json");

        //Adds DataPacket data3 to the JSON File we just created
        JSONFileManager.AddToJSONFile(data3, "/data2.json");

        //Outputs the IntData and StringData from the two data packets in the file
        //Example "3, This is data packet 3"
        foreach (JSONExampleDataPacket data in JSONFileManager.GetObjectsFromJSON <JSONExampleDataPacket>("/data2.json"))
            Debug.Log(data.IntData + ", " + data.StringData);

        //Deletes the file "/data2.json" and outputs "DELETED /data2.json" in the console

        //creates a JSON file at Application.persistentDataPath from the array of DataPackets datas
        JSONFileManager.CreateJSONFileFromArray(datas, "/dataArray.json");

        //Outputs the IntData and StringData from each DataPacket in the array to the console
        //Example "6, Hello, I'm here"
        foreach (JSONExampleDataPacket data in JSONFileManager.GetObjectsFromJSON <JSONExampleDataPacket>("/dataArray.json"))
            Debug.Log(data.IntData + ", " + data.StringData);

        //Deletes the file "/dataArray.json" and outputs "DELETED /dataArray.json" in the console

        /* Pay attention to how I've been writing the file names as /fileName.json instead of just fileName
         * This is because your file is saved as a file path, which requires the forward slash (/) and
         * file extension (.json) to be found and be a valid file path
         * (Note that JSONFileManager does automatically fix this issue, but it's still good
         * practice to write the file name as stated)